Dean Graziosi Weekly Wisdom #188 - What You're Fighting For

Here's a new twist on the Weekly Wisdom. In this edition Dean does a bit of a movie review and recommendation. The movie he is recommending is
all about what each one of us needs to focus on to succeed. Take a look at this and unleash the power you need to "crush it" in all you do
this week.

PS- Happy Father's Day to all the fathers out there!


pdqservicesinc's picture

just watched that movie last week. it is good and it was very enlightening to see the part about the milk. really makes you think.

Thank you Dean!

I love this blog, I'm also a fan of the actor in the movie but never had a chance to watch it for what ever reason. Your blog moved me and my why came right at me, stronger and clearer with tears in my eyes. The movie does not hit close to home but finding the why does. Your sincerity moved me. I watch "The Edge" set this past weekend and will finish watching it this week, along with the book "30 Days to Real Estate Cash". Thank you Dean. It's not the first blog that moved me, but this one takes the cake.

Heart Felt!

mariabutner14's picture

Awesome blog Dean than you for taking the time to inspire us and keep us focused. I have not watched the movie but I will rent it. I am in the middle of trying to work on my first deal now. I am hoping that the transition with Insiders cash is easy enough to work through. That will make or break the deal. It will be my first deal and I am exicited, nervous and overwhelmed if that makes sence. I cant wait to post that I have closed my first deal!

Happy Fathers Day to you Dean and all of the Fathers out there!


Happy Father's Day! To all

BobDProperties's picture

Happy Father's Day! To all the Father's out there. Gonna order that movie and take a look. Sounds inspiring. I am grateful to have 3 wonderful kids (& 3 grandkids)this Father's Day. (hey Dean, it's 84* in Cleveland, Please turn off the fireplace-ouch!- lol).


bandit1's picture

hey man....check your video here...the pixilation is not the best in this one....but i think i saw it once....ill check it out here after bit!

i need help

Amer Brdjanin's picture

is it still possible to wholesale properties?


Amer Brdjanin's picture

is it still possible to wholesale properties?

Weekly Wisdom #188

Hi Dean,

Just hearing you talk about the movie made me pay attention. I know what it is like. Most mornings I wake up these days, I have no milk. My son eats his cereal dry! I will see whether they have the movie at the library to rent and then I will go to my friend's to watch it. I do not have the facilities at home to watch it. It's not that we do not have the will to fight. We really do not have the $$. Most days, I do not even have to eat, but I have to feed my kid. If I don't I too, could have him taken away from me and that is not an option! I watched the Tyler Perry movie at my friend's house about this lady who was studying to be a nurse - in nursing school. Her husband died in either Iraq or Afghanistan, during the war. She had to quit school and find a job. She was working 80 hours a week to make ends meet because she had a young kid. She ended up being thrown out and she and her kid lived in her car. Her kid was taken away from her. That part made me cry. I can never have that happen to me. She eventually got her kid back because a good samaritan helped her get an apartment for free. She did not get all her pay because they said she owed the IRS. I believe it is because she was no longer at school and had to start paying back her school loan, etc. I can relate. It ended up better for her because she at least got some help. Most of us do not get the help we need, so it takes us longer to get out of the ruts we find ourselves in through no fault of our own. If I could pay all my bills and have a little extra, I could at least put something aside for getting into real estate and start with the tax liens and work my way from there. Without the extra, when creditors are after you and you can't even pay monthly bills, it is not as easy as it looks. I am a go-getter. I am a fighter. But if I an not 'thrown into the ring' at this time and can't get past the guards, how do I progress? That's why I am doing what I need to do now to be successful in future.

Talk to you soon,

Hi Dean!

This is interesting. I don't remember when I last watched tv. Sounds like you found us a good movie to watch. I've always heard we won't work hard for the things we'd like to have some day, but we will work for what we need, even if it's a perceived need. That may or may not be a physical need. I've heard some of the strongest whys could be found rooted in our formative years. Your example in the 7 levels deep is a good demonstration of that.
I appreciate your constant efforts to help us dig deep. Thank you.

That you for your weekly wisdom

We are there Dean.. We can relate!!!! both out of work doing your program everyday talking to the support group. Thank you for your weekly wisdom it helps us more than you could ever know.

Hope you had a great fathers day!

Tam and Steve


skytrolly's picture

Although I believe the movie is insperational, I lived it!.. Today many tell me, Sandra you are not a surviver, you are The Pervailer LOL.. makes me feel like a supper hero.. Being one of six, we were very lucky to see real milk, usually powdered. Many an onion and mustard sandwitch (actually pretty good when hungry)Used to walk about 12 blocks w/my sister and the wagon to pick up a large burlap bag of wk old donuts disgarded by the bakery.. on sat mornings. we would come home and pick through them to see which ones were good.
So far, I have not made 1penny in investing but I have not given up. I know that one must work really hard, hang in there and believe in yourself. Thanks for the memory's.. Those old donuts sure were good and appreciated.

