It seems silly to say but even though you're not happy with where you are in life it's easier to stay comfortably miserable,rather than taking chances to improve your life.However,you can't be afraid to go out on a limb because that's where the fruit is.I have constant negativity all around me all the time Thank God for Dean's blogs and this sight.I said all that to say this,I've read Deans BARM about a year ago and promptly forgot it.Mistake # infinity in my life lol.I bought Deans right now,recorded it to cd to listen to while driving,but am now reading the book and taking notes.I'm sure it'll take reading through a few times to get it,but I thought starting a journal and sharing it with my dg family would help keep me focused and moving forward.Rob
whether you think you can or you think you can't, you're right.- Henry Ford
keep moving forward, rob
had a realtor fr del. call me about 5 homes she says have my name all over them.this is a little funny because i knew this woman years ago before she was in re and when i decided to do rei i talked to her and she was gung ho then nothing.she had taken on another job and didn't seem like she was going to be a fit.i called her office about a property last week,she wasn't in.i was told to try her cell,no answer.i called back and said i'd talked to her before but needed a price and could they help?she said sure and told me of a potential short sale in the same neighborhood.i told her to call when she had more info.i guess my name was posted up on their board because i got this call bright and early this am about these properties.seems like she gained some interest.i hope so because i do consider her a friend but business is business.will post later.keep moving forward,rob
whether you think you can or you think you can't, you're right.- Henry Ford
keep moving forward, rob
hello all.ok still finishing the goals from last week and her's the update.
#2:finished but still need to figure out how to submit website to free search engines
#3:still reading the books(really that should be an ongoing thing though)
#4:finished w/ buyers ads but have found new sites to post on so this has turned into a goal to be complete within the next 3 wks.
#5:unfinished but should be done this week
#7:have done some studying on this subject but this is an ongoing goal as well
maybe i've fallen a little short of where i was hoping to be but i have also been looking at proprties
interviewing realtors
talking to hard lenders
i hope y'all don't mind,but i feel like patting myself on the back for accomplishing a good deal of my mini goals.not so much because of what i have or haven't finished, but because i'm training myself to focus better and because i'm taking action.i've been talking about moving forward,and i've been learning alot however i haven't been doing the things i need to do to move ahead.all the knowledge in the world is nothing without action to see it through.will post a little later with my goals from tomorrow through next week.keep moving forward,rob
whether you think you can or you think you can't, you're right.- Henry Ford
keep moving forward, rob
good evening all my dg family.ok first the bad news,was turned down by both of the hml's i had talked to.seems they don't like my area or don't lend in this area.the good news is that will never stop me.i've been told no before,no need to let ilittle thing like adversity stand in your way.
keep moving forward,rob
whether you think you can or you think you can't, you're right.- Henry Ford
keep moving forward, rob
I can relate on getting started, I have read the books and come to the site, but my life seems to not have enought hours in the day, and I find I can make more money with my reg. job, but it is so physical and getting harder everyday, So I have begun re reading the books and coming to the site,again. It definatley pumps you up and makes you feel you can do anything, Now I just need to push past the pain and tiredness and apply what I already know, baby steps is a great idea, thanks
i know all about being tired after work.
a man who owned a few mobile home parks i knew once told his son and i that most people can't become wealthy or secure because they're too busy making a living!this is the truest statement.those who want more enough will do more than enough.
the statement of mini goals came from laura johnson(laura j's journal).
just do it scared came from carol stinson(free indeed).
i'd read through these journals as well as joe and stacey jurek(indianna joe)
loreens journal(rina).these are all people who've been inspirational to me on this site.
you'll get all the support you need right here but you have to take the steps.
keep moving forward,rob
whether you think you can or you think you can't, you're right.- Henry Ford
keep moving forward, rob
long work days make for minimal re education.have had no success with hard money.tried all that service my immediate area and found they don't service my area,go figure.
i'm looking at new areas today while i'm at work.will update later.
keep moving forward,rob
whether you think you can or you think you can't, you're right.- Henry Ford
keep moving forward, rob
just wanted to say happy easter everyone.
be safe if you're travelling(this includes you laura with your crazy cats lol).
take time to be with family if possible and remember what easter is about.
