Weekly Wisdom #380 - A message from Sean Stephenson

Whether or not you know who Sean Stephenson is, this is a Weekly Wisdom you CANNOT miss! When Sean got up on stage at this year's EDGE event he delivered a message so powerful, so heartfelt and so full of emotion, that I had to share it in this week's message.

If you want to conquer this week and make it the most incredible week of your life, I recommend watching this week's Weekly Wisdom. Wow what a message!!!

And also, as I mentioned in this week’s Weekly Wisdom, to get two of my best-selling books for free, go to http://www.deansfreebook.com.

Enjoy this wisdom and have a great week!

That's Incredible

skywatcher's picture

He is a true inspiration. As you are Dean. Thank you so much for your weekly mental prodding and guidance to make us all become our better selves. One of the great books of wisdom ,the I Ching teaches us how to make choices in our lives to teach us to become 'the superior man' as apposed to 'the inferior man'. In this way you emulate the I Ching. You are trying to teach us to be our bether selves.


Dean hi.This was a very inspiring video.I liked the fact that your guest speaker was truthful and had a cool sense of humor.The Edge and your guests are wonderful.Thanks Dean.


cherriroberdes's picture

just wow

Thanks Dean!

bwraleigh's picture

This video clip brought the memories of being at this years EDGE event flooding back. There were so many inspirational presenters in addition to the capability presenters. It was a great balance and just the kick in the butt that I needed. I WILL succeed! Thanks again Dean for the best EDGE event ever!!

A very powerful man

DebraAnn's picture

Very powerful man I need 2 listen 2 it again & take notes as soon as I can as my eye gets better.this surgery was a challenged but God's not finished with my eyes yet vision still blurry working on vision & will get bk 2 work as soon as it clears up.doing eye exercises to try 2 expidite my ability 2 read again.


This guy is spot on and to the point. His gift is that he has a way with words. He is a perfect example of everyone has a voice and a purpose.


CaliTony's picture

Oh yea Dean, was OFF THE CHAIN!!!! thanks for all you do! be well.

Weekly Wisdom #380 - A message from Sean Stephenson

SKL Properties's picture

Hi Dean, Hi Sean

Very inspiring.......Smiling

Thank You Dean for all you continue to do...xo


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