In this week's blog Dean shares some insight into what he wants for his children's future and a revelation about what he believes is the best way to instill it in them. When you come up with that list of lessons and values you want to pass down you'll be able to identify where you are leading by example and where you can make small changes in your own life as well.
Thank you Dean
I ordered the Abunance book and hopfully will be here soon. Lately I can't wait for wednesday to get here now to hear what good advice we all get to soak up. All my kids are grown now but for one. He will be a senior next semester. He is such an awsome son. He always gives his mom a word of incouragement. He is behind me a 100% working with DG family now. I am on THe Edge home training course. And I am on my 3rd CD right now. Thank you for all you are doing for me and my husband. I think you've ceated a monster in my husband. He rushing to get all the list that we need to get started. He even went to talk to our land lord! and found out that he want to sell 2 of his own homes.
You change my life weekly Dean :-)
This is just what I needed to hear today. I have started my list and it is very long so far LOL! I love kids with all my heart and I have none of my own yet. It is scary thinking about being a parent even though I do want kids. I see what other parents go through and I wonder what I would do. But if I quit thinking about what I would do and think about what I want to teach them and then start changing me and being an example, I would start helping way more people immediately!!
Thank you so much!!
Excellent message. You continually impress us with your philosophies on life, your willingness to share with others,and the examples you set for the rest of us to follow. My wife and I feel blessed to have been lucky enough to have been exposed to you and your helping others. What a great role model for your children.
Mike and Kay Frazier
Hi Dean,
It is awesome what you are saying about relating to your children and preparing them for the future, but the greatest thing that any father can show his children and let them learn is to have a relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ, for what ever you do for Christ will last for all eternity, there is an afterlife and and Jesus said you must be born again.
You said it right you have to be that person and God sent his son Jesus to teach us that we must put the heavenly Father first and have no other God's before him.
His son Jesus said it in St. John 3:16 "For God(the Father)so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son that whosoevever believes in him shall not perish, but have everlasting life.
Becoming the BEST Me
Thanks Dean for this weeks wisdom.
I could not agree with you more that our children look to us as an example of what they should do and what they can become. They tend to mimic the ones they love and inspire the most and I admit that I have not lived up to their expectations as of late.
However, time changes all of us and it's never too late to make more positive changes, especially as of late.
The economy is beckoning those with the incentive and gonads to step up to the plate and make a dramatic change in our lives as well as those around us. The time is now.
Thanks for awakening the giant within (re: Tony Robbins)and reminding me to set a more positive example for my son. He needs to see that no matter your circumstance, you can make a difference and succeed if you only learn from past mistakes and take positive and reinforced action toward your beliefs.
Thanks again and here's to a successful and prosperous new beginning.
Thank you! Great advice. I
Thank you! Great advice. I will make a list what we want for the kids. Have a great week!
Dear Dean, thanks again for another inspiring
weekly wisdom. We are share in your sharing of
what is really important and how we can be better.
Thanks again,
My Heart
My daughter is my life to me. I'm a single dad and she is only 6 months old. I want to teach her all I can. Things have not been easy but watching you every week is really helping. Wish she wouldn't grow up so fast! But I will do my best for her!
Thanks for all that you do for us!
Dean Thanks
Thanks for the Abundance book and taking the profits and helping the families in the earthquake.
I am close to retirement age and want to leave a leagacy for my daughter and granddaughters.Unfortunatly I wasn't able to spend as much qualioty time with her when she was growing up, but I cherish every monent I spend with her now. I tried to set an example for her when she was growing up and hopefully it worked because she has grown into a special woman always ready to go out of her way to help the other person.Thanks for bringing that back to me.The DG family is beyond great!
Thanks Dean it is always a good thing to lead by example show someone the right path teach someone child or adult Thanks Dean As always great stuff
Writing it down...
Another inspiring weekly wisdom. As always. Thanks Dean. I have those things in my mind, and in my heart. But I just realize, putting the list on paper takes my commitment to another level.
Thank You Dean
I am trying to stress less, your lesson this week is really good. My children and my grandchildren keep me alive and thriving to do better.
