I purchased Dean's book and received them on Oct. 2, 2009. These books are actually a early birthday present for me! I have seen other ads and have purchased a few. I feel that I have made the right choice to enter into the RE world with Dean's road map. As of today, I am on page 153 of Profit From RE Right Now. I followed Dean's advice of dedicating 45 minutes 3 days a week for RE. I actually give 45 minutes to an hour EVERYDAY!! I had a conversation with my Realtor this morning about looking for home and readjusting my scope!
Earl in MI
Lifetime Member
Congratulations for getting Dean's books and taking action. Dean's books are packed with a tremendous amount of information, tips, strategies, and techniques. This birthday gift can change your life and it sounds like your putting your action plan into place. Keep up the good work and good luck with real estate investing. Believe and Achieve!
- Joe
YOU TUBE CHANNEL - Follow me on my You Tube Channel at Joe Jurek Real Estate Investing Adventures
TWITTER - Follow me on Twitter at Joe Jurek CPA
Joe Jurek CPA
And congrats on starting your journal right away. It blows me away that I took 2 years after reading BARM to GET ON THIS SITE!! Action, action. And you are taking it by storm. Glad you are dedicated to finish your reading and I look forward to tracking your success on here! This site is amazing as are the people, the motivation and the never-ending support.
I wish you all the best as you get started with your action plan!
Current Journal on Dean's site: The Second Chapter: http://tinyurl.com/p986al3
First Journal on Dean's Site: From the Beginning: http://bit.ly/ocv10
Thanks for the vote of encourgement!!It helps when you have others cheering you on to succeed. Most people drag you down so they have company. I'm grateful to be surrounded by like-minded people, as myself. Just to give an up-date. I now have internet service in my home. I also vokunteered to host a talent show at my work. Now I know what it is like to organize and present a show and all the work it takes from building to performance! I have to say that it was a huge...I mean HUGE gift for me to learn! I have plugged alng in my book and my ADD kicked in a couple times and I started to jump around in my book but I am near the end! I think I should have it done by my birthday. Appropriate for the gift don'tcha think! haha. Thanks agin for you kind words and reading my vida loca! I hope all is well with all and that you both have a great day!!
Earl in MI
Lifetime Member
FYI, I have finally overcame my hecktic schedule and the dust is clearing. I can finally see day light. I have been looking at the lists my realtor sends me daily. Get this, I found on one of the listings a house I looked at back in '05. It was a little small and was priced for $129,900.00. We pasted up that home (912 sq. ft.). This home is back on the market asking price $29,900.00. I called my realtor and she said this was the correct price and that it was an REO (which I already knew do to the wording of the listing). I asked her what the FMV was and she said about the same as my current home (this house is just a few blocks away). That would be FMV $74k-$75k (Which TotalView confirmed thank you my main man Dean!). I'm excited. I'm getting ready to run over and take a look at this home this morning. Both kids are in school today! She told me that it had to be an all cash deal. Armed with this information I have tracked down a couple co-workers that like to invest. I am working on maybe doing a promissary note or maybe 50/50 split.I will keep everyone posted on the outcome of this deal. There is a deal of the century everyday!! How cool is that.
Earl in MI
Earl in MI
Lifetime Member
Thanks for keeping us posted! Interested to see how it all turns out. Kudos to you for turning to co-workers and taking action within your OWN network. Brave step and looks like you are having success!!
Current Journal on Dean's site: The Second Chapter: http://tinyurl.com/p986al3
First Journal on Dean's Site: From the Beginning: http://bit.ly/ocv10
It was strange to discuss with my co-workers about my plans. I keep thinging to myself "they'll think I'm crazy". Just another step out of the box.
Oh, just looked at the house. WHat a wreck. It's perfect. Actually, it wasn't that bad. I'll need to run some numbers for the rehab part next. Needed doors, new carpet and paint. not too much and the foundation looked solid. Ths home is looking good to me. Hope my money source feels the same.
Earl in MI
Lifetime Member
Wel today is Veterans day. It's important to me because I have several members in my family that have served in our armed forces. I think there is still one serving (hard to keep track of cousins). Additionally, my J.O.B. is serving the veterans. I have been at that for almost 20 years now.
