Why dont you make up two or three signs on a poster boards that you sell houses or buy houses. Make Flyers and tell little bit about your business. Leave your flyers and your business cards on the table at the yard sale. You will get several leads and also free advertisements. Let's be creative !! It's a win/win situation.
Best of luck !
Paul T. La Moy
That was a great idea Paul. I will implement it on my next chance.
Awe you are welcome and good luck
I thought this was going to be a big hit and very helpful to you all !
Great idea with the yard sale advertising. Sometimes people having a yard sale are even thinking of selling their home and are clearing some extra items. Thus, this is a great idea at a low or even no cost to advertise. Thanks for the great tip. Good luck on all your deals. Believe and Achieve!
- Joe
YOU TUBE CHANNEL - Follow me on my You Tube Channel at Joe Jurek Real Estate Investing Adventures
TWITTER - Follow me on Twitter at Joe Jurek CPA
Joe Jurek CPA
That is an awesome idea that I never thought of. Good thinking!
This train, Dreams will not be thwarted
This train, Faith will be rewarded
Big wheel roll through fields where sunlight streams
Meet me in the Land Of Hope And Dreams
Bruce Springsteen
Great way of getting leads. Joe is right alot of times at yard sales you can find out that they are moving because of a divorce or they are being foreclosed on. What's even better is an estate sale. There's a great chance you can get a jump start on this before the realtor by watching the newspaper ads for estate sales. The ad will provide the address. So you can send a card or even stop by. Thanks for the tip! Continued success.........Lubertha
Hi Joe, Jeremy and Lubertha,
Thanks and glad you all liked it. Yes I went to the yard sale down the road from me and they are getting divorced and the house is sold. Too late for me to make a deal with them. Oh well maybe I will run into another yard sale and may get lucky.
Best of luck to you all
Paul T. La Moy
This weekend I ran into my sister's friend and she was having a garage sale and i stopped by and looked around and talked to her for a bit and she said she has to sell her real estates due to the divorce. So for what I understand she has a few properties and hopefully I will get back with her this week and talk to her.
Have a good week !!
De acuerdo. ...I agree.. idea muy buena... great idea! We're having a garage sale next weekend and always go "junking" on the weekend; never again without a pocket full of bid'ness cards..
P.S. ...A BIGGIE..FELLOW BLOGGERS. A crucial/critical thread on appraisals and appraiser mistakes!!!!won't do it here. . . breech of thread. .
crosstown richard. .. lookin crosstown for another good deal.
crosstown looker
PPS. .. I'll post the appraisal info under.
crosstown looker
Wish you the best of luck with your yard sale next weekend and you will be surprised how much feed back you will get.
warm regards,
Hi Pal,
Sounds like you really found the bargain there! I am the garage sale queen! In this business you have to shift your mind set that everyone you meet, is your next prospect! Being in sales, you must learn how to sell you! And it starts with letting everyone know what you offer. Investment opportunities. The very person you think will not be interested is the person that will be your biggest prospect! Tell everyone your new business adventure. Because you have no way of knowing who is looking to sell or buy. Just my opinion. Continued success........Lubertha
Hi there,
Thanks for the nice comments you just wrote. I do agreed with you with every you said. I was in sales and I sold top of the line products in the past and I did very well in that. REI is a new ball game for me and sooner or later things will start rolling for me. Have a great evening !
Warm regards,
Great idea!! Thanks for the post!
I wish you well in your REI. I have no doubt you will be as successful in REI as you have been in all other areas!!
God bless,
"Obstacles can slow you down, but they can only stop you with your permission." Dean Graziosi (BARM pg 101)
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11
For a little about me, welcome to the site, and a few tips for new DG family members, click on this link: http://www.deangraziosi.com/user/3249
Thanks Rina and its always good to hear from you. How was all the graduation parties in the last two weeks? Any sales lately? You are a great example and mentor for me. The others are awesome too. Have a greatest day as ever !!
Warm regards,
Paul T. La Moy
Hope you all are enjoying that info !!
Paul T. La Moy
One of the members just told me that Garage sale ideas worked very well over the weekend. Just try it sometime !!
I went to the garage sale that a friend of mine had yesterday and was able to pass out business cards. In the afternoon I was invited to my old neighbor that has a big apple orachard and they had their family reunion. I was able to talk to everyone and they are happy that I am going to get my cochlear ear surgery and also was talking to Jeff and he is an investor with buying hundreds of acres and knew exactly what I was talking about below FMV etc.
It was very interesting day !
Warm regards,
Paul T. La Moy
This method is working and you guys need to try this. I met more people over the weekend over the 4th. Let me know how this is working for you all.
Paul T. La Moy
Great thinking... I have a lot yard sales around me right now.... I never thought of that!
you never know until you find out...
I'm going to try using this starting today! Thanks for the idea!
Success and Nothing Less!