In real estate, as in almost everything in life the advantage goes to the one in control. Putting a property under contract even before all the details are worked out puts you in the drivers seat. And thats where you need to be. When you find an opportunity that looks good, always think about quickly getting it under contract. The contract gives you control and you will always have clause that will allow you to exit the deal if your due diligence (inspections, conveyances, zoning research, etc.) shows that you need to get out. In some cases you might need to invest in an option or a non refundable deposit, but this may be a small consideration in return for the advantage of controlling the sale. If you determine that you do not want the property, you can still assign your contract to another investor and be pad for it.
Control the Property & Include Escape Clauses In Your Offer
1. Escape Based on Condition at Inspection
2. Escape Based on Results of Feasibility Study
3. Escape Based on Financing
4. Escape Based on Repairs
5. Escape Based on Other Party Approval
Negotiate everything. You do this when you make your initial offer and later with counter-offers.Of course, being a Graziosian, you will get your price with your discount, but that is only the beginning. Look at the property and see what could be conveyed with the sale.
Valuable conveyances could include the washer, dryer, the drapes or blinds, the gas grill, or some of the furniture. I had a friend named Kimberly, that was a practicing REI, convey in the contract that the sellers 1967 Mustang and their Harley Motorcycle, go with the property. In another deal she conveyed that the spa stay with the house as well as the Italian marble hall table. SHE GOT IT ALL!
When appropriate ask for needed repairs or for the seller to cover part or all of your closing cost. YOU NEVER KNOW WHAT YOU CAN GET TILL YOU ASK! Think A Little Different...think outside the house!
1. Price
2. Financing Costs
3. Closing Costs
4. Possession Date
5. Conveyances
6. Ability to Rent Prior to Closing
7. Ability to Start Repairs Prior to Closing
8. Ability to Assign Contract
The key is to find out what is important to the seller, like I did with the 3 Houses. Offer them what they want and hen ask for what you want. If it doe not work, it does not work.
Great negotiators and great investigators (refer to May 28th assignment). They know that every transaction needs to be a win-win. You need to make make it a win-win or you for sure, but also look for the best way to make it a win for the other party.
Always be curious; always ask. Find out what is important to the seller and know what is important to you.
....boy! my fingers are tired, but I just had to gt it off my chest.
TWITTER - anitarny / FACEBOOK - anitarny
Thank you for braving writer's cramp to get this to us.
Hey, do you mean negotiating AFTER the purchase agreement is signed, or negotiating WITHIN the purchase agreement?
"Obstacles can slow you down, but they can only stop you with your permission." Dean Graziosi (BARM pg 101)
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11
For a little about me, welcome to the site, and a few tips for new DG family members, click on this link:
within the agreement.
TWITTER - anitarny / FACEBOOK - anitarny
Do you find it annoying negotiating through a realtor, back and forth, with the seller? It's much faster and easier doing it face to face, say with an FSBO. I know there are pros and cons to both, but sometimes I just like the old fashioned way. Ask, done, handshake. (then contract, of course.
"Obstacles can slow you down, but they can only stop you with your permission." Dean Graziosi (BARM pg 101)
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11
For a little about me, welcome to the site, and a few tips for new DG family members, click on this link:
and you can still deal like that, I did it with the3 houses, but in todays vicious would of foreclosures and REO's deal tuff, deal low and DEAL HARD!
Man.... Rina I sounded a little ****ed there for a moment didn't today I think I deserve a little mean
TWITTER - anitarny / FACEBOOK - anitarny
You should write a book in your journal about today. Hope it ended better.
