I cannot even get approved for a Loan from the bank....What should I do?

I cannot even get approved for a Loan from the bank....What should I do?

Hello, I recently purchased Deans, latest book "PROFIT FROM REAL ESTATE RIGHT NOW". As with everyone else, I haven't fully read through the book. I'd like to sit down and read the whole book in one day, but thats just not an option. Have poor credit, near the 500 range. I'd like to know if there's a way to find money, possible a grant, or federal funding to provide a lending hand. I'm going to buy a newspaper right now, just to see if there's any investors looking for property's. I read that there's a way to earn a "Finders fee" or something and possible make some small money this way? Is this possible? I'm LOST!

D.J Marcelus


You are wonderful......

There are different

There are different strategies that you can use. Being a bird dog is a good start but the more you read about these techniques the easier it will be to figure out which one currently fits your situation. A buyers list is the common denominator between all of these strategies. If you want to approach banks while you have bad credit get a credit partner or go with private money lenders and skip the banks.

Hey appreciate that!

I've tried to use a credit partner option, its just very hard to get someone to sign on a loan.....Not too many people are willing to be a co-signer around here. I guess i can continue to build my credit slowly.I have credit cards, so Hopefully by next year I should be situated a little more comfortably than this year. Thanks for the input.


You are wonderful......

Well, any idea on which one to start reading first

or should i say the one to give me a better jump start in this industry...I have "PROFIT FROM REAL ESTATE RIGHT NOW!" And "Be A Real Estate Millionaire", Which one would be better to read immediately?


You are wonderful......




In short, use other people's money (OPM)other than the bank's - private money.


Rick Allison, Realtor
Amarillo, Texas USA

Find comps, private lenders and cash buyers nationwide: www.TheRealEstate.PRO

Foreclosure and pre-foreclosure search engine: http://tinyurl.com/b6w7h6o

The People Helping People Movement: www.greatEPXsite.NET

Do you mean family,

Or grants, im currently seeking Grants, and government funding.......I have a lot of research to do.......And as far as Family, there's not really anyone that would feel extremely comfortable in lending money to me, not because im not a trust worthy person, more or less, They just don't have the money to lend!


You are wonderful......

As philip already stated

As philip already stated above, Go read the Books!! You will find some of the biggest success stories come from people who had the CRAPPIEST credit.

Read the book and then come back with your questions

Good Luck Smiling



"You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you stop and look fear in the face. Do the things you think you cannot do. Tough times never last, but tough people do"

Yes, I'm sure I will read up on someone elses success...

But in the process of reading someone else's success story throughout this book, does It give a detailed definition as to how they pulled forward, Give the exact techniques, and strategies that they personally used, to going from having no credit to having a positive income? I'm reading the book now, and checking my email also....back and forth..


You are wonderful......


Reading other people's success story is only the beginning. You have to go out there and do what is necessary to make real estate work for you. We did not acquire just sitting and doing nothing. Set some goals with time-lines and make it happen. God Bless.



"You can never get to the top, if you are not willing to climb. Do not look at the difficulty of the climb, only anticipate the view from the top."
"Can't even walk without you holding my hand." (Song)
"Is anything too hard for the Lord ..." Genesis 19:14
"In all things, wait on the Lord."
"Think not of your own deliverance, but trust in God who will give in abundance."
"When you are down to nothing, God is up to something." Unknown
"Our lives begin to end, the day we become silent about those things that really matters." Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.


Congratulations on purchasing DG's book; it will be one of your greatest investments, if you read it and follow his strategies.
You can also read some of the threads on this site to learn even more. Just write in a topic on the 'search/enter' box on the top left of this page, then hit enter on your keyboard.

Here's one thread that you may want to read...


Wishing you success,




“And will you succeed? Yes indeed, yes indeed! Ninety-eight and three-quarters percent guaranteed!” ― Dr. Seuss

"I believe in angels, the kind that heaven sends; I am surrounded by angels, but I call them friends" - Unknown

My journal: http://www.deangraziosi.com/real-estate-forums/investing-journals/59110/...

Heres Some help

Look up

Transactional Day Funding ( Must Have A Buyer In place Before Applying )

Hard Money Lenders Or Private Hard Money Lenders

Read up In the Book On Different types of Funding Options Cause Deans book does Give you the different types of Funding Options & Talks about Both Hard Money & Transactional Day Funding .

You do not need to go to the Bank at least for what some of us do in Real Estate , you should be ok If you have A buyer & Is using Assignment Clause & do A Double closing you should Be able to Apply for A Hard Money Loan Or Day Funding .

I like your quote from the bible

God bless to you also and thanks for the encouragement.......May Jesus place many blessings on you and your family Sandra....Amen....I guess i need a prayer for more motivation and Understanding.


You are wonderful......

Ok will do so,

I think right now its information overload, but appreciate the help...I will check your site out here in a few, have to go do some late night shopping....thanks a lot!


You are wonderful......

Definitely read the books and write down your questions

I find that when I read about someone else's success, it definitely gets me excited; especially when I read about someone in the same town as me!! I find myself truly motivated because I now have proof that it can be done in my state. Read the books and write down your questions as you read along. I'm currently practicing questions to ask investors, sort of like a mini interview, just so that I don't sound too scripty, unsure, and inexperienced (considering I'm a newbie and can't wait to make my first deal!!); but, instead, sound more natural and relaxed.

If there's anything I have learned through the years is that a lot of big companies have made it big off of other people's money. So I know it can be done and credit was not used to obtain that money for their transactions. So don't worry about your bad credit (I'm there myself). The way I see it is what has made it go down can eventually go back up and up and up. So keep pushing through. You will eventually discover strategies and techniques that you are more comfortable with. Laughing out loud

Check Out The Blog

How To Repair Your Credit In 90 days, it might help.



