Feeling SAD & Discourage

Feeling SAD & Discourage

OK Reading everyone else posts on deals seem easy , its not I've yet to do anything , NO BUYERS , NO SELLERS NOthing
Like What the Heck .

Maybe I'm missing something ,I post on here liked crazy looking for Deals & Buyers & sellers I keep coming up empty handed Users on here Doing their Famous E-mails & the Disappearing acts .

I give up , I don't even have Money in my Bank account , I don;t even know how the heck I'm going to pay my rent .

I'm setting here crying my eyes out I just don't know .....like what the heck .


By the way...

You must fill out all the personal info on the "my account" area. If there may be a person that wants to work with you, like a buyer, they won't even know what part of the country you live in.
Go for it. don't give up.



rei clubs

Candace; i have not had any luck locking in any buyers at rei clubs. the few that are there like looking on their own or are convinced that our county (2nd most expensive in u.s.) is not worth investing in (#'s do not work).
an ideas. thanks;

andrew from santa cruz county

By the way...

You must fill out all the personal info on the "my account" area. If there may be a person that wants to work with you, like a buyer, they won't even know what part of the country you live in.
Go for it. don't give up.



By the way...

You must fill out all the personal info on the "my account" area. If there may be a person that wants to work with you, like a buyer, they won't even know what part of the country you live in.
Go for it. don't give up.



By the way...

You must fill out all the personal info on the "my account" area. If there may be a person that wants to work with you, like a buyer, they won't even know what part of the country you live in.
Go for it. don't give up.



You Must Believe In Yourself

First of all, you have taken the first step to become a part of a wonderful support "DG family". Secondly, you obviously want to improve your lifestyle and thought enough of DG's program to get involved. Thirdly, it's okay to feel sad and low some days, that's reality, however if you believe in yourself, you will pull yourself out of that rut. If you fall down and you can look up, you can get up!

Throw that monkey off your back and say to yourself over and over again, "yes I can"! Your mind will then be focused and trained to think positive. Continue to read DG's books and stay on this site. Things happen for a reason, GOD says wait on me, I will come! You will be rescued sooner than you think.

I pray that you will receive a financial blessing that will allow you to bring all of your items current. Where are you located? Wherever you are, someone in the DG Family will buddy-up with you.

Peace and Blessings,


“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light not our darkness that frightens us. Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small doesn’t serve the world. There’s nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us.”

- Nelson Mandela


I have something that might help its called walkawaytoday.com they pay a $500 finders fee for preforeclosures that are upside down. I get the info from 4closurealert.com and submit it to them. If they accept it I get paid I'm going to use them for quick money. Check them out. Keith Success be with you!

RE Facebook

Try www.Linkedin.com for your business venues. Dean's there as well, and its all business related, so you don't need to mix business with personal. Smiling Facebook takes up so much time, that dividing them works best for me. The temptation of leaving it open and get distracted by seeing what friends are up to is too much for this stay at home mom with no life outside her kiddos. Laughing out loud LOL


Zion Properties wrote:
Try www.Linkedin.com for your business venues. Dean's there as well, and its all business related, so you don't need to mix business with personal. Smiling Facebook takes up so much time, that dividing them works best for me. The temptation of leaving it open and get distracted by seeing what friends are up to is too much for this stay at home mom with no life outside her kiddos. Laughing out loud LOL

I wonder,....how did you find out about Linkedin.com???


I found out about Linkedin when I started receiving invitations from people. I must admit, I don't use it that much yet. Most of my dealings with RE people is either direct or through Facebook. Since I never really cared to spend any time on Facebook until I started using it for RE, I find I don't get too tempted to spend time on non-RE stuff while I'm there (I really have no need of a barn). I do find it a valuable tool. Of course, so is Linkedin, but as I mentioned, I just haven't used it to any great degree yet.



Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass…
It’s about learning to dance in the rain.

The most difficult thing is the decision to act, the rest is merely tenacity. The fears are paper tigers. You can do anything you decide to do. You can act to change and control your life; and the procedure, the process is its own reward. - Amelia Earhart

"The greatest mistake you can make in life is to continually be afraid you will make one." - Elbert Hubbard


I actually signed up as an invitation from someone months ago, signed up but didn't use it much; Then the academy also suggested it, and one of the more verbal and helpful members of this website persuaded me to actually start USING the darn thing. Laughing out loud Thanks Elix!


