Got 2 going on 3 properties under contract and I'm working them to the bone. Boy am I burned out. I have about 15 people on my buyers list and market to landlords and investors everyday. I can't even get a call back. I asked my self maybe there is no value here but then I look at the numbers and not using zillow for realistic numbers but when your selling a house for 10k that zillow says is worth $50k and it's near rentable then I question everything what do I have to do get them under contract for $1 and sell for $2 investors here are full of it. Fist I get a reo property under contract in a great area 40% below market value and then have to back out because my buyers are chumps and I keep on marketing And keep on marketing and nothing I don't wana take a break because my medical bills and stress are crippling I need this right now so bad and I'm working 8-10 hrs a day for months and months and nothing I am so mad right now it's insane!
Just to add I just realized its been a year of hard work and not even a glance at success I believe wholesaling is not possible here I'm sick of all it. I guess I should look for a janitors job making $8 an hr with no benefits. I'm so mad and not because I didn't try hard enough there are to many fake investors here that don't call you and turn their nose if they can buy for $5 and sell for $50000
1. What you just wrote down, is now a belief that you just created from your own mind & because of the small amount of investors you have on your list. I guaranty there are plenty of investors in your area buying several properties every month. You need to place yourself around those people & tweak your system & find out what you need to change.
2. The thing I did more than other new investors, was attend any & every REI meetings, free events "which you might not know about, if your not networking hard enough" & I was always the last person to leave these events, networking as long as I could & the extra info & stories that I got from placing myself around successful investors, was a huge part to my success.
3. MLS listed properties are absolutely the hardest route for a new investor to take.
If you have no money for marketing, do what i did. Social media is free. You have to brand yourself & build an audience. Also, Building relationships is a huge part to your success & that could take years.
I spent over 2 yrs getting off the ground & now when I find the deal & do all the leg work, my investor partners come in with all the cash & 50/50 split with me. All because I'm educated how to help home owners avoid foreclosure & I work with a team who buys multiple houses every month. Was it easy getting in with my team? absolutely not. I learned from them to became a expert in one niche, which is short sales, as they are every where in my market, and now on my 3rd & 4th year, I can finally say business is finally good for me.
I have said this over & over on this site. New realtors & Investors all quit in the 1st & 2nd year, as they do not take the time to build there relationships & they don't understand that all there failures are a stepping stone for there success. You learn what not to do.
By the way, I was 70k in credit card debt & behind on a house payment, all because I quit my job thinking I was going to have this business going right away.
Sounds to me like you need to go back to mind control. Until you believe in yourself, that you will do this until it happens,"""PERIOD""" you are setting yourself up to fail & your mind is already telling you that with this post.
Most successful investors in my area, have failed for atleast 2-3 years before there business took off. Something to think about.
Wish you the best!!! that's my 2 cents & what I have witnessed
Jason S.
San Diego, CA.
**All CASH House Buyer!**
Refer Us To Neighbors, Friends & Family, Earn $1,000
LIKE my FB page
Jason, I agree with your statement. In any business, it takes time and energy to build relationships and networking never ends. You need to build what you did yesterday and never stop thinking that it is going to get easier. As you become successful, it is only the beginning! In any business it takes more than two years to make money. You are lucky if by year three you are breaking even. Don't give up, learn from what is not working or change or adjust to get you to your goal(s).
Jason (above) made some very good points that you should remember.
I too have had a hard road finding buyers and deals since I am in a very small town in FL. However, I was just at my REI meeting on the coast (in a much bigger market) and heard some of the bigger players in the group also complaining so we are not alone. Persistence is the key!
What you need to do is understand why what you are doing isn't working or what area is best for the methods you're using. Either one of these 2 things should get you moving forward.
You also need to remember that REI is a marathon and not a sprint. It took me over 2 years to get my first deal and I'm still trying to figure out how to make my next deal work. You may be in the same boat. TIME however, is not on my side so I am doing it again while working my other job. If that's what you need to do, do it. Understanding you need to devote time to both should help you refine your job search (a.k.a. Part Time)
Final thoughts for you:1) INSANITY is repeating the same action and expecting a different result. If you don't change something, nothing is going to change. 2)NETWORK your behind off. By making yourself known as a player in the game with something to offer, you become a more desirable commodity that people will want to have on their team. 3) Stop thinking "This can't be done" and start thinking "How can I make this get done".
Remember, wholesaling is a job. People in one of my REI groups think I'm nuts for wholesaling here while others in my other REI group understand what I am trying to do. I drive up to 100 miles (that's 200 miles round trip) to attend REI meetings. Maybe you need to go a bit further out of your area to get some different buyers and a fresh start. If you have no money, wholesaling's the way to go for spurts of cash. Higher end homes have more potential for bigger paydays and have less Lookie Lous. FSBOs will be a better choice than listed props.
