Dean Graziosi Weekly Wisdom #185 - Non Stop Momentum

First of all, to everybody who left a post last week, you can click below to get your FREE copy of "Totally Fulfilled."

Get Your Free Copy of Totally Fulfilled!

This week, Dean reinforces his mission for this blog. To arm you with tools to be on the offense, to go out there an conquer the obstacles you face and have the life you desire.

He reviews the lessons of the past weeks in a super fast summary and makes a big promise for what's coming. You are part of something bigger than yourself and we are so grateful to be with you through it. Enjoy!

Seems Simple--Feels Complicated!!!

Dean--The Weekly Wisdom is so motivating and uplifting. It's VERY hard not to believe the naysayers!! I've been working hard to get my FIRST deal done. Found a CASH investor who has given me his criteria, but I seem to be stuck on something really simple. My investor wants to purchase properties at 40 cents on the dollar maximum. Not sure of how to calculate this. Very simple, but confusing for a NEWBIE!! Can this be explained using a property as an example to go by? HELP!!!

A Million Bucks

SylviaP's picture

I haven't done my first deal yet but I am looking forward to it an I want to make a Million bucks in Real Estate.


cherylcrandall's picture

Thank-you Dean for my copy of Totally Fulfilled, I can't wait to start reading it. I am also grateful for the encouragement that you give on a regular basis to myself and others to never give up on our dreams. God Bless You, Cheryl


i really enjoyed this weeks blog! I have been on vacation in Canada to celebrate my cousins wedding for the past week, so this blog really brings me back into the right mindset. I am coming back to SoCal tomorrow and i plan to make my first assignment deal happen within the next 30 days!!! Thanks to YOU and the books you have written!
Because of You, financial freedom feels so much closer and feasible for me this year! With all the support you have given all of us, i do not see how anyone can not do this.
Your segment about 'why not, keep the momentum going' was excellent and exactly what i needed to hear for this week.
I am absolutely excited to get this 1st deal done!


dreamitdoit's picture

Thanks for another great WEEKLY WISDOM.Your enthusiasm always gets me motivated and re-energizes me.Boosts my confidence.Thank you for being you and not giving up on us.Thank you for all you do for all of us.GOD Bless you and your beautiful family.

Corpus Christi,Texas,USA.

Great advice Dean

Thank you for reminding me why i chose to do realestate you always have the best wisdom.they say learn from people that are already doing what you want to be doing. Thank you for providing this networking system. people always succed better when others support them rather than when they are doing it on their own. Have a Blessed day Emily

Try to MAKE it...

Hey Dean,

I brought your books one night watching your informercial.
Upon calling the university and speaking with one of the represntives I was excited to know my life was going to change forever. But I thought wrong.

Dean, you make it sound so easy to make this Real Estate process come to life; when reality is I can't. A representative said that my credit needs to be in good standing and I have to pay the university to doing anything that has to do with the Dean G's project. Which puts me back to square one. I really want this and I do have faith. But when I spoke to one of the training representatives, I really got discouraged. What to do when a girl really wants something that she can't have...

#185 - Momentum

This was a great blog! Loved listening to your excitement, enthusiasm, and "go out and get em"

Thank you!

Couldn't be a better time for this.

marykucharczyk's picture

Thanks again Dean.
Life beats us up so hard sometimes, that you just feel winded and exhausted. The encouragement in this video was at the perfect time.

Thanks Dean

khw-2010's picture

Thanks for sharing your enthusiasm with us. I am currently reading Totally Fulfilled, make that studying Totally Fulfilled. I am making flashcards to carry in my book bag so I can keep reminding myself of the ways I need to disengage the past programming and reorient my thinking toward the future. Thanks for never giving up on us. KHW

Thank you for the

bahney's picture

Thank you for the encouraging words! We will do this and move forward!

Thank you Dean!

Thank you very much for this post! I came at a time when I really need it. Thank you for helping so many people!

Take care!



IknwIcn's picture

Thanks so much Dean for the weekly wisdom and the motivation!!!! Remembering those we lost and thank you for all who served and are still serving! Thanks Dean for all of your support too!