SO here is my current update. I have a HUGE meeting on Friday with an investor in MI. I have known him for about 6 years now and we would always talk about real estate. Only thing is I kept talking and he started investing. I haven't talked with him in about 2 years (great friend I am) we are going to meet and chat over coffee. He has made awesome contacts in the industry. He said that he had some contacts that he would like me to contact. He wants to see someone in MI do the samething he did and he said that he would help me get connected. How super cool is that!!! Also, I got my contact from work and he will be calling me today around noon. He is wanting to invest in RE and is looking for a better ROI on his money. I know I can get him a better ROI on a promissary note or two. He his excited that I with the help of my awesome realtor am already working on looking at homes that have a lot...boat loads of equity just waiting for someone like me to sign a bunch of papers and harvest that cash! What a great way to wake up everyday thinking about helping others and along the way helping your family and yourself! Thank you all for all the support and kind comments. I wish my BIO family was the same as my DG family. I hope everyone has a great day and thank you for reading my posts
Earl in MI
Earl in MI
Lifetime Member
I just spend about an hour with Dean...Watched the first 10 video blogs. I plan to watch the rest of them throughout the day. There were some really good tips he gives out! I hope evryone is have a great Thanks giving day!
Earl in MI
Lifetime Member
Not only did I watch 10 video blogs, I also told my realtor to place offers on three house. I'm asking for 50% off asking price. Two of the three seemed in line for their pricing. The other way a liitle too high but still a great deal if 50% discount is accepted. I am going to continue this march until an offer is excepted or am promted via DG and/or family pops a fresh new idea!! I hope everyone had an awesome day yesterday. I had a most relaxing and restful day (as the doctor ordered!!).
My last couple week have been a marathon. I have been getting to be by 2 am and getting up at 6:30am. My daughter is an early riser. So I have been dedicating more time to REI. Hannah Rose is helping he Daddy and she doesn't even know it...YET. SOmetimes I look at he and think to myself, one day kid this will all be yours!!
Time to look at my new listings make offers and drink my morning coffee!!
Earl in MI
Lifetime Member
Congratulations Earl on you REI journey. Looks like you are making connections and working hard at acheiving your goals. keep up the good work and you will be successful.
Congrats on the excitement in your spirit and the great connections you are making! Good luck on the three props, and so cool hearing about your biggest "why".
She will always be.
Look forward to hearing of your first accepted offer! Keep us posted!
"Obstacles can slow you down, but they can only stop you with your permission." Dean Graziosi (BARM pg 101)
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11
For a little about me, welcome to the site, and a few tips for new DG family members, click on this link: http://www.deangraziosi.com/user/3249
OUCH....major kick in the teeth...I think my realtor is not going to work out. I emailed her and wanted to put bids on three homes as I said before. I spoke with her today and she said she wouldn't place the bids on the homes. Something about too much work and it was going to be rejected anyways. She said that she wouldn't make offers less than 10% of the asking price. I'm having one of those two step foreward/three steps back days. I was going to meet with her tomorrow but I think I might just pass on that. I told her it was just business and maybe we might have to part ways...I have to think this out a little more. I just want to get in and start making deals happen. UUUGGGHHH...such is life. If you read this thank you for letting me vent. New route awaits?!?!??!?!?!
Earl in MI
Lifetime Member
I just got back from an hour and half meeting with my realtor! She is now on board with me...again. I had to sell the idea of calling/emailing on 25-30 homes. She told me all the reasons why she couldn't and I told her that was to bad. I wanted her on my team but could find someone who could do what I was asking to be done...Long story short she is going to try my way (The Dean G. and Matt Larson way). Now I can move foreward and get some deals rockin and rollin'!!!!!!! I think I saw Donna Doo wrote "it's just a conversation with another human being". This is soooo true!Time to wake up because this is no dream it's my reality!!!
Earl in MI
Earl in MI
Lifetime Member
You are keeping up the good fight! It takes time and making connection after connection, sifting through those connections to find the best ones which fit into your life and vice versa.
Real estate investing is more than a numbers game, it is a social networking game as well! I have met so many people over 6 months, and keep in contact with only a select few who meet my reals estate/ friendship needs. This may sound harsh, but it is the truth and everyone I meet knows the truth of what I am doing, what I want from business associates, etc..
On a good subject though, I would love to include you in some deals in Detroit I am working on if you could find buyers who are serious there in MI.
