We are sooooo excited tonight! We just learned that the offer we have been in negotiations over for the last 2 weeks has been accepted!
The Fair Market Value is $180,000 and we got it under contract for $97,000. We have already advertised it out to all our buyers and we are asking for a $3500 Assignment Fee. We also posted an ad on CL so that we can get the word out to as many buyers as possible, plus we may be able to build up our buyers list at the same time.
This offer has been an exercise in patience, something we are in short supply of! Our original offer was $90K to their asking price of $150K. At the time, they accepted another offer. Then about 3 weeks later, they called to ask if we were still interested, as the offer fell through. We said that we were, and a few days later, they countered at $135K. We then re-countered at $92K, with a deadline of 5 days.
The deadline was a MISTAKE! They changed their MLS listing to say, "Only taking offers until Wednesday! Another offer on the table." Our realtor said she couldn't believe the amount of interest that stirred in the property. Sure enough, another offer came in to compete with us. The listing agent said the offer was $97K, but contingent on financing and that they would rather take our cash offer. Would we be willing to come up $5000? We agreed, but said we wanted to hear by Friday (that gave them 2 days).
They completely ignored our deadline!! Friday came and went and NO WORD! We were so frustrated by this point that we decided to pull the offer, but our realtor said that she had worked with this bank before and they are notoriously slow. She recommended that we be patient and wait it out, because if we pulled our offer they might lower the asking price, thus generating more competition. We took her advice.
Then, this morning the listing agent called our realtor to ask us to continue being patient, and that HE was frustrated with the bank, too! At this point, we weren't holding our breath!!
Then, tonight at 4:30 we got word that our offer was accepted!! We now have a 10 day inspection period to get it assigned. WOW!!!
Let's just pray that we don't blow it NOW!! Thank you everyone for your support and words of encouragement!! We will keep you all updated!
Dominic and Kim
Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. -- Henry David Thoreau
It's funny that you suggested that! It's exactly what we were thinking today when we were trying to find a notary either close-by or one that will come to us! We will most definitely take your advice! I didn't know it was so inexpensive to become a notary. Now it's even more worth it! We will make our money back in less than 8 signatures! Thank you!!
... which everyone has signed, it clearly states "and/or assignee."
I REALLY like that you have this, (good job!) and what was the final counter? Any response to it yet?
Yes, the final counter is the one that the bank accepted. So we are going forward as if we have every right to assign the contract. In fact, we wrote and/or assigns after our name AND our original offer has an addendum stating that we have the unconditional right to assign the contract.
We are going to try to assign it today. We'll keep you updated!!
You are my heroes... Good luck!
So, the Assignment Agreement is signed by both us and our buyer and the bank has been notified that we have assigned the contract and that they are to put Mr.Buyer's name on title. Now we wait to see what they have to say about that!
P.S. Thank you, Yuri! But I must say, 100 offers in one day???? YOU are OUR hero!
We are feeling so attached to your story! Not only is your resolve inspiring, you have been SO gracious to keep posting and encouraging everyone in this thread. I am believeing the outcome will be exactly what you are expecting! I was not as firm when I was in the same situaion, so I am learning a good lesson from you! Keep it up, guys. You will go far with the great attitude and character that you possess and display!!
I am inspired by you!!
God bless,
P.S. Thank you for the kind words. (you make everyone here feel special
"Obstacles can slow you down, but they can only stop you with your permission." Dean Graziosi (BARM pg 101)
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11
For a little about me, welcome to the site, and a few tips for new DG family members, click on this link: http://www.deangraziosi.com/user/3249
Thank you so much for the encouragement! It's amazing to think that by our sharing we may be inspiring others, because everyone's comments are so inspiring to US!
Hopefully we will find out whether the bank will accept our assignment today!
I don't know why they wouldn't. First of all, we have and/or assigns on the purchase contract, and we have the addendum giving the right to assign the contract to our partner. And they have his proof of funds (which is an actual bank statement showing a balance of half a million dollars -- as opposed to OUR letter from Coastal!!). BUT, the banks never seem to make much sense to me!! Our fingers are crossed and we will let you know as soon as we hear!
Way to go... I am so excited for you guys!
very exciting
Isn't it fun when your acually in the game and progress is happening.
Get this one and keep going
Jason S.
San Diego, CA.
**All CASH House Buyer!**
Refer Us To Neighbors, Friends & Family, Earn $1,000
LIKE my FB page http://www.facebook.com/JandBHouseSolutions
This is so exciting to hear how your deal is going !!! Thank you for allowing us to have watched you grow here. Your faithfulness in posting all of it is a bonus for us to help us thru those rough spots that we may also encounter. But it will also be a testament for you to look back on months later (after a few dozen deals
) to see how much you have accomplished - in such a short amount of time. I sure appreciate your patience and persistence and good for you to stand firm on what you had originally committed to!!