Living by example
Thanks Dean for sharing this, I couldn't agree more about living by example. I have a 10 and 2 year old, and watching them grow and teaching the values but actually putting it into play is the absolute best lesson you could ever teach your children. As they grow you worry about the decisions they make or may make, but if you teach them by example and values early, it will follow them as they grow.
Thanks Dean for the energy. If we just live it everyone will catch on. It's contagious. I just returned home from the Buying Summit. I can't wait to get started with everything that I learned. I'm excited that I can make a difference in my kids and grandkids future. It's going to be a fun ride. Thanks again Dean for keeping us motivated and moving.
Don't have children and have been disappointed in the PropertyDi
PropertyDirect purchases from last Dec. Summit. I have been told by banks I overpaid for these properties, 2 are now vacant of 3 and I am STRUGGLING! I believe in you and have worked hard. I did pay for mentorship but that doesn't help what I bought last December! I was told this month I made $100 on 2 rentals, NET. I have had a revolving door on these 2 properties and am dismayed. I bought believing you would only have above board people/companies with you. There was no ability to do due diligence then, I have overpaid for all properties with PropertyDirect. I'm kind of upset and have prayed that God will help me with this. I spent $100K and have no "leftover" money. I feel I was taken advantage of since the properties were NOT sold for "a little" over leaving money on the table for the investor, as you said there. I'm still trying to make this work but I cannot refi any of the properties due to overpaying for the purchase prices. It upsets me as I have no spouse or cushion left. I'm doing what I can. Just felt you should knoow. Maybe you can check on the properties made available at the Summits so it does NOT happen to them... Still trying to better my life but out of money now.
Be the Example
You are absolutely right! My partner told me I needed to watch this weekly wisdom. He was so right. We need to be the example we want our children to follow. We need to not only use our words but our actions as well to teach our children what we want them to be.
Great Weekly Wisdom.
Good teaching of the day
It is so good to be reminded of great principles we should stand on. Thanks Dean
blown away
reworking some old offers, doing comparables on new prospects today, saturday...thinking how petrified I was at the 1st 3 day about compiling a buyers list. and you know what, reading other peoples comments is just so stimulating. how each has bit off pieces or chunks of your teachings and have plowed ahead with their lifes. even emotionally. well, deano I have to rewatch this video so I can really delve into a list for my loved ones. I'd like to reach the 71 yr old who wont pull the trigger yet but the albert schwietzer quote is just so right. bless you and all your endeavors. thanx for everything. randy brownstone
thank you
thank you dean,you really make me think.the last few weeks haven't been good for me 2 family members deaths.i have to stay positive and focused.thanks you
Great Weekly Wisdom
I hate is missed the free book opportunity, but working on my list of learned lessons and values. Thanks Dean
this is a very good video. I am always trying to affect others around me, trying to mentor the younger generation. So you're right, we have to live the life that others will try to have for themselves. thanks for this video Dean. I think it's something people should do: become better people and by example, others will understand how to be.
Thanks Dean
Thanks Dean for your encouraging words.
Dean, you are blessed to have been on such a high, when both were born. you didn't think there was anything to match the first, then a second, wow high. so the message is heartful and meaningful. but Dean, you still took time from your other family :)I could go on and on, but I'm diggig potatos up with the grand-kids
your next high is out in front yet. Bam it's here, remember those moments
Enjoy & Until
Lead by example
Hello Dean,
Thank you very much for your time. You are an amazing person. My father passed away when I was one year old didn't get a change to spend time with him. I'm the different person than the rest of my family. In the passed I had work for fourteen years in running a youth and community center. Building relationship with street/gang groups and community is a challenge. What I learned out of this is that I cannot preach to them and not walk the talk. Building relationship especially street youths (gangsters)they watch you to see you if you do what you say both on and off work too. Thank you Dean for such a incredible mentor.
Thank You
I am grateful to be part of the DG family . Thank you Dean for such imparting words of wisdom.May god blessed you and the lives you touch each day and changed.
Love it
Hey dean, thanks again for another vid. Keeps me on track. I def need that in my life;-)
So Important
It really is so important to focus on all the empowering qualities to teach your kids, yet to make sure that our actions and lives are congruent with what we want our kids/friends/family/etc. to learn.
*Leading by example*