Keep up the good work, Adrian C.
Good afternoon Adrian,
Thank you for your support and insight. It is an up-hill battle sometimes. I am making headway! I am surronding myself with ikeminded people. I'll PM you about the Detroit deals!
Anyone watch Dean's video blog #20. I just wanna know how long DEan has been practicing magic?!?! I jumped in my seat!
I have finish watching upto viseo blog #20. I have some "homework" to do tonight. I will continue to watch the videos until I complete all 53. There are a lot of little tips that Dean gives. You know sometimes 'thank you' just isn't enough.
Earl in MI
Lifetime Member
Good going with the Realtor Earl, hopefully she gives it a honest effort. Once she see's your system work she will be calling you for more!!
Keep working on it and never give up.
Thanks, I have been working with her for a while now and I just needed her to do it our way. She is a great realtor and a great assett to me and my team I am constructing. I have to say none of this...nothing...could be or would be without this site and the great people that support it!!
Oh, by the way I have today (12/3) of. I wonder what I'm going to do?? Any guesses...........................
I bet ya got it!! LOL...
Have a blessed day to everyone...I will chat with you in the morning!
Later Richie
Earl in MI
Lifetime Member
Well I got up way...WAY to early this morning. Woke up around 3:00 AM. So, I made coffee and listened to several more DG Video blogs. Man oh man did I get the goose bumps from VB#29. If you need motivation watch that one for sure. It just rings with truth and honesty from Dean. I was ready to jump up and do something, anything. Thank God I got myself under control (Kids are/were sleeping) LOL! Not much more has moved foreward. I do have a few DG hamework projects to complete. I hope everyone has a super great day!!
Earl in MI
Lifetime Member
Yep, I have watched evey video blog by Dean...I have few "homework"assignments to do. I wonder what happened to the following video blogs:
VB #47, VB #49 and VB #50. All three are missing. Other than that I have completed this mild stone! Now I just need to finish the book.
I must say I drank a lot of coffee and I am tired. Like I said before I got up around 3 am and have been going since. I guess it was because I was thinking about REI when I woke up and it got me super psyched. I think I might have to take a mid afternoon nap. We'll see. LOL
Earl in MI
Lifetime Member
Yep, The sleep cycle is out of whack and I am up early again. You know the funny thing is my children usually wake me up because I work the 3:30 pm - mid shift. I didn't realize they were grooming me to getting up earlier. I just read a few posts and now I think I am fgoing to go finish the fasttrack clips. I must also say that I have become addicted(in a good way) to this site. I look foreward to seeing Indiana Joe's witty remarks. Or seeing Rina's motivation for others success spill out onto the screne. Or Laura Js Deals in the making despite personal issues. OR Dean and how deep he goes with sharing his life and his family situations in the past. YOU all have motivated me. Thanks for letting me into a wonderful circle. Oh, I do talk about all of you (In a good way LOL) to a couple of my closest friends!! So I guess that makes you guys part of my life. Thanks for reading my post! Have a great day especially those of you that are into college football and will be watching the SEC...Big Ten football is done for me. No Bowl game again for the Maze and Blue (MI).
Earl in MI
Earl in MI
Lifetime Member
Hey Earl, I took the time to read through your journal. I'm interested to see where you go from here. Are you going to join the academy and get weekly coaching? I'm not sure why I'm saying ths...but I'm getting the feeling that you need to pump it up a couple of notches.
I need to get into the academy. I think I am one of those people that could use a little construtive/structure in my life. I have been trying to kick it up and sometimes it feels like I'm driving on ice. I know I'll get there...I just have no arrival time.
Thanks for the motivation..I need it every once in awhile...
Talk with you soon
I'm going to look at a couple houses near my home!!
See what the market is offering in my neck o' the woods
Earl in MI
Earl in MI
Lifetime Member
I just finished reading PFRERN and am starting to read BAREM. I have a few personal things scheduled for monday. Which means the rest of the week is mine..excluding the fact that my baby girl isn't feeling well. Been up a couple time this morning and finally decided to get up at 5:15 am. Pitch black and very cold here in MI.
I think that should do it for now. i have to work tonight...luck for me this site is not blocked!!!
