Weekly Wisdom #262 - Dig the Well Before You Thirst

We all have those moments when life throws us a curve. Something completely unexpected that throws you for a loop. Here’s what Dean learned from one such “scary” event involving his son, it’s something worth applying to your life and goals.

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anticipate crisis before they happen

Great the kid is ok, yes Dean, sometimes we have to have adversity in our lives to get the real message? i encourage mistakes, so i can learn from them... If crisis or mistakes never happen, we will not learn. So, yes, applying it to real estate, prior to me taking action & making a decision, i always look at - ''the worst scenarior""" & if that result is ok, i know for sure, any crisis appear, i will be prepared, just like in combat, you has to be prepared for the worst, everything else come to place. Thank you so much, for the reminder...


Hi Dean,

Iam very happy your son is fine. The lesson you just gave , is great, we all should be prepared when our own 11 hit us. Thank you for this wisdom.


Silver Linings

So good to know that all turned out well. There is nothing as frightening to me as having one of my children or grandchildren sick or hurt. And, since my kids are 35 & 33, I suspect that that will always be my reaction.

My message is this, raising children is what causes so many of us the find the "silver lining" when we look into the mirror and find all that gray hair. Yes, I readily admit I earned every one of these silver hairs and wear them proudly! And, you can bet, I wouldn't have missed the experience of earning them for anything on this earth or in Heaven.

I don't mean to make light of this story, because it's what happens in the real world. Doing our best to be prepared is the road we follow because the alternative is simply unacceptable.

Hang in there Dean! You'll look dashing with your own well-earned silver lining!

God Bless Brody!!

kathywensel's picture

So, glad Brody is getting better. Sometimes things get scary and things happen quickly. Staying on top of everything is the key. Sometimes, there is so much going on. Every once in awhile something will happen that really gets our attention. I have a girl and boy and when they were growing up we spent time in the hospital.

Thank you for sharing your story.

Kathy Wensel

weekly wisdom #262 dig the well before you thirst


when I was watching your video I was getting the idea that we have to prepare for emergencies.

This is an excellent video blog, because you never know when you will need to know what to do and where to go when you have an emergency like you had with your cute little boy.

Also sometimes that emergency means money.
Like you have said in the past there is no problem if you can write a check for the problem.

Man oh man oh man am I finding that out very recently in my life that right there!! is so true!!

I had some things come up in my life very recently and if I had a check for the problem there would not be a problem.

Thank you Dean once again.

Amarjit Ahluwalia

Hello Dean
Glad that Brody is getting better. Thanks for your weekly wisdom and your all the positive energy you send our way.

Glad all is ok

thomgilbert's picture

Hey Dean,

Good to hear all is ok with Brody! Life can throw amazing lessons at us that we look at and say wow that could have been really bad...

Digging the well ahead of time is a great approach to life.

Thanks for sharing with us all!

Make it a great week!


Enter the Contest!

steinway024's picture

But before I go on about that - very happy Brody is OK - a scary situation for a parent! He's a darling.
Now - DGFam - get out your video made and enter the Send Me Away Dean contest! Do it! Just do it! I was runner up in 2010 - It changed me life! Well, what are you waiting for? Go!

Great Words Of Wisdom

So happy to hear that your son is ok...sometimes god has to put a little scar in us to lead us back on the right path....


Scary stuff, Dean. I'm so relieved that Brody is better.

While it is impossible to develop a plan for every scenario, I always react better when I have some semblance of one. I think better and am more focused, so it's a sound idea to apply it to REI. Thanks for the suggestion.


Be prepared

So glad that your son is fine. It is so scary when our kids are so sick when they are young. Then when they get older we worry about them driving and being out in the real world! Being prepared is always a great thing and this was a great weekly wisdom Dean. You never know what is around the corner so we must be wise and never assume that things will stay the same. Things can change in an instant!

I have 4 kids and have had my share of scary things happen as they were growing up! Some are still home but we still worry no matter what age they are! Thanks for the message.

Been There....

propertycircle's picture

Hey Dean! So happy to hear your son is back home with you. When our son was 7, he too complained that he wasn't feeling well and fell asleep. When I went to tuck him in, he was red hot. I took off his clothes and notice a red mark on his kneecap and a red streak going up his leg. I called the pediatrician & left a message. When my husband saw the red streak, he called the doctor back to say we were going to the hospital and told him to go to Yale Children's instead of this other hospital that we were going to go. By the time we got to the hospital, our son's temp was up to 104, even with the children's Tylenol that I had given him an hour before. In the emergency room they gave him Motrin and ran cool baths for him. Our son was on 4 different intravenous antibiotics because he was getting a reaction to each one. We stayed with him through the night as he went in and out of sleep. We found out that our son was bit by a recluse brown spider and had a severe infection. If my husband didn't "over-react" and got him to the hospital when we did, the doctor said that our son would not have lasted through the night. I, too, learned 2 valuable lessons that night. The first is: there is no such thing as "over-reacting" when it comes to our children's health and secondly, take action now with whatever you need to do because you may not have tomorrow. Thanks Dean, for your thoughts and blogs! You're so Real!
Mark & Mary
PS Signing contract tomorrow for house we want to flip...without any of our own money. Also, have a bid on a foreclosure that we are trying to negotiate. Wish us luck!!! Smiling
PPS Would TAKE ACTION NOW be considered a "secret". Also join your local REI Club & enjoy like minded people.


