To all the DG family's MOMs, HAPPY MOTHER's DAY!!! Hope you all enjoy celebrating YOUR special day Laughing out loud

DG's AndyS


Andy Sager
DG's AndyS
CFIC & IE member
2013, 2014, 2015 & 2016 EDGE Alumni Laughing out loud


Thank you my friend for your special wishes to all of us.

I second that!!

Mom's make the world an amazing place;-))

Happy Mothers Day all;-))



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Thank you Andy and Dean!!!

Had a wonderful day with the family!!!

Happy Mother's Day to my fellow mom re investors!!! Let's keep rocking the DG house!!! Smiling



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My journal: http://www.deangraziosi.com/real-estate-forums/investing-journals/59110/...

Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day, be sure to take time to appreciate and celebrate. Smiling - Joe


YOU TUBE CHANNEL - Follow me on my You Tube Channel at Joe Jurek Real Estate Investing Adventures

TWITTER - Follow me on Twitter at Joe Jurek CPA
Joe Jurek CPA

Thank you Andy and Dean!

Love this DG family! My son was overseas, but I still got a message!


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Than You Andy and Dean

That was very sweet and hey don't forget the Mr. Moms too. It was a beautiful day.

Thank you Andy

Thanks Andy you are such a wonderful friend. Thank you Dean I agree with you 100% because I know my mom has. Thanks Valerie and Joe, I had a wonderful mothers day and at the same time we celebrated my youngest son's birthday (he is 24 now). It was fun for all. I hope all the moms had a great day.

Thanks Andy and Dean...

I had an amazing day with my daughter and my adorable grandchildren. They are my "why" and it was just another reminder to push forward no matter what gets in my way!!

God bless you all,
Elena Laughing out loud


Cool Elena Cool
Psalms 118:23 "This is the LORD's doing; it is marvelous in our eyes."

Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mother's day to all of you mothers out there, hope ur day is full of joy and exciting blissful moments, may it be filled with love everlasting. Happy...Mother's.....Day...to...u....


Happy belated Mothers day to all our amazin DG MOMS.

Mothers are the cornerstone of every family, I hope you all enjoyed your well deserved day of recognition.