Feeling SAD & Discourage

Feeling SAD & Discourage

OK Reading everyone else posts on deals seem easy , its not I've yet to do anything , NO BUYERS , NO SELLERS NOthing
Like What the Heck .

Maybe I'm missing something ,I post on here liked crazy looking for Deals & Buyers & sellers I keep coming up empty handed Users on here Doing their Famous E-mails & the Disappearing acts .

I give up , I don't even have Money in my Bank account , I don;t even know how the heck I'm going to pay my rent .

I'm setting here crying my eyes out I just don't know .....like what the heck .


Not only that I've contacted

Not only that I've contacted A Number of Sites On Notes & Nothing , So I'm like whatever
i Give up .


Exactly what are you

Exactly what are you doing???

Maybe you're doing something too close to the letter and thats where you're messing up at. My point is just because others do things a certain way or if Dean or his students broke down how they did things and you did it the same exact way doesn't mean you're going to get the same exact results.

Give a few examples of what you do, what other sites you use, what type of people you're coming in contact with, etc.

I for one would like to help in any way I can

I agree with elixbrown

What exactly are you doing to get your buyers list built. You can definatley get buyers by attending REI club meetings and speaking to the person running it. They can direct you to investors that buy in your area. Then you would have to go find the deals to bring to them. You will need business cards to hand out when you attend the REI meeting. You have to give it 100% honest effort.
As far as people posting and dissapearing, People like Rina and Laura,Matt Larson to mention a few don't work for Dean, they just try to help out as much as possible on their free time out of the goodness of their hearts.
The admin and coaches will answer some questions if you place it in the correct place.

good luck
You can have anything you want in life, as long as your willing to work for it.

It's a Mind Set-you have to beleive & keep going

yes a lot of people are doing deals but there's a lot of people on here that continue to push. You have to have the mind set to keep going no matter what because you don't know where a deal is going to come from. How long have you been at it? Oct 09? 6 months? I know people who have been going for years & finally broke through & the one thing they did was never quit. My Mentor spent 8 years watching informercials until he took action & then it took him another 7 months until he started buying houses, we'll 15 years later, he's multimillionaire because he trained his mind to keep going no matter what. Please go lisen to motivational tapes on a daily basis, since it looks like you lost the vision & need to change the way you think. If you read up on successful people, you'll be amazed what they did to get there. They kept going until it happened. That's it!


Jason S.
San Diego, CA.
**All CASH House Buyer!**
Refer Us To Neighbors, Friends & Family, Earn $1,000
LIKE my FB page http://www.facebook.com/JandBHouseSolutions


It took me 9 months to do my first deal. I was averaging 60 to 70 hours a week. Good side to all of this I have closed over 20 deals in 10 months. Hope this helps a little.





I do hear you with the discouragement, but you definately need to keep moving forward. I recently submitted an offer (REO), it was accepted, but literally today I had it tested for Chinese Drywall, I think that I may have to cancel the contract for the house, which was very dissapointing, as the return on my investment should have been at least $25K. I guess you can't give up, remember the past is the past, the future is not yet hear, and the present is exactly that, a present and what you do with it is up to you.
Good Luck, and keep on trying, you will get through eventually.

How will you accomplish

How will you accomplish anything feeling sorry for yourself? 1st up, get a daily organizer. B4 you go to bed each nite, write down 5 things you're going to accomplish for the next day that will advance your real estate career. Relatives, investors (doctors, lawyers, dentists, anyone) pass your biz cards out, coffee shops, find people that want to make a 10%+ ROI instead of the 2% they get from the bank. Computer research is just a small part of the business. Get out of the house and spread the word. Where's the buyers list?

you can do it girl hang in there !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hello Candace,

I’m really sorry you are having a bad day. I’ve not done my first deal yet either. It gets really discouraging at times. But I will never give up. I have loved real estate since childhood but never knew how to do it until Dean came along. I know it will be my way out of the rat race. Beyond a shadow of a doubt I know. I strongly encourage you to go to www.deansmedia.com and watch success stories of everybody and know that you can do it, you will do it. I think the problem for some of us newbies - or for me any way is I need money to pay next weeks bills and I want to do it with real estate income not my j-o-b income. I want to quit my job so bad. I hate It. But we just have to keep pressing on SUCCESS IS ON THE WAY.

Anything we want to do to better ourselves and our lives is going to take work, and I feel real estate is worth it. Whatever I have to do to make it work I will do…Real estate pays real real real good…it is so worth it.

