I need to quit my job!

I need to quit my job!

One of the things that Dean talks about is surrounding yourself with positive people and having the right mindset to suceed. I don't have this right now , not at all.

I been working at this warehouse for just over a year and it is driving me insane. The job itself is not that bad , althoug it is very physically demanding and is 10 hour night shifts. My problem is the people and management that work there . Most of them are young , negative, and have no goals in life. I barely talk to anyone there anymore and my brain has "checked out" from that cold place.

To make things worst, I heard some trash talk about me from a few individuals. I am doing all that is in my power not to confront them but it's very hard. The only thing that keeps me from fighting is hearing Dean say "you are better then that" and his whole positive thinking mentality.

My confidence is also being ruined because I already lack some confidence and this place sucks it out of me even more. I told a few people what I am trying to do but it's like they don't even believe me. I am trying to be more sociable and improve my people skills but I don't want to do that there.

I would not be posting this in here if I don't sound desperate. I need to have a clear mind! Mt wife even believes that maybe I should let that forsaken place go. She does believe in me and is doing most of the REI studying on her own. I have a few dollars saved up to cover me for a month and I have a personal lender that can maybe help also.

We are almost ready to do assignment of contracts and maybe get a check soon. I know quiting your job is not the smartest thing to do but I just can't stand it there no more. Are you guys with me?





Your Peace of Mind


I would seriously recomment you reading Deans other book - TOTALLY FULFILLED.

It inspiring, fulfilling and it helped me change my entire outlook and inter-being in regards to myself and the things and people around me


TWITTER - anitarny / FACEBOOK - anitarny


More books to read...

Martini, do not give up! Let me tell you, I am right where you are right now! I teach. I love the kids, but HATE the politics and the lack of support from administrators. I am going through a big rough patch right now. I have a lot of work problems. Where I work the attitude is... take the path of least resistance, pass the buck and throw anyone you can under the bus if it is going to save your rear end. Definitely not a positive work environment. You know what... this just makes me want to acheive my investment dreams even more! I have so many ideas that can enrich children's lives, but I don't have the resources. So, I'm working on my financial freedom, so I can have the freedom to pursue my passions without worrying about a J O B! Take your work environment and use it to motivate you to stay on target. When miserable people see someone breaking away from the norm, they start freaking out. You're bucking the system. They start saying, "Who does that guy think he is? What... this job isn't good enough for him?" Right now, they're looking at their lives and they're mad because you're doing something to change your life for the better. They can change, but it's easier to stay on the "I'm going nowhere, so feel sorry for me" wagon, then on the "prosper and change" wagon. Keep coming to this website. We will be your positive force. I've been reading a few books to keep me inspired. I don't know if you believe in a higher power, but I have two books that literally fell in my lap. They were meant for me to read. They are awesome and hit on exactly what you're going through right now.

Believe That You Can by Jentezen Franklin

Put Your Dream To The Test 10 Questions To Help You See It and Seize It by John C. Maxwell


"If you're in a shaking situation, you are just on the other side of great calm." Jentezen Franklin

"When people's talent does not match their dreams and they fail to recognize it, they will be forever working but never winning." John C. Maxwell

isn't this why we start doing RE

Trust me, martini, we have all been there and a lot of us are still there. I can't wait to leave my place of work.

I have to admit, not every day I feel like I can do it, but then I come here and I read all the success stories and meet all these great people like Anita and Kimmy and many more and I see that if so many people can do it, why can't I?

Keep your spirits up, whatever questions you have, people here have answers for you!!!




What I Think

I think quitting your job is a good idea. I hated being a slave. I just wanted my freedom so badly. I wish I would have quit a lot sooner.


You've got to find your obstacles and call them out! Unsheath the sword, and do battle with whatever it is that holds you back!

agree and this is my take on things

I agree...working where I am, the job itself is not that bad, but the people suck...Atleast 90 percent of them...I hate to say that, but none of them do there job, and pass it off to others all the time...Me being one of the others...I get stuck doing my job, and making up for what the others don't do...And of course, that won't change...I have a negative attitude while I am there, and even at home knowing I have to go back. which isn't good...I think bout real estate while i am there, I read the books, and reread and make phone calls on breaks and at lunch times...This job is getting me by, but I want so so so much more than this job, or any other job could ever get me...And not just money...But a better attitude in general would be nice...I swear, that most people work to get into debt slowly(or fast sometimes)Working just slows you from going into debt fast...Thats all...Ya need something that can propel you from working yourself into debt to staying away from debt, and being able to live a good life...I could probably go on and on, but don't wanna write a book


***Something to Believe In***
"If you want something, GO GET IT...PERIOD" Will Smith
"Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goal" Henry Ford
~"Success doesn't come to you...You go to it" Marva Collins~

you all are great!

