Dean's Weekly Blog

Dean Graziosi Weekly Video Blog #55 - It's This Simple... Learn... Implement... EARN!

Last week Dean posted an info-packed video excerpt from our new Empowering Conversations featuring top "Success Academy" Instructor Jeff Jensen.

Well, the response from everyone was so enthusiastic, Dean's decided to post another DOSE of this Killer interview.

Take five minutes and let Dean and Jeff help you determine where you want to go, and show you why RIGHT NOW is time to believe that you... (yes YOU)...can really do this too!

You'll also have an exclusive 2nd chance to get this ENTIRE interview on DVD and more!

Watch the video then click below to get your no-risk subscription to the interview series...

Get EC Now:

Dean Graziosi Weekly Video Blog #54 -

In this week’s blog, Dean is joined by Jeff Jensen, one of his top instructors from our Real Estate Success Academy.

You better grab a pad and pencil to take some notes, cause they brain dump a TON of juicy info in this 5 minute clip and wind it all up with a great promise to you from Dean.

Watch now...

Dean Graziosi Weekly Video Blog #53 - Happy Thanksgiving!

Next week's blog has come early so Dean can wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving and give you some updates to take into the holiday weekend!

PS: When Dean and I were watching the blog after it was done he realized he said "Shortstop" instead of "Third Basemen" - but decided I could just post this correction instead of redoing it so he didn't get any flack from our die-hard Yankees fans. Smiling

Dean Graziosi Weekly Video Blog #52 - Student's Pay it Forward Scholarship

UPDATE: Check out the announcement of the scholarship

Dean Graziosi Weekly Video Blog #51 - A Bittersweet 3 Minutes and 26 Seconds

In this blog, Dean gives an out of this world overview, on an easy method for pocketing profits. This just might be the most valuable three minutes you spend all week!

Dean Graziosi Weekly Video Blog #48 - A New Lesson and a Reminder to Sign Up For Wednesdays Call

This week Dean does a little reminiscing about his flight around the United States shares a little story about two of the students he met. He also urges everyone to be ready for the special call he’s doing on Wednesday, October 28th…talks a little more about his new show, hints about some great new stuff coming this week and gives you a little task to improve your skills as a real estate investor.

Watch now, and don't forget, if you are NOT yet signed up for his FREE call on Wednesday, do so below.

Sign Up For The Call!

Dean Graziosi Weekly Video Blog #46 - SuccessFest In October Well Underway!

In this week's blog Dean gives you a peek inside his office as well as a peek at what is coming up as part the October SuccessFest that is underway!

If you missed the newsletter be sure to grab your copy using the link below.

Get your copy of the NEWSLETTER here!

Dean Graziosi Weekly Video Blog #45 - AND The Winner Is...

In this weeks blog Dean announces the winning cover you chose from two weeks ago.

Thanks one and all for your support and help!

Dean also talks about something he learned as a result of taking a whirlwind flight around the nation last week. I think it will surprise you!

So take a minute to watch and listen now.

Dean Graziosi Weekly Video Blog #44 - Dean Goes to Neptune...?

It's not quite the planet Neptune, but Dean's definitely doing something out of this world. He's on the move this week and in this blog he introduces us to two students he visited on his trip. What is he doing? Well, you'll have to watch and listen to find out what great new things Dean's doing for all the "Graziosians."

Dean Graziosi Weekly Video Blog #43 - Click and Pick to Help Dean Create "Our" Next Book

In this week’s blog Dean asks for your help in choosing a cover for our next book.

His brilliant design team put together six different covers and Dean liked them all so much, that he couldn't decide on the best one.

So, who better to help decide on a cover for our new book than you?!

So, please take a look and click and pick your favorite.

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