Good luck and God Bless, we are are all praying for you.
In His strength and time -
I have strength for all things in Christ Who empowers ME [I am ready for anything and equal to anything through Him Who infuses inner strength into ME; I am self-sufficient in Christ's sufficiency]. Phil 4:13 AMP
Very exciting! I can't wait for your outcome!
Follow My Journey to Real Estate Success!
It is the nature of man to rise to Greatness if Greatness is expected of him.
– John Steinbeck
I don't work for money, money works for ME!
- Robert Kiyosaki
so cool...All of us are hoping to hear good news...
***Something to Believe In***
"If you want something, GO GET IT...PERIOD" Will Smith
"Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goal" Henry Ford
~"Success doesn't come to you...You go to it" Marva Collins~
HELLO, I need some help regarding a sale. i found an investor in az, but have not yet contacted him. my question is when i get a hold of him, what should i say to sound professional and serious? my other question is if the investor agrees to do a finders fee or something in that matter, what do i need to do when i find a house that i think he might buy? i will appreciate any feedck. thank you!
Welcome, alonzo44! I'm sure others will have lots of suggestions, but I can tell you how we approach buyers. We introduce ourselves as investors and tell them that we often get more properties than we can handle and would they be interested in buying the contracts from us? When they say yes, we ask about their criteria: area, price range, percentage below FMV, level of repairs, how fast can they close, how many deals per month or year do they want, size of home, etc. Then we tell them that we will keep their info on file and when we get a property that fits their criteria we will contact them.
Once we had the house under contract, we sent personalized emails to each of our buyers, giving them as much information as possible. We included the FMV as well as the comps we used to calculate the FMV. We gave them an approximation of repairs, as well as a small list of repairs needed that we made on our walk-through. We told them the price of the home, as well as all addendums and our fee. In each email we emphasized that the home has had a lot of interest and that it wouldn't last long at the price, so if they were interested they should act fast! Within an hour we had 3 very interested responses and 2 buyers sent out their contractors immediately. We had 2 interested buyers right away and we had to choose which one we wanted to offer it to! Because it's our first deal and we want to build a good working relationship with our buyers we didn't want to get into a bidding war or anything like that. I'm sure other investors would disagree with our strategy because we probably could have asked for more money, but this is what we were comfortable with.
Hope this helps! Good luck. Once you have spoken with a couple investors, it does get easier!!
I really appreciate the feedback 5H Enterprises! I will go on and start talking to a few people and then i can go from there. This site is great when we have people that help eachother out. I will soon be one of those people helping others. until then, i will need the help from all of you!! Thank You
if i were to get a real estate agent to help me with the contracts and helping me with the info on properties through the mls, when i close a deal lets say the seller wants 100,000 for the property and i get accepted an offer i made of 80,000. i sell it to my investor for 90,000-95,000, how much should the real estate agent receive? thank you for any feedback
Well, today was a good day. We finally received the signed contract from the bank (all this time the Listing Agent apparently had it). They signed BOTH the final counter, which was written "Dominic and/or assignee" AND our addendum page, which said "Buyer has the unqualified right to assign his interest to any entity...".
So our realtor called the lawyer handling Escrow and told her that we intended to assign the contract, and she said "Well, it appears that they have every right to do so."
Then, we called our buyer and scheduled a meeting with him to get the Assignment Agreement and Earnest Money check. He met with us, we got our paperwork and money, and we called the lawyer and said, "Go ahead and add Mr. Buyer, please!" She said by Monday it should be in his name.
The only thing that didn't go as we had hoped was that we wanted our Assignment Fee upfront, and he wants to wait until his name is on the contract. We felt nervous about this, but the coach at PMI said that it is perfectly acceptable and in fact most buyers want to wait until they are on contract. Since we have the Assignment Agreement we should be protected.
So we are feeling pretty excited, but of course we have learned that a million things can still happen to cause roadblocks. But by now we are prepared for that!!
If something else comes up, we'll figure it out!!
Have a great weekend! We are going out of town for our Anniversary.
I'm in the middle of my 1st assignment, so I know how it is... I'm happy for you! The next one I do will be with a REO, so I'm reading everything on this posting... I have the agreement, but where did you get the Assignment Addendum?
I think we got it from one of the Success Academy classes. It states:
"Buyer has the unqualified right to assign his interest in this contract prior to settlement to any person, corporation or entity which he may designate."
Hope this helps!
Look at you guys, You thought me and Kimmy were closser to a deal than you were and you made it happen.
Now your going to have tons of confidence and I can't wait to watch you guys grow.
Jason S.
San Diego, CA.
**All CASH House Buyer!**
Refer Us To Neighbors, Friends & Family, Earn $1,000
LIKE my FB page http://www.facebook.com/JandBHouseSolutions
Honestly, our confidence has grown through this website and all of the encouragement we've received. It's still really scary, though, until it's closed and done.