Ultimate Motivation

thomgilbert's picture

Thanks Dean! Great passion and key points in your weekly wisdom. I'll be watching this one over and over!

Re: Totally Fulfilled

Thanks Dean for the free copy of Totally Fulfilled.
Looking forward to reading it!

I want it to work.

cmartinvoss's picture


I am freaking out. I need to make this work. My anxiety is through the roof. I will not make enough money this month to pay my bills if I don't get a deal to go through. I attended the 3 day, Boots on the Ground, invested almost what i made last year, and am in the Inner Circle. I believe this is it, but I need daily guidance. I think I am ADHD. I just turned 50, and if I don't do this now it will never get done. I believe that. But I am freaking out cause I am in a place were I am very uncompfortable. I won't be able to pay back the credits cards I used to join with DG if I don't get this happening now (and I feel like "Yesterday.") I am starting to focus on what I won't pay if I don't as opposed to how can I make it happen and it is "freaking me out."

Help! That is why I joined you.

Hope your memorial day was a good one.


Non Stop Motivation

Thanks Dean, that seems to be the start of a lot of my posts as well as a lot of others on our site because you really do care about our success. You really do give back. You always give great advice. You are always a great motivator.

I appreciate every weeks weekly wisdom and always watch and will continue to post something every week to keep myself in touch.

Thank you for the book, can't wait to start reading it!!


Dean Thank You!

kjoward's picture

I write thank you in each and every post I write, but I can not tell you how much I really needed this today! I keep working it and no I still haven't made my first deal but I am getting close. I will keep on trying and never stop partly because it isn't an option for me. I will make this work to prove to everyone that I can and will do this. I do have some people that are just watching to see me fall on my face. They are waiting for me to fail and already telling me their I-told-you-so's, and how hard this is in this market, and how crazy I am to be doing this. Quote: "Why don't you get a real job?" Even my kids are losing confidence in me and asking me, When are you going to make some money? But even with all of this, I KNOW I can do it and IT WILL HAPPEN! These weekly wisdoms help me so much and this one actually touched me even more than some of the others. Your words brought me to tears and gave me the strength to keep on moving forward. THANK YOU! For caring sooooo much!

lets see

pumped for the talk tomorrow, see you in waltham!

dont know what to do...

HarjoteSingh's picture

amazing video...i love Dean's energy always...i must share this through Dean's advice:

the first week of May i saw Deans infomercial on tv here in toronto, canada. i got so excited real fast about real estate even though i dont know the first thing M about it...but i was looking for a "job" and better yet i got an opportunity. i was so excited when i called the number, received tons of stuff in my email, registered for the free seminar and was just excited because i needed a way to better my financial situation asap...and im only 24 and when i think about the future i get worried...but nothing had gotten me so excited so fast like this site and everything Dean has to offer! ...all this happened the first week of May.

the 2nd week of May i attended the seminar and was even more excited...i was a little confused about how i was gonna get started but i didnt care because i was pumped with adrenaline; i could feel that real estate was for me and a great way for me to utilize my business skills that i had learned over the years and how it could change my family's life family is my reason "why"; i could care less about myself at this point...when the end of the seminar came and it was time to register for the workshop, i heard $2000.00 and got worried because i dont have that kind of money...i only have one credit card with a $1000.00 limit with bad credit to begin with...but i was still excited when i left the seminar because i was actually gonna get a job so i could afford the $2000 and attend the workshop...

i went home and read through this site and Dean's books...i dont know why but i knew i had to attend the seminar slow at retaining information so i thought if i attend it again i would get more out of it...this time i went and the speaker said something at the end that caught my ear...he said all those that want to attend the workshop that have the money but no time, come on to the back and talk to us...and then he said all those that want to come to the workshop that have no money but all the time, come on to the back as well...

when i talked to the team there, for some reason i got the feeling to ask my mom for the $2000.00 since she was the only person i could ask and i really just want a better future for mostly both of us...the way the person i spoke to put it, i dont know how i did something that i would of never done on my i went home, but the thing with my mom is that she is very skeptical about these kinds of opportunities and i know she would of never given me the money if i told her what it was for...