I am so glad all is ok Dean, what an inspiring story, In my life I definitely need to be digging that well so that there will be water when I need it.....You definitely cant have tooo much water...have a great week everyone

Great post

It is impossible to plan for everything. I believe that Dean spoke about being at the beach with family and there was an issue with his father or father-in-law, had to be rushed to the hospital or something. There are so many things that we can NOT control and are out of our hands.

Life Lesson

Hi Dean & the DG Family: Real good life lesson you share, and I really believe this lesson can b e apply to all aspelct of life, and if we live by this thought it would make life easier for us."Dig the well before we need the water". So Brody experience has taught us invaluable lesson. Hope everything is fine with Brody now. We can use this analogy in our real estate investing.

#262 Dig the well

Olesailor's picture

Glad to hear Brody came out of it ok, my kids are mostly grown up now (youngest is 15) but your story sure did take me back to a few situations like that. I used to have 4 wheelers and my two boys had a sort of track going around the house, one day my youngest (now 15) he was 10 then, decided to reverse path. Imagine how I felt when crash (have you ever heard two four wheelers hit almost head on?). Well they both walked away and the wheelers got pushed into the garage for repairs, but o t gosh I know how you felt.
God Bless

Dean's son

Francisco Alba's picture

I am so sorry your son was sick Dean ! I hope your son is all right. May God be with your family.

Dean and son.

Hi there Dean. I am glad to hear your son is doing a lot better.My son went through the same situation some years back.It was very sceary.He grew out of the asthma.God bless the children.


Glad to hear your son is doing a lot better Dean.


Every adversity hides an equal amount of potentiality, the law of polarity says.
Thank you dean for sharing.

Your son.

I am glad your son is fine now. I can definately relate to digging the well before you thirst.

The Little Man!

I am a father a four who are grown and gone! I am an empty Nester. BUT! BUT! we are made in such a way that these kinds of experiences do not depart when the children leave. I was tempted to use the word "kids", but the first entry in the dictionary will tell you that the word "kid" or "kids" refer to the little ones of the goat. Learned this from a Brit friend of mine.
Brodie's experience, it is not a story, has gone straight to my heart. As I looked at you Dean, I became YOU! I BE- CAME YOU!yOU TALKED TO US!
I will humbly ask you to ask Brodie, what was going on through him at that time.
If he came back to you alive, that is a powerful lesson that the teaching that you have inculcated, implanted, installed in this little man worked!!!!!
Great job Coach Dean at a deeper level! The little Man has absorbed at the deepest level of his subconscious mind what Daddy is made of!

Being prepared

TinaScott's picture

Thanks Dean for sharing! I am so glad your son is okay with that being said, our lives throw us curve balls all the time, but you are so right about being prepared in all areas of our business as much as we can. With our kids it's scarier. I am going to put this into place with my business as well.

I have been a member of the

NurseMichael's picture

I have been a member of the DG family for way too long. I have yet to make a deal because I am afraid. I also have WAY too much negativity in my life. I say screw the negativity and I am going to start doing something with my life and show my negative wife I can do this.
Loved your story today and me being a father am happy Brody is ok!!
Hears to digging a well!

Weekly Wisdom#262 "Dig the Well Before You Thirst"

Happy Holidays Dean & dg family!

I must say, it is very wise to plan ahead, (investigate, do research) because a rude awakening is upon the horizon if we don't. I love "dig the well before you thirst", Dean! Preparing a deep well of water "takes" a lot of time at first but "saves"one from a potential drought (thirst). More water is available, the deeper one digs. We can only withdraw what has been put in. I am so thankful & happy that Brody is doing well ! Talk about a weekly wisdom...a lesson taught is alot better than a lesson bought but sometimes in order to "pay" attention, we must pay a price or own something in order to value/appreciate it. Sometimes we never miss the water until the well runs dry. Your messg speaks volumes, Dean. The universe is a well of knowledge, wisdom, & understanding but we must thirst for and dig for it. Thank you Dean for being transparent, you are deep, calling unto deep. The depth of this weekly wisdom is profound and it's messg penetrating the core of my vety being.

My cup is running over,



jcwp's picture

Hi Dean,
First I am glad Brody is doing better. We love that you can take a situation like this and share with the DG family. You always find a way to make a positive situation from something that may not start off that way. This is one of the many things we love about you and the DG family.
Thanks again,

John Wakefield


Adding our thankfulness that your son ended up being alright. My palms were sweating as I listened to your story - it's absolutely gut-wrenching when our kids are in danger and we don't know how to help them...

Makes me think that someone should write a book about all the possible / likely scenarios everyone should have a plan in place to respond to...Another example of how taking action and working hard today often leads to a better tomorrow.


dminlow's picture

I'm so glad Brody is okay God bless

Thank God Brody is ok!

MsMonique's picture

Hi Dean,

As traumatic as that experience was, it was great you were able to learn from it. I have two sons and when they were younger I had such scares. You look at those little faces and think what would you do without them. But, I must tell you I still worry my sons are 23 & 27 yrs old and live on their own.

When something traumatic happens and you are bless with a great outcome.. You become so much more appreciative of life.

Give him extra kisses!

Ms. Monique

TG yr kid's alright

dear tony robbins on steroids, thanks for 2 more Amazing videos. I watched the live cast last night. your intuition is always right on. everything you talk about helps with both my personal and professional life. since you are commited to doing these things all the time, I feel you're getting better at delivering your messages. thank you so much for your generous spirit. you help me focus on my aims in life.
thank you again, herbie

-your repeating stuff is also great to acknowledge

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