So far I have enjoyed reading everyone's story and what it take to move mountain to get where you want to be. Just like everone else I set up one night and discover one of Dean commerical which made me feel he was truley talking from his heart and not just another make millions selling realestate program. I have to say, I did purchase one books at barns and noble and placed it on the book shelf because it seem to be a lot of talk and no action in the 1st couple of chapter. So I lost interest and went on with my life. Then one day I seen the infomercial again and this time my wife said come here I want you to see something so I dashed into the room to see what was so important that she wanted me to just stop what I was doing. She was so excited about Dean new book that She made me order Dean Newest book Profit from real estate right now.I told her that I had one of his books already and I started reading it but I just stop.Well she made me purchase Be a Realestate Millionare book and started reading it again. While I was waiting for the new book to arrive I started reading the 1st book I purchase. This time it started to make sence. I am now on my 3rd book and my 1st offer on the table with my realtor. It will be a assignment deal. I have been following Carol story and thougt assignment would work for me as my start point. So there you go for know. OK .... I forgot to mention that I have been building a large buyer list with investor/cash buyer and home buyer looking for homes aswell.I have 5 other property I am researching. My current business is a landscape co. I hope to close on at lease all 5 deal before my season get bussy in April. So I am off to find more deal and build my buyer list. I want to say thanks to all DG Family . ED.
Averyday is a Friday so weak up each morning and get excited.
With my 1st deal I will also join the Academy. I am so excited that sleep is not a opption for me anymore. I am on the Hunt for the next deal.
Averyday is a Friday so weak up each morning and get excited.
That is a great, winning attitude. Keep up the energy and success will follow, it is a sure thing. Much luck to you...Jan
Today I received a few calls from home buyers looking for homes, so I need to get going looking for a few homes to land them on. Wish me luck. Thanks for the support.
Averyday is a Friday so weak up each morning and get excited.
Now that you have started don't look back. I,ve been at it for about one year and I'm working on deal 5. Ed We have stoped wishing and now we are doing it. It feels Good.
Keep looking UP!
Pastor Joe
I am a newbie with bad credit no cash and unemployed for about ayear and a half my question is there a way I can do REO deals or am I pretty much limited to FSBO with the lease options?
I was confused too , but know I see avery thing coming together. Find buyer 1st. Then worrie about FSBO. I dont care for REO, so someone else will have to help you there. Look up at the top left search window and type in your question. I do know one thing for sure that nothing happen at first but if you keep reading each chapter over and over it become pretty clear what direction you need to go. Good Luck
Averyday is a Friday so weak up each morning and get excited.
Thanks. I now have my condfidence to build my new life while dream. I did the 7 level question and for some reason it never dawn on me that there were two burning desire inside of me that I had never let go of. One was to become a motivated speaker and two was to become a realestate millionare. I know I can do it. One day you and I will look back on this day and remember it like it was yesterday. Thank for your support and good luck to you as well.
Averyday is a Friday so weak up each morning and get excited.
Staying on track is very important. Many times I have to look at my goals list to stay on track. I'll force myself to set aside time to focus on a
piece of a goal I can accomplish each day. For example I have a dozen or so numbers of potential cash buyers written down, I've been calling buyers recently so I have the confidence to do that. But now I'm working on a script for what to ask motivated sellers. It seems difficult and scary now but just like with the buyers, when I begin asking questions I'll gain the confidence.
Today started off pretty slow until i received a call from a guying want to know if I were interested in buying his condo. I told him that I am a wholeseller. I like to buy property 30-40 % below FMV. So I asked him what is your best price if i were to buy cash. Well he start telling me that he wanted 125k and he get 1,150 per month rent. I told him the truth about what i needed for this deal to work and that is a mimium of 40% below far market. I also told him that these realtor are out hear selling people on hope for the large price tags on home in our market and that not the truth because foreclosure are bring down the price rather the realtor want to beleave it or not but if you want to sell you home I have investor with cash to buy homes. "LOL" This guy I am talking is a realtor and tell me your right realtors are trying to sell property for more then this market is willing to buy home for. Well he's now on my team and I am going to see his property tomorrow and maybe lock it up on a contract if things work out. He's sending me photo of his condo this afternoon. Me and my wife are getting a lot of attention from investor as well. I also picked up a new investor for my list as well. I am going to sign up for the Preforclosure search engine with the county court house which allow me view filling for foreclosure notice. I need to get back to my reading of Your town your real estate profit. I need to PM Carol for helping me under stand how to do my 1st assignment offer. It's been fun today.
