This Weekly Wisdom is all about helping the folks whose lives have been affected or even devastated by Hurricane Sandy. Post an encouraging message to those on the East Coast and we will donate $5 bucks for every comment left.
Again, everyone who watches this video and leaves a message of support will help raise money for the good people affected by Hurricane Sandy. So please, watch listen and pass it on. In less than 5 minutes, together we can raise thousands to help restore hope to hurting people. Thank you.
PS- If you haven't already, you can still test drive Insider Elite for just $1!
My prayer for Hurricaine Sandy's survivors
I pray that you will feel GOD's love through this time of difficulty. He does have a plan and will provide for you if you let HIM. It is not always easy, just know that you are not alone. Peace be with you.
My prayers
My prayers are with you. I believe that God can and will take any bad situation and turn it for good for those who love Him and trust Him. Lean on Him during these tough times and allow others to be a blessing to you. Sometimes it is harder to receive than it is to give--so simply receive the help others will be offering.
My prayers
My prayers are with you. I believe that God can and will take any bad situation and turn it for good for those who love Him and trust Him. Lean on Him during these tough times and allow others to be a blessing to you. Sometimes it is harder to receive than it is to give--so simply receive the help others will be offering.
Kids enjoy life despite disaster
My cousin did not get hit too hard but did lose power for many days. No power for Halloween but, despite being postponed a week they spent Hallowing night Trick or Treating from room to room in the house by candlelight.
My prayers
My prayers are with you. I believe that God can and will take any bad situation and turn it for good for those who love Him and trust Him. Lean on Him during these tough times and allow others to be a blessing to you. Sometimes it is harder to receive than it is to give--so simply receive the help others will be offering.
Thanks Dean.
My thoughts and Prayers to those affected by this horrendous storm.
Keep staying in faith. God will lift you up and keep you up.
Prayers for our brothers and sisters
Our prayers go out to those affected by Hurricane Sandy. We pray for restoration, safety, and blessings. May this time of devastation and displacement for many be an opportunity to reflect the American spirit of charity and hospitality to one's neighbor.
Thank you, Dean, for your continued generosity and compassion.
The worst we've seen....
Being a NYer myself, I must admit, I underestimated Sandy's potential. However, after losing power for a week myself, I found myself among tons of displaced individuals and families who were devastated by the extent of the damage to their houses, belongings, vehicles, etc. Some of which were total losses. The aftermath is still evident as there just doesn't seem to be enough resources or help to go around and it really is heartbreaking to see the pain and fear in the eyes of those who feel so helpless at the moment.
Your words of support and encouragement are truly inspirational as everyone here is taking a few minutes to send a prayer to those affected on the East coast. I urge everyone to follow Dean's lead and participate in relief efforts as well in any way possible. Don't stop here. If you can, donate money, resources, time, manpower, offer words of support on other sites, etc. Every little bit counts.
I for one, will be joining the ranks of the thousands of volunteers, who have traveled many miles as well as our own locals (some of whom are displaced themselves), to lend a hand in helping the community recover from the devastation and rebuild going forward.
So to all those on the East coast, you are in my thoughts. And together, we will make it through this and become even stronger than ever before.
To all my veteran comrades and civilians alike, join us in the Rockaway, Queens area this Sunday for Hurricane Sandy relief efforts with members of The Mission Continues, veterans who continue to serve and inspire while wearing a different uniform. Join us and be of service to those in need. We need all the help we can get.
hurricane sandy
It's hard to comprehend all that was lost and only God knows and through all the pain and suffering,faith and prayers will be answered.We all feel your pain be strong and God Bless you All.
We are thinking of all of you!
I pray and hope the power is on by now or asap stay warm all!
Hurricane Sandy Victims
I pray the victims of this hurricane maintain composure and rise above this terrible obstacle that has detoured there lives. Mind over matter and I motivate you guys to keep fighting for a better day.
I was born in Queens, NY and raised in NY area so my heart goes out to you for your trials and tribulations. All I can say is take one day at a time. Keep the faith and it will keep you. Take advantage of the opportunity to bond with your neighbors, friends and family knowing that the love and friendship you share is truly more important than any material wealth that you may have lost.
Hope everyone is warm and things dont get any worst with the next storm. Remember to help each other no matter how small you thing the help is it could mean everything to the person you helped.
praying for those affected
praying for those affected by Hurricane Sandy!
My heart goes out to all those who were impacted by Sandy.I have family in Upstate NY and Boston and now they are getting drilled by a Nor-Easter.Even though we are not there you are in our prayers and thoughts daily.I wish a Speedy recovery to the East Coast and may God look after all of you.Bless you all,you have been through much in my lifetime...You are the Salt of the Earth
Our prayers and thoughts to those affected by the Hurricane
Learn to apprreciate difficult days. Be stimulated by challeges you encounter along the way. As you journy throught the rought terrain with God gain confidance form your knowledge that together we can handle anything.
