Dean Graziosi Weekly Wisdom #208 - Help the Victims of Hurricane Sandy

This Weekly Wisdom is all about helping the folks whose lives have been affected or even devastated by Hurricane Sandy. Post an encouraging message to those on the East Coast and we will donate $5 bucks for every comment left.

Again, everyone who watches this video and leaves a message of support will help raise money for the good people affected by Hurricane Sandy. So please, watch listen and pass it on. In less than 5 minutes, together we can raise thousands to help restore hope to hurting people. Thank you.

PS- If you haven't already, you can still test drive Insider Elite for just $1!

Praying and hoping

gladia1985's picture

We are truly and deeply concerned and heart-wrecked by what happen and i hope my post can encourage a litte extra help to you guys. Please be strong and know that there are many people out to get you situated! We love you all

Thoughts and Prayers

bevjbear's picture

All who were affected by Hurricane Sandy shall be kept closely in my thoughts and prayers. Lean on each other, it is amazing the strength that comes at times like these. A little help by alot of people can go a VERY long way. God Bless U all!! fr Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada

Sandy victims

We hope the people affected by Sandy came come back and with your help and everyone else they will survive

Counting our Blessings.

Mighty1 Real Estate's picture

I am truly grateful for the things we have and for our health and well being. After seeing the pain in people's faces on the east coast, it helps to reminds us how fortunate we are to live in a place where that type of thing doesn't happen, granted we have our earthquakes here in L.A. but they are few and far between. Thanks Dean for your effort, as usual you go beyond what most people do. You will be rewarded.
God Bless you and take care of you and your family.

Thanks Dean

9thStreet-Christine's picture

Thanks for the reminder. Wanted to post to get another $5 in the pot and totally forgot. Love ya

SNOW TODAY IN PA, NJ, NY and New England

kathywensel's picture

Hi Everyone:

Here we go again!!!!! Sandy here - last week! Now, Mr. Snowman showed up today and tomorrow!
We will get through it! Everyone stay warm and help each other!

Keep working the Real Estate, Freedon and Helping People.

down & up again.... it will happen

Can't imagine the feeling of loss and sadness and anger you east coast folk must feel. I have only two comments to offer....

1. No matter what, never lose HOPE. Hope is the most powerful human response to keep you going when facing seemingly impossible situations. I know. I watched my late wife die from cancer in only 6-days after being told there were no more treatments to try... no chance for hope. HANG ON TO HOPE.... and recover sooner and better from your loss.

2. This comment will seem trite at first when considered from your situation right now, but it is true... and can work well for you...

"one ship sails east, another west,
by the self same gales that blow.
tis the set of the sails, and not the gales
that determine the way they go."

Wish you the very best in your efforts to survive and recover. Though they may not be able to immediately meet your needs, thank God and your fellow Americans for disaster services and humanitarian responses to help you through.

And thank you all DG family responses of prayer for these folk needing your thoughts now.

And thank you Dean for being quick to step up and share from what you can bring to the effort.


May God help all those left helpless by Sandy and may our help go to the greater benefit of them all.

I feel for those people...

I can't imagine what they're going through. I know there are many people trying to help, but we can all always do more.

Thanks for your efforts and your example, Dean... you've got such a good heart. I'm glad that I found you and that I bothered to order the books.

I'm hooked up with something I can believe in!


God be with you. You are all in my thoughts and prayers. I hope everyone will fare well in this next storm heading this way.

Dean, God bless you for your compassion and contribution as well.

Prayers For All on the East Coast

The caddie's picture

When Mother nature strikes you just need to pray that its not that bad. My family in Cape May Nj was affected and everyone was safe.My all lives in Sandy's wake become fruitful again.

Thinking of You

BrianNorris01's picture

My family and myself wish to extend our heart, our love and prayers to all of you that are suffering at this time. I've never felt the devastation of a hurricane and can't even imagine what you are going through, but we surely can pray for all of you. We pray that the Lord will bless and keep you.

