My name is Tammy and I bought the Dean Graziosi books on my Thanksgiving vacation. I bought them in audio format as well because I am a stay at home mom to 4, and I homeschool them, so I don't get much of a chance to read these days!(Unless 'The B Book', 'Goodnight Moon', 'Skippy John Jones' and 'The BellyButton Book' count) My children are currently 2,4, 10 and 12. My husband is employed for the county and makes a decent salary, more in flexible benefits.
I have been a REI since 1997, but here I am in 2010 and I have 5 mortgages and my cash flow is pretty poor. I own 5 properties, rent out 3 of them, 1 is my primary home, and we just acquired a sweet divorce sale property in the California mountains. (100K below FMV!).
But, as we secured that sale on our 2nd home, we required a cosigner because of all our mortgages (4 first and one 2nd), and in the end, the bank didn't even WANT us on the loan, despite have a great credit score and proof positive of no vacancies since 1997!!! (Banks will only count 75% of any of your rental income when analyzing income, because they expect you to fail at it; even with 13 years of proven record) My in laws were gracious enough to be on the loan alone while we make all the payments and cover all the expenses. Its unofficially our first PML.
You see, we got traditional financing, secured and guaranteed all these homes ourselves. Our ratios for credit are bad due to having the 5 mortgages, and rental income, so no one wants to extend credit to us. I've never had any lates or collections, and pay on time, there is just a major credit crunch right now and banks unrealistically only counting 75% of our rent income, but 100% of our rent expenses. So now, with the economy the way it is, we were going to have to stop investing, in the BEST market we've ever seen to invest in. I just couldn't accept that and was determined to find something that will work.
After being told by at least 10 people we will not be able to invest in real estate any more, and being stubborn about not accepting that my business was dead, I flipped the channel and found Dean Graziosi. Timing couldn't have been more perfect! (I think God played a big role here, because I rarely watch tv, let alone late at night!) I quickly ordered the books profit From RE right now and Be a RE Millionaire. That is where I am and where I started.
I waited 3 months to start posting on this site from my initial sign up, didn't realize what a valuable resource I was missing! Stick around! Its invaluable!
**edited 5/16 to add Edge 2011 photos :P** (I wish I hadn't had surgery the Friday before as I'm still filled with whatever it is they fill you with, but I wasn't going to miss this event for anything! )
**edited 1/24/2012 to add my video (recorded March/April 2011)
Here is the video link. http://www.deansmedia.com/play.php?vid=243 I hope it conveys some of the struggle as well as the triumph. This was recorded in March, so I've since done many deals; but it will have to wait for the 2012 video.
I have also started a new 2012 journal here: http://www.deangraziosi.com/real-estate-forums/investing-journals/99510/...
Hope all of you are turning your ideas into actions and making it HAPPEN! Do it NOW!
And I thought I'd share some of my goals here.
When I started the academy, I wanted to do 5 deals within 6 weeks. Well, that didn't happen. Mainly because I didn't realize what all had to be done BEFORE you go look for the deals. However, the rest of my goals are attainable, and I WILL do them. My first goal is to pay off the 2nd on my primary residence. That's 308K folks... and I can forsee success and I am going to:
1. Keep staying up until 1am to get everything accomplished that I can
2. Keep up my journal so I can see the steps I'm taking in writing and look back on them one day and go 'wow'.
3. Keep doing my task list and crossing off things and realizing just how much I AM getting done despite it feeling like I'm not.
4. Dragging my kids along to go look at houses. My oldest daughter is not too thrilled about this, but my son is, and the little ones don't really care either way.
5. Constructing a really good letter to send out to get these awesome deals that are all around me.
6. Keep on building my business and marketing portions right along with the deals.
7. Continue building my power team and buyers list. I had to stop advertising in order to get the taxes done! (That's a good thing!
To me , the most difficult part of this journey is to get on the phone and talk to people, and I've overcome much of that just by getting out there and doing it. I still get embarrassed when I'm on the phone and the kids start screaming and I have to detract myself from my phone call to reprimand the kids, but I know that if someone isn't able to stand by that, then so be it, they weren't the right people for me to work with anyhow. So, I push onward. I have a list of banks and now I have to construct a very convincing letter about why these banks should work with me. Then I need to get creative with financing. I've seen other people do it right here on this site. And I know I WILL do it too!
Just a really quick update before heading to bed. If I don't get 7 hours sleep at night I get really grumpy, and I've got a conference call in the morning. Actually, 2 of them.
Today I received the $500 deposit and the signed rental binder for my new tenant! I proceeded to fill out my lease with all the updated information and their information. Sounds like a small task, but actually not so. I have my own personal 9 page lease I wrote up and had a lawyer look at it, but each time I get a new tenant, I need to adjust it for changes. So, I had to read over it very closely.
I have got my land in PA listed for a nice profit, but it turns out, the RE agent, who I found right here on the REIC portion of this site
, went to visit the lot, and lo and behold in the lot next to mine, there is a house that looks DISTRESSED. BINGO... I'm having him investigate it and if things pan out we'll split profits on it. But, wouldn't that just be amazing if my lot was situated right next to a property for me buy and flip, with added land?