As you can see is a month later that I am reading your message, but is not becausei wasn't interested. The thing is that right now I don't have a computer andto tell you the truth I really am not very familiar with the sites, but anyway you gave me a good idea about the buyer's list and you are right, TIME TO CHANGEstrategies right? like you said I can not put the wagon before the horses.
Thank you again, and I will continue to go forward. Talk to you all soon.

By the way I live in the RIO GRANDE VALLEY in Texas, anyone from around? hope to hear from somebody. Have a nice day and God Bless!!!!!!!!


As you can see is a month later that I am reading your message, but is not because i wasn't interested. The thing is that right now I don't have a computer and to tell you the truth I really am not very familiar with the sites, but anyway you gave me a good idea about the buyer's list and you are right, TIME TO CHANGE strategies right? like you said I can not put the wagon before the horses.
Thank you again, and I will continue to go forward. Talk to you all soon.

By the way I live in the RIO GRANDE VALLEY in Texas, anyone from around? hope to hear from somebody. Have a nice day and God Bless!!!!!!!!


It is great to see this much support within this community. Real Estate is a team sport. We all get across the line.


Harry F. D'Elia III

Thank you all

Thank you all for writing such words of inspiration as it helps all of us who browse through. This site is great and we finally found a way to join the Success Academy. Keep moving forward!

Rick & Peggy
Eagles Crest Properties


Wishing you Happiness and Prosperity,
Rick & Peggy
Eagles Crest Properties

Rick and Peggy

I am so glad you did joined the success acamandy, I am really glad I got to talk to you at the edge.




Facebook and so

Since I have used facebook I have good contacts there ranging from other investors to mortgage brokers and I just started using it for this as it was recommended from other big investors I know as well like tim mai and dc fawcett that I get lots of info from too. Just do not give up hang in there, I have put in several offers to be turned down, asked about quite a few properties (investment) that local investors wanting to sell but they did not want to go with the financing since they are looking to pay off their mortgage. I have had some sellers say they would do owner financing or lease to own also and when my offer was accepted they wanted all cash at closing so I walked away from these too. If you read my profile I also deal with the buying of notes also, spent a lot of time in doing this and now I spend more time investing in real estate, I have been doing for a year now at least and no I have not closed a deal yet but I am constantly working on this as I have a tenant buyer at the moment looking for a good place. Recently I have received four emails from other investors looking for properties in south florida and other parts of the u.s and I got their info from running an ad on cl so now I have to get busy and find properties for them. So before I let them know I will be locking these up on contract with and or assign and an escape clause in the contract too. I also use twitter as well in between as I do have contacts there of real estate investors too and luckily I found one that has volunteered to be my mentor at no charge too and buys a lot of properties in houston texas and I found him on cl as he answered my ghost ad too. This is just something that takes time which is limited for some as I work 40 plus hrs a week, I have two kids only, almost six acres to take care of, a horse, chickens, and a vegetable garden too but I spend what time I can on here keeping up with things and getting all the info I can. There is no room for giving up because I want more for my family even though I am going to keep working until all is running smooth. So just keep going and put giving up out of you head look at matt how bad it looked for him and a lot of the others too. I read deans books many times over and I really like matts story and the tip that greg gave on how he buys properties too.


Off the top of my head, I

Off the top of my head, I can think of 3 free ways to find at 5 buyers within one week. And a few others that cost money. Personally I feel like finding a buyer is good but you need deals for them otherwise they will forget about you.

You need to focus on finding deals so you can get the buyers you need.


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Candace, hope this helps.....
What I did to find buyers was first things first:
1) I clicked on whats new and looked for any posts that referenced buyers lists and boomarked about 9 that I thought were nyggets for my personality. So far I have only needed to use 2 and now know they will work where ever I apply them. One was to do a google search for REI clubs in my area and 3 lists popped up that cross reference many of the same clubs, but I went thru them all and called to verify meeting times and other info such as costs, membership size, ect. I then programmed into my phone into my calendar which ones were the closest and within a 1 to 1.5 hour distance (Dean says to go even if it's an hour away) and I programmed reminders. Now I get reminders everyday before there is one and I go when I can and have 7-10 buyers from there
2) I listened to Deans 2012 Livecast (FREE) at:


and did exactly what Ms. Hague said to do in day 1 video 4 she did with Dean. She is from Las Vegas where it is very very competitive. Also, there are others on the LiveCast that found buyers that didn't even leave home and found buyers just by driving the local neighborhood. You WILL find doable nuggets. Do it scared if you are, but you know....do. I used Ms. Hagues advice to a T and I ran a 3 night 4 day buyer marketing campaign. I Placed my bandit signs exactly as she said for firehouse urgency and I couldn't keep up with the calls. My voice mail got filled up, and even after I took the signs down, I still had people calling me. Now I know even if I am ascared or don't yet believe to my innermost self, it still worked so well. I had 124 people call me, I have 59 cash buyers and 17 Tenant buyers all program and uploaded in my phone so when I get that first"INSANE" deal, I can send it to everyone at the same time and hopefull narrow things down to a good 7-8 good and loyal buyers, or more or less. I will add or delete as is needed. Also, I still have 41 people I have to follow up with. Ok, as Matt says...take it easy....do one thing at a time.
Me, I'm glad I did buyers first cause I know how difficult it is can be to get past our selves. I was there and can still be there, but know that I just can't afford to believe what I feel or think when it comes to doubt and fears....i just gotta do....THINK LESS DO MORE as Dean says. Now my focus is on finding motivated sellers. So, I took out and printed out the bookmarks I liked about motivated sellers and my partner and I did 5-6 walkthrus and made 2 offers Thanksgiving week and have 3 appts in the book, calls to return and appts to verify. I just placed and ad for bird dogs just like out of the Rock Bottom special report that I got from watching a video here and have 6 replys already, and spent time with a employee I did bandit signs with on Friday who I will turn my bandit signs, flyers, and mailers over to.
(OOPS 10:15pm Sunday night 11/24/12....just got another reply to my bird dog employee ad---suuuuweeeet;-) Hon, ya got a boatlaod of great advice, especially nfrom those that had a long length of nothing and then all a sudden it blew up for the good....join the tribe.
CAN'T THINK OUR WAY INTO BETTER LIVING. WE GOTSA LIVE OUR WAY INTO BETTER THINKING. Not mine, heard it elsewhere, but it applies to me.
Hope this helps. Louis

Hey everybody

This is an old thread. Its surfaced again because Tammy posted a link to it in her Mindset Minute topic. Even with all the support offered by everyone above I don't think Candace is here anymore. She was treated badly by a few people, and really, I wouldn't blame her if she doesn't come back. I didn't think she would ever quit and ,sorry to say, I don't think she did. She was chased off. Sad


"The harder you work, the luckier you get." -Gary Player

by her DG Family

She was treated badly by a few people, and really, I wouldn't blame her if she doesn't come back. I didn't think she would ever quit and ,sorry to say, I don't think she did. She was chased off.


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There were a few people

that can be very mean, however, the feedback on this thread was a great display of the good & best parts of the DG family. Are there people in any 'family' that are negative? yeah, I got my very own living with me. But, the support from this thread at one time in my journey was very motivational to me back in 2010. Which is why I highlighted this thread in mindset minute.

Candace is a very nice person, its sad that we don't have her presence here on DG any more. There are many people I know that got turned off by a few negative people and situations in the past here on DG. But, for every negative person, there's a plethora of positive, as this thread shows.

Hope all of you had a good Thanksgiving!


Hi this is your business make it work for you and dont give up it will come, Ieve been working 12 hr days for a year now and maybe alittle longer and its starting to pay off, just stay true to your plan and keep your eye on the prize it will come. PM me Id like to know more about your deals and maybe I can help, get back with me please, Jim ( Iam on fire!!!!!!!!)9 the comments were awesome on this one, thanks very one!!!!!)



So who needs a sweet-heart deal...

...of Boots On The Ground in Virginia? I tried the link to her site off her Profile Page and it goes to some Realtor/Investor in Georgia. Maybe she's flippin domain names now? :0 Her ph# is there too but I haven't called yet myself because she's 2 hours ahead of me and it's too late right now. I'll try tomorrow.

We've all heard the saying: "If I can do it? anybody can!"

I'd like to change that to: "If everybody can't do it? Nobody should!"

Zion Properties wrote:
that can be very mean, however, the feedback on this thread was a great display of the good & best parts of the DG family. Are there people in any 'family' that are negative? yeah, I got my very own living with me. But, the support from this thread at one time in my journey was very motivational to me back in 2010. Which is why I highlighted this thread in mindset minute.

Candace is a very nice person, its sad that we don't have her presence here on DG any more. There are many people I know that got turned off by a few negative people and situations in the past here on DG. But, for every negative person, there's a plethora of positive, as this thread shows.

Hope all of you had a good Thanksgiving!


"The harder you work, the luckier you get." -Gary Player

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