Thanks God.keep moving forward,rob
whether you think you can or you think you can't, you're right.- Henry Ford
keep moving forward, rob
Well, It's been a long time since I've been here. I too got Dean's book a while ago and ended up selling it because I was not confident I could do this. I deeply regret that now. Dean was right on when he said if you wait, next year you'll be in the same situation or even worse. Well, in my case, it is worse...MUCH worse. Now I'm in a sink or swim desperate situation with the possibility of losing our home and our car at the end of the month. I wish I had stuck with it. I plan on ordering the DVD on Dean's newest book (as soon as I can find $19.95 plus the shipping) and need to somehow (by the grace of God with a miracle attached) turn some kind of profit (no matter how much it is) on this within the next 27 days. Funny and ironic how I came to this decision on the true day of miracles...Easter Sunday. I hope I make it somehow.
God Bless Dean and Everyone here and Happy Easter.
Ken <'))><
"Success is not for the chosen few
but rather for the few who choose it"
happy easter and welcome back to dg.
i'm sure everyone has doubts at times but you have to keep moving forward.
it's like dean has said many times if you don't do something different,you'll have more of the same thing you're sick of.
i urge you to keep your committment this time.i know it may sound easy for me to say given the shape you're currently in,but you have nowhere to go but up push on,you can do it if you know you can,and you know you can.
i haven't done my first deal yet,but i know i have everything i need right here on this site and in those books.keep reading and rereading and rereading.
before you know it,the light bulb will go off in your head and we'll be playing catchup.
might i suggest reading carol stinson's journal and her wholesaling site,also read greg murphy's strategies on lease purchases.
whether you think you can or you think you can't, you're right.- Henry Ford
keep moving forward, rob
Hi Rob,
Just made it through some of your journal. You are going to get a break soon, I just know it! Keep up the great attitude!!!
Just thought I would stop by and give you kudos for all you are doing.
I went through what you did on hard money and just when I thought I was about to scream and pull my hair out, the money came....keep calling people...think of every "no" is one more step closer to your "yes". Keep your eye on the prize. Keep looking for a deal, and be ready to talk about the numbers with anyone that will listen. I haven't had a chance to read your whole journal ---but if you haven't found an investors club, find one, travel to one, talk about a deal you have found, and what you are looking for funds for.
Or see who you may be able to partner up with on assignments.
The more you focus on it, and are thankful for all that you have and thankful for your journey and your "knowing" that you will get there -----you will find a break will come to you. And that "break" may come from the place you thought you would find it the least! It's amazing what happens!
You know why I found your journal? I have not been able to be as frequent lately and comment on most journals lately due to my other work, I had a couple more minutes on here before I have to go, and I scanned down the journal section and "how many posts" per journal, and how many weeks the journal has been happening ------and man, you have 129 posts after only 14 weeks! AWESOME!! It shows you have discipline and drive to keep this thing going, and it is only a matter of time if you stick with it.
Congrats on getting this started a few months ago, and keeping yourself accountable. It's all about consistency and I wish you all the best and will be thinking "good thoughts" for your "big break"!
Current Journal on Dean's site: The Second Chapter:
First Journal on Dean's Site: From the Beginning:
I feel like I've been absent so long - trying to catch up with everyone and say hi. You are doing awesome my friend, and as Louisa said you have the great drive and determination to make this happen. So keep your eyes on the prize and every day gets you closer to success!
my story:
louisa,thank you for your comments and for the visit.yours and laura's words come at just the right time.
LAURA...YOU'RE BACK LOL,thanks for stopping by.i'm sure things are probably a little crazy for you right now so that makes your visit even more special.
i'll tell you guys i've been feeling in a funk lately where i haven't had time to post or had any progress to post about so your visit and positive words come in perfect time for me.thanks again to you both.
on a positive note,i got my '09 edge kit in the mail today,WOO HOO!!!
hopefully i'll be home early enough tomorrow night to open it up and dig in.
