Are you emotionally driven? Most people are. We let our emotions drive our actions. Your emotions can be powerful motivators or they can cause destructive lack of action.
This week, we talk about taking the emotion out of the decision process. It allows you to take ownership of your life and your actions, as well as gain the confidence you need in all areas. This can do everything from changing the way you feel about yourself to dramatically changing the economy in your house.
Watch it now and as a special surprise, you'll find out how anyone who leaves a comment on this blog this week can get a FREE digital copy of my bestselling book 'Totally Fulfilled.'
Thanks Dean!
I really enjoyed one. Yes, I believe everything you are talking about is logical. My Take Action date is still TBD. I'm caught up in the circle of life going round and round. Ready to break free from the pack of nay-sayers tugging on me. I am still reading your books and viewing as many blogs to help keep me motivated. Thank you for all that you do Dean.
Take care.
great video
great video the most important thing to do is take action!!!! if I receive the book I will surely read it and I'll put the word out. thanks Dean
One more venture
Dean getting started in any new venture is one of the hardest things to do that I have ever been confronted with. After watching this video It makes a lot of sense and just as logical as the many weight loss systems that is on the market today, of which I to invested in a great many of them with no results. What I now have in my hand is costing me nothing more than I have already invested and I am still standing on the side line looking in. With all the testimonies everyone, can not be saying they're making money for the pleasure of saying it and not be making anything. So I'm trashing all of my fail ventures and attempting one more, who knows this might be the right one.
I just got into deans program a few days ago. I am really excited about the change in my life that is going to happen. I have to crawl before i can do anything.
I am glad that there are people here to help me crawl.
Thank you
Dean, You have motivated me in more ways than you can imagine. I am excited about your programs. After I attended your live event, I received your Event 2011 Dvd's, but haven't read your books. I hope that I didn 't put the cart before the horse, but if I did, please let me know. I will read those books. You are one awesome dude because you are sincerely trying to help others. I look forward to becoming one of your star students... Again, sir, U R AWESOME!!!!!OH, by the way, I'm not trying to be weird by including part of your last name in my user id, I have problems with dislexia too, & it's a userid I can remember.... Have a great day!!!
Just wanted to say thanks for your video post. You are a shining example of powerful focus and have encouraged me to get started in taking the limits off myself. I believe in my life's Positive Jumping Off Point and now more than ever. Because of You and your Real Estate Strategies, I can start from where I am and increase from there!
Thx Dean,
your energy is amazing
Thank you for inspiring the world, not just about real estate investing, but the idea that whatever you put your commitment to, success will follow.
Pump it up!
As usual you always pump it up when you do your blogs. I think you could make Eeyore from Winnie the Poo have a good outlook on life!
Dean, thanks for all the education & training with encourgement&enthusiasium you have to inspire us to get beyond our villians, doubts & fears. I have been studing and maybe too much, I know I need more action, action, action.. I have yet to do my first deal. I probably really need your book to just do it. Keep doing what your doing and don't burn out on us. I know this down market is going up and I don't want fear to control me.
I'm a Believer!!!
Thanks Dean for sharing and caring for others like my self that believe in this and want to do more in life. I am 100% sold on the fact that Real Estate is on the way back and it will be the vehicle for all that want to make a change in their life and their families life. May God continue to bless you as you bless others.
Great message
Unfortunately, my wifey is not on board. Thanks for helping me with this message.
Weekly Wisdom emotions
Great video and I plan on using the advice that was given.
I love the's infectious.
Thanks Dean
I truly appreciate the message this week. I felt like you were just talking to me. I know that there are a number of people who had less than I do, and have done much more than I have with this system. I have read the books and I am currently a member of the success academy, and for some reason I have problems getting out of my own way. Dean I want to start over and just go step buy step, I believe in the system I understand that the dynamcis of the market, I just need some help to getter done. I am a audio and visionual learner do you have any suggest for me to restart and become one of the many success stories that are on the DG family website.
Thank you
Maurice Tobin
from TX
Dean: I hate to tell you this but I'm one of those persons, hopefully very few, who have purchased all of your excellent real estate publications, have subscribed to your "Gain the Edge" series from 2009, have watched most of your videos but still have some sort of blockage which has precluded me from going forward with any sort of meaningful energy in pursuing these absolutely valid ways of making money from real estate deals.
I was diagnosed some years ago by the V.A. doctors with acute PTSD as a result of my extensive combat service to my country as a U.S. Army Ranger (Airborne) in the Central Highlands of Vietnam from 1967 to 1969 and, besides the other medical ramifications that causes me, one of the most predominant ones is my unbelievable procrastination and that singular affect alone, I believe, has caused me to not follow through on your fine program but in others endeavors as well, from the most mundane chores to other things that would certainly improve my life and improve my financial status as well!
