I am starting a new journal and going in a new direction, one ave is closed for now but another is opening. Wholesaling is now the direction i must travel to get to my ultimate goal of buy and hold.
Thanks to my friends here,I know it will happen soon.
I have been working on wholesaleing for 4 weeks now but have made great strides and hope to close a deal soon. Buyers list is around 12 but i am always trying to find more cash investors.
Ok ,got the agent to agree to release her from the contract (thanks AL ) now we have to wait on him to do it. I want to get the sale price from the bank so I can shop it to my buyers. I know we still need to do the negotiating, but all the paperwork is in.
I will update as I go with all the info.
Stopping in to say hi my friend. Havent been online in a while. As always you are moving and shaking and pressing onward and upward. I have been incredibly busy getting ready to move. I've never moved this far before and its a TON of work and organization. I'm really glad we have this site so no matter where we are all its just a click away to stay in touch and follow each others journey. Keep up the good work!
my story:
Hey Laura!!,how are you my friend!! I figured your running around like a chicken with no head. When things slow down we'll catch up. hopefully we can have lunch before you leave and Shane can make it also.
Well,hopefully we moved forward with the SS a little, I think I have it all lined up, Partnered with Lea on it and we hope to get things going by next week. Just waiting for the ex agent to send the release papers.
I just signed up for another big investor convention with propertyshark on the 23rd. over 500 attending so far. I think I MAY NEED TO ORDER MORE CARDS!!!
I am now looking to hire someone to look up those vacant properties for me to see who paid the taxes last.
without action there is no result.
Sounds like we are both getting close on deals, keep it up man, i don't think i have the stamina for short sales right now but maybe down the road.
Good luck,
Don't forget to play hard after you work hard!!!
Why team building is important, "You can't know it all. No matter how smart you are, no matter how comprehensive your education, no matter how wide ranging your experience, there is simply no way to acquire all the wisdom you need to make your business thrive." DONALD TRUMP
Hey Lonnie thanks for the comments, yea things just happened and I wasn't really looking to get into SS right now, I have focussed on wholesaling the last few months. Some how ( and i dont remember how ) Lea and I spoke a while back and now we may be networking together, she has a seasoned SS partner and I have a SS in progress and the Buyers, so together we may get this done and both learn from it.
I was always good at learning what NOT to do from family and everyone around me as well as what to do. So I am looking forward to learning about SS. i THINK I do know more than I give myself credit for but I guess I like the hands on training to make me feel more confident in what I am doing.
good luck on your Investing journey.
Thats awesome that you and Lea are working together on the shortsale. There is no greater teacher than experience first hand in dealing with things. So like you say - no matter the outcome you will come out on top with knowledge and confidence to move on to the next deal! And I love your idea of getting someone to help research the vacant lot owners....if you can do it what a great timesaver that will be for you! Enjoy your big conference - sounds exciting! Goes to show how many people are exploring real estate...get those cards ready to network!
I am sure hoping we can get together before I go...have a great weekend
my story:
Hey LJ! sorry I havent posted lately, I have been on here posting,but not in my journal. Well we have spoken anyway. I fogot to get the address yesterday, I will write myself a note to do so today.

So the SS Lea and I are working on is dragging because of the bad agent. I kinda got fed up with him and lets say I left a motivated message on his cell phone, Well he finally responded that day but failed on his promise to deliver the release papers. SO now it is board of realtor time today. I told my cousin to call this morning. appearently he never gave her any copies of the papers he had her sign either. I had her get a print out of the calls she made to him from her phone co for evidence that she has called and he is non complient. SO Lea hang in there, I am on it every day as I know you are
well get it done.
I have decided not to hire someone to look up the taxes paid on the vacant properties I found. I will do it myself next week. I am going to ask to work a nightshift one day so I can go and get the info during the day(hopefully). I just dont trust anyone I hire will exaust all avenues like I will to get the info. I am one of those people that feel they have to do something themselves to make sure its done right
I have to find the owners of the Bed Stye homes I found also because my buyer is hungry in that area. lots of work to get done.
you can have anything you want in life as long as your willing to work for it.
I know that you & your cousin will get him to do the right thing and stop him from dragging his feet. That was a good suggestion on your part to have your cousin get verification of her phone calls to him. I'm interested to hear what the board of realtors will have to say about this.
