Dean Graziosi Weekly Wisdom #240 - Life Abundant

There's been a lot of tragedy in the news lately. In you're own life you've been exposed to phrases like; "We're running out of fuel, the environment is in the toilet, things are falling apart..."

But what if things are actually getting better and we are only seeing half the picture? Well if the future seems gloomy to you, then what Dean has to share with you this week is going to completely change your mind.

Watch the Video and Then Click Here For The Abundance Book

I've ordered my copy!

femailceo's picture

I love growing and helping others to grow or to help them in whatever they made need at the time. For Oklahoma it is to get back on their feet. Thank you also Dean for not selling our information.

RE: God Bless America and Abundance

mwoode's picture

Dean Thank you for offering us life altering soulutions and a call for action. Especially taking our proceeds and helping those facing the devestation in Oklahoma. You are truely an inspiration and I will share this book with others in my inner circle of family and friends. I too, find it hard to just sit and read and tend to learn more by doing and seeing. I have not read many books either but for some reason this may be different. I cant wait to get my copy. Thank you and God Bless America Smiling


kcw6150's picture

Dear Dean, you redefine the meaning of FAMILY, we
believe you to be #1. Your ideas of bringing people together to make their lives better is beyond admirable and you do it with flair. Thanks for your positive attitude and all you do.
Our Best to You and Your Family,
Kevin & JillYMH5B

Love Peter and his book

HomeRoots's picture

I love the book. I already pre-ordered it before it was even published. I am happy to buy it again because of what you are doing for the families in Oklahoma.

Mistake in misprint

lateinlife's picture

Dear Dean, thanks!!
Sima M Schwartz


ogaines's picture

Dean, thanks for sharing this book with us! I look forward to studying anything that helps to change my programming! To your AND my success,



Mighty1 Real Estate's picture

Yes Dean, you are a giver not only of knowledge, but of all things. I had trouble understanding the magic of giving until I remembered my bible verses. "Give and it shall be given unto you" which is the reason you are so blessed and other people in this business are not. I know how your heart works and God will always bless you. There are those of us who always pray for you and your Family Dean.
Thanks for that infomercial in the middle of the night which gave me hope to try just, "one", more thing and it is the last thing because I know this works.
See you soon,

Get on Diamandis continuing ed sites!

I was so pleased that DG also discovered deep value in Peter Diamandis (X Prize founder) important paradigm shift into Abundance. DG always is so focused on bringing his students the best!

I checked Abundance out from the library a couple months ago after seeing it featured in FORTUNE. It really helped me battle against the naysayers in ALL areas of life. Through it, I also learned of several other Diamandis websites which I found continually helpful (listed below).

For each S&H $7 paid for your hard cover copy (well worth having!!!) I believe PD also provides a copy FREE to an educator to spread the word to many more millions. The three training videos effectively summarize most of his main points about Abundance found in the book and the best case studies that embody its potential(seems that he learned his exact video methods straight from DG, since it's eerily similar, down to the everyday background). PD's regular blogs (DO SUBSCRIBE at sites listed below) always highlight the most effective social entrepreneurs, crowdfunding, innovation, and tech millionaires plowing back into most worthy developments...join the movement! (subscribe to the blog) and (subscribe to news) (join a team to win!) (impact 1B people!)

P.S. If you're a student or have a college age student coming up, Singularity University PD also founded sounds like it may be a good way to prepare to contribute most to future global breakthroughs.

Abundance Book, helping OK people

Wow, Dean. You sure go out of your way to save me from myself! I would encourage you to remain true to YOUR self as well, as there is often an "annointing" as you . . . . "minister" . . . so to speak.

Thank you sooo much for helping OK weather victims!



Thank you for the book I'm sure I will enjoy reading it and to you also for donating the money. This is wonderful thing you do.
Thanks, Crossover Sandy

Great Book!

Jay_808's picture

I've read the book and I'm buying another copy for a friend to support your cause. Thank you!

Doing Great things as always Dean

Davemchs's picture

Thanks for doing great things. I happen to be part of Peters email list and got the book last week. Just getting into it now. After watching his videos he seems like an awesome guy....not quite as awesome as you tho;)

Thanks for making the world a better place!

