Dean Graziosi Weekly Wisdom #150 - How To Have a Life "Breakthrough"

Dean Graziosi Weekly Video Blog

Ever feel like life is passing you by?

Are you constantly pulled in 23 different directions and unable to fit in the things that are most dear to your heart? Do you often go to bed with a nagging pain in your gut because you missed something or you just KNOW life "should" be different for you?

If any of this sounds familiar, this dose of weekly wisdom will be like a lifeline in a sea of overwhelm or discontent. Watch now and feel better fast!

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sooo true Dean

dsanderson's picture

Like you I need a slap in the fae to realize that life is passing me by..
Thank you for all of your wisdom tha youshae.

yep!!! Talking To Me

yes, I have paper work and writings all over my room, it does take time do the things required to make it work. Thanks Dean for the encouragement really need it right now you are feeling our pain. I need my breakthrough right now.

This message is amazing

LadyHarris8's picture

I just watched the Weekly Wisdom and Dean you are spot on. As if your here with me. Last night I said, I had to get more organized so I can focus. Because somethings just was not working and they had to go. Its amazing to me to actually be sitting here listening to you and doing what you saying!!! I've been taking some continuing education class recently; when my financial rug was snatch right from under me leaving me with $13 in the bank, an empty tap card, no income whatsoever and devastated...So, I took it as a sign to Take Action on R.E. and read your books from cover to cover to get where I need to go. As well as, to think of some creative ways to earn instant cash. Like baking pies, cookies and cakes for folks that short on time.

Thanks Dean your the best!

Oh my goodness Dean

Great inspiration in this weekly post. Thank you for sharing.

Dean, Thank you so much for

Thank you so much for all of the education but what we really appreciate more than that is the encouragement to go out and DO! We are doing and loving it!

Breaking For a BreakThrough

Thank you so much for sharing your breakthrough. I remember thinking, after watching yet another wonderful presentation by you several months ago, that you were stretching yourself too thin - I know - I do it too. Shortly thereafter, you slowed down. At first I thought I was somehow dropped from the DG Family rolls...I see now why the slowdown occurred. You have so much to offer us - and you kept giving and giving and giving...

I've still not been able to accomplish what I wanted with your program, but I am a methodical builder and I know it will all come together shortly. Thanks. & Blessings to you and your family.

Dr. , heal thyself...

AndyS's picture

It's great that you are finally taking your own advice. What took YOU so long? Smiling
I remember, a number of blogs and videos ago, you talking about changing and how changing can be good. Breaking something to build something else, replacing waste with production. These were all very pertinent ideas even if they were difficult for me to do. I can't afford not to change if I want a better life. You'd better change if you want to see your kids grow up. You can afford to do that.

I'll end here now so that you can finish reading all the comments sooner and get back to your family Smiling

With all my respect, I am
Andy Sager
DG's AndyS

Break something!

Dean, you are absolutely right - and what I need to break are my fears of putting myself out there and my tendency to let daily tasks that aren't actually on the critical list for the day pull my attention and allow me to procrastinate! Thank you for the reminder!

re gards breakthrough

Thanks for another great blog. I am so glad you are takeing time to take care of your health. You have a beautiful, family. You are so correct, in life we all need a break. Carol in Texas

re gards breakthrough

Thanks for another great blog. I am so glad you are takeing time to take care of your health. You have a beautiful, family. You are so correct, in life we all need a break. Carol in Texas

re gards breakthrough

Thanks for another great blog. I am so glad you are takeing time to take care of your health. You have a beautiful, family. You are so correct, in life we all need a break. Carol in Texas

Thanks Dean

theprofessional's picture

I really needed this. Five years from now what will I say when I look back at my current investment and opportunity.

Life Breakthrough

montevv's picture

Dean, great video today. Admitting where we've not quite measured up is a challenge for most people, and I respect that you had the courage to stand up and admit where you weren't quite meeting your own standards in your life; it's reassuring to know you're a human like the rest of us!

I really enjoy the weekly talks, and I am glad you're spending more time with those adorable kids. They're young now, but it goes by SO FAST. Our daughter is in New York at college now, and my wife and I miss her so much. Take care of that great family, and yourself. All the best.