SPR Property Solutions, LLC
Well we finally got the release papers from the dark agent, that is my new name for him. But he put the date of the 20th on the paper. Lea had told my cousin to cross off the 20th and put the 15th down and initial it and then ask him to initial it also. When she finally got him he refused to give her a fax number and said he wont get a certified letter. So I told her to make a copy after she signs it and send it certified to him any way and keep the original. either way we will be released on the 20th next week. So we are moving slowly but we are moving
On the 3 vacant homes i found i wrote al the info i need on a piece of paper and am going to the tax office to see if i can find the person who paid the taxes last. I also dug up 2 different attorneys that handled those homes transactions last and will be calling to see if they have any info on them.
We had to cancel the meeting between Laura,Shane and myself as Laura and I are having problems because of the storm. Gotta deal with that in the morning.
good luck
without action there is no result.
This thing with the dark agent is ridiculous. But I'm glad this is moving in the right direction. Your cousin told me that she asked him to send me a fax of the paperwork and he told her he did - but didn't. Our partner said he has let people cancel via e-mail and that this guy is very unethical. Also there is no reason to postpone till the 20th at all, he is supposed to do this upon request (especially if you consider he never started the SS paperwork.) There is nothing anywhere in writing that says he has to receive it snail mail.
That is good news about the 3 properties. You never know what might turn up in your research.
Bummer about having to cancel the meeting with you, Laura & Shane but something tells me the 3 of you will catch up with each other one way or another
SPR Propety Solutions, LLC
Its funny how things happen sometimes, but we just have to regroup dust our self off and try again. Richie I can imagine you had problems yourself with nature's wrath. When I hit the road this morning I had to detour just about every direction I went. I will get in contact with you and well have to reschedule this meeting. There are a few other people right here in the tri-state area that are a part of the DG Family also. Im just saying you never know what this could turn into......!
Best Regards,
Shane Gore
"People Build People"
Hey Shane, sorry for the cancel but I had a few problems because of the storm. I have to put new shingles on my house because i lost a section of them. I know Laura is in worse shape. But yes lets try to reschedule because like you said ,you never know.
hey richie,just read your journal.WOW do you have persistance!! havent posted to you in a LONG while and forgot you were in ny.sorry man but as my pm stated i am in long island now storm working and would hope to meet up wit you before the edge.will keep popping in my inbox tgo see if you can think of a wat to get together while i am here.after reading posts and your journal maybe shane can meet up too ?? let me know. i admire your go getum attitude and non stop never give up till i succeed mentality!! get back to me!!
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need to sell ? http://www.jayhousebuyers.com
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CHECK OUT MY JOURNAL http://www.deangraziosi.com/real-estate-forums/investing-journals/20063/...
Well I am going to the county tax and finance office tomorrow to see if I can dig up the person that paid the taxes on the vacant homes I found. If not, maybe I will find out if they are going up for tax sale.
looking forward to meeting Shane and hopefully Jay before the EDGE. We will have to see how things pan out.
good luck and never give up!
Just came back from the tax office, They had the same addresses as I did on the homes tax info but were able to tell me that 2 of them the taxes are being paid. The 3rd is not, but the guy told me that i couldn't buy it because its not going to auction that its going to a institution and any regular person or investor cant get it.what ever that means. But I did find the lawyer that handled the last transaction and I am going to ask him if he can help me get the house by paying the back taxes and getting the last owner to sign it over to me. I think that is a way to beat the institution thing, I will give it a try today and let you know how it goes.
The other 2 I am stummped for the moment as to what I can do next.
dont give up, with out action there is no result.
Ok,did some more research and found the phone numbers and offices of the attorneys that were on the deeds. My wife is making calls to their offices to see if they can help me find the current owners and purchase them. I would figure they will have record of who is paying the taxes since they handled the estate transitions. cool stuff i feel like a detective
Boy I am hoping to get one of these before I go to the EDGE. It would be nice.
Called all 3 numbers and got 1 guy, He is being slick, He said to come to his office to consult with him, when I said I dont want to pay him I just want to know if he has control of the property ,he replied I dont work for free. So I told him I would call back tomorrow. After thinking about it, I am going to ask him again if he has cotrol of the property or if he knows who does. If so then I will pay him for the info. I think that is what he is trying to get at but i am not paying him unless I know he can help me.
all in all its progress, the other 2 I called ,one just rang and the last one the number is disconnected.