There's a price you pay for success. It just sounds like you are paying that price so if you are serious about being totally financially free, figure out how to make the fee less and the rewards greater.
That's my 2 cents
Andy Sager
DG's AndyS
CFIC member
Andy Sager
DG's AndyS
CFIC & IE member
2013, 2014, 2015 & 2016 EDGE Alumni
Build a RELIABLE, STRONG, buyers list!!
Ask for past deals, or how many deals they handle per month. If the guy is serious then he will have a track record and that's the person you want in your list.
Hang in there man, change/adapt and you will be successful
"You deserve to be successful"
Gabriel Do Carmo
Dont give up, keep getting after it, if looking for buyers and networking with local REI clubs, But Dont give up, You always one day closer to the next deal.....Take it one day at a time,use bandit signs on property to find buyers, you do have bandit signs out? If not get them out, buyers call them all the time, when I have a house under contract, there are bandit signs in the yard, in the area with house for sale etc..they will call. But dont quit..its no time time to be a quitter, be a winner- create a win-win-win for your seller yourself, and your buyer. Get those bandit signs out........
"Action and Mistakes" always-outweigh "Analysis Paralysis"
...Just do It"
Have your realtor run all the Cash Sales in the area where your houses are , then contact the people that paid cash in that area and let them know you have a great deal. Get pics all the information about your property send this to them in a letter ,this really works if it is alot like what they bought previous.
I also agree with the comments above.Just please dont quit, Randy Vaughn went 9 months with nothing, then BOOM, I believe now he has about a 3 million dollar net worth. So , keep going at it.It will happen.
Wish you all the best, keep us posted.
Curtis Fillers
one point that i may have missed in the other posts, but i will make is this: whatever your attitude, everyone else will pick up on it. being discouraged and disappointed and down will basically carry over to everyone you talk to on the phone and see in person. if you email or text, it will carry over into that too. it's not always easy to be positive, but you can at least find something to be grateful for and change your way of thinking. yesterday i had several things hit me all at once right before an important meeting. i had to do a quick change of attitude before the meeting and the rest of my day was great. it's all our choice! what choice will you make????
Linda, Army EOD Mom
you can follow my journal at
Fear equals:
Your profile says that you are on the east coast, but doesn't say exactly where you are. If you've got anything in the Atlanta, GA area, I'd be interested in taking a look at it.
Stephan Roberts
"In absence of clearly defined goals, we become strangely loyal to performing daily acts of trivia!"
Here is a FREE property analyzer I've found:
It's a great tool to use to help analyze your deals (and did I mention it's FREE)! But, you really should spend the $97 and get the full premium edition! IT'S AWESOME!!
Sometimes when times are the toughest, it seems we get kicked again and again-- that's exactly when we have to recall the times we did prevail, the times we conquered something that was scary, the blessings we find when we look. You've picked yourself up many times over the last year and Linda is right; attitude resonates.
I started to begin real estate 20 years ago, started to begin with Dean 2 years ago and finally got out of my own way and finally began 6 months ago. Head down and it works when we work it!
For all the things that you feel are not working, look at the things that are: •you found buyers (they're just all not qualified)
•you put signs up several times and maybe it finally the right spot and they worked
Dean has been doing this 22 years I think, and his website is only 4 years old... it all takes time, trials and failures, but what we have is help, guidance and positive persistence from each other here. AND we have the kinks worked out from Dean's twenty years doing this-- he has given us a very clear road map and a sequence.
1. Set up your team, starting with a Realtor, go to or join Real Estate Clubs, get the help and info from Title Companies, find out who's lending to investors
2. Like Curtis said, contact Cash Buyers-- get their criteria as you qualify them
3. Get listings to match your buyers' criteria and place offers
4. do all the marketing strategies in the DG books and programs to get buyers and sellers coming to you and spend 85% of your time on building your buyer's list
5. Dean has lined it out for us, but as we skip parts or cut corners or don't quite do things in sequence, we find it doesn't work for us, so we look back and go over the teachings and ask lots of questions on this site... it's all here, we just have to put it all together and work it for our various situations.
Every day when I sign an email, letter or pass out my business card..... I remember to Never Never Never Quit-- that is why I named my business N3Q-- that's what it stands for!
Find one little thing to be positive about and learn one new thing each day. You can do this!
Never, Never, Never Quit, N3Q
"Nothing happens until you place an offer."
"Skip Deal #1, go straight to Deal #2; it's so much easier."