it's way past time to get back in the game.keep moving forward,rob
whether you think you can or you think you can't, you're right.- Henry Ford
keep moving forward, rob
finally got my edge kit and i've been so tired when i get home i haven't opened it yet,but i'm hoping to get done work early today and tear into long for now.keep moving forward,rob
whether you think you can or you think you can't, you're right.- Henry Ford
keep moving forward, rob
We all have those funks now and then. Part of being human. The difference is not to let it drag into a permanent state of non-action. Its an easy trap to fall into - been there many times! So no matter how tired you are...get out that first DVD and pop it in - even if you intend to fall asleep in front of it. I think you'll find that you dont - and the spark of excitement and reminder of why you got started in the first place will burn brightly again! DONT QUIT!!!!!
my story:
thanks for the visit.
i'm going to get started tomorrow on my edege's supposed to rain ,heehee.
never thought i'd be so happy for rain,being an outdoor worker.
keep moving forward,rob
whether you think you can or you think you can't, you're right.- Henry Ford
keep moving forward, rob
WOW!!! it's really easy to fall behind on the rei if you don't dedicate yourself to doing something every day.
i fell i've really been slack,i got deans edge kit and haven't even taken the time to open it yet.SHAME ON ME.
i'm getting ready to take a lil trip down to n.c.(my main target area)to pick up some of my equipment.a perfect excuse to go house hunting lol.
i'll be taking my laptop w/me so i can work on my edge kit in the evenings.
i can almost smell my first deal lol
keep moving forward,rob
whether you think you can or you think you can't, you're right.- Henry Ford
keep moving forward, rob
Soooooo - hows watching the EDGE kit going?????? Hope you got to get started! If not - glad at least you are combining house hunting with work....thats always good. But you are SO right, that you must dedicate some time everyday to making this happen. Its just too easy in the day to day to put it off and put it off. One of the best ways to stay on target is to write down your goals! Make them one day at a time - small steps. What you dont finish move on to the next day. You gotta keep yourself accountable. Its only by DOING that you will succeed!
my story:
thanks for the visit AND the advice.
i was supposed to leave saturday but i had to stay cause of work and still haven't been able to open my edge kit,but i make it a point to take one of my books with me everyday in the truck now.i may have 10 minutes or 30 minutes but at least i can devote that to re.
this week should be better for me to take some time for me.
keep moving forward,rob
whether you think you can or you think you can't, you're right.- Henry Ford
keep moving forward, rob
WOW,page 4.i've never been to page 2 since i started my journal until now.
that also about sums up my progress of late.
shame on me,i've made it a point to spend tomorrow on my edge kit that i still haven't opened yet.again SHAME ON ME.
i know we all have to make a living but it seems my biggest issue..(aside from trying to keep my head above water).. is time management.
next week is a new week though and i've met with a fellow investor that has some good ideas and we can help each other target neighborhoods.
i'll keep you posted.rob
whether you think you can or you think you can't, you're right.- Henry Ford
keep moving forward, rob
We finally came up with the money to either attend this years "Gain the E.D.G.E. event next weekend or sign up for the Success Academy. We're just wondering which you would pick and why? What are the benefits of one over the other. We're new Investors seeking advice from anyone who may be able to offer some based upon actual experiences.
Wishing you Happiness and Prosperity,
Rick & Peggy
Eagles Crest Properties
Wishing you Happiness and Prosperity,
Rick & Peggy
Eagles Crest Properties
first,welcome to the dg family and congrats on taking action.
as for your question,go to the edge.
the why is because you'll come home supercharged with knowledge and motivation on steriods.there are great speakers on topics that are being discussed now for todays' markets and finally,you can make a down payment for the academy and make monthly payments but most of all as a prod to take action dean will refund your tuition if you do 5 deals in a year so why not have your r.e. cake and eat it too?
thanks for the visit and keep moving forward,rob
whether you think you can or you think you can't, you're right.- Henry Ford
keep moving forward, rob
finally getting some time to open my edge kit.
it seems a shame that i have to spend so much time just trying to make a living that i have to put off living...if you know what i mean...
i've promised myself that i'll keep moving forward but i've been moving forward at a very slow pace here lately and that has to stop now.
i've decided to follow laura j's advice and let the dvd's roll even if i know i'm going to fall asleep.maybe it'll come to me subliminally lol.