Dean thanks again for your generosity.

Assistance For Hurricane Sandy Victims

Our hearts goes out to the people of the East Coast,...such suffering. Please know that our prayers are with you.


Myself & my family pray for all those affedted by Sandy. We hope the weather holds, allowing one less obstacle to heip put your lives back in place.
Thank you Dean for helping so much.
I am sure your actions will be most appreciated.


Praying for you.

Our prays are will all who were caught by Sandy.May God be with you all. thanks Dean

The people who suffered the most in this storm.

I want to say stay strong and never give up. When we go through situations like this everything seems like we have lost everything but as long as you stay strong and keep striving things will be alright. For people who have lost a love my heart goes out to you and just know that they are always with you. So stay strong and never give up.


Hello New York.
I just want you to know that are prayers are with you. I can relate to you,last year a summer storm swept through our town we were without power for a week it was tough. So hold on help is on the way.


East Coast

kathe's picture

God please bless and give the east coast people strength to pull through all their hard times, God bless Dean for this donation to help the victims.

My hart gos out to them

hutchie's picture

We live in central Vt but the storm,luckely did not come up this far. But my hart goes out to all that were afected by it. May the loard be with you in these trying times.


Thanks Dean! I have to

Thanks Dean! I have to say,Living on Long Island for 43 years,There has never been the devastation we are going through right now! So much damage, so many of us hurting and lost! As i write this,we are in the middle of a noreaster. Not good for this region. Gas is a major problem,as is electric service. But i have to tell the DG family,We are a tough bunch,And will bounce back better than before!Thank you all for the prayers!


Thank so much Dean for putting in the work that you do. It really helps all of us and really enriches our lives.

Dg family is the BEST !!!

Jay Sthilaire's picture

What an AWESOME pledge from you dean and this Dg family is willing to help at
At a drop of the hat !!! My son and I r in long island ny now restoring power
To thousands and see first hand the devastation. Your pledge with the positive comments from our Dg family and friends will be a BLESSING to so many !!! I am SO PROUD to be a part of this family !!!!

Sandy Relief

My thoughts and prayers go out to my fellow Americans in the northeast who have been devastated by super storm Sandy. through adversity comes strength. And to the families who lost loved ones my deepest sympathies.

super storm sandy's picture

Our thoughts and prayers goes to all our brothers and sister in the east coast affected by the destructive super storm may God have compassion of you all.

the cande man.

Prayers to those affected by Hurrican/Superstorm "Sandy"

Please know that you have the moral support from people thousands of miles away. And thanks to Dean's kind donations of our behalf, may you have additional monetary support as well.

I wish you all the best in the recovery efforts, and for the healing and thriving of you and your communities.

My prayers go out to you.

Enouraging Storm Victims

Tough times don't last but tough people do.
Nothing will happen today that you and God can't get through together.

Praying for everyone

I live on the Outer Banks of NC and we normally get the brunt of the storms. So I can appreciate what they are going through. It is truly a terrible time for everyone especially the ones that lost everything! Certainly a great deed Dean! God Bless you for doing this!

Hurricane Sandy relief

Praying for the safety of you who have been affected by the Hurricane. Hang in there and
may your lives return to normal as soon as possible.

You're all LOVED

To survive the magnitude of devastation brought forth on you and left behind in it's wake, you are all truly loved. I know you don't think so right now but all the Angels are there with you. They will make sure to secure you with binding love and faith. You are not forsaken. Everything happens for a reason. Reasons we don't know or understand. Someday we will. Just not today. Keep praying. Don't ever stop. You are heard and you are LOVED. Remember Always. Patti

Hurricane Sandy

geturdun2's picture

Our family is praying for your needs to be met. I have a brother working in New York and Jersey helping people sort out their insurance claims. If there is anything we can do please let us know. God Bless you all.
Todd and Judy Johnson Family.