Looking for birddogs

Looking for birddogs

Does anyone want to bird dog and search for short sales the
mselves or with a realtor contAct me


I will never give up on anything I do!!!

Or pm me instead because my

Or pm me instead because my email is not working I am excited to work with all birddogs in any state please contact me asa.
Damion Davidson


I will never give up on anything I do!!!

Hi Damion, Yes I would

Hi Damion,
Yes I would definitely be interested in doing bird-dogging for you. I am new to this and just started out and wanted to do bird dogging to start with so this would be a great opportunity I feel for the both of us. I am a stay at home mom so I have all day to devote to this and am willing to do so. You can contact me on my personal email at tonesofhome07@**** if you are interested.


Sarah L. Hall

I too am interested in

I too am interested in working with you. Could you please send me a pm with your email addy. For some reason I am unable to send you one.


I am interested

I will send an email.

tried to send you a PM

I was told I had to be a registered member, I am a member of DG site but I can't get thru to contact you. Please let me know how I can reach you.

For some reason it won't

For some reason it won't allow me to contact you so hopefully you will read this and contact me I am very interested in possibly working with you in the near future and feel this could be a good fit for both of us. Thanks so much for your time and look forward to hearing from you.


Sarah L. Hall


HE IS NO LONGER A MEMBER OF THIS SIGHT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

me too !

I would love to bird dog pm me if possible, young new savy investor that finds awesome deals. Looking forward to hear from you. Thanks

& Live Life

young Money Cool


young Money$


i would like to birddog for you. what exactly are the type of homes your looking for


brien mellinger

I Have A Problem With This Post

The problem I have with it is this and it is not personal. It has to do with the treatment of the DG family in this case.

The first time I saw this guy, he ran a thread that said use my nationwide buyers list. He said send deal scenarios and he would get them in front of his buyers.

I saw reply after reply where people asked why they were not being contacted after sending their deals to him. He never replied to me either.

This is the actions of someone who says use my buyers list. Now he runs a thread looking for birddogs.

Now the outcome? he is no longer a member here. My guess is that there were so many complaints that they cancelled his membership.

How do you pay a birddog??

Nice follow up Jimmybtx. It looks like you saved many interested parties time and frustration. Having said that, I am a real member as well as a member of the academy. I am working hard on many different things. Having a bit of a time finding that real motivated seller that will entertain a "lock Up" and assignment to a motivated buyer. The buyer list is growing but need to do additional work on it. In the mean time I have 3 private money lenders I am talking with, building that business relationship which is important to both of us. It appears my first deal will be funded with Private money.

As far as birddoging, I have put an ad on craigslist that advertises looking for birddogs. I have received a reponse from a person located in my state, not too far from my town that is interested. My question is this. What is a fair fee or industry standard, for paying a birdog for finding you a deal that makes sense and you close on it? I am thinking 2 percent of the sale price. Can someone advise on this please.
Thank you
John Musco - LiveaDream.


John A Musco -
You see, in life, lots of people know what to do, but few people actually do what they know. Knowing is not enough! You must take action.
Tony Robbins


Hi, liveadream

According to one I saw on here, $1,000.00 per deal but some may pay more or even less not sure. I would birddog for someone myself if it can all be done on the internet or else I can't if that was required.
Any offers here just send me a PM and instructions you want done and get back to you on it.
It would be nice to hear from other members what they are willing to pay a birddog.



LD713 wrote:
Hi, liveadream

According to one I saw on here, $1,000.00 per deal but some may pay more or even less not sure. I would birddog for someone myself if it can all be done on the internet or else I can't if that was required.
Any offers here just send me a PM and instructions you want done and get back to you on it.
It would be nice to hear from other members what they are willing to pay a birddog.