Earl in MI
Lifetime Member
Hey Earl,
You know you said this was like and "uphill battle" for you. Well it is. just keep going. that is just what the journey so far has felt like to me and my husband. with each step you are trying to figure out the best place to put your foot to get the best footing. But keep going find your way, that is the only way. No one said it would be easy, you CAN make work it. I see myself as if I am on the edge of the hill and I have to find my way down.....one step at a timeand sometime it is harder than others. But it sound like you are on the right track. I am by no means the expert here. I have a questionfor you; What members of your power team do you have??
And strong work with the realtor.
"Don't tell me I can't, Tell me how I can."
Hey Earl,
You know you said this was like and "uphill battle" for you. Well it is. just keep going. that is just what the journey so far has felt like to me and my husband. with each step you are trying to figure out the best place to put your foot to get the best footing. But keep going find your way, that is the only way. No one said it would be easy, you CAN make work it. I see myself as if I am on the edge of the hill and I have to find my way down.....one step at a timeand sometime it is harder than others. But it sound like you are on the right track. I am by no means the expert here. I have a questionfor you; What members of your power team do you have??
And strong work with the realtor.
"Don't tell me I can't, Tell me how I can."
Good morning Donna Doo,
Well what I have in place so far One realtor, three different contractors. I have made a couple contacts for partnering up on deals, or maybe just wholesell the deals to. I am also working on organizing a mobile office in addition to my home office space. My computer has become my best tool. I have many favorite sites I visit including this one. That's what I have so far!
Earl in MI
Earl in MI
Lifetime Member
Hey everyone,
I just wanted to place one last entry for 2009. I did a chore I have been dreading for months now...Can ya guess what that is...I cleaned up my email accts. Took only an hour but it is now done. Get connected to a couple sites and the emails do roll in. Thank God for delete feature.
What I have set up for the new year:
I will watch the weekly blogs from Dean. I am current (watched everyone of them) and plan to stay that way.
Continue to work with my realtor. She is now flipping me the expired listing, SWEET!!
I am going to an REIA group on Jan. 5, 2010. I might join if it is a great match! only $125 to join for the year. I wonder what kind of ROI I can get?
I now take several different ways to work. Looking to see if there are any new signs in yards for FSBOs.
I will continue to visit my DG family on a daily bases.
I will continue to thank all that give honest and proven advice.
I will return all PMs that I receive from this site!!
I would like to take this time to thank all that Dean has given. A big TY to his awesome staff. TY to all the DG family and a big TY to my realtor Becky.
There are some great 2009 memories and I am ready for 2010.
Hey Dean, If you read this I just want to let you know I might be in your area sometime in Jan. for some training from my current 'just over broke' LOL. Maybe you can give some tips on some places to go in Arizonia. Should be in the phoenix area!! Still waiting to see if I get selected. Have a safe night and have the best year ever!!
Earl in MI
Lifetime Member
Well, this is the first day of the year. Should be intersting to see how things turn out. Did nothing in regards to real estate. Watched some football and cleaned up. Tomorrow is the day I plan on doing more RE work. I hope everyone had a safe night!!
Earl in MI
Lifetime Member
It is cool outside. It feels negative degrees out there with the gusts of wind. Last night I started to review expire listings my Becky sent me. She rocks. She made sure that she indicated with listings where on the DNC (Do Not Call)list. I am now going to work on post cards for those people. I will try and contact the rest by phone. I wonder how well Magic Jack works. Only $20 a year.
Need to register a DBA this coming week or two.
Also, I need to finish a fly template.
Lots of work to set up but easy to maintain. I know because I have had to do the samething for my 9-5.
TIme to surf for me info on the net.
This is going to be a productive day!!
Earl in MI
Lifetime Member
I'm going to a REIA tonight. I am following Jeff, Dean, Matt's and all the other super stars on this sites advice. Build that buyers list. I even went out and got a special book to enter the investors info. BABY steps maybe but they are steps all the same.
The meeting is open to the public at 6p and then at 7p if you pay $20 you can stay for their meeting. It costs $125 to join for a year. The place is about 30 minutes or so from my house. Plus I asked by boss for the night off from work. I just wish that Becky could have gone but she is in realtor training. Something about short sales and something else. My mind get's too much input at times. I guess I remember the REALLY REALLY important things lol.
Earl in MI
Lifetime Member