Are you emotionally driven? Most people are. We let our emotions drive our actions. Your emotions can be powerful motivators or they can cause destructive lack of action.
This week, we talk about taking the emotion out of the decision process. It allows you to take ownership of your life and your actions, as well as gain the confidence you need in all areas. This can do everything from changing the way you feel about yourself to dramatically changing the economy in your house.
Watch it now and as a special surprise, you'll find out how anyone who leaves a comment on this blog this week can get a FREE digital copy of my bestselling book 'Totally Fulfilled.'
Thanks Dean
Thank you for the inspiration.I need it right now. I've been trying to be an investor for about two years. Nothing has really went my way. I can't afford to buy another program, but I'm looking forward to seeing you in Tampa tomorrow and gaining some more knowledge.
Powerful Motivator
Thank you Dean! We are just getting started and the weekly wisdom is such a powerful tool! We are emotional but have made a very logical decision to be part of your program!
I was just introduced to Dean and his team last week at a California seminar. WOW. Motivating and inspiring. Now I just need to put words and thoughts into action!
Thanks a million!
Your blogs are extremely helpful to me. As a single Mom I am looking to improve my financial status and believe REI is my path, thanks to you!
Yee Haw - This hit home!
I've never posted on your site before. I'm a "behind-the-scenes" admirer and listener of your information. I have been labeled the "emotional" one in the family and unfortunately have done things impulsively without always thinking things through, mainly because an emotional nerve was struck somewhere. I went to a seminar on social networking yesterday where they challenged us to quit listening and start DOING (Yee haw comes from that seminar). Your video has only reinforced that fact of needing to finally get out there and start DOING because it's not going to happen without action. That is a logical idea. It's also an emotional one if you realize that you'll never make it if you don't. My husband and I want to get out of our rut and make some money and pursue our dreams. It will never happen if we don't DO something! So here's to logic and emotion! Sometimes they go hand in hand!!
Dean's weekly tape
I'm totally convinced I can do it. Here I go..................
Rock on!
My first post. Yes, I want the book
But It is not just about that. I do watch your videos and never fail to be pumped up afterwards. It is that proverbial kick in the pants I KNOW I need from time to time. Your guidance and knowledge and most definitely the cheerleading is what allows most of us to succeed in rei. So please, feel free to be as emotional as you want. Thanks!
R. Bell
Love it hope I can get
Love it hope I can get myself to make the time to make this business happen. Thanks for the encouragement.
Totally Fulfilled
Hi Dean, Loved the blog. Ready to take action. Looking for investors. Yours is truly the best real estate program of all. Thanks for including me in your DG Family. Thank God for you.
Totally Logical!
Thank you Dean for your weekly wisdom videos! You are truly a powerful motivator! We have definitely made a logical decision to become part of your program and take control of our future!!!!! We are looking forward to being Totally Fulfilled!
Thanks Dean
Great Video.
Once was lost but now I've found it
I have been saying that real estate would be my ticket to fortune since i was 16(33 now). Like most I have let bad influences and my own self doubts get in the way of that fortune. I bought into the DG program 5 yrs back and did nothing with it. I guess I just wasn't feed up with my life enough to battle through the challenges or do what need to be done. I have now found my books and have set times for reading and spending time on the DG website. My goal is to have my first deal within 6 months. I have found, if I get on the website for a quick "weekly wisdom" or go over a few success stories that it keeps me motivated.
Get emotional
Thank you Dean, for that shot of motivational fix. You're enthusiasm is so infectious! I would love to get your book and put it to work. I shared this on my Facebook account.
More power!
Good Stuff "Logical"
Hi Dean, thanks so much for your blogs, it exudes your passion and excitement" this inspired video and seeing how comitted you are to what you believe in. After listening I am persuaded that in order for me to change my financial woes and improve my quality of life. I must take action in this down real estate market. Sitting on the side lines far too long and its not getting better only worst...Now it's time to do something bold and tell others about DGF
Thanks a million
Robert from Florida
Awesome post
As always, this weeks blog hits right on. I have been doubting myself and as you said the only thing that cures fear is taking action. Thanks for taking the time and sending us precious messages.
Yes, I get it - RE IS the Logical Investment
Thanks Dean - I had given up on the RE dream as prices here on Central Coast California are high again and it's a sellers market again...