Averyday is a Friday so weak up each morning and get excited.
Congratulations on taking action and possibly the start of your first deal. I like the confidence in which you presented yourself, and even how you wrote about it in here. Confidence is key. And I know that action melts fear and builds confidence.
I will love to watch as your REI story unfolds.
God bless,
"Obstacles can slow you down, but they can only stop you with your permission." Dean Graziosi (BARM pg 101)
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11
For a little about me, welcome to the site, and a few tips for new DG family members, click on this link:
It's you and everyone here that has giving me belief. I read so much about you and anita and other doing what other say cant be done. Today I focus on calling Hardmoney leander to see how I can tap into the REO part of realestate investing.I found a realtor to work with me and a title company as well. It's just a matter of time I will be living one of my life long dream to become a successful investor. Thanks Rina.
Averyday is a Friday so weak up each morning and get excited.
My mother wants to sell me her home for 20,000 and it needs a lot of work done to it. I really dont know the first step to take...I want to buy the house but i you give me some tips on what i need to do?
Please dont post my hold name out there.
Today begins with excitement ! I know I am going to be great at doing this. I just need to keep myself focused and in touch with the DG Family. This is the only palce where I find the motivation daily. I have so many naysayers around me and I don't like negativity in my life.
For now I will have to keep my head high and full steam ahead. I will start at the begining. I think I may need to start my own jouranl to keep me more in tune and motivated. I lost my way for a bit listening to all the crap from others around me for some time. What's funny is they are in no better a place than I, HMM ... Makes you wonder.
I agree with you on starting a journal for yourself. It may help you become acountable to you and your readers. Find a couple of DG superstar you can connect to and read there comment use them as your role model. You can go back to read things other DG member have said to you. Just decided not to care what other are saying, you said they are where you dont want to be. start your realestate investing now. I joined a couple REI Groups and that's were I plug into and now have new freinds with the same ideal.I ask myself dailey what can I do to make something happen. I also put a date on where I want to be in the next 2 yrs. I read the Dean's book and become a part of the story I am reading. Someone said to me not long ago "I cant hear you as load as I can see you" Your nay sayer are just puching your "Hot Button" use that as the fuel to move you. You can do this. We can walk this jouney together. Good Luck Futuregirl. Thanks for stopping by too.
Averyday is a Friday so weak up each morning and get excited.
keep up that motivation! nothing can stop you but your self! achieve Success!
yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. That is why it is called the "present."
"Be not afraid of growing slowly; be afraid only of standing still"
You are on the right path. I look forward to hearing you talk about your first deal.
This train, Dreams will not be thwarted
This train, Faith will be rewarded
Big wheel roll through fields where sunlight streams
Meet me in the Land Of Hope And Dreams
Bruce Springsteen
I have just return home at 10pm tonight. I found a great group to network with tonight.I meet investor that were looking for FSBO deal, buyer with unlimited money to spend, and investor looking for duplex and investor to partner deal and etc. This was a very nice REI group me and my wife attended tonight.I even ran into a friend I had not seen for 5 year who is doing very good at investing so we exchange phone no# and plan to even work together on a deal one day. Any way I left that meeting with my head filling like it about to bust from all the knowledge from a few key speakers. My best day yet.
Averyday is a Friday so weak up each morning and get excited.
Thanks for the motivation. : ) I can do this !
This is another great story of how Dean's books have changed yet another life!
I am glad yo listened to your wife
See we wives know what we are taking about... you husbands just don't like to listen...LOL!
Keep going and keep us posted!
Do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God.I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. Isaiah 41:10 FREE wholesaling tips and resources!
To your success,
Carol Stinson
Congratulations and I wish you much success.
"If you cannot do great things, do small things in a great way.”