Anita and KimmyJ , I do need to get some type of inspirational book to get improve my confidence . Just reading Dean's new book was motivating and want to go back and read his older books, I hear they are all great. The only thing is that right now I am just focusing so much on real estate and the coaching that I have no time for other reading material.

Cbrpower, are you not Matt Larson? I could be wrong but I had the impression that you are. If that is you then congrats and what I would do to work with you.

Yuri77 & Marc, lets just all quit our jobs. I don't know everyone's situation in here but do all yall believe in Dean's new book , "Profit from Real Estate Now"? This is the main reason I feel I can quit my job. Can we all make money quick with his no money down strategy? I guess I believe him because I am willing to quit my job to go at it full blast. My wife and I have made some great progress and are almost ready to start doing it.

So in conclusion I say this; quiting my job may not be the smartest thing to do but I feel is necessary to obtain peace of mind. I may end up being behind in debt at first but sometimes you need to take a step back to take a giant leap forward. I will let you all know if that was the right thing to do in the future. Thanks!





... let's quit indeed!

I must say I was absolutely amazed when I read this post earlier in the week. My best friend and I were both talking about how very miserable we are on our jobs. Though she doesn't care for what she does OR the people, I'm like some of you, who don't mind the job, but work with a bunch of people who don't value integrity. That, for me is ROUGH!

But I think even worse than that, is the fact that this job sucks up so much of my precious resources. TIME, ENERGY, MOTIVATION (that is before Dean's book) - but now, even with the book, and the new found motivation, withouth the time and energy ... it's still rough. So it's really robbing me of much more than it's affording me.

I'm a little nervous about quitting, but in reality when I weigh my pros and cons, I'm just not concluding that it's better to stay. So, I will be following this thread closely (and will eventually begin my own journal) - AS TIME PERMITS!!!

For those of you who have already taken the plunge, "THANK YOU" ... and please continue to keep us updated. I'm sure you've heard on more than one ocassion how extremely helpful it is ... but I don't think words can adequately express the realness of that. Also, pray for those of us who are in this "press". I believe we'll get there ... and I'm choosing to believe it will be SOONER than later.


I am blessed to be a blessing!

But remember the LORD your God, for it is he who gives you the ability to produce wealth, and so confirms his covenant, which he swore to your ancestors, as it is today. Deuteronomy 8:18 (Today's New International Version)

Most people

Most people will never make any money from real estate for one main reason. When they hit a roadblock it is just so easy for them to think to themselves "why am I stressing about this real estate stuff, I have a safe, secure job that really isn't THAT bad". And so the pain of change will never overcome the pain of staying the same. And they just keep doing what they are doing.

But if you quit your job you are forced to perform or die or even worse go bankrupt...


You've got to find your obstacles and call them out! Unsheath the sword, and do battle with whatever it is that holds you back!

Time to Play the Game

Even if it isn't in this real estate business, most people won't make a change...Even when forced to, some don't...Fears hold them back, or completely hold them down...and they are forced to give up and have nothing, including a home, family or friends...Regardless whether you quit your job or not, if you are serious bout making a change, then force yourself anyways...YOUR JOB IS NEVER SECURE...Doesn't matter the economy at all...If you work for somebody else, then they can let ya go by snapping their fingers...Ya gotta play the game, or GAMES OVER...


***Something to Believe In***
"If you want something, GO GET IT...PERIOD" Will Smith
"Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goal" Henry Ford
~"Success doesn't come to you...You go to it" Marva Collins~

lets play the game then

I am afraid that I started something horrible. Everyone will start feeling like me, then quit their job. I don't want to be sued so think carefully..jk lol. Seriously thoug; I will quit very soon and I been thinking about trying to collect unemployment. I know a safe way to get fired without making it look obvious. I shouldn't feel bad about this because I done some great work for them so they owe me.