"There is nothing so useless as doing efficiently that which should not be done at all." — Peter F. Drucker... so, "Don't sweat the small stuff." -R.Carlson. "The greatest mistake you can make in life is to be continually fearing you will make one."~E.Hubbard, The Note Book,, Do it for the right reason and "Do it with a headache!" - Dean Graziosi, Weekly Wisdom #176
I have a few suggestions.
First of all, on your profile put your name (at least your first name) and where you are located. Then when we talk to you, we can call you by name and everything feels much more personal-to you and to us. This way it is just SO generic.
Then, take a few days and do NOTHING that is related to RE. It will give your mind and your spirit a little time to regenerate. By the end of that time you will probably be itching to get back to it!
We all can understand your frustration. We have all been there. That is why we come here. Because everybody here GETS it. But you also know that you BELIEVE that it works or you would not have spent a year doing this.
So, unless you have a better way to make a better life for yourself and your family, hopefully, we will see you back here soon with a name, location and ready to go 'til it happens.
"The world will not deny someone who will not be denied!" ~Matt Larsen
Another point. If you had not known that we would be here to support you, you never would have put up this post. You know we have your back.
"You're never too old to be what you were meant to be!"
"Shining Like a Star & Dancing on Sunshine"
"Shoot for the moon! Even if you fall short, you'll still land among the stars!"
what's your name isneed?
what city do you live in?
I recommend that you read DG's book "Totally Fulfilled"; it's an awesome book- it will help you get in the right mindset to succeed in rei, and in your personal life.
Wishing you success,
“And will you succeed? Yes indeed, yes indeed! Ninety-eight and three-quarters percent guaranteed!” ― Dr. Seuss
"I believe in angels, the kind that heaven sends; I am surrounded by angels, but I call them friends" - Unknown
My journal:
that has already been layed. Step by step.
NO shortcuts
It takes TIME - everyone wants to go FAST but you cant
Mike Free tools
Thanks guys for the advise. I just had a downer day and I'm going to pick myself up again and keep going. I updated my profile a bit more. It's not just that I'm upset I don't have results yet my stress is compounded by many other things. I will keep on pushing forward and I will report any good news thanks again
I just bought a new calendar for this year and it's called 7 Habits of Highly Successful People. Each month has something new. For April and I will quote:
"Moving along the upward spiral requires us to learn, commit, and do-- on increasingly higher planes. We deceive ourselves if we think that any one of these is sufficient. To keep progressing, we must learn, commit, and do--learn, commit, and do--and learn, commit, and do again." Stephen R Covey
Don't give up. Learn (from Dean's books and tapes), Commit (don't let naysayers or anything else take your focus away), and DO (take action... any action is better than no action).
This is food for thought and I hope it helps you to know that everyone who is successful has to do these three things. Go for it. You can do it!!
Everything works out in the end. If it hasn't worked out, it's not the end.
You have not lived a perfect day, unless you have done something for someone who will never be able to repay you. Ruth Smeltzer
It is what it is 'til you change it.
Mindset mindset mindset. Association association association. What you think is what your subconscious is telling your conscious to do. The closest 5 people you hang around is what you will become. What you see others do enough times you will start doing whether you like it or not. Start hanging around and with positive people that going in the direction you want to go. Start listening to positive mindset audio trainings. You can even sleep with this playing because your subconscious is still listening to it and retaining the info. Have you watched deans weekly blogs to stay motivated and learn about how it all starts with a positive overcoming mindset? I know you need money now, i do too in fact I needed it a year ago and still haven't done my first deal but Iam not stopping Iam not quitting. The only way you can lose is to quit. Have you read totally fulfilled by dean? There's many other books on how to live a positive fulfilled happy life. Bills are bills, everybody has them. Don't let them get you down. Keep on pushing and overcoming to get over that hill! Iam praying for you bro. Bless and be blessed. Iam blessed to be a blessing to others. Oh and another thing, when you think you have have it bad there's always somebody who has it worse. It will cheer you up every time. Always works for me! Go help somebody solve their problems, it will get your mind off your problems and you will be blessed 10 fold for helping them!
Bless and be blessed!
Check out my websites! Want to make $100+/hr? Need a free will? Unlimited Legal advice/representation or ID theft protection and restoration? Go to:
It always get harder before it gets easy. If it were easy everybody would be doing it. The pay off wouldn't be as great if the struggle wasn't hard. Every time you fail you get closer to succeeding.
Bless and be blessed!
Check out my websites! Want to make $100+/hr? Need a free will? Unlimited Legal advice/representation or ID theft protection and restoration? Go to:
Plan, do, check, and adjust.