Maybe if you post your city and state, we can help you find a REAL ESTATE INVESTORS CLUB in your area. Being around people who are investors is fun and motivational and you can meet people like realtors, lawyers, handymen, appraisers etc…. people you need on your team.. You can meet other people like yourself to talk to about real estate.

Candace I hope this helps. Please don’t give up. Look at how you told us how your feeling today and we came to your aid, because we care about each other here and we want everyone to succeed. You think you’ve got it rough think how dean felt in the early days before he had money and knowledge etc…. he failed more than he succeeded, he says. but he never gave up, and look where he is now. You can be anything you want to be.

Here’s to your success



The folks above have given you some good advice. I 2nd (or 3rd) the suggestion on joining an REI group. You will be surrounded by like minded individuals, make some great contacts and enjoy yourself. Run ghost ads on CL and other free sites. If you haven't already go to the search section of this website and research finding buyers. People have posted some great suggestions.

I know your feeling down and out right now. Dean has mentioned (and has a video on here about it too.) Count your blessings, literally, when you wake up and at the end of the day. Hard to come up with one at the moment? Some thoughts/suggestions to be thankful for, family, friends, good health, loving spouse or significant other, food in your fridge, a roof over your head, a beloved pet, a place of beauty that you enjoy, the list goes on and after a short time you'll find it getting longer and longer. If you do this you will realize you have some great blessings already.

I wish you the best.

SPR Property Solutions, LLC

Thank you All I've Read each

Thank you All I've Read each Persons post , I think I have to keep A open Mind avout This , Yes I'm trying to Find Buyers For Notes & Properties it seems like I can Find The Properties But NO Buyers Or I Can find Note Buyers But No Notes ..........LOL its one thing or the other .

It can Become Discouraging & Disappointing , But I think I can Make it .

& Just today I went to Check my E-mail Inbox & there set A E-mail from A Note buying Company telling me That they'll Buy Notes from me . I Just need to find the Notes .....LOL Eye-wink

& I'm trying To Gather My

& I'm trying To Gather My Buyers List For Properties .

I Have 2 Note Buying Companies on my List That I may start Working with , But I'm still Trying to Find InvestorsFor Properties .

Candace & Buyers

Really, THE best place to find buyers is at Real Estate Investor Club (REIC) meetings. Everyone there is actively pursuing RE deals and they all love the business. The buyers there don't care how much experience you have, all they care about is the deals you can bring them. They are looking for birddoggers, wholesalers and partners. Go to the meetings, get your card in their hands and make sure to get their cards, and find out exactly what they are looking for. Follow up the next day and get any specifics you may have missed the previous night. You're sure to find buyers you can work with at these meetings.



Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass…
It’s about learning to dance in the rain.

The most difficult thing is the decision to act, the rest is merely tenacity. The fears are paper tigers. You can do anything you decide to do. You can act to change and control your life; and the procedure, the process is its own reward. - Amelia Earhart

"The greatest mistake you can make in life is to continually be afraid you will make one." - Elbert Hubbard


I agree with everyone else too. Find a REIA group and join it. It helps to talk to others that are doing what you are doing. And I second what Lea said. We have so much to be thankful for.Count you blessing it could be worse. Keep coming to this sight and DO NOT GIVE UP!!!
Many people here can help support you through this rough patch. Email me anytime you like Smiling


"Don't tell me I can't, Tell me how I can."

Where are you based at???

Where are you based at???

Buyer's list

I've been trying to build my list, but is not that easy. I have been to the REI
online to see if I can find something in this location, buy according to this, there is not such organization, sometimes I think I am doing something wrong and that is why I am not able to find the information. I started the academy last November, and I am determined to make it, but sometimes I wonder....... If somebody can help not just me, but all of us that in a way got stuck, I will appreciate it very much, hope to hear from you all if you please, thank you very much HAVE A NICE DAY, AND GOD BLESS........

First things first....

nana10_2009 wrote:
I've been trying to build my list, but is not that easy. I have been to the REI
online to see if I can find something in this location, buy according to this, there is not such organization, sometimes I think I am doing something wrong and that is why I am not able to find the information. I started the academy last November, and I am determined to make it, but sometimes I wonder....... If somebody can help not just me, but all of us that in a way got stuck, I will appreciate it very much, hope to hear from you all if you please, thank you very much HAVE A NICE DAY, AND GOD BLESS........

Do you have homes for someone to buy???

I know some think getting a buyers list is imperative but I think that tends to put the cart before the horse

I see ads about having homes all the time. What catches my eye is when an ad describes that home.

