Dean Graziosi Weekly Wisdom #208 - Help the Victims of Hurricane Sandy

This Weekly Wisdom is all about helping the folks whose lives have been affected or even devastated by Hurricane Sandy. Post an encouraging message to those on the East Coast and we will donate $5 bucks for every comment left.

Again, everyone who watches this video and leaves a message of support will help raise money for the good people affected by Hurricane Sandy. So please, watch listen and pass it on. In less than 5 minutes, together we can raise thousands to help restore hope to hurting people. Thank you.

PS- If you haven't already, you can still test drive Insider Elite for just $1!


You're all in my prayers every day,I hope and pray that all is restored back to normal soon I pray that all are safe and well. I will continue to for all of you.

To all there in the East Coast

Our thoughts and prayers are with you. We wish you recover soon and we know you'll get stronger out of it. You'll get together and overcome. Together you will make it, and the world around you will be better as you will be connected in your hearts. God bless you.

Hurricane Sandy

This is our best wishes and prayers for all those who were affected by the devastion of Hurricane Sandy.
Hopefully with the help of many of us who were more fortunate you will all persist and recover stronger than ever.
Thanks to the generosity of Dean and his entire group, we are able to help in our small way.

Sandy survivors

To the survivors of super storm Sandy, my heart and prayers go out to all of you, as you are enduring another trying time. How ever along with the past catastrophys we are here for you. Adapt, overcome, and Improvise, as you are very strong to survive this.

Thank you Dean for all of your help and compassion.

My prayers to those people!!!

My prayers to those people who got affected by Sandy, especially to those people who have lost their love ones. My prayers for restoration and shelter. I pray God for safety in the world.

God Bless!!!


Our prayers are with all the families affected by Hurricane Sandy. May God keep your families in the palm of his hands and strengthen, comfort and support all the families in meeting their needs. God give peace and console those who lost loved ones in this trying time. Keep the faith and believe God will restore your lives beyond your own understanding.

Mari L.


yournextplace's picture

Sandy came through and just soaked my grass and blew a few limbs down, and I'm thankful! But many people were not as lucky and lost alot if not everything and some even loved ones. Really sorry to hear about it all. So I hope that the combined efforts through these posts and the giving of supplies by me, my church family and any others helps to start the healing! Our prayers are with you!

Superstorm Sandy

Thanks Dean for contributing and continued prayers to everyone affected. May God look over all of us in favor and shower us with His love and protection.

Having grown up in Asia where typhoons and earthquakes are a daily occurrence, I can definitely feel for those who lost everything, especially those who have lost a loved one.

While empathy, compassion, and prayers pales in comparison to the pain and anguish of what people are going through in the east coast, my hope and prayer is that as people and organizations send in donations, that they actually get to the people who need them, and not in the pockets of politicians or caught up in red tape.

Bless all those that lost everything in the storms

dmarazzani's picture

I am deeply sorry for your loss,I have a loved one that lost all in seaside heights and was panicking for a week till I heard they were ok(he also lost all).. I pray your loved ones are ok. I have lost all 2x in fires so know that heart sickening feeling of watching it all be gone.(just the items) I can say that the most important thing was my family are all ok and I have grandchildren now.Know that there are many like Dean that are out there to help, I pray you can move on with peace. It's hard now but it will be ok again.
God Bless to all

Stay Strong

I want to encourage each of you affected by the Hurricane to stay strong and know that you are in everyone's prayers.

I also want to THANK YOU Dean for giving us the opportunity to give back!

Prayer for Hurricane Sandy

My thoughts and prayers are with everyone that was affected by hurricane sandy. I pray that each day will be better and that our Lord and Saviour will walk with you all each step of the way.

God's Promise When you:

Are in Need-

Phillipians 4.19

And my God will fully satisfy every need of yours

according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus.

Praying for everyone on the east coast. And,
thanks to Dean for assisting in this time of need.

Thank you..

cfish32's picture

to Dean for your generosity. You continue to role model selflessness. Hopefully all of us will continue to follow the path you have paved in terms of donating time and/or money to causes that are important to us.

Thoughts and prayers go out to the those affected by the storm.

Best of wishes

Keep your heads up, things will be better agfain just stay strong

I'm a little upset

I am a little upset with this.
If you want to make such a generous donation than DO IT.
These poor soles need help NOW.
Not based on some lottery.

10,000's of thousands are still without power or heat NOW and facing a snowy nor'easter NOW.

God Bless for at least offering it.


Old Dust

Sending prayers up

Sending prayers to the hurricane victims. I have friends and family close to the area.

