This Weekly Wisdom is all about helping the folks whose lives have been affected or even devastated by Hurricane Sandy. Post an encouraging message to those on the East Coast and we will donate $5 bucks for every comment left.
Again, everyone who watches this video and leaves a message of support will help raise money for the good people affected by Hurricane Sandy. So please, watch listen and pass it on. In less than 5 minutes, together we can raise thousands to help restore hope to hurting people. Thank you.
PS- If you haven't already, you can still test drive Insider Elite for just $1!
Interceeding; GODS Mercies are Fresh and New Every Morning...
Indeed my heart aches with those of you that are experiencing this devastation in your lives at this time as a result of the storms that have ravaged the east coast. My family , my mens group my adult SS class is praying fervently for all to know the love of Christ and the comfort of His Holy Spirit. We are also praying that His people respond to the overwhelming needs, physical, emotional and spiritual, as great as they may be, He is able to meet ALL of your needs in Christ Jesus. Make no mistake about it we all will be better people as a result of giving and helping, and loving you all through this... God Bless You and Keep you in HIS tender mercies. The Psalmist said that HIS mercies are new and fresh every morning! Paul Soenksen Sr.
sandy victims
We are with you my fellow Americans we stand wit you hand in hand and I think we should all donate $10 or more to the Red Cross and that would make a huge diff. This keeps everything in perspective when this happens. Our prayers with you back East. Thx Dean
You will overcome the tragedy
It is great for DG organization to donate to hurricane victims. To victims of hurricane: you will overcome the tragedy.
Hurricane Sandy
My heart and prayers go out to all the people on the east coast that had any destruction. May God Bless you all.
Hurricane Sandy
My prayers and thoughts are with the ones who suffered as a result of the Hurricanne.
Come Together
My thoughts are with those affected by Sandy. Now is the time to come together and help where you can. One small act by one could be the world to others.
Come Together
My thoughts are with those affected by Sandy. Now is the time to come together and help where you can. One small act by one could be the world to others.
Hurricane Sandy
My prayers and thoughts go out to everyone out there on the east coast. Things will get better! Stay strong and keep your heads up.
To the Sandy victims
The devastation is horrible but we will all pull together and thanks to donations by Dean and others we will get back on our feet, rebuild our homes, and get things back to life as we know it.
Thinking of you
I pray for all the families affected by this disaster. I hope we can all pull together and get through this troubled time.
Thoughts and Prayers are with you!
Please be strong and you will get through this terrible tragedy. Know that every day you are one step closer to getting back on your feet and pulling through. Know that we are here praying for and thinking about you a great deal.
Go Dean
This message is for Dean. You are an amazing person and you have been blessed with such an amazing personality and spark of life. You're so giving and I hope the best for you. You inspire me to go through the stars and out of this universe.
Stay Positive!
As bleak as things look right now, the nation will pull together to help rebuild and things will get back to normal. Good luck and stay safe!
Thank u Dean for letting us be a part of ur efforts to help!
Thoughts Of Hope
I live in Boston and feel the strong winds & rain of Sandy.
I feel very sorry and pray for all those really affected by the storm. Hopefully the weather will hold allowing those to be able to gather what they can from this tragedy.
I actually feel guilty that i cannot go down to help as i did after Andrew.
Please know that myself and my family are praying for all of you.
Dean, thank you so much for helping !!
Praying for you
I pray for all the people who have been effected by Sandy. God bless the DG family and friends wherever they are.
Everything will work out.. and my family and I will do our best to help in any way.
Thoughts and prayers
my thoughts and prayer to all of the families affected by this natural tragedy...keep your heads up and don't give up, there are better days ahead
My heart breaks...
To everyone that was touched (or slammed) by Hurricane Sandy, I send my deepest wishes for a full and speedy recovery.
I lived through Hugo in SC and so I have a feel for what you are experiencing. It is something no one can imagine if they have not lived through it.
The hearts of all Americans are with you guys! You will make it! You come from strong stock!
