Dean's Weekly Blog

Dean Graziosi Weekly Wisdom #238 - Properly Placed Honor

This week we remember those brave men and women of the military who gave the ultimate sacrifice for our country. You are encouraged to post your words of gratitude and remembrance by posting below. Let's remember that the holiday that begins this week is for our fallen servicemen and women.

If, like Dean, thinking about those who gave their lives in the military also reminds you of other people who have impacted your life, be grateful for them as well. Do however remember what this holiday is truly in honor of.

Dean Graziosi Weekly Wisdom #237 - Pause for Oklahoma Victims

Once again our nation has been rattled to the core by another destructive act of nature.

Oklahoma has been thrown into chaos over the massive tornado damage and precious lives have been lost. Dean shares the heartbreak of thousands who watch from afar as we can only imagine the pain and suffering being felt by the those at ground zero.

So once again we rally together as a family of "investors" and turn our eyes away from focusing on doing deals to band together to make an impact for the victims. Please watch and share the video to rally support. Every little bit counts. Alone, we can do a little, but together, we can make a tremendous difference. For easy ways to help please click here

Dean Graziosi Weekly Wisdom #236 - On Location In Carlsbad

This week Dean has recorded his blog from Carlsbad, California while on a family trip to visit Legoland and watch Monster Trucks. He uses this experience to reflect on how grateful he is for what real estate has allowed him to do and what the ultimate fruits of are for him and so many others - freedom.

Also, if you missed the LiveCast, please take some time to watch it. There are some amazing clips from EDGE 2013 mixed in that are a "must see" if you did not experience it this year.

Watch The Livecast Replay and See The Amazing Training Segments from EDGE 2013

Dean Graziosi Weekly Wisdom #235 - It's Not a Sprint

Do you feel like you have mountains of obstacles standing between you and your goals with real estate? This week Dean shares some wisdom and perspective that will help you as you press on towards your goals.

Make sure to register for the FREE LiveCast happening Thursday by clicking here.

Dean Graziosi Weekly Wisdom #234 - Peek Inside the EDGE 2013

We just completed the 5th annual Gain the EDGE event and it was such an amazing weekend, Dean want's to give everyone a peek inside. In this episode of the Weekly Wisdom. Dean raves about the speakers, attendees and all the truly inspiring things that occurred and includes two clips of some of the most powerful tips revealed at the event. If this leaves you hungry for more, stay tuned...Dean has a surprise in store for you next week!

Get Your Spot to EDGE 2014 Today Before It Sells Out!

Dean Graziosi Weekly Wisdom #233 - A Year's Worth of Inspiration

EDGE 2013 has come to an end, but what an amazing event it was this year! With that in mind Dean shares what gives him the inspiration to continue striving to make our education even better, despite already being leaps and bounds beyond on any other so called "guru" or training company out there. Dean also shares why it is so important that he inspires you - so you don't miss the amazing opportunities in real estate available right now that can change your future. Please leave us a comment, especially those that were at or watched the EDGE event to share some of the amazing things you learned.

Dean Graziosi Weekly Wisdom #232 - EDGE 2013 Is Almost Here, Will You Be Participating?

In this week's blog Dean takes some time to clarify the Weekly Wisdom from last week, as well as share some important details about having a success mindset. But most importantly, EDGE 2013 is this weekend, and for all those who can't make it but want to participate we will be streaming a live broadcast online. You only have until Thursday night to reserve your spot if you haven't already, so don't wait until it is too late to get you setup.

Click To Watch EDGE 2013 Live From Home

Active Insider Elite Members, Click Here to Get Your IE Discount

Dean Graziosi Weekly Wisdom #231 - Expectations and Experience

Have you stopped to consider how your mindset and attitude impact your results as a real estate investor? It’s very similar to how two different people might approach a theme park ride.
If one is excited and the other is terrified, their attitudes don’t change the ride, only how each rider experiences it.

In this segment of the W.W. Dean offers some practical suggestions for setting your expectations and enjoying the ride…the real estate ride that is.

Dean Graziosi Weekly Wisdom #229 - I’m Not Fooling Around Here

The first day of the 4th month is traditionally a time for rubber chickens and silver dollars glued to the sidewalk. Well, that’s all well and good for some, but you won’t find any of that nonsense here.

Dean Graziosi is starting this month off by giving away a free iPhone, and copies of his brand new book 30 Days to Real Estate Cash. Then, to wrap it all up…he’s got some great advice to get you outta “park” and into “drive” in your life. Don’t forget to leave a comment below and let him know you’re watching and then download 30 Days to Real Estate Cash for free!

Dean Graziosi Weekly Wisdom #228 - Your Unfair Advantage

This week Dean will share the two things you need to succeed in real estate. You might think it’s a buyers list and a sellers list…but it isn’t. You might think he’ll talk about a good real estate agent and a banker…nope. Wrong. You might think he’s going to suggest you buy some special training or product…sorry, that’s not it either. (Here’s a Hint. It’s C and C). Do you have C and C? If not, you will after you do what is suggested in this Weekly Wisdom.

PS- If you missed it or had problems watching the live feed at the end watch the Saturday Livecast replay!

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