It's nice to have each other to vent to. And plan destruction of evil
"Obstacles can slow you down, but they can only stop you with your permission." Dean Graziosi (BARM pg 101)
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11
For a little about me, welcome to the site, and a few tips for new DG family members, click on this link:
I find it's much better to talk to the seller face to face. The seller of my primary home now gave me a card welcoming me to my new home saying that they hope I make a lot of happy memories here, they gave me the keys weeks before closing. I've never gotten that dealing strictly with a Realtor. They left me a house full of furniture, a garage full of tools, nails, screws, nuts, bolts, paint, everything to fix the house, and all the manuals to the appliances and pool equipment. He also took the time to carefully show me how to operate everything. None, of my past deals were as good of an experience as this one. Last deal I let the Realtor handle everything, they'd never keep me updated, never return my calls promptly, it was the difference between night and day. Even the Realtor I used on my home now bought me a picnic basket with champagne and champange glasses along with a nice card of thanks. Plus, she contacted me shortly after the sale to see how we were enjoying our new home, that was a first for me. I still use her for comps, she sends me listings continually and I would definitely use her again. All the other Realtors I used got their money and I never heard from them again. I'm not trying to bash Realtors here, just sharing my experiences with you. I prefer dealing with the home owners directly, even when I use a Realtor, but that's just me!
Psalms 118:23 "This is the LORD's doing; it is marvelous in our eyes."
The only contingencies you need are financing and inspection and could get by with inspections. It covers everything.
JMO.. but I don't like putting excessive contingencies in my offers. It can put some sellers off and there is no reason for them. Because with an inspection contingency, you can reject the property for any reason.
Mark in some cases the buyer may want more or need more than just financing and inspection contingencies, in that instance it is good to know that you sill have room to negotiate. Not every thing and everyone is a cut and dry buy or sell.
TWITTER - anitarny / FACEBOOK - anitarny
My experience with realtors have not been good either... the one i am working with right now doesn't even want to find out who the cable company is.. (rural land). I have lost 4 sales in a row, mainly because realtors in this area of the country can't think outside the box. i lost property that was a piece of heaven.
anyway... i am trying to put a deal together right now for no money down to buy land and pre-sell the timber. timber companies want the timber, but they also have thier own schedules. the realtor and owner want to close yesterday... and dangerous part is that the timber guys could come in and buy the land out from under me... i am trying to get this under contract first... Realtor is hesitant of writing the contract... maybe is should have kept my mouth shut about the timebr sales... but i need 90 days to close because of the timber schedules
can anyone shed light on how to get this to work? they make something so simple - so hard... unless its my big mouth...
the realtor and owner want to close yesterday... Realtor is hesitant of writing the contract...
I dont understand how these 2 go together?? Whose realtor is it?? If it's the seller's then tell him that if he doesnt want to write the offer then you will bring in a realtor who WILL write it and he will get less commission.
If it's your realtor then fire him.
anyway... i am trying to put a deal together right now for no money down to buy land and pre-sell the timber. timber companies want the timber, but they also have thier own schedules. the realtor and owner want to close yesterday... and dangerous part is that the timber guys could come in and buy the land out from under me... i am trying to get this under contract first... Realtor is hesitant of writing the contract... maybe is should have kept my mouth shut about the timebr sales... but i need 90 days to close because of the timber schedules
can anyone shed light on how to get this to work? they make something so simple - so hard... unless its my big mouth...
Can you purchase property with hard money, then pay off loan with timber sale?
Watch your thoughts; They become words,
Watch your words; They become actions,
Watch your actions; They become habits,
Watch your habits; They become character,
Watch your character, it becomes your destiny.
Frank Outlaw
you can, just do it ASAP so you can avoid the interest on the loan and ake sure you have little or no pre payment fees
TWITTER - anitarny / FACEBOOK - anitarny
I just had a member email me and say that their realtor told them that the seller was allowing NO concessions and negotiating NOTHING. After sending him back a few pertinent questions to ak the realtor, it was discovered that the realtor had decided on the concessions, which wwere noe, and the realtor had ben the one to decided not to negotiate anything, on their own. The sellers were unaware and may have lost a sale of the property due to unscrupulous realtor. Just thougt I would throw that one in there.
Dont let the realtor rule you, tell you what to do and tell you what you cant do - they work for you....and you negotiate for your best intesrest no theirs
TWITTER - anitarny / FACEBOOK - anitarny
This all seems so complicated and hard to get everyone on the same page, but I won't quit. I'll keep reading and applying these strategies and hope that it will work. Thanks a lot Loria Gathings
get a hard loan to buy the land.....then pay it off with the timber cash!!!
no way they accept a 90 day closing offer... (in my opinion)
Don't Wish the Past, Create the Future! - DH
A seller almost always has the right to freely assign his or her interest in the land contract. (An exception might be if the seller is still making payments on the property himself or herself and the contract governing that purchase restrict the seller’s ability to assign.)