Perhaps you or anyone else having problems try and find deals or homes to sell first. If every 9 of 10 ads say "HAVE HOMES FOR SALE IN YOUR AREA", don't you think the ad that says "HOME FOR SALE 1 FAMILY RANCH 1500SQ FT OWNER FLEXIBLE OPEN FOR NEGOTIATION" will be contacted faster???

Get homes first then the buyers will follow

I Tend to Agree

i tend to agree with your last comment. the coaching is telling me to build a buyers list first, but i'm getting nowhere real fast with that. i'm gonna try a couple other approaches to see if they will help me, but it is hard for me to try and "sell" something i don't really have. it's almost like trying to sell something i don't like. i think we all need to remember what works for one person might not work for us. we have to find what works for us, no matter what others say. we are all different. that's why there are different cars, clothes, diet programs, etc.


Linda, Army EOD Mom
you can follow my journal at http://www.deangraziosi.com/real-estate-forums/investing-journals/45351/...
Fear equals:

Try this.....

pdqservicesinc wrote:
i tend to agree with your last comment. the coaching is telling me to build a buyers list first, but i'm getting nowhere real fast with that. i'm gonna try a couple other approaches to see if they will help me, but it is hard for me to try and "sell" something i don't really have. it's almost like trying to sell something i don't like. i think we all need to remember what works for one person might not work for us. we have to find what works for us, no matter what others say. we are all different. that's why there are different cars, clothes, diet programs, etc.

Take the next two weeks to find homes to sell and put under contract

Assume you find a home(s), and you post on CL or any other site, including this one, watch how quickly you get interested parties contacting you. Why??? Because you actually have something concrete.

Give it a try

this is what i do

set time out just to find buyers look at ads with description of properties some times they have more and are investors find out what they like to buy
then set time out to find the homes for them get a finders fee it may be small in comparison but your building contacts once you know what your doing you can justify your price i just made 500 yesterday on a finders fee im working on some now also with a dg member and trying something else also just dont give up and keep track of what works and what dosent its a process but well worth it in the end


Rafael Morel
M&N investment.


This is a phase, and you will overcome the hump! You can't let the down times determine your direction in life. We ALL have those times when everything seems to be going wrong. We especially can't get discouraged by people, especially ones who say 'get me a deal here' and then disappear. They do not determine our success. YOU DO! You have had such an upbeat and great attitude! DON'T give up! You will find a niche and overcome! Before you succeed, you may fail over and over. But you only succeed by failing first (My Michael Jordan quote in my siggy is one of my favs, because it is so true!!!) If something isn't working, try a different approach. Whatever methods you've tried to get buyers, change them up and try a different way. Try bandit signs, sign on your car, advertising in Craigslist with different wording if you've already tried it.

Have you gone to a REI club and handed out business cards? You may be able to find a mentor to help you too. I'm throwing everything out there, but the point is to always be on the lookout for a different approach. It may take time, but once you find your niche, you'll take off like a bird. You must persist, wipe off the wounds, and move along. Think a little differently as Dean says. And, all this time, you've learned so much, so it is not a waste, and you are further along than when you started.

Do you know who you have reminded me of on here? Matt Larson. And look where he's gone to! Do NOT give up!

I agree with elixbrown

Buyers are easy to find because everyone you meet will have an uncle or know someone who will be interested in buying a great deal. However, talk is cheap. Will they really take action or are they really qualified to take action? Having a so-called buyers list does not guarantee or even qualify as success.

The real test is to actually get someone to enter into a contract with you to assign their house. This is the crux of your business....attract bees to the blossoms.....not the flies.

Get those contracts first on paper before running ads trying to sell something you don't have.

I feel the same way.

Most days I get up I feel like a loser. Because something didn't feel right at work, because I got cut off on the street, cause there is never enough money to kinda breathe for a second. I don't know dude, all I can tell you is, when you give up, you're done. Just cause everyone seems to be making money and coming up with deals, doesn't mean you are not going to make it. Try one step at a time. Do one thing today and tomorrow do another thing. Whether it's reading a chapter in the book or calling an agent or getting your credit fixed or actually looking at a house with a Realtor. Just do something. Anything. and turn off the t.v. That's helped me out a lot. Try to stay busy, and focus on Real Estate, don't get off track.



Great advice Angel

And logout of facebook! LOL That was always a major distraction to me!

Bottom line, don't define your success by what others are doing or where they are at. Compare only to yourself. You've come a long way already! Look back and see where you started, your knowledge has improved immensely!

One tip I got was,"Pick

One tip I got was,"Pick something you think you can do".Then focus all your attention on doing just that.I think you are doing like I was and trying to do too many things at once.Thats way too much to take on in the beginning.