I just need to move my focus to a different area!
Thanks and would love a copy of your book Totally Fulfilled
Excellent Information
Let's make history becuase this information has changed many peoples life and i know i am not the only one. Thanks Dean for the inspiration.
Lacking Confidence
I'm lacking confidence right now. I know I can do RE but so far, my track record is pretty pathetic. We're currently looking for a property manager to be the "bad guy" so there's a chance we'll start getting a full month's rent from our tenants. Currently finishing up one eviction with probably 2 more to go pretty soon. Not bad for having 4 units...( I know it will get better because it has to. It cannot get much worse.
lets do it!
Hey Dean,
just letting you know we're all in! No backup plan, no safety net, no excuses, lets change America!
Great Motivation & Direction
You in this video have confirmed for me all the thoughts I have had about I should be in real estate. The lack of any control and the idea that gold, stocks etc are most probably at the top of their cycle had been my strongest reasons. Count me in as your most motivated student.
The greatest investment on the planet.
A very inspirational video with a heart felt message. It is easy to stay motivated and focused after watching your videos and reading the blogs. You are having a positive and profound effect on peoples lives Dean. Thanks
Now,,,for the leap....
Dean...Thank you!!!! As always, you hit the nail on the head. Time for me to get off my "ass"ets and think outside the box. I am in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, and our economy is much different than the US. I have been making offers on good cashflow investment deals, but having no financing behind me and the Large $ deposits to get into the properties, I have been hitting my head against the proverbial "brick wall"!!!!! I have leads on financing for cashflowing properties in Florida(Orlando area) and in Phoenix, Arizona. I have contacted Property Direct but have heard nothing from them. I was at the Buying Summit in Nov'11 and hope they respond( I will rattle their chain again) before I loose the investors that are looking. I would indeed like to partner with any of the other REIs that went to Vegas last November. I am POSITIVE we will make a winning team and both have much success! Dean, thanks again for the Push, I think the incentive is what I needed to post this. If u have a direct link to get someone at Property Direct, Let me know..u have my email...LOL, Bev
I have read some comments
I have read some comments and there is a lot of distress out there. Hopefully life will improve for people and maybe the book Totally Fulfilled will inspire them. It is a good thing to make the book available free . I look forward to reading it. Thanks
Hello Dean!
I am new to the site. I will be attending one of your seminars this week. Your video blog is energizing. I will be listening to some of the other video blogs (first, last week's to women) and look forward to the seminar!
Attention: Dean Graziosi
I really enjoyed your video. Thank you for being who you are.
Emotionally Driven? I'll say and we ARE creatures of habit which, at times, involves being driven mostly by our emotions - IQ levels drop during negative emotions? Hahahaaa...
Here's one habit I'll keep: spreading the good word around.
Sounds exciting, so post and GET THE BOOK!!!!
Great video, Dean!
This was a really encouraging video, especially because I'm just getting started with your program. I look forward to looking back in a year and seeing just how much this will have changed my life!
You Do It Every Time
Thanks Dean for ANOTHER inspiring blog! I was recently shot down by another realtor who doesn't believe in this process. But, I believe both emotionall and logically. I know real estate is the only thing that will get me out of my spirit draining job. So after feeling a bit discouraged about the realtor thing, I come to DG to get recharged. Your blog is a moajor boost. But so are ALL my DG family members: those who are successfully applying your teachings, as well as those who are struggling like me! This site is the best on the planet and I appreciate everyone who posts here! I was also contacted by Angela about the Academy and I believe the time is now. Now where is my list of agents. I've got some phone calls to make!!
Ogal Gaines
LAGO Acquisition, LLC
Thanks Again Dean!
Thanks again Dean, for the wisdom! I'm inspired! Thanks also, for the computer-copy of "Totally Fullfilled." I'm confident that I'll enjoy the read! Blessings...
Emotion + Logic
You are so very encouraging, and emotional and logical. It makes perfect sense. When we make those two add up to action, this logically will produce results, even if not the first time out the gate. I think of a comedy I watched once. Just do it. Keep on doing it. And keep on doing it. Don't stop, keep on doing it. That is how we learn. Keep on doing it. It's how we learned everything in life prior to real estate. Keep on doing till we get it right.
Thank you, Dean.