Break whats NOT working !

dglloyd's picture

Thanks Dean, always good to hear this advise from you again ! We are trying to eliminate those things that we have been doing, but which may not be working to get us where we want to be. We spent last week really focusing on the things that WILL work that we talked about at our inner circle session in AZ--AND I went for a run this morning--have neglected that for a couple months now, and it felt SOOO good ! Thanks for everything !


brettcjeff's picture

I know where you are coming from Dean... I quit my job to take care of my disabled mother three and a half years ago and now that she can function on her own for the most part... I am looking to go into a new direction... I have wanted to get into real estate for the past two years... i got all your books except for the one that just came out. I have read them all... But i learn a little differently... i don't learn by reading... i learn by watching someone and then doing it... it is frustrating to me because i want to get into real estate soo bad and to be financially independent and able to financially take care of my mom... I often think if i had someone to take me under there wing and work with me on my first few deals what a difference my life would be... Anywhoo... Thank You! For the reality check! Brett

Life's Breakthrough

What another great blog Dean but yet so true we have to break something in order to get a breakthrough. Just reminded me that I can do this I can find the time if I really want it. Just a little something to find in life's precious moments. Take what don't belongs & toss it

I don't know what to brake...Scare

Wening C.'s picture

Thank you, Dean I appreciated all you have done for me.
It is very confusing to decide on what to break.
Time I have.
Family I have a nice one.
I exercise every day.
I have all the tool you have given us.
But I am still lost in the road to success.
Ha! I need to breakthrough the road to make thinks happen for me an my family. I need to step out of the box. and I do not know how. or I am scare to do it. Why?
Thank you,
(Fort Lee, NJ)

Yes Sir

bigdogs1's picture

Inspiration is there as normal just need to breakthrough getting that money to make my first deal . Thanks Dean for your support and reality check !

Work, Work, Work . . .

Overwhelmed, ready to break something! Smiling A lot of TMI lately, but ready to get focused and do one thing at a time to get us there - 30 days huh? I hope that works for me! Thanks Dean, for always helping.

Breaking is good sometimes

rjmuziklvr's picture

Still great advice even after the RBBP call last week. Thanks for sharing it with everyone. Good call!

You showed me the open window

I've known for a long time it was broken. I had to accept it. It really was broken for sure.

I watched, I listened, I thought, I kept listening, I thought some more..every word every person spoke in La Jolla. Both days!

I wondered, could this be it, is this what I'm looking for? Is this the right one? Then suddenly I thought, this is it, I'm getting on this bus. If it's wrong for me, I can always get off somewhere, but if I don't jump on board, I'll never know and might always wonder...what if I had?

Weekly Wisdom

mochs's picture

"hit the nail on the head" Dean.
As the holidays are now starting to approach & demands on family & social events double in addition the regular "daily stuff"...I think it is safe to say this blog is a great reminder to start now & prevent getting overwhelmed.
Dean I beleive the gift you have of teaching & sharing with us all is very motivating & insightful to help us grow in the right direction as we develop our business.
Thank You :0)


Wow! Timing! I just resigned my full time job - crazy scary - because I need a paycheck. that alone is motivation for me to make this work. No more dabbling, no longer a hobby, it will shortly become my full time job!

And along with my plans for RE, I plan to go to the beach, go to the gym, and go out with my friends. Lofty plans? No, just the right kind.

Loved your speech Dean! Love your timing!

That hit the nail on the head

rcmfunding's picture

The time has come to stop dabbling in real estate and really make it happen. Thanks Dean.


Thanks Dean!

annettebates's picture

You are such an inspiration to all of us. Thanks. You are right we have to spend time breaking thru to what we really want and need so we too can spend more time with our families. God Bless You and your family. Thanks for sharing.


this one hit me like a ton of bricks. i think this weeks blog is my breakthrough. i never thought of things that way.

Great to hear it from Dean himself

Wow..that really hit home with me because that's exactly what I have been thinking about lately and to hear it from Dean really made it sink in even more..all I can say is thank you and you are right Dean, you DO need to take care of your body by eating right and exercising regularly. You only have ONE body, and no matter how much money you have, you can't ever buy another one!! Keep at it Dean and if you need some excersise and diet tips, just ask!!! Eye-wink

You amazee me

2Travel2's picture

You are the incredible insightfulist person I've ever kind of known. You always hit it on the head about what is going on with quite a few of us it seems. Thank YOU DEAN for all the everything you do for us. Oh and you should always be putting your family first not anything or anyone else, but I know you know that.

Thanx again and again,

I swear...

smurfy's picture

I cry about everything! So many of these responses brought me to tears as I read through them. Yes, I'm emotional, moreso lately, not really sure why. I think it's because I'm on the cusp of success and it's scary, but also because I realize that my kids are all grown up and out on their own, so they don't need me as much anymore. Also, I really don't have as much influence over them as I used to so I need to learn to leave them in God's hands at this point. I did a lot of things wrong while bringing them up and I can't go back and change anything now. But what I CAN do is become successful, both for myself and also for them. K, I'll shup now.

Just what I needed to hear

JoshV's picture

Thanks Dean for these weekly wisdom videos. This is exactly what I needed to hear. I'm working on my first deal, being mentored, talking to realtors, checking out properties, contacting buyers, all while working a full-time job. It's not easy, but I know it can be done. Thanks again Dean for putting me back on track.