Hurricane Sandy

I'm in NY and we just got hit again with a bad snow storm. I'm in Northern Westchester County and we have at least 5 inches of snow here. I'm very fortunate in that I have my electric back on. So many others have no power, and worse no home at all. It's heartbreaking to see the devastation that this hurricane has brought. Everyone is in my prayers all day, everyday.

Hi all

I did post a comment but I guess it didnt go thru. Well everyone is in our prayers here at our home and thru out Indiana. God Bless you all. Hang in there, the weather is like real estate, we have ups and downs. Hang on and remember God does hear our prayers. We are prayin for all of you on the east coast. God Bless and stay strong, remember family is the important factor in life.

Thank You Dean and DG Family

cklove's picture

Thank You Dean and DG Family for your giant heart and giving soul. My thoughts and prayers are with those who are suffering and have great needs at this time. God Bless you Dean for always reaching out to help others.

Hurricane Sandy

Our thoughts and prayers have been going out to everyone
affected by the storm. We pray that they are safe and warm. Knowing that some have no home and some have no power this is a growing concern. A noreaster is coming through with cold rain and even snow. We pray that they see the good in people and that others will be generous.
Like Dean such a good example. We thank you Dean for that.

Praying for all!

I raised my sons in Maine. The northeast coast is deeply in my blood, and all of you are in my heart! Be strong, and hang on. - Susan

warm wished

Through your tough times I pray that you can feel the loving hand of God guiding and sustaining you. I know when I had such things occur in my life, though they seemed devastating, ended up being something that I later drew strength from

help those when ya can where ya can, how ever you can

for boots on the ground info- visit our local facebook page...

I tried to comment and it was flagged as spam...
if you want the link, just PM me...


and good luck to all those in need.. We are coming for ya..


Great Act of Kindness

Thanks Dean for giving not only of your time and knowledge but also financially. Thanks also for giving us another way of contributing. My heart goes out to those affected by the hurricane. God Bless.

Help for the victims of Hurricane Sandy

My sister, Teressa, lived in Louisiana in 2005. She lived thru the destruction caused by Hurricane Katrina and then Rita. She witnessed the people pull together and help one another. We can get thru this too! We live in a great country with a lot of heart. I think it is wonderful for the DG Family to help in this way. Our hearts are with those in need and our prayers will be heard.

Thanks, Dean, for all you do. Thanks for sharing your strength and wisdom to all those in need and for heading this DG Family. I truly hope that lots of help from us will go a long way and can help many. We are giving collections at work too, thru the Red Cross. It's nice to see so many give in any way they can when the going gets tough.

Susan and Teressa

I have friends and family

MWhite2's picture

I have friends and family who stay in VA and DC. Luckily they didn't get the full wrath of Sandy as a lot of the New York residents. I just want to send prayers and well wishes to the families on the east coast. May the will to stay strong and move forward be with you!

East Coast

James Cook's picture

To all of my family, friends, and all of the people I may never get to know. The storm has brought devastation to many homes and businesses, but on the bright side, there is a big blessing in this that most may take a bit of time to see come to light. For many there was a great deal of maintenance that had to be put off due to economical crises. The new structures, and all of the renovation that will come will also bring an increase to the property values that have fallen so low, for so long. Also there will be a major increase in the job market, that will stimulate the working class.

Peace to all of you.

Thanks Dean

karen.rei2012's picture

In Toronto, we had wind and rain that tore shingles off the roof and knocked over trees. Thanks Dean for giving us the opportunity to help in whatever way we can. Our thoughts, prayers and compassion are with all those affected by the storm.

Super Storm

Firebird0413's picture

Wow! I know it must be heart breaking to loose everything you worked for. I hope you have good insurance which you will be able to rebuild after the storm and all. Maybe this is a good time to thank GOD and turn to him in a time of need. Remember Job lost everything but his intergrity. After it was all over the LORD blessed him double. So remember the story of Job as everyone in NY, NJ, & CT are all Jobs. I pray your area will be rebuilt, your electricity turned on and food on the table. Have faith in GOD.

Help Is On The Way

My heart and prayers go out to those that experienced the storm. Help is on the way and will come in different forms. Some help will be by encouragement, some by inspiration, others by charitable gifts of love, but all by God's helping hand moving on the hearts of those that He has set aside to help in times like these. God's grace and strength to all of those that have experienced such devastation, but just be determined to make it for what does not kill you will make you better! I am thankful to Dean for being one of those that God is using in this time to be a blessing, and I pray blessings come back to him and his family an hundred fold!!!