i was trying to apply to college anyway around this time so i told her it was for college and that she would get this money back after 90 days; the school just needs to hold it for a background check; i made all this up and dont know how she bought it; but only because in my heart i really knew that after attending the workshop i would make that money back by doing real estate deals and i really wanted to surprise my mom, and then and only then, would i tell her of all this...that was my i told mom that's what it was for and she gave me her credit card and i signed up anxiously waiting for the workshop date...

that happend the 2nd week of may and workshop was on the 3rd week of may...until the workshop i barely slept! i was too busy re-decorating my room with inspirational quotes and creating a work desk and clearing my shelf for Dean's books and reading up all i can and going to this site and listening to the audio's and going through the home study course...

so finally the workshop came and it was amazing...i learned a lot but it did go pretty fast...i met great people and was so anxious to get started...but i realized that every thing i learned at the workshop was true and that i did need additional training...i wasn't confident enough to go out making deals on my own after just 3 days in a workshop...i realized that all this so far was a strategic technique to get us to stop thinking like consumers and start thinking like investors...

and i loved it...but again when it came to advanced training i got worried again...the only way i could get the money for this was again my mom since she has amazing credit and more credit limit than me...but that would mean i would have to come clean and tell her what i was doing...i thought about it and realized i am doing this for us anyway and she's someone i could really trust so i thought what the heck...

so i went home and talked to mom but to my surprise...she was not happy. my mom is 67, a retired nurse of 35 years and she has the old school mindset...and she lost money on "opportunities" before and wasn't about to waste more money on them...she was upset that i didn't tell her the truth and that i wasn't going to my heart i knew real estate is the only way to better our financial situation and that school for me right now is just not an option...but she wouldn't listen...let alone me asking for another $25,000 (which would be a guaranteed return) she couldn't get past the fact that i lied to her...i left by telling her that no matter what she would get her $2000.00 back in 90 days...i don't know how i am gonna do that but i know in my heart that God didn't throw this opportunity at me for nothing and that there had to be a way....

but after that i really got depressed...she wasn't on board with me and she was the only person who i thought would understand...this just happened last week...since then i lost my enthusiasm, my adrenaline...i dont know what to do..i sometimes still don't think i do...just upset about all this happened so fast and went away even quicker...i feel like i let myself hopes and mom...just every thing went bad after last week after i spoke to my mom...i haven't even looked at anything to do with real estate since then...just been depressed since...don't know what do..the only thing that brought me here was this video i got to my email....just felt like sharing this...i do feel a bit better by writing this down...and i do feel my adrenaline coming back but still don't know how i'm going to do this...i've never been this depressed in a very long time...

Non-Stop Momentum

Thanks so very much for the inspiration! It is my belief that youm have to stay focused. There are times when you may feel down or skeptical but if you give up you can never conquer.

Like the Little Train That Could..."I THINK I CAN, I THINK I CAN" updated to: I KNOW I CAN, I KNOW I CAN!!!!!!!!!!!!! (I can hear that Rocky Theme now can you !!! Smiling

Give Me More Motivation, More !!!!!!!!!! Thanks Dean !!!! You're Awesome !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Totally Fulfilled - THANKS!!

Hi Dean,
Thanks for the Totally Fulfilled book. I read the first 12 pages or so upon downloading it and I loved hearing some of your story.

Stories are powerful, and they say those of us who have certain types of "temperments" or personalities, love to hear what is on the heart of others. I fall into that category, and love to hear people's passions and what makes them tick.

I can so after reading the first few pages, I feel that I am one of those totally fulfilled people. This does not mean I think I have achieved perfection, but I have found a personal formula that allows me to have a grateful heart for what I have, but also know one never needs to stop growning. I do love it when others succeed and love to be around successful people.

This is why I so much enjoyed the Buying Summit. I was around successful people in a venue that allowed me to resource that success and all to my own portfolio.

It's a great place to explore resources and connect with other like minded people who want to change their lives and collaborate with others to do it. I highly recommend this to all of the DG family.

I currently have a joint venture in consideration for an assignment of contract with another couple we met at boots on the ground and connected with at buying summit.

