Dean's Weekly Blog

Dean Graziosi Weekly Video Blog #75 - Four Thousand One Hundred and Fifty One...Give or Take!

That's the approximate number of days Dean has done it. Done what you ask? Well, you need to watch to find out.

This week Dean doesn't really have a definitive lesson for you. His blog hopefully will make you smile a little as he allows you to take a peek back in time to his "younger" days.

Dean Graziosi Weekly Video Blog #74 - Dean Returns With Tremendous Tips on Tax and More...

Well, it sure seems that spring has sprung. That's good news for finding fresh real estate deals. So, this week Dean shares about his adventure in NY last week and provides some great "get off your butt" encouragement now that most of us are seeing more sunny days. Enjoy and as always, we covet your comments!!!

Dean Graziosi Weekly Video Blog #73 - Dean's Been REPLACED!!!???

It's true, this week some mystery man has swooped in and taken Dean's place in the weekly blog!

Fortunately, he's provided a great video for you to watch and learn from...check it out now.

Dean Graziosi Weekly Video Blog #72 - Woo Hoo! A BIG Week For Students!

This week Dean has a congratulations for all of you who had a part in setting a record last week.

No, Guinness World Records won't be paying anyone at our office a visit, but for the people that made the record happen, you'll be getting something much more exciting and rewarding.

What record was broke? Well, watch the blog and see...

Learn how you can be part of EDGE 2010

Dean Graziosi Weekly Video Blog #71 - Develop an Attitude of Gratitude

You don't see it in his videos, so you may not think it ever happens, but it does. Dean Graziosi get's down in the dumps too! Of course he does, it is a hazard of being human. In this blog, Dean shares what he did just a few days ago when the blues came a calling.

Take a few moments and watch now, this is powerful good stuff.

Dean Graziosi Weekly Video Blog #70 - Entitlement or Ownership...What Side Are You On?

In Dean’s latest blog, he takes on the tendency many people have of complaining or expecting that their problems and difficulties should be resolved by others.

Dean Graziosi Weekly Video Blog #69 - What is Dean's Fuel?

In this week's blog, Dean delivers a simple, honest message expressing how grateful he is for your use of and participation on this website, as well as how to benefit from it.

Then he talks about some special FREE training videos already available, with more coming this week. Take a moment to watch and listen now.

Dean Graziosi Weekly Video Blog #68 - Registration For The E.D.G.E. Conference Open Now

Last Thursday Dean opened up the registration for his 2nd (likely to become his annual) live training event. There have been a variety of responses.

Now, I'm no Shakespeare, but I've taken some inspiration from one soliloquy of his to offer some perspective on Dean's blog this week. Post your thoughts after you read and watch.

Dean Graziosi Weekly Video Blog #67 - Perception is Reality

If you haven't registered for the conference call, be sure to do it right now.

Dean Graziosi Weekly Video Blog #66 - The Byproducts of Success

In this blog Dean has some updates for you, including an important conference call that is taking place in March. Also, Dean shares some of the many byproducts of success, both from our students and our company.

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