I went through the mentoring program during the fall/winter of 2005. CBR
You've got to find your obstacles and call them out! Unsheath the sword, and do battle with whatever it is that holds you back!
I went through the mentoring program during the fall/winter of 2005. CBR
You've got to find your obstacles and call them out! Unsheath the sword, and do battle with whatever it is that holds you back!
I am going through Dean's mentoring program now.
"Obstacles can slow you down, but they can only stop you with your permission." Dean Graziosi (BARM pg 101)
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11
For a little about me, welcome to the site, and a few tips for new DG family members, click on this link: http://www.deangraziosi.com/user/3249
I am going the mentoring program too with my wife. It's very overwhelming with everything one can do in real estate and all the info you need to remember. I get frustrated because I want to know everything their is in real estate but I feel so stupid because I can't remember everything. It sometimes feel like I'm not going to truly understand this and be able to give out good advice like most of you can at a moment notice. I'm very impress by a lot of the newbies and their knowledge that they have at this time (good job guys). I know what is going to be said to me on this topic but its sometimes hard for me. I work between 60-70 hours (between 2 jobs) a week both during the day and at night (graveyard shift) and when I get chance to this and get everything one needs to make this business work I'm exhaust but I try to push harder to get it done. When doing this hence me not remembering everything one needs to know because of my mental and physical tireness. I know I'm not the only one who has things to deal with in their personal life but I also want to better my life to where I don't need to work harder. I'm justing saying I need to know what can make my life easier in knowing this business and necessary info one needs to get these deals going it just seems you have to remember so much and have so much. I just need so good advice with all of this.
(I'm just kidding.)
JC, just stay confident that you ARE able. It might go a LITTLE slower with all that you've already got on your plate, but you can do it! Eventually, you'll be able to work smarter (REI) instead of harder (60-70hrs a week). I don't mean that as an insult at all! I can appreciate a man working so hard to take care of his family. But, won't it be great to reach a point where it's a CHOICE to put in that many hours?
Trust the coaches and the program and YOU WILL DO IT! If there's a way, readjust your time to fit it in. And have your wife learn with you. You know behind every good man, there's a good woman. (Maybe not, but I like to think so.
To your bright future,
"Obstacles can slow you down, but they can only stop you with your permission." Dean Graziosi (BARM pg 101)
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11
For a little about me, welcome to the site, and a few tips for new DG family members, click on this link: http://www.deangraziosi.com/user/3249
Thanks Rina, I just would like all of this knowledge to come to me when I need it instead of feeling so confused. Thanks for your comment and support.
There's so much to learn. Be patient with yourself. I've been into real estate for 15 years and when I read Dean's book and started the program I felt like a Kindergartner. We'll all be learning for the rest of our lives. The only waste is if you don't apply what you learn. Just keep moving forward. You've got it in you!!!
I sincerely mean that.
"Obstacles can slow you down, but they can only stop you with your permission." Dean Graziosi (BARM pg 101)
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11
For a little about me, welcome to the site, and a few tips for new DG family members, click on this link: http://www.deangraziosi.com/user/3249
Just take one day at a time. I can totally relate to you. When I got started I didn't know a single thing about real estate, I worked 60 hours per week, and I started investing 450 miles from where I lived. That means on top of the 60 hours per week working I had 14 hours per weekend driving to and from where I wanted to start buying. Here is what I have found. You have to get good at planning your day. Every morning make a list of everything that needs to get done and then get it done. Read every single day for 30 minutes. Take notes on what you read. There is something about writing something down that helps to remember. Quit telling yourself you can't remember, tell yourself every morning "I have great memory and I remember everything I hear and read" I actually did this in the begining because I had trouble remembering. Carry around a piece of paper in you pocket(3X5 index card) that has the reason why you are investing in real estate (your dream) and what your 30 day, 60 day, and 90 day goals on it. Read that piece of paper every time you think about it. I did all of these things. Remember success is not determined by genius but rather by determination. Nothing can stop you but you. Go for it!
You've got to find your obstacles and call them out! Unsheath the sword, and do battle with whatever it is that holds you back!
I am still reading Dean's book and frequently visit this website to learn about real estate investing. For those who are in the mentorship program or are experienced investors, do you recommend it for a beginner like or should I wait until I educate myself more on real estate investing? Any advice for newbies to get off the right track is greatly appreciated.