I first discovered the existence of Dean Graziosi on my T.V. late one night while I was trying to numb myself (not that you caused that) to get some sleep and became very interested in your presentation at that time so decided to take care of whatever it was I had to so that I could get started on reading your first book and get involved in your real estate programs.
I have all of your books now and have read them all cover to cover but still couldn't seem to get that fire burning within me to get rolling and move forward with any meaningful pursuit of of your absolutely logical way of making money in this great business of real estate deals.
After viewing your "Logical" video today, however, there seemed to be in me a sort of "Git R Done" (courtesy of Larry, the Cable Guy) epiphany which has caused me to send you this very first email to let you know that I'm going to TRY to get into following your course advice and TRY and make some money in this absolutely incredible world of real estate transactions the Dean Graziosi way!
That's pretty much it for now, Dean, and I sincerely hope that any following emails from me to you will be positive ones and show you and others that your course is, in fact, working exceptionally well for me.
God bless you & yours and thanks much for all of your excellent, highly informative and very genuine from the heart presentations by sharing the wide variety of all of your hard earned real estate information.
Best, Bob
Loved it!
Thanks Dean!
I've been receiving your emails for quite some time now and finally signed up as a member of your site today, and yes, partly because of your bribe I must say!
But mostly because of my more active involvement in Real Estate investing now and my own personal goals and future plans with Real Estate. Looking forward to your book!
Flipping in Southern Cali!
Looking to learn more and to get a copy of your book "Totally Fulfilled."
I Love Your Passion
I have been following you for some time. One thing I have learned is that the biggest thing I can do now is to take action. Getting a copy of your first best seller is awesome, but I must apply action to the ideas. Keep pushing us! Thanks - GRIZZLL
Emotional Fuel
Thank you for yet another inspirational post. Definitely the fuel we need. I am so grateful for the positive confirmations delivered to us on a weekly basis. Even if you solely review the Weekly Wisdom, it acts as a vitamin for motivation. Although, support of another isn’t mandatory for success, it certainly is a spring board. It is surely refreshing to be a member of the DG family, if only for the encouragements and fellowship of likeminded individuals. God Bless you all. Thanks for supporting one anothers dreams!
Thanks Dean!
Thanks Dean!
Thanks Dean !
You make such a good point - it seems one of the biggest differences between those who are successful and those who aren't is that those who are make their decisions logically, not emotionally. Look at what happened in the last market to those who invested emotionally, versus those who invested logically.
wisdom is good
really like the weekly thoughts.
Would love a digital copy of this book
I've allowed life to get in my way of becoming all I can death, health, laid off. Thank you for offering this.
Dean, your WEEKLY WISDOM videos/blogs are infectious due to your energy, sincerity and logic!
I am like many who have posted here. Have read most of your books, signed up for training and have still not completed my first deal.
One can't help but get fired up with this week's video and message.
Thank you for your persistence and great messages each week.
All the best,
totally fullfilled
i wanna one please...keep up the great work....cant wait for my laptop to be fixed so i can watch the last 2 months worth of blogs dean!....KEEP ON TRUCKIN'!
Thanks for the Motivation
I really needed to hear this today. How did you know.
Weekly Wisdom #184
Hi Dean,
I am new to this blog and found out about you when you came on television after the news the other night. I signed up for you free conference that is coming to my area The Crowne Plaza Hotel in Warwick, RI. I look forward to hearing you and I enjoyed this video blog post!
Thank You!
LA Brown
Okay, you got me, Hook line and sinker. Your totally 100% correct, we all need the support and sometimes that is the very thing that keeps us on tract. I NEED TO BE TOTALLY FULFILLED! Thanks again for your wisdom, you rock!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Are you emotionally driven? Most people are. We let our emotions drive our actions. Your emotions can be powerful motivators or they can cause destructive lack of action.
This week, we talk about taking the emotion out of the decision process. It allows you to take ownership of your life and your actions, as well as gain the confidence you need in all areas. This can do everything from changing the way you feel about yourself to dramatically changing the economy in your house.
Watch it now and as a special surprise, you'll find out how anyone who leaves a comment on this blog this week can get a FREE digital copy of my bestselling book 'Totally Fulfilled.'
Book Offer - Thanks Dean !!
Hey Dean,
I am getting braver.. I just wanted to tell you that I have begun to work with a California Investor and have sent him about 10 deals that I have bird-dogged for him here in Az.
He said I am great at this and has increased his offer to me for the deals he gets from my leads.
I have since recruited all my friends, family and new business contacts for a hefty amount for their leads to me as well.
Thank so much for your encouragement and consistency.
An investor friend in Virginia said that he had personally met you and that you truly are 'the real deal'.
So, my instinct were right! lol
Blessings to you and your family.
Barbara Rae in Arizona =:D