While the economy picked up the second half of this year, the housing market hasn’t participated. Home prices continued to fall in October, though sales of existing homes picked up and homebuilders applied for more permits. Though prices stabilized a bit during the summer, they fell at a 7.5% annual rate in the third quarter, according to data from CoreLogic.
Let your HATERS... be your MOTIVATORS!!!!
December 15th, 2011 | posted by Carol StinsonThe world says that this is not a good time to invest in real estate! They say the real estate market is dead, property values are under water and there is no money to be made in real estate today. The media promotes the market as being the worst real estate market that this country has ever seen. They feature pictures of properties for sale but not selling, they do interviews where people are stating that real estate prices have hit rock bottom and that there is no value in real estate right now. This has caused the majority of America to view real estate investing in today's market as unproductive. The mindset of most Americans is that "somebody would be stupid to jump in and buy now when property values are down".
December 10th, 2011 | posted by Lane McCawBandit Sign Deal
Asking Price $30k
2 story
2 car garage
ARV $75k
Rehab $30k
Contract Price $22,500
Buyer in Place
$5k Fee Expected!
Close before Dec 31!
Get your bandit signs out!
They work!
The Big Players Use Computers & Software for Rental Pricing
December 8th, 2011 | posted by dgadmin2An article in the New York Times this week discussed the tools used by the largest investors in rental properties in the analysis of rental markets and the determination of the maximum rents they can charge while maintaining occupancy. With rents up and vacancies down, many renters wonder just where that rental dollar amount comes from, and is it just whatever the landlord dreams up.
The country’s biggest landlords together own more than one million rental units. These companies for years have been using a couple of major software tools to set rental rates. Somewhat similar to the software that sets hotel room rates and prices airline tickets, this software uses hundreds of variables to set rental rates, including:
• market conditions
• seasonal trends
First Short Sale 'assignment' CLOSED MONDAY! $4000 paycheck just in time for holidays (CO-WHOLESALING). :) IN CA!!!
December 7th, 2011 | posted by Zion PropertiesWell hello DG family! I know, I am not around here too much anymore and I miss it. I just have so much on my plate right now, something had to give. BUT, I wanted to let you know that I've now done my first SHORT SALE 'assignment'.
Here's how it worked. One of my partners who had a short sale under contract was going to let it go because it was expiring and they already extended it twice and had been working on it for a year. I told him to hold off on letting it go, I may have a buyer, sent it to my buyer's list and one of buyers was very interested. We signed the finder fee agreement and then resubmitted the short sale paperwork with the new buyer's info.
Santa Says: Lots of Little Deals Ad Up
December 7th, 2011 | posted by JennyInMalibuFolks, for those who believe in Santa and Dean (and even those disbelievers), I can tell you you don't need a lot of money to get started.
Wholesale properties can be purchased for SUCH little money without partners, assigning, or methods you might not feel comfortable with to start out. Fannie Mae's website is full of them from coast-to-coast.
My first deal involved purchasing a property from a wholesaler WITHOUT title insurance, and it's a lesson I learned hard and well. Now, I wouldn't even let someone GIVE me a piece of property without title insurance. It could be riddled with liens, back taxes and/or encumbrances, and could cost you a fortune to extricate yourself out of. I was fortunate to get out of that situation.