I will keep trying because I hate to loose, now its more like a challenge to find the end owners.
Good idea on how to approach this guy. I'm interested to hear what he tells you. You have a fantastic attitude and I love how you sometimes end your posts with 'never give up.'
SPR Propety Solutions, LLC
Ok, I spoke to this Lawyer and he is an idiot! I came to the conclusion he is of no use and doesn't know anything about the property going by the questions I asked him. moving on, I couldnt get it out of my head that the 3rd home was not buyable. I did dig deeper on it and in the tax section it says the property is in POOL CANDT STATUS. I never heard of it,but that must be why the guy said i could not buy it. But I thought you could buy it for the back taxes. there is no mortgage on it so i cant buy the lien from a bank. I am curious on what that status means, if anyone heard of it please explain it to me.So now I must figure out how to find out who is paying these taxes on the 2 houses some other way since their names are not on any deeds.
never give up! without action there is no results.
hey richie sorry we could not make the meeting happen but we will meet at the edge!! am home now in upstate ny and we got snow !! i cant believe how much warmer it is down there and the grass is green!!
I am also interested to know what POOL CANDT is?? thats interesting.keep plugging at it as i know you will.will be great to see you in may!!
Click Here For homepage www.jaysthilaire.com
need to sell ? http://www.jayhousebuyers.com
Need me to FINANCE a home ? http://www.jaysrenttoown.com
CHECK OUT MY JOURNAL http://www.deangraziosi.com/real-estate-forums/investing-journals/20063/...
Well I went to the propertyshark meeting Wednesday night in Manhattan. It was like a parking lot, too many people! the last count I saw was over 1k people were to attend. I met some decent connections there but did not stay too long as it was just to packed for me. well worth going to but I think next year I will have a different plan on how to meet and greet and run.
Spoke to Lea about the SS we are working together and the possibility of another one I may have. Things are starting to move a little with the first one and hopefully we can get it done soon because the bank people are looking to help out.
I am going back to the vacant home sites to ask the neighbors again. well this time my wife is going to knock on the doors. maybe they will tell her something. This is probably the last thing I can do to find the owners or who ever is paying th taxes. They obviously never transfered the home to their names but are still paying the taxes. If they did I would have found it on line or when I went to the City tax and finance office. I have other leads to follow up with so I will be busy doing that while we wait patiently for the SS to go through. I have been watching this 2 family for a while in a not so good area. It keeps coming back on the market. It started out at 300k and is now down to 87k. I am thinking of taking a shot in the dark and asking the bank to finace it 100% and give me fix up money if I pay the asking price for it and include in an addedum that the first payment is not due for 90 days in order to give me time to find some sec 8 renters and do any fix up that may be needed. mortgage and taxes should be under 1k and the rents should be around 2400 total, so there is a nice spread. There are a few more like this also,but I will hve to see how the first one will work if they( the bank) take it. I really dont care if they do either way so I have nothing to loose and they have everything to gain.
You can have anything you want in life, as long as your willing to work for it. my grandfather.
Sounds like you are on to something with that 100% Financing with the bank. Sounds like it comes down to having the guts to ask for what you want from the Big Bad Bank! I will be watching to see how this goes. Ive heard that 100% financing is scarce these days but from my understanding SONY MAE will but part of the requirement is to make less than $64K/yr. Alrigiht keep on Rocking because we are watching and learning alot out here.
See you at the Top.......!
Best Regards,
Shane Gore
"People Build People"
Yea I know 100% financing is just about impossible, but there is that little window

The only reason I am thinking about this is that they cant sell these properties and have been relisting them for a long time. So I am figuring the bank is desperate by now and may want to make a deal just to get rid of them
I am just figuring out if I should go through the listing or try to contact the bank directly. I think legally I have to go through the listing,but I will ask around.
I am just going to throw the rock and see if the window breaks.
The building I wanted to try and do 100% financing on was gone 2 days after I wrote that. So It didnt happen. It may come back on the market, that was the second time i saw listed. I will keep an eye out for it. I havent posted in a while but its not because I have been idle, I sometimes forget to post on my own journal because I am busy reading others and responding to questions from people.