If you guys/gals really want to birddog for someone, then why not look for buyers from your own areas who post signs/billboards saying..."I Buy Houses", "Sell Me Your House", or else ride around your county looking for large signs in peoples yards that read the same. Once you've found them, call them and talk to them about their fees for birddogs, or else just give them your flat fee, because they'll more then likely ask you what you're charging for your services as a birddog. If I were you, I'd have myself a set fee already in place. Just make sure that your services as a birddog, warrant your fees.

Best of wishes to you!


Bryant Slade

Excellent information

Excellent information LD713...I am going to take your advice and see what it leads me. There are a lot of bandit signs on my route to work. Thanks!

Interested in BirdDogging

What area of the country are you interested in focusing on ? This is an area of Real Estate investment I have wanted to get involved in, so if you are serious, please send me responce.

l went to join you

let me know the kind and price range of the homes u are interested, send pm

My two cents...

Anything is negotiable in this business. If you're asked what you pay bird dogs, this is where you get silent and listen. Ask them what they want to get paid in response. The reason is this, if you're paying your bird dog what YOU want to pay them, it might not necessarily be what THEY want to get paid. If that's the case, they might start seeking out other investors that pay more than you and bird dog for them to. Remember, this is a people business, so you need to treat your people good. Especially your bird dog. Hope this helps... Best of luck!

Elena Laughing out loud


Cool Elena Cool
Psalms 118:23 "This is the LORD's doing; it is marvelous in our eyes."

Unable to contact you

Like many have posted on here I too was unable to contact you or view your profile. You should contact customer support and see what's up. You have many people interested in possibly bird dogging for you including me.

Look forward to talking with you.


"Do something you LOVE and you will never work another day in your life."
"Nothing can ever stop you without your permission."
"So long as you haven't quit, then you haven't lost."

I Was

going by what Walt said that this guy's account had been terminated and no longer a member! But yet I still see people wanting his information????? Just plan-e I doubt this guy is retired not unless he hit a jackpot deal!


You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you stop and look fear in the face. Do things you think you cannot do. Tough times never last, but tough people do.

See Where The Journey Never Ends At: http://www.deangraziosi.com/real-estate-forums/investing-journals/69250/...

Chase Brooks


Yeah I usually pay attention to things like post dates. I completely missed how old this thread is.

Oh well no harm done.


"Do something you LOVE and you will never work another day in your life."
"Nothing can ever stop you without your permission."
"So long as you haven't quit, then you haven't lost."

I'm Working

OK this Thread Dates back to 2009 ....LOL

Investor from florida....

Hi im on the florida state if you like we can work together just give your criteria and we go from there.....

Are you still looking for

Are you still looking for bird dogs? Thanks!

Hi Damion I would love to

Hi Damion
I would love to join your birddogging team. We are in Eastern PA near Western Jersey. PM me when you can for specific information. Thanks for the opportunity.

bird dog

if sorry if i got the spelling rong but you no who i mean your looking to bird dog you might want to go to carol stencens web site and join her national team

anyone needing a birddog

Hello, I am looking to birddog for investors. If you want a birddog please contact me at greaterlady13@. I am just starting to do bird dog. I am in the Georgia area.So if any investors need some help with finding properties I'm the one to find them. Right now I have found several house/commercial properties but need an investor.



Maybe it will help to pull things together for birddogging


Best Regards,
(Licensed Realtor-Military Vet-9/11Vet)
A self-directed realization for 2014 is to:
Live life as if always on vacation and have all the good health, time, & wealth to enjoy it.
Work, only when and IF desired. Helping others do the same. It Pay$ To Connect!
Always In Gratitude.....

Atlanta Contact...

If anyone is working the Atlanta area, reach out to me.



Stephan Roberts
"In absence of clearly defined goals, we become strangely loyal to performing daily acts of trivia!"

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Bird dog

I spent the past 3 years bird dogging for Pat Martin. Let me know what your criteria is, and we'll get busy.

bird dog

we would be very interested in working with you please email me at clint1954 at yahoo dot com we are a couple interested in doing bird dog business with anyone who need people who are interested and do their home work we are very detailed in our work so let us know

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