There are a number of students that started out knowing absolutely nothing about real estate and, with the coaching program, made phenomenal strides in their REI careers. cbrpower being a prime example. I wouldn't hesitate to join because of your inexperience. That may be a plus for you. A clean slate for them to work with. Sometimes it's us who "think" we know a lot that I'm sure frustrate the heck out of them. (Not that I've done that.
Consider it.
Good luck to you.
"Obstacles can slow you down, but they can only stop you with your permission." Dean Graziosi (BARM pg 101)
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11
For a little about me, welcome to the site, and a few tips for new DG family members, click on this link: http://www.deangraziosi.com/user/3249
Thanks Rina for the advice. Will definitely consider it. DId you do it?
I'm in the program right now, and learning so much. There are a whole lot of new concepts for me. Kind of hard to get past my pre-conceived notions on real estate, but I want to learn.
Best wishes on your REI endeavors.
"Obstacles can slow you down, but they can only stop you with your permission." Dean Graziosi (BARM pg 101)
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11
For a little about me, welcome to the site, and a few tips for new DG family members, click on this link: http://www.deangraziosi.com/user/3249
Rina, I already know how inspiring you are, and cbr, and Sully, and Mark, but now even the 'newbies' are teaching me just by the questions they ask and that I can relate to the fears and frustrations of starting out on this venture.
I am reading the book and learning a lot. I am managing my time better every day and totally ignoring my usual household agenda (and my husbands negativity)!
I will take on the coaching in the near future and I KNOW I can do it.
JC, you are going to do great at this and make your life much more enjoyable for yourself and your family. I am amazed that you are doing so great with so little time. You must be mastering time management!
Keep up the good work and you should ease up on yourself and just keep-on-keeping-on. You are a success just waiting to emerge from the fog of the 'learning-curve'. This learning curve is a passing phase and then excitement sets in.
All the best for your future.
I went through Dean's mentoring program as well. I have to say it is overwhelming with the amount of knowledge and support that's handed down. The boxes of binders and the whole kit holds a wealth of information that accompanies the book perfectly. DO NOT, however, take those negative feedback postings on the web in regards to Dean seriously. Sure, there is a price for the mentoring program, but it's an investment in YOU, your family and your future. There was short mention of it last night on Dean's call with Anita. I find the amount i paid worth it, and it has given me multiple avenues and ideas to acquire real estate. You only get out of this what you put in it, sure you can do it without being mentored, but these people have been there, are there, and no the in and outs of this whole new experience. Once you get in and get "dirty" all the "scariness" (think i made that up) will start to dwindle away. The most important thing is confidence. To build confidence you need to be able to have tools in your belt you know how to use. Read the book, get mentored, read the book some more, come here for advice, the more you get out and do and more you stick your nose in you will be amazed at how confident you can become to be an incredible REI!
Now...GO DO IT!!
I've been through Dean's coaching program. It was invaluable to have my coach review deals I was contemplating. That support was the push I needed to take action.
So you say
Sounds like the old saying "The rich become richer and the poor get poorer'
Okay, I guess that is an over-extension. But it was the first thing I thought of when I read your post.
Appreciate your input. I will take it on when I can afford the fee.
I think what Charlie was saying is you can put the money up.But not read a book or take action you won't get any thing out of it.if i am wrong i stand corrected.if we just take small steps forward and not stop we will all become suscessful.i can say it sounds like we are all in this together.
I would like to think that it is not a matter of the ones who are rich already, are not worth more than the rest of us...lol
I am rich in spirit!
I think his first sentence is about the money you invest in the program. Second sentence is about how much you invest of yourself. (Hope I got this right, Charlie.
I know what I have gained so far, for the money invested, is invaluable. The knowledge, the support, the training. And, the warranty/guarantee says that if I complete 5 deals within a year I will receive every penny of my tuition money back in exchange for my success story. There have already been a number of people in here (that I trust to speak the truth) that have stated they have already received their refund. I would say again that even if I DIDN'T receive my money back, the program would be worth it. The knowledge I have gained has ALREADY made me MORE than my money back in the real estate transactions that I've completed.