Cbrpower you make an interesting point in that alot of people are just fine with their job. The funny thing is that I may feel that way also if I had a career. This job was like a slap in the face that said to me, "wake up stupid!". The reality is that I am a 28 year old man with no even a high school diploma (stupid of me to drop out) and a dead end job. My other option was going to college but now adays that doesn't guarantee you a career either. My wife has a bachelor's degree and has been home for a year because she could not find a job;eventhoug, she had 3 years experience at her last job.

Real estate has been like a dream to me and I thank God that I decided to make that call and believe in Dean. Now I just have to work hard at it and hope it works out. I know that I will make it because I already have met some great people in here . One day my son will not have to worry about quiting his job and the same goes for you all. God bless and good night!





Good Thread Martin

Thank you for this thread. Very, very interesting to me (seeing as how I'm in the exact same position.) I think it would mainly depend on each person's individual situation though. Also, how far into the training you are. I have been wanted to quit my job for a few months now. I have the skills to go somewhere in this world. And why should I have to wait around until "they" say that I'm ready. They don't respect me, or the things I do for this corporation. That's really what it comes down to for me. Respect. Why stay with a company when the long hours and overtime you put in are not respected/acknowledged? It's only a matter of time before I leave this corporation. All I need is a little more real estate training before I take the inevitable plunge!

You didn't start it ...

The_ Great _Martini wrote:
I am afraid that I started something horrible. Everyone will start feeling like me, then quit their job. I don't want to be sued so think carefully..jk lol.

Martin, I think I can speak for the majority of folks who feel that way we do when I say that YOU didn't start this "something horrible" ... you merely expressed it first, and gave many of the rest of us the courage to agree.

I love this site for just that reason ... we can be brave, scared, right, wrong ... all in the name and process of growth and success! It's great to find out that you're not alone, because in that journey, while we're all feeling our way, we're also making a path for others.

Like someone else said, I think our paths are "inevitable" ... that, of course, if and when we are truly ready for the change. I'm just about there myself ...

Thank you again ... EVERYONE! You're all great!!!


I am blessed to be a blessing!

But remember the LORD your God, for it is he who gives you the ability to produce wealth, and so confirms his covenant, which he swore to your ancestors, as it is today. Deuteronomy 8:18 (Today's New International Version)

You didn't start anything


Everyone goes through all of this at one point or another. So don't worry. If anything, you started a trend of people realizing that they are not alone and there is another person and another who feels the same way and it is time for a change!!!

If you read my profile you will see that I have done many things and worked different jobs. Truth is, I have been working since I can remember, since I came to this country. My family came here for a dream, for me to have a better life, and after all those numerous things I have realized that I DO NOT WANT TO WORK 50 HOURS PER WEEK while making somebody else richer! I want to make sure my family is provided for and that I have something to leave to my children.

So!!! I am enrolling into the academy, I am making numerous friends here and am partnering up with other investors all over US, people who are more experienced them myself and who are willing to teach and share their vast knowledge. I am contacting different RE brokers to find out who wants to work with me. I am trying to build a buyer's base (though this is the hardest for me at the moment since I don't have the book).

Point is, Martin, LET'S JUST DO IT!!! You won't make money unless you try.
You've got my blessing (as if you need it!).
Go for it, buddy!

And if you need help or a partner -- Just let me know and we will join forces!




Can I get in on this?

I would love to leave my job, and I am planning to in March 2010. That will give me 20 years there and I can retire at 50% with health benefits. I want to go from there right into full time REI. Still waiting for Deans new book to get here but I re-read the BARM book and I just KNOW I can get over my obstacles. It might take me a little longer than some to be a millionaire investor but I'll have my retirement pay coming in so I've still got an advantage. I love this thread!



April Fools...I know, I know, really dumb...But seriously, myself personally, I would love to quit...Like I said above...The only thing about quitting for anybody, is if you are trying to get a loan...From my understanding, without a job, or job history, you can't get a loan...And in this business, if you can't get a loan, it makes things much tougher...Of course you have all the no money down techniques and all that, but without any income coming in at all, it can slow your process down...Or you may lose a deal or more cause you don't have any money at all...So that is just something to keep in mind if you are seriously thinking bout quitting before you really get started making money with real estate...


***Something to Believe In***
"If you want something, GO GET IT...PERIOD" Will Smith
"Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goal" Henry Ford
~"Success doesn't come to you...You go to it" Marva Collins~

Ha ha ha ha!