tonight i start no matter what.keep moving forward,rob
whether you think you can or you think you can't, you're right.- Henry Ford
keep moving forward, rob
i know i've said it before but i'm opening my edge kit as of now and putting in the first dvd.
so if you fine dg'ers will excuse me for a while i'm gonna get started.
keep moving forward,rob
whether you think you can or you think you can't, you're right.- Henry Ford
keep moving forward, rob
going through my edge kit for the second time tonight.
i must apologise to everyone for not spending more time on dg but this is my busy season in my hopefully soon to be old line of work.even though i haven't been on i do make it a point to do something re related everyday.i just can't go through another struggling year and i will makr it to edge '11.
keep moving forward,rob
whether you think you can or you think you can't, you're right.- Henry Ford
keep moving forward, rob
hi y'all.
i'm currently reviewing the '09 edge for the second time and it's amazing to me how much you don't pick up or don't grasp the first second third etc. time around.
maybe there's just so much info it's hard for dummies like me to grasp it all on the first time around but to those people who do,lucky you and i'm envious.
still,i refuse to not move may be harder for some than others but don't stop,don't ever quit,you're here because you want want more. you've got plenty of help here but YOU have to take action!!!
i say this to myself as well.i know we can all do this and have our own interpretation of success.the choice is ours.keep moving forward,rob
whether you think you can or you think you can't, you're right.- Henry Ford
keep moving forward, rob
well it's been 3weeks since my last confession haha.
still haven't finished my last project from my last journal entry.i think i should do what laura j suggested and pop in the dvd's even if i know i'm gonna fall asleep. at least i'll hear them on my way out and who knows, maybe it'll come to me in my sleep lol.keep moving forward,rob
whether you think you can or you think you can't, you're right.- Henry Ford
keep moving forward, rob
update:working on my edge kit and enjoy it but there's so much info i feel like i'm stalemated(i guess that's how you spell it lol).
i've put together a investors package that i'm tweaking at this time.
i really haven't spent much time on dg and i miss it,keeping this journal keeps me focused.when i'm away from here i seem to drift a little,i mean i'm still thinking about re but not focusing like i with that said,just thought i'd say i miss you guys and your contributions.
please keep coming to visit and post,i need all the support i can get.
keep moving forward,rob
whether you think you can or you think you can't, you're right.- Henry Ford
keep moving forward, rob
well,time to take action.i have been sitting on the fence too long.
i have 5 fsbo's to talk to today.willlet you know how it turns out.
keep moving forward,rob
whether you think you can or you think you can't, you're right.- Henry Ford
keep moving forward, rob
Rob - glad to see you finally taking that all important step - ACTION!!!! I know the feeling of information overload. Thats why you need to decide on one strategy to start - and then get focused on your action steps. You can only learn so much by reading - and SO much more by doing. Dont get me wrong - I'm not encouraging anyone to take action without studying first! The beauty of success with Deans teachings is that we learn how to be SMART start talking to your FSBOs, take notes, listen, and then do your due diligence research on each one. Once you learn your target market inside and out, thats when you can see a place, know its a good deal and jump right on it. And thats FUN! But all in good time. Action without knowledge is a dangerous thing
Cant wait to hear how it turned out for you today!
my story:
hi to all dg'ers.
i must apologize i haven't posted in quite awhile.i've just popped on for a few minutes here and there,but not really been with it like i should.
then comes deans' new sfl system and i got my money together 10 hours too late,crap!!!
dean you gotta get some more kits done for us please?
i've got to get my head back into the game,i refuse to spend another winter wondering if i'm going to make the rent on time.
failure is not an option anymore.i have to get over my fear and just do it scared as carol has said to me before.
starting tonight i'm rereading my goals,adjusting the ones i've already let pass by and stepping up to the plate.i hit bottom a long time ago so there's no place to go but up.
come join me on my journey won't you? i know i can't be the only one out there that's been standing on the fence way too long.maybe if us scaredy cats pull together we can do amazing things.
as for me there's no place to go but up.funny,once admitted and said,the stress of stepping into the unknown doesn't seem like such a big deal.
starting again to keep moving forward,rob
whether you think you can or you think you can't, you're right.- Henry Ford
keep moving forward, rob