Investing yourself. If a person signs up for the course and does NOT invest their time and effort, of course it won't work. That's like anything in life. Most of us don't have someone to do things FOR us, so if we don't do it or delegate, it doesn't get done. Same with the program. They give us all the tools and the help we need. It's up to us what we will do with it.
So to anyone considering signing up for the course, it IS a benefit. It is not necessary , but VERY helpful in succeeding in REI.
Wishing success to everyone here,
"Obstacles can slow you down, but they can only stop you with your permission." Dean Graziosi (BARM pg 101)
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11
For a little about me, welcome to the site, and a few tips for new DG family members, click on this link: http://www.deangraziosi.com/user/3249
I can completely relate to the posts of others about feeling exhausted (working a full time job, kids etc), fear of forgetting what I thought I'd learned, fear of getting "out" there etc. These are all things that I have felt. I've been trying to learn everything that I can about REI. I read and listen to what I can, while taking notes all of the time. For me, taking down notes is a memory strategy. I sometimes feel frustrated, thinking that I should be further along, but I realize that I am exactly where I am supposed to be at this moment in time. So I keep moving on. I am excited that I will soon be off work for the summer and intend to be a mover and shaker so to speak.
So far for me the course has been well worth the multitude of information I've received. I plan to take full advantage of the mentors knowledge during the summer months. Also, this forum has been not only informative but inspirational. It's wonderful to see people from various backgrounds come together, offering support and advice to others. Our common thread being that of a REI. Thanks to all of you out there who post comments, because, although I don't always post, I continue to read the posts and glean the information when I'm able to.
Yes Bill and Rina, you hit the nail right on the head...
It's how much of YOU, that you give to being an investor and making use of the resources available is what you can expect to get out of it. Anyone can take a course in REI, or be mentored, listen to Dean conferences, read our forum, read BaREM, but if you don't go out and DO, you're not really making the first commitment which is INVESTING IN YOURSELF!! All that I listed above, are tools to make us better REI's, but if we don't utilize those to their full potential and sit around waiting for properties to fall in our laps, you have every right to be disappointed...but in yourself.
Frustration is the easiest demotivator out there, we're tired, we're overworked...but just think, with all this knowledge circulating around here, Dean's non-stop go go go attitude, the BaREM book and if you're lucky the mentoring programs, we HAVE THE TOOLS. It's like i always say, GET OUT AND DO!
Be afraid it's ok at first, fear is good if you use it to your advantage, but don't let it hold you back, use it as a motivator to leverage what you learn here and all Dean offers and in time, you will acquire the confidence, the strength and the drive to be a successful REI that all of have the potential of becoming.
I promise...never give up.
To all of you out there who afraid. I thought about this program for at least a month and talked to Dean's advance people at least 10 times. What it boils down to is the fact that you want an edge or you don't. For all of you real estate guru's who knock the program, you should stop and take a good look at yourself. If you are so savy in this business, why are you even taking the time to participate in discussions, you should be at your expensive country clubs having a great time. Now that I have gotten that off my chest.Yes I start next week and would be glad to help anyone with the knowledge that I will gain.SPECIAL NOTE TO SCULLY: I am on my way brother, full speed ahead. Anita, my hat is off to you, you are on your way. I hope to talk to you in person someday. ALWAYS WALK IN THE SUN
Good morning to everyone. Well I bought the T.A.L.D. program a couple weeks ago. Read the entire packet, watched the DVD's, been on the 4 closure alert, checked out the AFF. I am so pumped up about starting. I even pulled some houses up off the 4closurealet site, went and took pics, but I just have no idea on where to start. I am more of a hands on learner.
I just signed up yesterday for the Success Team. The initial investment had me a little scarred, because I live paycheck to paycheck, but I am highly motivated and ready to learn. Mr. Flood is going to be my mentor.
Anyone in here in the So California (Long Beach area)? I am very interested in finding other REI's to network and start spreading my wings since I am new to this area.
I have to say that I just found this site a couple days ago and you all on here are very supportive and helpful to each other. I am so excited about this mentoring program. Well I will keep you all posted.
Semper Fi,
And congratulations on joining the DG family!!
With your motivation and excitement, great things are in store for you!
Please keep us posted.