Weekly Wisdom #188

Thanks Dean, your always in our corner for us, As far as "Rounds fought" for us here, well just to many to count, but you always continue to do battle with us, your always here in our corner, and we are gratefull for that - your, well your "Our Corner Man" you heal our cuts and bruises - and send us out fighting again. thanks

Sounds Good

This sounds like something I need to watch.


dsanderson's picture

This weekly wisdom is great. I saw the movie and it too gave me goosebumps and I cried.... He was doing it for his family which is what all or most of us are doing..
Dean you are the best teacher.. Thank you

Dean, you're amazing!

Tina1's picture

Not to sound like a broken record, but your passion is appreciated in a way no words can express.

You fuel me.
Putting my umpteen years of energy and focusing my endless capacity of hard work into Real Estate because of you is showing me the success I always knew I would get is real. You have helped me get traction. My legacy is being created to leave this world a better place for those who choose a better way.
Thank you.

One deal at a time we are changing lives.

N3Q (my LLC) means Never, Never, Never Quit.
And I won't until I've helped you back.


Another great Weekly Wisdom

I`m having trouble getting a Realtor to work with our plan! Thanks for the support and encouragement each week to help motivate us all.
Keep it up Dean!

Keep on speaking it

You're the only one I hear saying encouraging things-consistently. I have never heard of this movie, but I will have to check it out. I'm having a real hard time getting my first deal and can always use a cheerleader.


Hi dean A good freind in another bis. allways told me if the dream is big enough the facts don't count. And don't let anyone steal your dream.

Thanks, I enjoyed the

Thanks, I enjoyed the inspiration.

The fight!

gabewilson83's picture

I haven't seen the movie Dean but I am going to check it out. I can say this though, I definitely have a few things I am fighting for. My family definitely keeps me fighting, I never had a silver spoon in life, I am expecting my first child in November and I want my child to have a better life than I did! That keeps me fighting as well. Thank you for the inspirational video.

Thanks again Dean

khw-2010's picture

I can relate. I am 60 and going into heavy weight-lifting again. I will tell you how my challenge to the world record goes.

Great job Dean

Davemchs's picture

Amazing job of tieing the last three weekly wisdoms together. I love how you break things down to such a deep level that everyone can understand. You should do two a week;)

Hope you had a great fathers day and thanks for another great weekly wisdom!



The fact that your Weekly Wisdom doesn't necessarily have to be Real Estate specific, really shows that you are sincere in wanting us all to really make it. A lot of people don't realize that we really control our own destiny. Like you along with many others say "if you put your mind and everything you have into something you can do anything, but you have to believe". Our mindset and actions will control what happens, of course life does happen to everyone at one time or another but how you react or bounce back is what makes the difference!

Like always, thanks for your wisdom that you share so generously.

Happy Fathers Day to all of you out there!


Fighting For My Milk

Dean this blog is just what I need, Thank you so much. Right now I am fighting for my milk and I will watch this movie for sure this week. The desire is great in me to do this! Happy Belated Father's Day to you and every other father out there I miss saying it to.


Thank you for always finding an inspiration to share with us, keeping us motivated, regenerating the engines, reminding us to have our WHY!

God Bless!

Thanks Dean

Matt B's picture

great wisdomefor all of us to really find our why.I love to read all the weekly wisdome's each week to get the fuel we need to become winners in real estate. Happy fathers Day to all fathers!

Matt B


That is the question WHY.Thanks Dean for opening my eyes,you got to stay in tune with the desire to want to think a lil different,outside the BOX as DEAN say.To everybody here have a successfull week.


HAPPY FATHER'S DAY DEAN been busy and to all the fathers on this site!!!!!.Iknow it's late but better late than never.

So true!!!

browleyteam's picture

To have that FIGHT in you is key!!! And to KNOW WHAT YOU'RE FIGHTING FOR!! Love it Dean, I KNOW this is why I WILL be successful in this business because I have that DRIVE on WHY I'm doing this!


an awakening blog

ladukmiller's picture

Dean, once again you have inspired me to fight for what I want in life. I too have lived through struggles and have crossed many challenges in life. I felt hopless and stagnant at times, but by listening to your blog every week has helped me to see that there is hope and vitality. Thank you very much for your wisdom and the encouragement that you have shared. Keep up the good work. Happy Father's day!

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