Well the SS sale Lea and I teamed up on is still in gear. I have to meet the broker to get the BPO done. Also contacted a guy that does SS nation wide to do another I have. He was a nice guy and was in Utah on business when I called him. He will be going home to CA later this week and will call me again then. Going home searching tomorrow for a few hrs to check out some pre-forclosures in my buyers area to see if they are worth looking into.
I found 2 places in WI that I thought were interesting, I have to do further research on them tonight. My 9-5 has been taking up most of my time lately and I have been bouncing from days to nights and am exausted from it.Sometimes I wish I didnt have to work and could concentrate just on REI.
Well I think things will all come in to place at once, I start to get into too much at once at times and bounce around.That is bad because I need to concentrate on getting one thing done at a time.
I keep building my buyers list and now have connections in a few other states as well as NY. I also hooked up with other wholesalers who like to net work.
good luck to all.
Never ever give up on your dreams.
you can have anything you want in life,as long as you are willing to work for it.
I hope that building comes back your way again. Hope the pre-foreclosures turn up something for you too. With everything you are doing I know that you will find your gem soon
That is great news about building your buyers list in other states too.
Hope your 9-5 hours get more normal soon.
Bye for now.
SPR Property Solutions, LLC
Let me update.
Today I spoke to Lea a few times on the SS we are doing together. Tomorrow I am going to meet the Broker to do the BPO on the property at 9am and at 6:30-7 I have to meet the Agent to do the comps. So tomorrow is a busy day as I have to fit my 9-5 in between this. hopefully we will get the price soon after that and we can market it and sell it fast.
I have decided not to get into the WI properties I found. I find that i am getting into too much and will end up chasing my tail around so to speak. So i am going to stick to the SS and wholesaling for now so I can focus on 1-2 things. My work effort is there, I am no where near lazy but if I work too many things I will not accomplish anything soon because I would be bouncing around too much.
counting the days until the EDGE event! I cant wait to get all the different info and strats from everyone.I will feel like a kid in a candy store:)
You can have anything you want in life, as long as your willing to work for it.
Hey whats going on Richie Rich or should I say Rocking Richie because you are on the move and we definately know that you are not lazy. Just stop by to check you out. I know you must be excited about the BPO. Soon you and Lea should be at the closing table on this deal. Shoot man if its in the right neighborhood for the right price I just might have a buyer for it. None the less you keep up the good work my man and I will see you at the TOP!
Best Regards,
Shane Gore
"People Build People"
Shane is right you are anything but lazy. You really do live up to the last line in your journal! It has been my pleasure working with you on this SS. And just think Shane could be involved in this too
I am looking so forward to the day that we close on this deal.
SPR Propety Solutions, LLC
Hey Sugar Shane
long time no hear. I hope things are moving forward for you. Thanks for the REA, she seems nice. I may give you a call by Thurs Fri to see if you want to go property hunting. I have a few addresses I want to check out and we can scout around also.It may have to be on a Sunday as I have a few appt with the kids to take care of on Sat.I love your no quit attitude, keep working it and it will happen. thanks for the kind words.
LEA: It has been a pleasure working with you and Denny also, you are on top of everything. I appreciate your updates on your end of it. hopefully we do close soon and get it sold. I will call you soon to tell you the deal with the BPO.Keep hunting down there in FL.
Ok, I met with the BPO guy this morning. Things didnt start out well as the keys I had only opened one lock and not the other. So we went to the back door and unlocked it but of course there was something blocking the door from opening. Then the key broke off in the lock ( GOOD MOVE RICH )
) and I dug into the frame and we were in. He took his pics and we spoke a little, of course I cracked a few jokes, He asked me if we were doing a ss and what price we were looking for, so I told him 150-160k which is alot less than is owed, about half lol. but it is a fair price in this market with a rehab. The home should never have been more than 250k anyway in top condition because of its size. we will see what happens soon. hopefully we can get close to those prices and have a great deal on our hands.
So the broker asked if I wanted to reschedule and I told him no to give me a minute. I called the owner and asked for permission to break in, and got it.
So I went and got a tire iron from my car ( why does Laura come to mind here