Napoleon Hill quote
My day begain out a little like this today. Hmmmmmm. I woke up to snow in Austin , Texas. Where did this come from. Now I have to call customers and reschedule work on there landscape later in the week so it can warm up. I took a call from a guy I had been waiting to hear from and he say Hi this is Ronald is this Ed. I said yes this is. Well he said I just sign your contract and would like to move forward. "Man" that is all I needed to turn my day around. Tomorrow I will get my buyers lined up. "And or Assign ". I want to get my 1st Greg Murphy lease option deal next. Now I just need to finish our web site to give us a professional image. My wife is awsome with her craige list ad's. We have found our self a place out there in the cyber world to attract hundreds of home buyer and realtor calling us for any (FSBO)deal. They call us the GURU on craige list.That's funny. We have built a list of rehabers and a hand full of cash buyer. He just need to now focus on bring in seller. This is my weak link in our plan right now. I thing we will need to get out post cards and bandit signs and get to the county court house to find leads. We are trying to work on a friend to allow us to put a large banner along her back fence which has major traffic driving pass it dailey. Well I Got my first deal and not my last. I am happy and you know it and my face really show it. LOL.
Thanks Dean and all DG member for allowing me to share with you and read your messages as well to give me hope.
Averyday is a Friday so weak up each morning and get excited.
I just wanted to say thank you for writing in a very discriptive and uplifting manner. I am new to the REI and DG family. I have been reading through a ton of forums and journals and you are right about how helpful they are. I can see through just a few of your posts how what the books teach you fall into place. I feel like I am running wild just trying to get things together, but I know that with persistance and motivation they will come together to equal just one outcome......a sale! I am looking foward to reading more on your success and your stories. Thank you again for your posts and good luck to you.
Bothell, WA
Know what truely matters in life, consume yourself with that, and you shall never be disappointed, afraid, or alone. Give your gratitude always, give respect to everyone, and you shall never be anything less than what matters the most. Give praise to the Lord, forgive yourself and others, and with all of this together you will get a taste of what heavens lie ahead.
Thank for your uplifting manner like richlacelle1004. Good Luck
May each day get better
I just want to give thanks to you and anyone who follow along with me on this journey. I now see the light at the end of the tunnel and it getting brighter.Thanks everone.
Averyday is a Friday so weak up each morning and get excited.
This has been one of those power building days for me. I had been calling FSBO ad's last week. I left message on answer machine with anyone that did not answer there phone. I got a return call from one person so i started telling him that I am a investor and that I by for myself and for other investor if I find property that they may be interesed in buying so I started asking him question like why are you selling, What would you sell your home for if I were to pay cash, and the most important question of all "Will you be willing to Owner Finance". He ask me what did you have in mine, so I told him I would love to buy his home but I would like to have option for trying to buy his home or I may assign my interested to another investor or what ever works. I kept building a relationship with the seller and I would touch on what would his final price be if i could close in the next 10 day. He said 120k, so i told him his ad said 118k. I started taken photo of the inside of his house and the seller started telling me about another home he has for sell that is 4000 sq w/ 7 bd. I then ask the owner if his payment were current and hesaid they are always on time, So I asked how much would he really sell me the house for again , but this time I ask him if he would take 65k so , he said what do you want me to do "Just give this house away" I asked with a smile. We both LOL. anyway I got him so excited about my investor that may want his property so he offer me more information on other house and told me that he would like if we could work together. Well I will have another contract or two in my hand by next week or as soon a my real estate agent get me comps on those two property. Now I felt great today. I got a call from one of my customer asking me question about my service this year and If she were thinking about selling her house how would I refund her for service not used. I told her give me 30days notice so I could issue credit. Any way I started telling that I am also an investor and if she had any ideal what she would be asking for her home. Well I am going to be looking at her home later this week to. My day is going great today. I got a call from a rehaber who call me about some properties he found and he asked me if I would be willing to partner with him. We are going to meet Monday at one of my properties I just got under contract. The END for for Today. It Was great. MAnnnnnnnnnnnn.
To think some realtor person tryed to tell me you cant put no money down deals here in Texas. LOL LOL. ED.
Averyday is a Friday so weak up each morning and get excited.