My heart goes out to all those on the East Coast that were impacted by this.We are thinking of you and our blessing go out to you all.Hang in there..we are behind you!!I have family in NY and Boston and they are now getting pounded by a Noreaster.May God be with you all.
Survivors of Hurricane Sandy
I don't call you victims because you are much more than a victim; you are survivors. Sandy gave you guys her best shot, you took it and stood your ground. You are survivors. Life has a way of taking us through devastating situations, but we know that if we stand strong and stand we will make it through. My prayers are with all of you that you are restored to a position better than you were before the storm.
In God's Love,
Deborah James
Sandy victims we are praying for your future!
It will be a hard road to recovery for all that are effected by this terrible storm. We Are Praying for your future and for your loved ones.
Thank You Dean for stepping up as always!
My heart goes out to you
To those affected by Hurricane Sandy, and friends and family also, my heart goes out to all of you. It is hard to even begin to imagine what you must be going through, and the suffering you are enduring, but please know that all over this country, people are praying for you, and thinking of you. Keep your faith, and I pray for your strength and courage to see you through to the other side of this situation, and for your full recovery.
Faith and Hope
Each and everyone of you are in my prayer's and I hope that God will give you the strength that is needed to keep faith and hope alive. I know it's easier said than done, I can personally feel your pain, I live on the east coast and I was a little more fortunate this time around because Sandy did not hit us as hard. But last year I was out of power for 2 weeks in the summer from the storm, and I almost felt like I was not going to make it but,I believed that God would get me through and not forsake me and that is how I got through it. The year prior it happened again summer and winter, it was the hardest task ever to remain in such unlivable conditions. but I believed and walked on Faith, and Hope, and put it in my father's hands and I made it through. I believe if you trust him and believe he will fix it and hold on to faith and hope, you will overcome. May God be with each of you. and again you are in my prayers.
Thank you Dean!
Thank you Dean for helping those of us who want to help the victims of Sandy, by offering a way to let those affected know that we care, and for you contributing money for each of our comments. Your concern and generosity is much appreciated!
from sandy
i am truly sorry for the devastation that i left behind...for i just could not control the physical laws of nature.
when warmer air streams meet up with colder air streams, along with the water up together...all hell breaks lose... my apologises again for my destruction...
Can't Imagine
My thoughts and prayers are with all those effected by Sandy, and now another storm. Thank you Dean for sending some help.
MY heart is heavy for all,,,my prayers go out for all<<<<
My thoughts and prayers go out to all the people that have been affected by this terrible event. You are in my thoughts and prayers!
Greetings of Comfort from a Nichiren Buddhist from Minneapolis
Hello to all of you who've been hit by Hurricane Sandy. I have friends from MD, D.C., NY, NJ, RI, and CT. I am a Nichiren Buddhist. I will offer you words from a world philosophy that most people do not identify with; although, our philosophy has taken shape among citizens of the world who do not know of our religion.
Nichiren Daishonin was a Buddhist priest in Japan in the 1200s. We are a humanist religion who does not worship the original Buddha as a god. Our basic philosophy is to seek absolute happiness (happiness not controlled by exterior conditions), wisdom, and promote peace and nuclear disarmament. We also hope to assist others in their happiness as we seek and hope to stimulate greater wisdom.
One of the main and first lessons that we learn is to "make poison into medicine" -- or take a bad situation and make it into something very gratifying. Nichiren, in his attempt to spread this philsophy, was nearly assasinated and executed several times by both members of other schools of Buddhism, and by government leaders whose schools of thought were being attacked by Nichiren as being counter to what the original Buddha, Shakyamuni (or, Siddharth) taught over 2500 years ago. He was one of the first major leaders to deem women as equal to men.
As providence had it, Nicherin lived through the attempts on his life; and, the small following in the 1200s has turned into a greater community of over twelve million people from all races, ethnicities, religions, and income brackets around the world, with most of our growth coming since the year 1960 C.E.
We encourage ourselves and others to conquer our/your/their challenges; and, to help others do the same, recognizing that everyone has some sort of turmoil or challenge in their life.
For those of you searching for a strong philosophical base that respects all people and promotes peace throught the world and in the great hall of the U.N. General Assembly, I will lead you to, and to our U.S. website, SGI is an acronymn for Soka Gakki International.
In Japanese, "soka gakki" means "value creating society."
I will conclude by offering my best wishes; and to rouse you to greater optimism and empowerment; and to share my personal strength with each of you who have suffered through Hurricane Sandy and other immense challenges!
My condolences to those who have lost loved-ones and precious property as a result of Hurricane Sandy
Barry N. Peterson
Minneapolis, Minnesota (MN)
Lord Help Our Family and Friends Recover
Dean thank you for reaching out and wanting to help. So many of our family and friends have been impacted from this storm. What a great community we have here at DG and we can make a huge difference in aiding with the recovery. Please keep us posted Dean and ask us for whatever help we can provide.
Sandy Victims
My prayers are with you all as you go through this tough time. For those who lost their lives I am deeply saddened. Look to the hills from where your help comes, for it comes from the Lord. God bless you.