Weekly Wisdom #265 - The One About...Sleeping Dogs?

There is a saying "let sleeping dogs lie" and it means leave something alone if it might cause trouble. Well in this Weekly Wisdom, Dean Graziosi suggests that maybe there are some "sleeping dogs" that need a nudge. The challenge here is to wake up the part of you that desperately wants to change your life, but for some reason has gone to sleep.

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Sleeping Dogs

kcw6150's picture

Dear Dean, once again very inspirational thoughts and push to all of us that benefit by it.
Thanks Again,

Great Message....


Having the opportunity to change my families lives and to help produce a replacement for the income we gain from the rat race is a blessing. Having the tools to be successful and the support and guidance provided by you and your team is 100% extra perks that you cannot get elsewhere. The speed at which you can do amazing things with these tools and the return on your invested time, effort and money is nothing short of epic.

Thank you for all you do and offer. We WILL take advantage of your kindness and generosity to explore how to do more, faster, more efficiently and get to the goals we have set.

May you and your family have a great holiday season.


Wow! Thanks Dean

Thanks Dean! I had a great time watching the video and I now super motivated to continue working towards reaching my goals.


Good Reminder!

Dean, thank you for always coming through and reminding us of what is really important to us, Education and Taking Action. Yes, sometime we get side tracked but your weekly wisdom has always keeps us in the loop!

Have a bless week!



Thanks once again for the encouraging word. We can never give up. Thank you for reminding us to push even harder when it seem like we are slowing down.


Thanks for the words of ignition to firer start me for the year coming up. Looking forward to getting started and making real estate a success.

Weekly Wisdom # 265 - Sleeping Dogs?

Hello Dean:
Winston Churchill got it right as you said - 'success is going from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm. The famous actress, Susan Luchi, also experienced many failures without losing enthusiasm; she missed the Oscar award several times in succession but she never quit; she finally won the Oscar. Churchill and Luchi both showed desire and continued to take action pursuing their dreams and realized success. I am determined to do the same. Thanks Dean for the weekly motivation.


Leverage! a good thought - thank you for more wisdom!

Hope your week is amazing too!

sleeping dogs

firefly's picture

Hi Dean,

Thank you for another great message.


Thanks for Inspiring

jcwp's picture

Thanks Dean for the weekly reminders and the inspiration they bring.

I love reading these posts...I can see how it would keep you inspired!! You are reaching people and making a difference every week. How lucky are we?? Smiling

It's All About Timing

Charis 03's picture

And your timing on these weekly wisdom nuggets are so helpful. Life does have a way of zapping one's enthusiasm. But then there's DEAN.

I really appreciate your words of encouragement and how transparent you are as you seek to help others out.

Thank Dean!

Thanks for the reminder

Thanks for the reminder and the kick in the pants. I too, like others, have fallen victim to this thing called life. I had so many expectations for 2013 that fell through, I just wanted to quit. But something won't let that dream for more die. That dream, even with a faint heartbeat, still lives on in me. So I'm determined to make each day count towards success in real estate. Not just for me, but for those that need my help. Thanks again Dean.


Hi Dean: What a great weekly wisdom. What a crazy week last week....every day was Monday with new challenges...changed my mindset and moved my office/CASTLE so that I could associate with like minded people such as myself, closed on one deal and getting ready to close another one tomorrow, had e-mail issues which resolved......THERE IS NO TIME FOR THE DOGS TO SLEEP.....THEY ARE NETWORKING, THEY ARE MAKING OFFERS 25 TO ONE, DOING REHABS, WORKING WITH POWER TEAM, BANDIT SIGNS....MAKING CHANGES TODAY FOR A BETTER TODAY AND A GREAT TOMORROW....Thanks Dean and Fellow DGERS for giving me the push that I NEEDED towards an awesome life....HAVE AN OUTSTANDING / AWESOME WEEK / Happy Holidays


Thanks for this one Dean. I have been feeling all of this. It seemed as if this message was meant just for me. Thanks again.

Thanks Dean, you have said a

bdnelson's picture

Thanks Dean, you have said a mouth full. You have done your part to help us over and over again in many ways. I haven't made any deals yet but I am still working on it. I have two small kids and one on the way. My current job does not pay enough so with that in mind and your weekly wisdom, I come to realize I cannot give up. Once again, thank you for all your time and support.

Spot on Dean

Taketheshot's picture

Hey Dean thank you so much for this message! It really touched on some things I can absolutely recognize in myself. Thank you for your tenacity and willingness to keep encouraging us all with positive and honest reinforcement! You are totally right, the recipe without the action will produce nothing! Thanks for the second wind bud! Smiling

The One About Sleeping Dogs?

Wake up the part of you that desperately wants to change your life, but for some reason has gone to sleep.
Winston Churchill: The definition of success is from going failure to failure without losing your enthusiasm.

Sleeping Dogs

GoGreenCottage's picture

Happy Holidays Dean

This message was tailor made just for me! It's too easy to let life's myriad mundane details get in the way. Thanks for a helpful kick in the complacency O:-)