Ha ha ha ha! That's a good one Marc! You got everybody fired up, lol. Good for you. I was going to suggest otherwise for the reasons you mentioned above and i'm glad you didn't quit your job. Hopefully in three or four years time when we have 30 or more properties like CBR, then we can all quit. Good one!


I have a new job!

This has turned about to be a great thread when I was just letting out some frustration . Glad to see we all are in similar situation and working hard to make US reach and not THEM reach. I wanted to give you all an update as to what I intend to do.

I decided to quit my present job because of the stress that it is causing me and how time consuming it is to me. I went back to my old job that I had worked at briefly as a cable installer. I got the call yesterday that I can work for them. I have to buy my own van and equipment just to get started, I figured that will cost me around $3000. I can borrow the money from a personal friend of mine so that's no problem. I intend to start there after I comeback from my vacation (do I need it!) on April 21.

I am having seconds thoughts about this new job though. The reason is that my wife and I are so close in getting stated assigning properties. She has at least 2 buyers/investors that she called and one of them sounded like a great guy who said he would help us get our feet in the door. I feel like just rolling the dice and going at this investing full blast. Specially with the marked the way it is and you keep hearing how now is the time to invest. This new job will only create another distraction and consume more time , which is what I need the most right now. Having said all that... at least I will have a steady income coming in if investing takes longer then I anticipate.

My wife is scared working with me because I am always changing my mind, buyers remorse I guess you would call it. I tell her it is because I like to think things through and make good decisions. I do wish that I didn't analyze so much sometimes and just go for it. "Analysis leads to paralysis" quote from Dean, but where do you draw the line. Good luck to all and lets start making some money! Thanks!





"Analysis leads to Paralysis"

Analizing different senerios is perfectly fine. Write done each senerio and do a pro/con list. List even the smallest detail on the pro/con list. Instead of having it in your head which can lead to the paralysis part, you will have it in black and white for you and your wife to review.

For me my paralysis was my attorney telling me not to do anything until the divorce my husband wanted was final. It will be three years this May and it still is not final. So how many dels did I lose in those three years? I decided to go ahead and if some of what I end up with is deducted from the settlement, so be it.

Doing investing is so much FUN!!


This is a great forum topic.

You have stepped into my area of expertise. Part of which is OTHER PEOPLE!

No matter where you live, no matter what job you do, no matter who your friends are etc. no matter what your family members say, you will run into negative people.

KNOW THIS: there is NOTHING you can say, there is NOTHING you can do that will EVER change a naysayer, a negative person or as Dean would call them, dream stealers!

The only person who can change a dream stealer is him/herself.

The only thing that we can do is to learn how to ignore them or deal with them in a different way. Our RESPONSE to them is the only thing that is in our control.

I am a little panicked that so many people want to quit their jobs, I do know though that there are so few people in this world who get up excited to go to work and make a difference.

What I would say though is pick a quit date ... lets say 3 months, and for those 3 months do not use one cent of your income ! (Let it accrue towards a RE purchase!)

See if you have the resources during those 3 months to pay your mortgage/rent/credit cards/car/insurance/gas/tuition/emergencies/clothing/utilities/kids stuff; camp, summer wardrobe, activities, childcare/vacation/food/bus/train/subway/laundry/pet care/coffee and a donut/social activities/other .........

It is hard to get a job, a friend of mine works in HR, he posted a job last week (online) and received 800 hits within a couple of hours. Jobs may suck all over but now is not the time to quit unless you have resources.

Having said all of that, RE should be motivation to press forward and rise above the c**p of a horrible job and negative collegues.

I agree with Matt that maybe you need to be out of work and so a little more motivated to succeed in RE. But even Dean would not tell you to quit unless you can pay your bills, this was in a CD I think from the Think a little Different Kit (out before the BARM and the new book.)



April fools joke ! Almost gave me a heart attack!

You can quit soon I just know it, but do not quit yet!

Your biggest fan, Angela



Anyone in this world who is working for the best interests of children is a hero to me. Smiling

I look forward to your success and to learn more about your plans.


Martin (where do you draw the line?)

In a nutshell, you said your wife is educated, has studied more RE than you and is unemployed.

My advice to you is go back to your old job for a short period of time (those bills have gotta be paid) and let your wife charge forward with the RE.