Dean, thanks for great mentorship and networking. You are a blessing, I hope that comes back to you many times over. I look forward to personally meeting you at a buying summit soon!

Northwest Susan

Thanks, Dean. This was

Thanks, Dean. This was perfect timing! I needed the boost to my energy. You are so right about being around like-minded people! Thanks for always believing in us!


Thanks For Totally Fulfilled Dean

Jaguar.Investments's picture

It IS crazy really. Why do I stick with this? I got an e-mail last week asking about 20 students from two years ago if anyone has made their first million yet..... I did not see any responses in the affirmative from anyone. But here's the thing. If you haven't made the first million yet, then why? I am glad to get this book because my friend Tammy Reoch recommends it so highly! There's no question that for me, going back is not an option. My family deserves success. They have earned it for sure by putting up with me and sticking by me during the last two years in my Real Estate Investment journey to that first million. I do know more than I did two years ago, I am more seasoned and I know we will turn the corner to making that first million.

Roger Schafer
Jaguar Investment Group



You did it again...topped your previous "WEEKLY WORDS OF WISDOM" !!!! THANKS SO VERY MUCH !!!




Dean thank you so much !!!

DebraAnn's picture

Dean thank you so much!!!
Thank you soo much for your encouragement!! You are right some of us have more obstacles than others. I really want to get into your academy so much it hurts I just don't know how I am going to get resources I need to get there yet.

I am still talking to my father about helping me. I really need to make your recipe work for me not only for finances but I need to get out of apartment living for health reasons.

I am in the process of dealing with someone down stairs I nicked named Boom boom boy. He plays his bass so loud it has effected the health. I was taken to the hospitable last week because of the level and vibration from Boom, Boom boys bass.

Thanks to what I am learning from you I have been able to write letters and document information to give to the Management company. The managers supervisor is having the Management Company's attorney take over the case for me.

You teach us to think outside the box and once I have tried what I am thinking about I will share it with you. I am hoping to talk to the Management company about somethings and maybe if you give us another blog where we can write you a letter I will share it with you.

Dean I have felt like really giving up but you are right it is worth it to fight for our families. But the day I lose both parents I will no longer have anything to fight for. Until I heard your video today when you said don't let me down. When I no longer have parents to fight for, I will fight for you so that I will not let you down. I just pray I can hold to these words and do it.

Sometimes life can be so hard but your teaching us to think outside of the box can really help us get to the other side of any situation. And with God's help all things are possible, in God's timing not ours.

It is just really hard sometimes waiting on God's timing. But when I do I see how Gods timing is best for me. Like when I wanted to get to your free seminar and I couldn't because I just broke my leg. 4 months later you had another one much closer to where I lived and could take a buss to and even take the wheelchair the church lent me on the bus and use it as a walker and a place to rest when I walked a mile to get to the motel for your seminar.

God made a way when there was no way. But it was in His timing not mine and in God's timing I still had to work hard at it but I got there and I got the book on CD Making money in 30 days. Maybe when the Boom Booming stops in my apartment I will be able to understand it better.

I am concerned because of California laws, as they are tougher than other states so I really want to have a mentor help me and keep me out of trouble that is why I am trying some other way to get into your academy.

When I no longer have parents to fight for, I will fight for you, so that I will not let you down. I just pray I can hold to these words and make it happen. My father may never be proud of me but maybe God has given me a brother in Jesus who one day will be.
Your Sister In Jesus
Debra Ann

Thank You Dean!

Hey Dean!

Thanks so much for the momentum. Yes! That is the goal.. being bullet proof, peace of mind, regardless! An automatic pilot that runs itself after being built. Thanks for the book Dean!

Talk soon

Very, Very

On site for years Frist time signing up for site
Another great video watched 3 times in the last
20 mins it get me going for the day

First Thoughts

ecraft23's picture

After this blog the first thing I thought to myself was, "Man... I love this f&@ing guy!" Sorry for not being all that PC. But sometimes using that kind of language in the right context just feels right.....

Thanks D!

thanks DEAN

jahaira27's picture

thanks DEAN