Dean Graziosi Weekly Video Blog #48 - A New Lesson and a Reminder to Sign Up For Wednesdays Call

This week Dean does a little reminiscing about his flight around the United States shares a little story about two of the students he met. He also urges everyone to be ready for the special call he’s doing on Wednesday, October 28th…talks a little more about his new show, hints about some great new stuff coming this week and gives you a little task to improve your skills as a real estate investor.

Watch now, and don't forget, if you are NOT yet signed up for his FREE call on Wednesday, do so below.

Sign Up For The Call!

Buddy System

dgadmin's picture

If you need to find a like-minded individual to bounce ideas off of like Dean mentioned in the blog, a good place to start is in the Local Networking forum:

The "Groups" section of the site is also a good way to collaborate with others, locally or not:

If there isn't a group that fits you (your locality or needs), you can always create a new group:

I can't wait for this call, because I will finally be able to talk about the details of what Dean has put together. It is phenominal, and it is something have personally been looking forward to myself for quite some time. If you're not excited, get excited, because I know thousands of people on here have been waiting for it to because so they have described this type of thing they wanted before on many occassions.


Indiana-Joe's picture

Thanks for the information and inspiration of another weekly blog. The DG Members are eagerly awaiting the Success Fest Conference call on Wednesday! I am sure it is going to be packed with great information and inspiration! It is a great idea for new investors to find that real estate success buddy. It is always good to have others for support and to bounce ideas off each other. Stacey and I work well as a team and it is nice to have each other to discuss our ideas, efforts, strategies and goals. We wish you continued success on all your real estate deals and everything you do! Thanks for continuing to provide such great information to the DG students. Believe and Achieve! Smiling - Joe

Video Blog

Advocate's picture

Another great Blog Dean. Looking forward to the call on Wednesday with high expectations.

Have to make my apologies

Dean, thanks again for an excellent blog with a lot of great information and encouragement. I will like to apologize because I will not be able to be on the live call on Wednesday, even though I hate that I have to miss it live. This will be my first missed call. I have class, I attend on Wednesdays and it continues for the next 8 weeks. I guess I will have to be contented with the replay, that sucks. Hope everyone takes the opportunity to register and be on the call. God Bless.


Bring It On!

Thanks Dean -

I can't wait for the Conference call. God Bless you for providing this for the DG members. I would love to work the 'Buddy System' - looking forward to all the tips and advice.

Thank you - Francesanne

*"Only those who dare to fail greatly 
can ever achieve greatly."

- Robert F. Kennedy

Thanks for the Idea

I have been looking for so long, But finaly I got a private message that two folks that just started a new business would be interested in partnering with me. I write them back and waiting for a response of when can we meet together. For me this is another step closer to success.


Rina's picture

Thanks, Dean, for another great blog! Looking forward to the call on Wednesday.
I have to say that I would not be where I am today if it wasn't for the great RE friends/partners I have found on this site. And I have found that the more relationships I build with other investors, the more power there is in my own confidence.
Thank you again for reminding us of how important it is!
And God bless you for being there for all of us!


Looking for investors in Connecticut

Parkergavin0608's picture

Hi I am looking for someone ton partner with in ct please feel free to post a message if you are intereste
Damion Davidson

Success Story Report

rickbrock's picture


I read the report that you compiled from your trip around the country talking to some of your successful students. It was inspirational, encouraging and motivating. I would be interested in knowing how many of these students signed up for your success academy, if you wouldn't be opposed to sharing that information. You wouldn't have to name names, but of the total number you visited, how many took part in your academy?


Rick Brockmeier

Success Partner


Another great blog, the partner idea is a very good one. I fortunately have my husband, who encourages me in everything I do, but it would be nice for the two of us to have someone with investing experience to help us along the way. I think we both suffer from a bad case of cold-feetitis. But we are going to take the plunge.

God Bless You, for all your help, support and encouragement. Without it none of us would have the hope of a brighter future. I can't wait until Wednesday!

Believe In God, He Believes In You!

So Cal needs Success Partner

CJE's picture

Seeking Success Partner for Wholesaling and buy & hold in Ventura county

I have read both books; and have a Real Estate Agent sending me MLS listings; and making a few offers. I have access to Real Estate Investor Meetings as well.

If you are interested - please feel free to post a message.
Thanks CJ

More Encouragement - I can't wait for Wednesday

Captain777's picture


I was thinking just today that I would like to find someone here in Winter Haven that is doing real estate with you and your system. I am going to look right now trying to find someone to partner with for mutual encouragement.
Thank you for the boost. I am already signed up for Wednesday and looking forward in great anticipation. I noticed that Indiana Joe is usually the first one to respond to your blogs.
I talked with Ryan today at PMI and he encouraged me to go get'em and he also gave me a list of things to get done asap.
I hope all of you have tremendous success and are willing to tell all of us about it.


Looking Forward.................

MyDestiny's picture

Thank you as always Dean and staff for all the support you continue to provide for us. I am determined with all that I have to make this lifestyle change!!!!!!!!!!!

KNOWLEDGE IS POWER..............


Thanks for the updated blog. I look forward to the conference call Wed. night. All the info you have provided for us has been fantastic. I am currently taking steps in order to pull the triger on my first deal.

Great Stuff

Wow, such great infromation and encouragment.
It would really be tough without it. The Buddy
System is such a great idea. So anyone who interested in working together in South/Central TEXAS, please feel free to post a message. I am going on 4 weeks since I've joined the Coaching Program and I have yet to call them. Talk about creating fear in your mind, and I've done real esate in the past. The only difference is that I had a great paying job and good credit. Now, what I have is no job,good credit and credit card debt. It's time to make the call to the coach! Thank you again Dean for all of your support and I am really looking foward to the call tonight. God Bless

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