Ever feel like life is passing you by?
Are you constantly pulled in 23 different directions and unable to fit in the things that are most dear to your heart? Do you often go to bed with a nagging pain in your gut because you missed something or you just KNOW life "should" be different for you?
If any of this sounds familiar, this dose of weekly wisdom will be like a lifeline in a sea of overwhelm or discontent. Watch now and feel better fast!
Thanks, Dean!
Thank you, Dean, for another bit of wisdom! I look forward to your weekly blog. I'm re-examining everything and I hope to find extra time to do more of those things that are most important to me.
Thanks again Dean for yoir constant encouragement...and yes, you are exactly right...life keeps gobbling me back up...roadblocks everywhere I turn...just got back from
Vegas and planned on geting right into finding buyers...Today is Wednesday...and just havn't been able to get my head together, always so much to do...and things getting me down...but I will not ! be defeated !! I am committed to this...It will happen for me...I want so much for my family...Will see you again in a couple of weeks in L.A....Hopefully I will get anointed with "the power" to push ahead...until it all fits together I am reading and watching powerful uplifting and encouraging educational videos from you...Thanks soo much for the access to "10"...didn't realize I had even missed the RBBP call...It's all so encouraging,and so greatly appreciated... I know I could never succeed without you all....xo.....Angie
Weekly Wisdom
Dean, you are right about "the moment" which is how fast childhood goes by! Great message to share for setting priorities! My older kids are asking about their "baby pics" ... why I didn't take more pics of them and so on! So, this proves that SOMEONE is noticing how we parents spend our time! Congrats to you on improving your parenting focus and keeping your priorities straight!
Just posting to say it's not good well Dean it's not. And not because your not helping just suck in a rut so am posting back to say thanks for reminding me why I got in to this Thanks Dean.
So True
Hi Dean,
I don't know how you do it or how you pick the topics for your Weekly Wisdom, but you are always right. You somehow always keep us on track and just want to thank you for that.
Keep up the great work and thank you for not ever giving up on us when we give up on ourselves!!!!
Thank you,
to jjmarasca
Good blog!!! Good luck!!!
great point, dean!!!
great point, dean!!!
Dean, I'm glad you shared
Dean, I'm glad you shared this blog with your students, certain things are happening in my life right now as well. Your motivational thoughts just confirmed my motivational thoughts. Thank you.
Perfect Timing
I was thinking about this same subject for the past few days. I needed this punch in the arm, Thank you Dean for truly understanding and mentoring us.
What is important
Thanks for letting us know that you have the same obstacles that we have. We just need to take what you give to us, put our priorities in order and run with it. You are truly an inspiration.
Time is precious
Thank you for sharing once again. Staying focused on what is important, it is so true. What you are doing is great, taking more time out to be with your kids. They will be grown before you know it.
You Gotta Break Something....
Thanks so much for that Dean! I really enjoyed it and needed it too. I have decided to make a move next week that I wasn't too sure about but was going through with it anyway. I then listened to your blog and that was confirmation that the decision I made was the right one!
I can't tell you how much you've helped me. My websites are now complete (I have listed the links to them below) and I'm more determined now more than ever to make it happen and happen BIG! Thank you again!
Angela P.
Investors Administrative Resources
Enjoyed your blog- question
Thanks Dean. you inspire many
I'm glad to be part of DG family- As a member of your inner circle I see your videos an added part of my weekly task along with putting out offers and closing deals.
Now I need your help I purchased Tax Lien and Deeds program by SKW central with the tuition reimbursement program you offered.
I completed the work, purchased the 6 liens kept my deadlines, sent in for my refund and have been waiting for 90+days my refund.
Other friends have received their checks. I have called in spoken to SKW central.com staff they say it's all in insiders edge staff's hands spoke to insiders edge staff they said things are delayed but offer no more info- it's still in process. I need to pay my credit cards. I followed the money movement strategy using credit to pay for my DG education.
Please send my tuition reimbursement-credit card refund help with processing of my refund :0
Rosemary C
Wow. Now that's food for thought: "To have a breakthrough in life, you have to break stuff". Break+Through=Breakthrough. Just reflect on the things that matter and break the things that don't matter to achieve my goals. Thanks Dean for this insightful message. I'm one step closer to achieving my goals.
Breaking Things!