Praying For Healing
My family and I are Praying for all that are affected by Sandy.
Prayers are coming your way
We survived several Hurricaines. Our hearts go out to you. Prepare for Wed 11/7 winds and rain. Watch out for your neighbors. All of you are in our prayers. Mark,Janice and family
you know, we live in a country where we can count ourselves very fortunate and blessed to be able to have resources that can be applied were they are most needed.and most of all that people like you that have the medium to ralley like minded individuals and inspire us to share the blessings, not waiting for a disaster to strike but always looking for ways to help the less fortunate. that's what freedom and the persuit of happines is all about, love and servitude.
keep it up!
Super Storm Sandy
Thank you for having such a giving spirit!
We are praying for everyone that has been affected by the storm.
Mark & Kathy Dennis
Trust in God
Trust God will help you when you ask Him. He is waiting for your request. We are praying for all of you. St Michael protect you from the winds and rain scheduled for the East coast. God bless you. Janice and our family to yours.
Prayers and Thoughts
My prayers and thoughts are with all those affected by Sandy. Thank you Dean for doing something to help them.
To all the Sandy Victims
Mine and my family's thoughts are with you and your loved ones during this time of tragedy. Having been through Katrina with family that were displaced and who stayed with me, I know that it's not easy to get through, but just stay strong and it will get better. May peace be with you.
Now may the Lord of peace himself give you peace at all times and in every way. -2 Thessalonians 3:16
Dear East Coast friends,we
Dear East Coast friends,we reach out to you with the generous help of our Dean Graziosi. Be strong in your faith,God listens.
Super Storm Sandy
Our prayers go out to all impacted by this terrible storm. We extended our home to friends and their neighbors without power and heat in CT and RI. We're 100 miles inland in MA and felt the power of this storm, but dodged a bullet this time. We were in a similar situation a year ago when we had the October snow storm, we feel your pain. The East Coast will rebuild. We are praying for the people that lost loved ones and their homes. We know it will be a long road to recovery, but we are resilient and will prevail. You have to believe that God would never give you something you can't handle, even if it seems impossible to do so right now. Thanks Dean for helping out.
I want to send an all loving hug and all my support to get though this hard time. It will get better! coming from someone who has been through some very difficult times when we lost our house. There is hope and you have all my prayers. God Bless You All. All my love and support.
Halloween postponed to Nov 7 in North Haven CT
Hey Everyone! What a week this has been! Thank God we were spared, but my mom, who lives right around the corner from us, lost electricity for 5 days. We borrowed a generator from our friend to keep her refridgerator & freezer going. The first couple of nights, mom insisted on sleeping at her house in her own bed, but then the temps were getting colder & colder. By the 3rd night, the little stubborn Italian mom resigned to the fact that she had to "abandon ship" & sleep at our house to keep warm (& catch up on TV news). There was a huge pine tree that fell right across her street, taking down power lines & detouring traffic. Because this was common throughout our town, our First Selectman, postponed Halloween until Wed, Nov 7th, for the safety of the children (street lights were out & to allow work crews to clear up the streets). Needless to say, the schools were closed last week & they are still closed in a neighboring town.
Being musicians (& Rotarians), we are organizing a telethon incorporating local talent as well as our performing students to air on cable TV stations. We are hoping that we can raise enough money so that Rotary International will match our donation.
We feel for the people who have lost their homes on our CT shoreline. They still haven't fully recovered from Hurricane Irene & now they got hit again. There are roads that are still not passable.
Our hearts go out to NYC, Long Island & New Jersey (my cousin still doesn't have power) but I've also seen the true human spirit all around me as communities have come together to help out total strangers and I have seen people who have stopped their lives to help others. Dean, your kindness & compassion & giving is an example of that. It is truly a beautiful & wonderful country that we live in and we are eternally grateful to all who have helped & continue to help in this time of need.
Yes, we are proud to be an American! May God Bless you with Love, Health & Happiness.....
Mark & Mary Minotti