"Obstacles can slow you down, but they can only stop you with your permission." Dean Graziosi (BARM pg 101)
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11
For a little about me, welcome to the site, and a few tips for new DG family members, click on this link: http://www.deangraziosi.com/user/3249
Oh my God,,, without the mentoring program, I would never had the kick in the rear to get moving. Overwhelming? Yes, but as with any training for something new, it takes time, practice, and confidence in knowing that you can do it. Although I'm in the initial stages, it's great to know that you have the support behind you. I can't wait to get pushed over the edge and make that 1st deal!!!!!!!
I am so happy to hear that you are doing the program. PLEASE keep us posted as to how it all goes for you as I can only live your dream in that area.....lol
I will look forward to hearing how great it is working out for you both.

Do not be sorry. We all experience frustrations in this line but perhaps your problems vcan be solved by simply calling and asking for another advisor and letting them know what the situation is. There are some great coaches out there, maybe you just got one that does not fit your personality.
TWITTER - anitarny / FACEBOOK - anitarny
Thanks Anita.
I am probably over reacting to things due to my frustrations of being so new to REI and all the info and expectations coming at me all at once.
Im not going to get discouraged about it though.
I shall persevere and make things happen no matter how long it takes.
I will succeed.
Wow! allot of us are in the same boat. At this point I am at least half way through the mentoring program. I remember a few months ago when I was so intimidated and skeptical about spending the money for the program. The first week I lost allot of sleep.
I have never had more than $600 on my credit card at one time and have always paid in full each month. Now I have started my own business I have thousands on my card. But, I just keep telling myself it will all be worth it someday.
Sometimes the hardest part for me is to call myself an investor while I still rent my own home and have yet to make a deal:) But I do legally have a real estate investment business filed. I really want to become an expert in Lease options and seller finance.
As far as the program, I think its money well spent. Much more informative than the book.
Its a crazy time we live in. I never thought the houses around my area would be this cheap again. The house I rent was appraized at 495,000 a few years ago now its around 275,000.If only the lenders were as lenient as they were a few years ago
Course that was ugly and just wrong! But we could kick ass!!
Its also a little scary with this hyper inflation scenario hanging over the countries head. Another reason the mentoring program is so valuable.
Anyway, I fully support the classes and this site. What a great combo. You are all so supportive. Perhaps we will all meet someday and laugh at how we all made our lives a little easier from the incite of this forum.
I loved reading how you went through the agony of your first decision to take on the mentoring. I am still trying to get there and I will read and re-read your post to try to get myself to take that leap of faith (in myself)
Thanks for sharing that with me and I also hope we can all get together one day and look behind us at the financial struggle to get there.
I am too in the Mentor Program. The coaches are great. At first I didn't really apply myself and take advantage of my resources. I was headed no where fast, with the mentally that every homeowner I spoke to should just hand over their house to me. Crazy RIGHT, what was I thinking. I pulled back for a week or two to gather my thoughts. I was one of those, "Oh let's just wing it", type of people. But I want success not just fast cash. I wanted FREEDOM with my time and family. I didn't have goals or a plan. So, I developed both of them. I started to "Plan my Work and Work my Plan". CBRPOWER stated some ecxellent points about writing down you daily goals and reading daily positive affirmation to yourself. You see what the mind concieves and believes, it can achieve. JC and all others experiencing obstacles. Push through your fears and ostacles. Develop a plan and stick to it. Write out your plans and goals. Especially you daily goals. Your daily goals is what gets you to ultimate goal. Be Patient and Be Persistent. Oh yea, since I have done this deals are just coming to me left and right and people that are willing to be a birddog for me. I am very thankful. If I can accomplish this much so far so can you. You have my support and everyone else here. When you feel things are getting tough, back up and ask yourself, "Why am I so unfocused?" Don't complain, (Remember this!) "There once was a man who complained because he didn't have shoes to wear, one day that man met another man who had no legs."
"The entrepreneur always searches for change, responds to it, and exploits it as an opportunity." — Peter F. Drucker
I'm not currently in the mentor program right now. I'm pretty much living paycheck to paycheck because they cut my hours at work again
(another reason why im so excited to get into REI so i dont have to worry about anything like that ever again hopefully) But i think it would be a great resource for someone like me. Even better that i know absolutely nothing to make it easier on the coaches haha... Who knows, maybe one day you'll see me on the TV add with my success story haha
The foolish man seeks happiness in the distance, the wise grows it under his feet.