Hey Dean
Breaking things .... I like the sound of that! Yes,I agree with you, something has to give or change completely. But, because you're always weighing what could be holding US back through your own experiences,some of us won't have to wait for something to break before getting the message. Thanks Again for sharing your personal break-throughs with the hopes of helping even just one of us. Gald you're spending more time with your family..... Don't lose sight of the most important thing in all of our lives. Talk to you soon my friend.
Getting back on track
Great message Dean, I'm smack in the middle of what you're going through myself. I NEED to get back on my exercise/gym schedule to keep my health up. Without health you cant do much else as I've learned the hard way. Best to you in the coming weeks to get things where you want them to be to live the full life God has for you.
I like this Man !!!!!!!
Dean , you are so positive and even when it seams like life is throwing you bricks you still put it out there that any one can turn their troubles into treasures with hope and work and be crazy a little and get it done . That's how I see it from you !!!!!
Spending Time Where It Is Most Valuable
I appreciate the reminder Dean. I know and understand and have experienced what you are talking about. It seems there is not enough time to do the things we want. Therefore, we must be cognitive of what is the most important in our lives and when the day is full we must stop. Only place the things on your plate that warrant being there. Thank you for the reminder.
Thanks Dean,
For the weekly wisdom.You are sooo right.Life is sooo busy.I just finished moving.Moving takes a lot of time & energy.I am finally getting things to settle a little.Getting back on track to put REI as my TRUE LOVE.Thanks for being you,Dean.
May GOD continue to Bless you & your family.
Corpus Christi,Texas
Family is Priority
Taking time to spend with family is very important. I had a routine when my children were younger to spend time with them in the park three days a week, sit and watch television together, eat together,be at the dining table when homework was being done and attend their graduations. These are the things my children will reflect on now. They do not care that I bought them a nice coat or sneakers. They laugh about trying to hit me with a ball in one of their games. Children grow up so fast, we have to make much of them when they are young. Great Blog Dean.
Weekly Wisdom #150
Hi Dean,
This is by far the greatest bit of information that I have received. I can relate. I have had several jobs in the past and have always kept busy. I believe this is the one that will give me my breakthrough.
I have always heard that balance is what really does it for us in life. I am sure your kids are happier and your family life will flourish since you had your breakthrough. I worked on election day, October 6, 2011 in the Provincial elections in Canada. I worked from 8:00 a.m. till 10:00 p.m.. It felt great to be doing something useful. I have taken a look at my life, and have found things I could break. Sometimes things get in the way; really unimportant things. One friend of mine always said we should persevere in spite of all the downs that happen in our lives.
My sister's husband's operation was successful; so successful that he wanted to work two days after his major operation. He went on a job interview five days later. That opened my eyes. Of course, it is still too early for him to be working and he was told this at the interview.
Have a nice day and enjoy your family.
Wasted time
Thanks Dean. I'm learning to make the best of every min I have available.
You hit the nail on the head
Wow Dean, I'm so happy you figured it out. Getting your priorities straight is one of the best things you can do for yourself.
I once read a statement that said:
At the end of one's life, nobody says: "Gee I wish I had spent more time at the office."
No, instead everybody says: "Gee, I wish I had spent more time with my family".
Do what is important, but do what is the most important first!
Love ya!
Thanks Dean Again
You run I swim now again 1/2 to 1 mile a day
Exercise and Family come 1st, then helping others ...
This helps you find the time and take action.
Being Faced with my mortality these past 6 months has helped
see you/ hear you loud and clear on this spot on video!
Thanks Again Dean
breaking through
I can relate. It comes down to time managment and prioritizing.
Once you do that then things happen.
You are so RIGHT on this one Dean!
Wow Dean, all I can say for this one is "Amazing information and support you won't find from ANYONE else!"
I think if its not the constant worries of if I'm gonna be able to do this or thinking positively, what all my success could do for myself and my family, I've just got to STOP and tune out from all that. Or like you say....BREAK all that to get my much anticipated breakthrough in my life. And of course, just like you've said in the past...."Stop thinking and start DOING!" I KNOW its coming for me very soon and I KNOW I will have my first REI deal done soon. My time is simply here and my time is NOW! Thanks so much Dean, I'm loving these new weekly wisdom blogs as I go. Take care Dean and I look forward to hearing from you soon!