You can get involved whenever you have the time. I would imagine that your wife would LOVE to do this. If you over analyse you will hold her back. Give her the green light and after you guys make some money on a couple of deals then I think you can quit your job and your wife would not be scared of working with you ... you will not overthink things so much when you see her success!

Martin, for the record

I for one, would love to know your wife's name. She is involved in your investing pursuits, it is only fair that we get to talk to her too. Have her sign in as a new member!

(Hello Mrs. Martini!) Smiling



Hey Martin:

I am balancing full time job, two kids, a side business and real estate investing. If I can do it, so can you!!!

TRUST ME!!! Don't over analyze things, you will start second guessing yourself.




I just quit

Yesterday was my last night at that God forsaken place. I didn't even tell my management (they suck) because I am on vacation next week and I want to get paid for my sick time that I haven't used. AngelaK you make some great points that quiting is not always right but in this case it was tearing me apart. It seemed like almost everyday this week I wanted to kick some one's ass. It got to the point that I would get sweaty and over stressed out. I thing the only thing to stop me from going to jail is this dream that I have going on here and my family.

It was not easy to quit because I make $20/hr and in PA that's really good for someone without a college education.However; that came at a high price because the job is very physically demanding including working nights and long hours. It is so bad that during my workday, I have no time or energy for anything , not even for my 1 year old son. On my days off, I am so tired from my workweek that I just want to lay on my couch. Of course I don't and try to catch up with my investing studies. The combination of work with real estate has been really stressing me out. The difference is that real estate may be tough now but it will lead me far.

I would not had quit if I didn't have another job lined up or some saved income. Last thing I want to do is not pay the bills and have my family starving. I am working very hard right now to get a first deal and assign contract. I don't ever want to have that miserable feeling of working for an evil company. Thanks to you all for helping me through it.

On a site note , her name is Alicia, AngelaK. I would tell her to join this wonderful family but she is so busy with our son Donte and studying . She will get her butt in here sometime, though .

God bless!





You might not expect me to say this but I am really proud of you and you have my support 100% x infinity! Smiling

I understand completely - I quit a 'great' job with an amazing salary once because it was simply soul destroying to me!

Looking forward / Moving forward - YES?

Give Alicia and Donte big hugs from us all!


Way to go Martin

I hope I am with you in a matter of months. I'm doing all I can now to get into Deans Success Academy. Good luck with everything.



Congratulations! I am new here and very happy for you. I would like to make a suggestion if I may. I don't know where you are spiritually but maybe you should focus on that as well. Attending a sermon would give you the opportunity to netork and become a people person. I know I read in one of your above posts that you have self confidence issues. Personally I have seen spirituallity impower people and help them through difficult times.

Also for those considering leaving thier J O B's. Be careful that you can forefill your responsibilities for your family as well. You don't need the added stress. I am a stay at home mom of 5. 7, 6, 3, 1 years old and 1 week old new born. My hubby is a Marine and only home weekends. So pretty much I am on my own. I left the Marines because I felt the same way you do and it caused some serious financial issues in the fam. Now I am in the position where I feel I have to make a change to liberate my hubby from his day job and the possibility of my visits from hubby being cut even shorter to two weekends out of the month. So like you I HAVE to succeed.

Said all that to say this. If a stay at home mom of 5, ex-marine, with no experiance, no money, no support (my hubby doesn't even believe I can do it) and bad credit can do this (I am believing through Father and pure stubborn will power I can do this) so can you good luck and blessings.

Kiss the baby for me. And flowers for wifey.


Congratulations on leaving your job...If something is physically and mentally destroying you, it isn't even worth it...Job or any other thing...So good luck with your decision, and I hope everything works well for you...I don't blame ya one bit, and I think everyone on here supports your decision...


***Something to Believe In***
"If you want something, GO GET IT...PERIOD" Will Smith
"Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goal" Henry Ford
~"Success doesn't come to you...You go to it" Marva Collins~



In the mid-eighties I quit a job where I was making over $15.00 an hour in PA. It was kiling me not seeing my kids.

I worked swing shift and there would be a 10 day period where I wouldn't see my kids. They were suffering because of it emtionally. Financially I was the breadwinner, but it wasn't worth it.

My husband was trying to get a businesses going. After I quit I put my efforts into our business which really took off. Sure we had to cut back in a lot of areas, but i is possible to live without things.

You seem to have the inner power to do it and your wife is backing you.
I know you will succeed!!

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