The purchaser, however, often has the right to assign his or her interest in the contract only after obtaining written permission from the seller. This protection for the seller exists because the seller may have sold the property to the purchaser on the strength of the purchaser’s character, time on the job, or credit rating, among other things. When this purchaser then proposes that a new person begin to be primarily responsible for making payments to the seller, the seller has the right to know and approve this in writing. Such an assignment by the purchaser to a new purchaser usually does not release the original purchaser from obligations to perform under the contract if the new purchaser fails to live up to the terms of the original land contract.
I really like this method of putting the property under your control. Here's my question, Once I hand over the contract to the seller with the details, isn't that it? How can I negotiate price, concessions, and more when the details are all ready on paper? You mentioned above negotiating has to be done within the agreement, .....I'm completely confused.
You lost me somewhere.
When you put the purchase offer in you should already have your dollar offer amouunt, concessions, exit clauses and anything else already spelled out in it before hand.
TWITTER - anitarny / FACEBOOK - anitarny
Ok, you opened this discussion by saying that we would be in the driver's seat by putting a property under contract before the details were worked out. So how can you put a property under contract without having the details worked out all ready?
TWITTER - anitarny / FACEBOOK - anitarny
No need to yell,...I'm here as a student hoping to learn. I ask questions to people that I feel are knowledgeable in the hopes of gaining that same knowledge. I'll be a little more wary the next time I post a question here.
Anitarny, You took the words,Right out of my mouth...Advantage goes to the
one in control!!!! Hello...Is anybody...There.
I think i can add the word "CONVEY" to my tool list...As a REI!
And always...Thank-you for reminding me{ASK,ASK,ASK AND ALWAYS NEGOTIATE}
As far as the term...Grazoisian!...I am doing to get on the phone with
The dictionary people.Understand we have CR laws, Still you know what i
mean, It starts with a...W and ends in a R's!
I am a GRAZIOSIAN--------Everybody Wins...I might give alittle more...
Because DG...Really brought me back
Take action!
Sorry guys, I was not yelling.
My cap lock key was stuck on my keyboard and that was all I could sorry.
Anyway I was not yelling and please accept me apology, I actually ended up just buying a new one.
TWITTER - anitarny / FACEBOOK - anitarny
I have been reading some of your comments on various subject matters and I am very
impress with the large store house of knownledge you have. Concerning inspection contingenies;Exactly,what are some of the things should be included?
I have read both of Dean's books but many things I do not recall. New stutent!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you
As I read your (Post)you made me think about the exception you mention: ("An exception might be if the seller is still making payments on the property himself or herself and the contract governing that purchase restrict the seller's ability to assign").
This is what I want to find out: Is there a release form (or what ever) that you can have the seller to sign so that you can contact the Mortgage holder to get relative info about the status of ownership, to avoid wasting time assigning and he does not have the Warrenty Deed on the property
Note: I am concern about due deligence.
MAXIMIZE. You can go to your title compnay and have them do a title search for you. Tell your title agent you want to verify the sellers mortgage balance, he will give you a form that needs to be filled out by the seller to give authorization to your title agent to call the bank and verify this info. Get your title search done this can answer these questions.
I got my mind made up..... (buyers site)
I have a question about the IEE form . The line that starts ..This sale shall be contingent upon the investor finding a buyer that shall qualify for financing according to accepted criteria of......and its funding sources. What goes where those dots are?
I'm just starting. Put some ads online(free)on 4 sites; however, the only responses I'm getting are others who want to sell their products-services to me. What can I do to get better responses and actually build my wholesale and retail buyers list? The population of my town is approximately 55,000.00.
How does a person locate an interested party willing to work with us (husband and I)?????
Isiah 41:10
Do not fear for I am with you; do not be dismayed for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you: I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.
Vangie Palmerton
When doing a MA are you required to give the end buyer a survey of the property?
If I decide not to use a attorney how do I go about closing on a property.
Are the contracts used in doing deals typed or can it be hand written.