I'm excited to watch you grow through your new mentoring program. You'll have to keep us all updated on everything you learn!
So our realtor called the lawyer handling Escrow and told her that we intended to assign the contract, and she said "Well, it appears that they have every right to do so."
Way to hang in there guys!
Now, we are all waiting to exhale when this becomes a done deal!
Hope you have the best Anniversary!
You laid the groundwork and the harvest is at hand. I am praying that everything works as planned. Success in the making. Good Luck.
"You can never get to the top, if you are not willing to climb. Do not look at the difficulty of the climb, only anticipate the view from the top."
"Can't even walk without you holding my hand." (Song)
"Is anything too hard for the Lord ..." Genesis 19:14
"In all things, wait on the Lord."
"Think not of your own deliverance, but trust in God who will give in abundance."
"When you are down to nothing, God is up to something." Unknown
"Our lives begin to end, the day we become silent about those things that really matters." Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
You laid the groundwork and the harvest is at hand. I am praying that everything works as planned. Success in the making. Happy Anniversary. Good Luck.
"You can never get to the top, if you are not willing to climb. Do not look at the difficulty of the climb, only anticipate the view from the top."
"Can't even walk without you holding my hand." (Song)
"Is anything too hard for the Lord ..." Genesis 19:14
"In all things, wait on the Lord."
"Think not of your own deliverance, but trust in God who will give in abundance."
"When you are down to nothing, God is up to something." Unknown
"Our lives begin to end, the day we become silent about those things that really matters." Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
Dominic and Kim,
You truly showed patience is a virtue and it pays to wait and listen. You have a great realtor..who kept you from pulling the deal.
Great work and great listening skills.
if i were to get a real estate agent to help me with the contracts and helping me with the info on properties through the mls, when i close a deal lets say the seller wants 100,000 for the property and i get accepted an offer i made of 80,000. i sell it to my investor for 90,000-95,000, how much should the real estate agent receive? thank you for any feedback
The Fair Market Value is $180,000 and we got it under contract for $97,000. We have already advertised it out to all our buyers and we are asking for a $3500 Assignment Fee. We also posted an ad on CL so that we can get the word out to as many buyers as possible, plus we may be able to build up our buyers list at the same time.
This offer has been an exercise in patience, something we are in short supply of! Our original offer was $90K to their asking price of $150K. At the time, they accepted another offer. Then about 3 weeks later, they called to ask if we were still interested, as the offer fell through. We said that we were, and a few days later, they countered at $135K. We then re-countered at $92K, with a deadline of 5 days.
The deadline was a MISTAKE! They changed their MLS listing to say, "Only taking offers until Wednesday! Another offer on the table." Our realtor said she couldn't believe the amount of interest that stirred in the property. Sure enough, another offer came in to compete with us. The listing agent said the offer was $97K, but contingent on financing and that they would rather take our cash offer. Would we be willing to come up $5000? We agreed, but said we wanted to hear by Friday (that gave them 2 days).
They completely ignored our deadline!!
Friday came and went and NO WORD! We were so frustrated by this point that we decided to pull the offer, but our realtor said that she had worked with this bank before and they are notoriously slow. She recommended that we be patient and wait it out, because if we pulled our offer they might lower the asking price, thus generating more competition. We took her advice.
Then, this morning the listing agent called our realtor to ask us to continue being patient, and that HE was frustrated with the bank, too! At this point, we weren't holding our breath!!
Then, tonight at 4:30 we got word that our offer was accepted!! We now have a 10 day inspection period to get it assigned. WOW!!!
Let's just pray that we don't blow it NOW!! Thank you everyone for your support and words of encouragement!! We will keep you all updated!
Dominic and Kim
HOLA como estas 5H Enterprises Creative artistic open minded Entrepreneurist* Thats FANTASTIC * NEWS I am brand new to all this amazing Biz *reading alot of post Gainging Wisdom knowledge from every one here *gracias for the inspiration**STICKS WIZZARD DRAGON
HOLA como estas MARC* Cretaive artistic open minded ENTREPRENEURIST (CAT) love
what you Expressed Excellente' * I am brand new here and brand new to this amazing biz**great meeting you Gracias STICKS WIZZARD DRAGON
Realtors have set commission fees. They are usually 6%. If you have a realtor representing you and another realtor representing the seller then the agents would split their commission 50/50. If your agent is representing you as both the listing agent and buyer's agent then you might be able to get a 1 to 2% discount depending on the type of relationship you have. I would sit down with your agent and tell her that you want her to do FSBO paperwork for you and then discuss what a fair fee would be. She may agree to a straight transaction fee per FSBO. Good luck...
How did you work the commission out with your real estate agent?