"You can never get to the top, if you are not willing to climb. Do not look at the difficulty of the climb, only anticipate the view from the top."
"Can't even walk without you holding my hand." (Song)
"Is anything too hard for the Lord ..." Genesis 19:14
"In all things, wait on the Lord."
"Think not of your own deliverance, but trust in God who will give in abundance."
"When you are down to nothing, God is up to something." Unknown
"Our lives begin to end, the day we become silent about those things that really matters." Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

YES, IM on page 66, in less than 4 hours,

At this rate and dedication, I will finish this book in the first week, I've Even started writing down my own catchy phrases, lines for Ad's and bill boards! KEEP READING!!


You are wonderful......

Read the book

asking all these questions will confuse you

Get an understanding of the basics before you start thinking about bandit signs, craigslist ads, etc.

Don't put the cart before the horse


In my very humble opinion what you need to do is first complete reading Deans books and focus hard on the wholesaling.

You can wholesale houses and get $3000.00 and on upwards to $20,000 (or more)per deal for each deal you do. I have wholesaled about 30 cash deals myself.

One of the main things is to build your cash buyers list.




Stay off this site

until you've read one book. And then read it again.

Seriously, because what might happen is you're still at a point where you're learning and reading all these posts about DO IT!!! and TAKE ACTION NOW!!! and such will have you wanting to rush the process and I myself wouldn't want you to become another casualty on here that burns out or feels cheated, etc.

Take your time, read the book until you honestly understand the concept of real estate; if you have to ask what the concept of real estate, then you need to finish reading the book or re-read it. Get it???

When I started reading RE books from Trump and Carelton Sheets I would read aloud or speak to myself(who hasn't spoken to themselves???) in conversation about the concepts and things I read to drill into my head about it.

When asking questions, initially stick to one or two topics instead of 5-8 in one questions. Once you understand one particular thing, all the others seem to lock with the others to make things more logical.

Hope this helps


I recommend you get through the books first and maybe some others, research what sounds interesting and possible to you. If you ask too many questions to too many people you will quickly get analysis paralysis and that will kill your progress. Take a deep breath, slow down and focus on what strategy will likely work best for you.


I'm understanding what your saying but literally want to get out there now and make a transaction,I'm self- employed right now as it is, and I have all the time in the world to give effort and time to learn the tricks and secrets....I'm literally trying to finish the book in 4 days, that's only because I'm a slow reader.......I Guess I want to honestly say that within The first two months of purchasing the book, I made 2 to 3 deals, sales, transactions......


You are wonderful......


And glad you joined. First two big steps you already took. Bought a couple books that will show you some steps, and encourage you. Second, you joined this site! Smiling
Don't rush and then if it doesn't work the first few times, get discouraged. Many people on here are still working on their first deals. But don't be afraid to ask, that is why we are here. Someone will always know.
Also if you can call Deans academy, it will open several more doors. I personally loved one step I took, and that was to buy the EDGE 10 system. I have learned so much, and I keep watching them. That is excellent training!!
If you can't, make sure no matter what that you look for a REI club around you. Even if you have to drive a ways, it is usually only once a month, and they offer other training, at least mine does in Wisconsin. But that REI club will introduce you to many investors in your area. Call them and sometimes the first time you come, is free as a quest.
Hope you will have some great deals soon, and you sound determined, so don't lose sight of that. Smiling Let us know if you have questions

Will (DJ)

This isn't a race, sure, everybody wants to make boatloads of money right NOW, but like Elix said, you're putting the cart before the horse.

Don't take this the wrong way but please finish the books before you ask any more questions on here. The books will connect a lot of the dots for you, you will get several a-ha! moments.

Do not speed read, read at your normal pace, let the information sink in, re-read if you have to. I've re-read quite a few chapters or strategies to understand how they worked, made sure it clicked in my head before moving on.
Take notes!! I can't tell you how much this helped me. Not only can you go back to a particular section of the book but it will help immensely when you put two and two together in one area and you want to jump to a previous area to see how it all clicks together.

I know you feel like a kid the night before Christmas but try to temper yourself.

Regarding your other thread about multiple email accounts, again, read the books first. This is probably why nobody has replied to that query yet, because you're jumping the gun.

Your Homework assignment:
1 - Finish reading "Profit from Real Estate Right Now"
2 - Read "Be a Real Estate Millionaire"

...then come back on the site to post questions. You're welcome to search and read on here any time, just make sure you have the basics down before asking more questions.

Good luck!


Mark K. Cool

Life Disclaimer: Past Failures are NOT indicative of Future Results.

Real Estate Glossary - Click Here for PDF

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Wrong way to think

I'm understanding what your saying but literally want to get out there now and make a transaction

take your time and understand what you're doing.

I'm in total agreement

I have to agree with your statement, DJMARCELUS1. I, too, and itching to get out there now and start making transactions because I figured if I don't start now, I will never start. It's all about. . . .

taking ACTION!!!

Heed some experienced advice

Dj and Ms. Mogul:
Rushing towards a deep hole only gets you to the bottom of the hole faster.

Read the books, formulate a plan, learn how to make the plan work then follow the plan. That's the order you need to do things.

Depending on where you are investing, rushing may not be in your best interest as I am finding out here in FL. I attend 3 different REI clubs all being over 50 miles away from where I live just so I can get a handle on what other experienced investors are doing. The answers were very surprizing.
You can go broke quickly if you rush. You can become wealthy with time.

Cannel your enthusiasm into reading first.

Happy reading Smiling



Andy Sager
DG's AndyS
CFIC & IE member
2013, 2014, 2015 & 2016 EDGE Alumni Laughing out loud