Dean Graziosi Weekly Video Blog #53 - Happy Thanksgiving!

Next week's blog has come early so Dean can wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving and give you some updates to take into the holiday weekend!

PS: When Dean and I were watching the blog after it was done he realized he said "Shortstop" instead of "Third Basemen" - but decided I could just post this correction instead of redoing it so he didn't get any flack from our die-hard Yankees fans. Smiling


jedoss55's picture

I just want to congradulate Alex on winning the Scholarship. I want to wish him the greastest of success. Hopefully I will see a lot of postings on how he is doing and who knows maybe someday I too can be in the Academy and get the leg up that I need. Happy Thanksgiving to all of the DG family and I hope that the holiday season is good for all.

J Doss
Flagstaff, AZ


Indiana-Joe's picture

Thanks for taking the time to do another video blog this week. It is always great to hear the information and wisdom that you have to share with us. Thanksgiving is a special time to reflect and find things that we are thankful for in life. Everyone has challenges they face but its how we get through those challenges that makes us appreciate where we might be today or in the near future. I want to wish the DG website family a very Happy Thanksgiving! It is always a great time when you can share the holidays with family and friends! Smiling - Joe & Stacey

Take a break!

rikee's picture

I wanted to wish everyone a happy Thanksgiving, and encourage everyone to take a break from our busy lives and spend time with friends and family. One day won't hurt!

Thank you Dean for everything you do!



fracarell789's picture

Thank you for the Thanksgiving video blog. You always have great knowledge, insight and inspiration to share.

Congratulations Alex! Smiling I wish you the very best and am looking forward to following your journey in REI.

Joe, you are so right. I'm looking forward to being with family & friends tomorrow and count this as one of my great blessings that I am thankful for.

Happy Thanksgiving to the DG family.

SPR Property Solutions, LLC

Hey Dean,

I love your video blogs and your blog is NOT way too long. I'm sure most of us would love to listen to you all day long.
I would.

Yeah, there ARE some Yankee fans on this site. (I wonder who they are) and they had a GREAT year!! Yay!!
Congratulations to Alex Rodriguez. Both of them! It IS true that Alex Rodriguez has always been a short stop until he played for the Yankees.
I have to assume that Alex Rodriguez (the schloarship winner) is NOT a fan of the other Alex Rodriguez especially since he's from Boston.
I mean, Kurt Schilling, former pitcher for the Red Sox said, referring to the Yankees & Red Sox, "this is the greatest rivalry in ALL of sports." Wow!
OK enough of baseball.

Dean thanks for all you do. Thanks for all your encouragement & inspiration. And I look forward to your new book coming out. I KNOW it's going to be great!


Michael Barnes

I just wanted to jump on

pimpedoutgeese's picture

I just wanted to jump on here and wish Dean and everyone else in the DG family a...






Arodriguez3322's picture

Wanted to Wish Everyone a Happy Thanksgiving!!

And Michael, You assumed correctly. I'm a Red Sox for the rest of my life. Haha Thanks for the wishes!

God Bless


Happy Thanksgiving all!

Rina's picture

Dean, thank you for the Thanksgiving wishes to all of us, and for continuing to plug away at the book (Which we are on the edge of our seats for!!). I appreciate how you deal with all the twists life throws at you, and don't skip a beat. I have learned as much from "watching" you as I have from reading the words you write. Eye-wink LOVE that!

Congrats again to the winners, and to Dean for taking us to the next level! (Alex, again, so excited for you!)

And Happy Thanksgiving DG Family!


Much to be thankful for

steinway024's picture

Hello DG Family,
I've just finished eating too much (you have to, right?) and our family went around the table saying what we were thankful for. One of mine was this new real estate career! Closing on 2 deals at last (started in July) and have propective buyers already knocking. Thank you Dean, Thank you Success Academy,
Thank you DG Family. And of course, thank you dear Lord!
Happy Thanksgiving to all!

Very encouraging and factual

I echo all the sentiments that Dean mentioned in this special Thanksgiving Weekly blog. Many times we are so caught up in having more that we do not stop and think of what we already have that we need to be thankful for. God has and continues to be good to us, and we should always remember that. Thanks Dean for all your support and encouragement. Again Happy Thanksgiving to all and God Bless.



showtime951's picture

Thanks for the blog Dean,always thankful for everything you do.God bless & Happy Thanksgiving Smiling


Thank you Dean and congrats Alex make lotz of home runs with this program wish you well

Fred E

Michael, You're right....

dgadmin's picture

That is why Dean said he was thinking when he "Shortstop", but I knew our Yankees fans here would still be quick to point out Jeter is the SS and ARod plays 3rd now, lol. =)


They had a really GREAT year!!

AND (just for your information) Kurt Schilling was also a former pitcher for the Arizona Diamond Backs!

(I"m sure you knew that.)

Happy Thanksgiving

asiebert's picture

To Dean and The DG Family,

I wish you and your a Happy Holiday

Happy Thanksgiving!

Rick888's picture

To everybody at and all the faithful students - Happy Thanksgiving!!

Best Wishes,



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I don't want Millions of $$$....I WANT My Fellow Vetrans to Have a HOME to come HOME TO! You Show me How to INSURE That...I'll be Your BEST Student!!!

Happy Thanksgiving

I enjoy reading the issued here on this website. They are very motivational factor for the rest of us. dom...