So if your planning on doing assignments.Spent all your time building a buyers list until you have a good list going.
Then focus all your attention on finding them the deals they are looking for.If a deal doesn't fit what your buyers are looking for keep going to the next because a great deal is nothing if you cant get rid of it.

So pick ONE strategy and start at the beginning and take one step at a time.It doesn't help to get ahead of yourself because it just discourages you because you aren't ready yet.

One foot in front of the other,and before you know it you will be offering properties to your buyers!!!Best of luck to you and hope to hear of all your success!!!


"Every failure brings with it the seed of an equivalent success"
Napoleon Hill



About Facebook

I wouldn't necessarily suggest logging off of it. What I would suggest is using it judiciously. You don't need to be engaging in gossip, endless chatter with no real meaning, or building barns. BUT, I've accepted invitations from people I've met here at DG.com, at REIC meetings, and REAs I've met while out in the field. That in turn, resulted in my hooking up with their friends in the RE business. And a couple of investment groups. Well heck, you will even find Dean there. In short, you will gain knowledge, contacts, perhaps future partners, and deals from your time on Facebook, if you use it properly.

So don't exclude Facebook from your tools. I know there is a way to separate your friends into groups so once you have all your RE-related contacts in one group, discipline yourself to go only to that group when you are in work mode. No clicking over just to take a peek because we all know where that leads.



Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass…
It’s about learning to dance in the rain.

The most difficult thing is the decision to act, the rest is merely tenacity. The fears are paper tigers. You can do anything you decide to do. You can act to change and control your life; and the procedure, the process is its own reward. - Amelia Earhart

"The greatest mistake you can make in life is to continually be afraid you will make one." - Elbert Hubbard

But heres what I've Found

But heres what I've Found Interesting .

I have found A Real Estate Note Company who Buys RE Notes Who Have contacted stating they would do Business with me In Buying Notes from me that I Find for them & they also have other Investors who Maybe Interested .

I found it Interested that I Can Find A Note Buying Company faster then I Can Find Buyers or Investors to Assign Or Wholesale Properties too , theres so many Note Buying Companies online That you would never run out of Companies who want to Buy Notes from you .

I'm Like I might as well just Become A Note Finder & Get Paid A Finders Fee for Finding notes For Different Note Buying Companies , it might not pay much But at least its Enough to pay the billseach month ......LOL .

So I've Decided to Do Note Finding & See how that goes & just Start from there .

Never Thought of doing it Until Now . & I think it only takes 2-3 Weeks for The Transaction/Closing on A Note takes which isn't Bad .

Why not do both???

kanzaz88 wrote:
But heres what I've Found Interesting .

I have found A Real Estate Note Company who Buys RE Notes Who Have contacted stating they would do Business with me In Buying Notes from me that I Find for them & they also have other Investors who Maybe Interested .

I found it Interested that I Can Find A Note Buying Company faster then I Can Find Buyers or Investors to Assign Or Wholesale Properties too , theres so many Note Buying Companies online That you would never run out of Companies who want to Buy Notes from you .

I'm Like I might as well just Become A Note Finder & Get Paid A Finders Fee for Finding notes For Different Note Buying Companies , it might not pay much But at least its Enough to pay the billseach month ......LOL .

So I've Decided to Do Note Finding & See how that goes & just Start from there .

Never Thought of doing it Until Now . & I think it only takes 2-3 Weeks for The Transaction/Closing on A Note takes which isn't Bad .

if you're not spending alot of time???

Before you jump head first into this have you made provisions to protect yourself from them taking the deal from under you??? Meaning what is keeping them from saying "whats the name of the company you use???" or "what type of note are you using???"

Not skilled in the notes section so my terms may be off but what have you done to make sure you definitely get a check???

You're giving off the vibe that you're going to do whatever sticks first and in the process waste alot of time and get discouraged again. Learn as much as you can before you start revealing things and buying and selling or putting in offers.

Protect yourself

Good call Zion

I've nicknamed Facebook as the "Idiot site" due to the negativity that's from your so-called friends. I've hid most of the friends on there because i'm fed up with their complaining and who joined Farmville. The only contacts I have are positive sites and real estate related

Good call Zion

I've nicknamed Facebook as the "Idiot site" due to the negativity that's from your so-called friends. I've hid most of the friends on there because i'm fed up with their complaining and who joined Farmville. The only contacts I have are positive sites and real estate related

buyers list

Candace; try again with a craig's list ghost add. it took me 3 tries to get 1 real buyer who was not just another re agent. also try anyone that you know
(that your brain tells you). they might know someone who is thinking about pulling equity out of there house. your buyers list is most important ist!

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