Thanks Dean

Thank you Dean for the book offer! Gonna get the book was just told about the difference today about a scarcity mind set vs an abundance mindset. You are prophetic more than you know when it comes to the inspiration and direction you give. Also, your always thinking about other people and I love watching your heart for others at work. Appreciate all you do.


Peter's Book & OK

Thank you Dean you are so very generous, I hope one day I will be able to help others like you. I have ordered this book to work on my mindset, I really need it (Due to all the negativity we all encounter). The financial help to OK tornado victims is appreciated. You are blessed and you bless others less fortunate.


TTRON's picture

I ordered the book also!

You do great work Dean. Hopefully someday it will sink in through my thick scull!

Maybe this book will get me kick started!


Thanks Dean: Great blog, you are such a great,and caring person. Always willing too help all.Most of all I like you are going to donate funds to oklahoma. Thanks for sharing information aon book.Carol in Texas

RE: Weekly Wisdom- Life Abundant

Hi Dean, You are an inspiration to me. Thank you for being such a positive person. Life is difficult enough without constantly hearing negative news, because of the challenges it brings to each of us. I look forward to your blogs and want you to know that you are making a positive difference in the lives of others. I thank God for you and pray that He will continue to give you the strength and resolve to handle all the stresses and struggles that comes with being front and center in the eyes of the public, and for wearing all of the hats that you wear as spokesperson, real estate leader, father, husband, author, mentor, etc. Keep challenging us to become a part of the solutions, instead of the problems in this world. I’m still a work in progress. I wish you, and all the other fathers, a Happy Father’s Day. Please keep fighting for your families. God is good. God is able, and you can lean on Him 24/7. I ordered the book. Thanks again.

True character of Dean....

Carl_USN's picture

...this is yet another example of how generous Dean is. Thanks Dean!


You are a true angel. It's good to know that there are people like you in this world that are willing to help any and everybody. You are amazing.


God created the world perfect its just humans who pollute the world with gases, chemicals,fumes etc. God also created the world in abundance we will never run out of fuel or any other natural resources earth produces in over abundance. Its great to see dean an everyone help those folks out in Oklahoma I prayed for those people and asked God to help them get their lives back together many people lost everything they had there homes there businesses everything now they have to start from scratch start all over again. So its good that we all help and donate and pray for the people in Oklahoma because we care God bless.


JewelsTexas's picture

Just exploring through the site yesterday late evening after the Father's Day fun. I had not heard of Abundance book until DG. But, I did order it. I must admit I'm anticipating receiving it.

always others

Dean, it never ends, you are unselfish, always a pleasant surprise. stay the course.


Really Dean,
I get the book and help needed people. like you teach, win win situations. I'm happy Smiling
thank you Enjoy & Until


Cbardy43's picture

Dean I relly injoy all the weekly videos. And happy to know that you are helping those in need. I have deen tring to order this book , but my computer keeps teeling me that I have the old version . Don't know what to do I ahve tryed to download thenew. but no luck. I'm new at this. May more blessing go your way.

Thank you for being generous

bahney's picture

Thank you for being generous and helping those in need! Looking forward to reading the book.

Thanks Dean

Dean, thank you so very much for the offer of this free book. Heard about the abundance versus scarcity mindset, and now I can read about it and a good understanding and was out any wrong thinking lurking inside my mind. Appreciate all you do.


If i had some one like Dean!!

jjd152027's picture

If I had some one like Dean growing up I
would not have gone threw so much crap in
my life time on earth he is so caring some times
I just don't want to believe that a man can
be so caring the way he is today and everyday,
there are times in my life that I want to give
up trying but I here dean's voice say don't
do it keep on trying you have to believe that
you can do it when there are force's around you that are telling you that it is impossible, I have to block those people who are pulling me
down out of my mind because they are not helping me to succeed at nothing but do a lot of negative talking to me and I ordered the book abundance and hoping to change my thinking for better thinking. Peace!!!


I'll take you up on the Abundance offer Dean.

Yea of course I'd like to read it, yet the extra
copy that goes to the high school student &
their teacher - along with the money you donate
hopefully does something cool in terms of the
positive ripple effect it can generate
towards all of our futures.

& Perhaps after I read my copy
I'll find somebody and give it away
to keep that ripple effect going.

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