It's been a while since I recorded anything here. I've been very busy running around getting my landscape business ready for the season.I did get a chance to go look at a house I call about and set up a meeting with a owner to look at his home he had for lease on craige list and would be willing to do a lease /purchase because I asked him if he would be interested in doing something like that. He said sure he would be glad to drive from out of town which he lived 300 miles away to show me his home. I told the owner over the phone I am a investor. so let me recap on this event. The first think I was thinking as I pulled up was what is this guy going to be thinking about me as I exit out of my work truck which has my co name on it and say Im a landscape co. I told him I am a investor over the phone. Well it didnt matter anyway because I am hear and I will worry about that question if it comes up from the home owner. I rang his door bell and he greeted me at the door. I walk in his house and it was a very nice on the inside and for a minute or two I did not beleave he would be willing to sell me this nice house on a lease purchase. I started walking around and made note on anything I could find that would need fixing or repair but found only a few things wrong with it. I knew the white carpet with red stains had to go, I knew the whole place had to be painted, I knew one closet door had to have the tracks fix, and I knew the owner would have to get these things fix or replace if someone would rent it from him, so this is what I have to subtract from the asking price less 70% to get the ARV to offer my purchase. So I move on to the next step which was to start asking if he was current on his mortgage in which he said I have never been late, Ok. How long has it been vacant and he said 2 months. I said ok. I then asked him what was the balance on the mortgage and if it was assumable, which he said no. I then started talking to him about what I do and how I work with seller. long story short he was interested to know more and we kept talking until I could get a price out of him of what he would like to get for his home. I show him some comp I had pulled and ask him which of these prices would he being willing to come close to. His asking price was 118k I told him that I would need to run this by some of my investor and If I could meet him pretty close to his asking price would he be willing to sell to me. He said I sure would. In fact he ask me to please get back with him and he also has another home he would like me to look at which is a 7 bd/4b w/3 car for 189k. I told him I cant promise him anything but I would be willing to look at it. Well just before I could leave the owner ask me to call him any time and he could let me show this house anytime and would get me a key and he would like me to buy both of his home. I left his home fired up and wishing i had my computer so i could do comps on his other home. I needed some time to put my angle together on how I would make this purchase so I told him I would get back with him Monday. I am going to do "Subject to" and bring in a end buyer. I have over 100 end buyer looking for a FSBO so I am sure I have the money lined up to do the deal. I have a title co that will also do the title work and a MLS contracts ready. The only way I can mess up this deal is "Fear" and I am not going to let that come into play. This will be a Greg Murphy deal for me. In Texas it is not leagal to do lease/option. So this is the next best thing to a lease option. Then I am going to get my end buyer to take a wrap. That it for now until Monday .
Averyday is a Friday so weak up each morning and get excited.
It's been a while since I took some time to write about my where about as is has been unfolding. My wife and I have been networking with investors setting up our fee for buyer list we have been able to produce. We've been attacked by so many investor in Austin, tx wanting to know how we are getting our buyer. Sorry I'm not Telling. We have joined another REI group which has been a lot of fun and will become a profitabe group for us as well to network. We have been focusing on bring end buyer to investor with property needing buyer with 10% to 20% down on "Owner Finance Property". The real reason we are been question about our buyer is because our buyer have large down payment from 30k to 120k down.Our big problem is we just need to find homes to keep up with the demand. We have a couple of deal closing this week and maybe a New subject contract in the work. Dealing with investor and our buyer is a lot of work /time and has taken me and my wife off course by a mile from what we realy need to be doing and that buying homes.We are now going to focus our time on buying houses over the next 6 week and match up our buyers with property we will now have on the table. I loving Dean's new blog's and probate advice. I am looking into this write now. Good nite DG Family. Have Fun and Just Run...
Averyday is a Friday so weak up each morning and get excited.
Good job Matlock, way to get out there and just get right into it! You're an inspiration! Keep going, and let us know how it all goes!
It's been at lease a month or two since I check in on my journal and read what I promised myself I would focus on. I am happy to say that me and my wife have become investor now. I do the face to face meeting with the seller and my wife locates buyer for me and over 20 diffrent investor who call us to see if we have any buyers. It's a lot of work finding these buyers. We work some time 18hour days to 24 hour sometime. I know at some point it is all going to pay off good. We are doing our own deals which are assignment. To day I just finish meeting with a owner who want to sell his house and I know for sure I will be putting his house under contract for a assignment. I am now after 24 home to purchase and keep in the next 24 months. My goal for doing this is to talk to two people per day, and Knock on door with any Realtor sign posted in there yard and get my sign out on the corners and post cards. We have found a good group of investor we network with and they also have been very helpful to bring us into there circle of other investor and offer mentor groups once per month on how to buy property. We have assignment contract perfected now. I now will master subject to contracts to buy 24 property over the next 24 month. My wife will make sure of that. She want to move and I told her it not going to happen until we buy or 10th property. I said buy our 10th house not assignment our 10th house. Good Night . Thanks to Deans group and Dean for all the video blog that I look forward to seeing as well with the traing information.6/27/10.
Averyday is a Friday so weak up each morning and get excited.
You are doing incredible! Keep it going! You're on your way!