- Mr. Larson
In other words as Shirley put it learn, commit, and do. Keep repeating that cycle in everything you want to do whether its build a relationship, real estate investing, or a diffucult task.
"You deserve to be successful"
Gabriel Do Carmo
It's not just advise here on DG, I don't think it's a stretch to say it's love!
Everyone offered so much passion and advise in these replies-- it must be love.
We have each other to trudge through the headaches days.
If you haven't watched Dean's video blog, this week's Weekly Wisdom, do. It's right on the money.
And maybe you should start a new thread called Psyched, Head Down and Ready to Do This!
Never, Never, Never Quit, N3Q
"Nothing happens until you place an offer."
"Skip Deal #1, go straight to Deal #2; it's so much easier."
"There is nothing so useless as doing efficiently that which should not be done at all." — Peter F. Drucker... so, "Don't sweat the small stuff." -R.Carlson. "The greatest mistake you can make in life is to be continually fearing you will make one."~E.Hubbard, The Note Book,, Do it for the right reason and "Do it with a headache!" - Dean Graziosi, Weekly Wisdom #176
you DG family really responded to your call for help.
Why? because we have ALL been where you were.
In my opinion, the most important advice in any of these posts is to Change Your Mind. What we focus on, we draw to us.
It really is that simple.
We think & speak our world into existence.
Karen Carpenter sang a song I always remember when I am low. It's called ♫ Look to Your Dreams ♫ and, yes, I'm geek enough to quote it here: ♫ Fantasy's Reality's Childhood.♫
That is a sentence to live by; Fantasy is Reality's Childhood. Right?! If you want your fantasies to be your reality, you gotta play with them. Have fun with 'em. Educate them. Grow with 'em.
You're gonna be alright, Sam. Please consider changing you DG name. Why? look thru all of these posts. Almost every one of us referred to your need.
I want to encourage you to be focused on your needs being met. Past tense. Because what you focus on becomes your reality.
Today, I'm gonna call you, ISBlessed. What do you want me to call you next time?
Dana Leigh
Dana w/ Crossroads Solutions LLC
I am direct to the VP of a $100 million dollar open-ended debt and equity fund which actively writes checks to fund businesses with an EBITDA of at least $1 million a year. We fund also have access to up to $500,000,000 for the purchase of distressed real estate, specially commercial $7,500,000 and up.
Stephan, your words could be the ones that keep someone going. I like your quote. i used to live on daily trivial activity. This year I am pushing for 10 units averaging $650/mo by the end of the year. I live in NYC but work from Nashville to ATL in my investing. just bought a house in Jonesboro.
ISNEED, just keep your focus and a positive mindset. When you start to get down you need a minute breathe and take another look at your goals.
Call current landlords and For Rent ads. It can be challenging to build a reliable buyers list. i had a guy who was a major low-ball buyer. It just means I need to bring him a better deal than some others would.
Remember your "why". Remember what drives you.
Hi Sam your man of character and lighten up a little, focus on the deals and not on the bills you have to be single minded so to speak( not easy with the bills but you have to ), focus on your goals, some very loving and caring DGers here giving some heart felt advice any business takes time to grow and you have to make adjustments along the way like every thing else in life. Nothing worth while comes with out effort.When a captain sails a ship he has a team to help navagate him to keep him on croarse.Network, network, network and associate with like minded people.There are those with out arms and leges who have over come greater odds than you are to be successful and so can you!!!!!!Your mind has to be fosused on your goals and where you want to go to stay the croase, gets your mind off you and the bills, focus on the win-win and the blessing will come, hope with all my heart that helps,Jim ( Iam working 6-12 hrs a day with a heavier load than you and Iam not giving up for one second no matter what, dont let your issues get in the way of your success, this is my ticket to freedom and it takes balance, patience and work, team up with some one and split the rewards 50/50, share and care)
OK i owe everyone here a huge thank you for giving me kick in the you know what.
I needed it but today im back on the grind and back in the pursuit of happiness.
I do have a couple questions if anyone could help answer.
1.if i put in my contract with the end buyer that they are responsible for all closing costs that means the homeowner will owe nothing at close correct?
2.the homeowner said the borough were the house is held part of his insurance check from the fire he had in this rental and he cant get it back until a new occupancy is issued. can i word it in the contract with the end buyer that any and all money held by borough pending occupancy inspection be returned to original owner? I know i should ask a lawyer but figured its worth a shot
I love this site. It's wonderful to see everyone so eager to encourage Sam and give him advice on how to proceed and be successful. Keep going Sam and you will see the result of your efforts. I was also able to learn a lot from all of your comments. Thank you everyone