I am almost ready to put an offer on a property in a mountain resort area where I recently acquired my last property (in Jan 2010) and assign it to a retail buyer. I will keep updating on my progress there.
That house I bought in Jan, -I'm still debating whether to call that my first deal or not. I don't plan on selling it, but if I'd did I'd make a nice chunk of money (100K over FMV, but after my expenses-I go up there every weekend). We'll see; maybe when I'm so successful at this, I'll want to upgrade the second home and I'll sell that one.
Buy and Hold, yet again. I can always rent it out as a vacation rental as well.
I am also looking for properties in the SF Valley area. I have some contacts and family there and I'm going to see if she sees any distressed homes in her area.
I've really been pining away at my website, though the software is very poor and unproductive. I also recorded an intro to foreclosures (audio only, not ready for video yet. lol) to put on my website. I used Dean's scripts almost verbatim in some parts, but then added some fresh info on the end of them.
Ok, Bed time! Happy investing everyone! I stay up until 1am every morning to do RE work. Then I get up when the kids wake up; luckily its been 7:30-8 since the time change!
was a bit blaise. As you know, I homeschool my children, and they are doing state testing tomorrow, Friday and next Friday, so I'm really stressed out and preparing them for the tests. This is my first year homeschooling and I'm many years ahead of where they were in many areas and subjects, and I'm terrified I'm not doing a good job with them.
I know this IS the best for them and that having this close relationship and mentoring them in the word is so important, but I have doubts that I'm doing the best job I could be doing because I'm trying to do so many other things right now.
I'll be glad when the business portion is all easy and set up for me so I don't have to worry about that. Eventually I will hire someone to do a lot of my busy work so I can focus on God, my marriage, my children and homeschooling, and of course Real Estate!
I'm about ready to put in multiple offers. I made a few calls to the academy today. One of the counselors said I need to do my lessons, but boy, I'm only at the end of my 3rd section, and deals don't come until the 5th section, another 2 months at the pace I'm going (includes doing all activities and workbooks), I can't wait that long with my husband breathing down my back and pointing out what a failure I am all the time, so I'm just going for it and jumping in. It will be a learning experience for sure!
I got really excellent news today. All this money we have tied up in 401Ks from old jobs... won't sit in waste any more. We can use it to invest in RE! I am absolutely ECSTATIC! This changes EVERYTHING!
I'm armed with a lot more financial resources learning this information. Yipppeee! 
Well, I'm pursuing a house that is right near where my kids are taking their state exams for school. I've written a letter to the owner and I can already feel that this is going to be my first major flip property.
Yes, for ME to flip. I've got a pretty good power team started up right now. (Still trying to find a trustworthy lawyer, but I've got some networking where I may be able to find one quick.) I have an excellent licensed contractor. I have found a preforeclosure for my retail buyer in the area he wants a home, and am actively pursuing that one at the same time.
That one may be a little complicated because it would be an IEEE, but my buyer is already prequalified, and can pay cash if he needs to, but prefers not to. I know exactly what to tell him about the cash upfront option and about refiing, so I'm excited to share that info with him.
The final deal I'm going to pursue is a sad one really. I used to be really close with this gal, she was my matron of honor at my wedding close... but she got hooked up with the wrong crowd and into the drug scene.
I used to keep in contact with her mom to see how she was doing. The last 4 times I've tried to call her I could not get ahold of her, and tonight I found out why.
I reconnected with her ex husband on facebook because he was always a great friend too, but went the same way of drugs. But his story is different, he is now clean and has a flourishing business, and is a ... walllaa... licensed contractor! He told me my once very close friend's mom passed away a little less than 2 years ago. She inherited the home and is now trying to sell it. A way to reconnect, and help her sell her house at the same time. Now, I'm wondering if it would be ok to be a marketing consultant to auction off her home, because I still want to try that method, but I have yet to find out the legal ramifications. But, if I did it as a favor to an old friend... I have to be careful though because I don't know what her situation is with drugs and if she is clean and sober. Her ex is not certain either way. I'm sure losing her mom was devastating to her.
I'm still pining away at building a larger buyer's list and building my network list. If I can add one person a day to either list, it would be a great accomplishment. I've kind of skipped ahead to my seller's list. That's the lesson I'm currently on with the Success Academy, but I am only at the beginning of it. I've been spending a little more time actually looking for deals now, which is wonderful!
I'll be sure to let everyone know how I do. God Bless!
Because I stumbled upon an incredible deal that I'm going to go grab and tackle, both at the same time. I'm not letting this opportunity pass! Please see my post in the MY DEALS section. I plan to put the offer in Monday!
Well, well! I've not updated here in over 11 days? No WONDER I have been feeling a little under the weather! I've been doing A LOT of research on financing. Found a great in with private lenders! This is good news! I was a little skeptical about hard money lenders because I've always looked at them as sharks.
I've created a web presentation on foreclosure solutions for my website, now I'm trying to figure out how to make a flash player or video out of it to post to the web. Any IT experts out there that can recommend which program is best? I found wonderworks (or some name like that, I'm not going to look it up right now
), but before I shell out money for a program, I want to know I'm buying the best bang for my buck.
Another techie issue, recorded the generic script for foreclosures for my website, with the intention of editing it all together on the MAC, but the MAC can't convert them from the .wma format. I really DON'T want to record them all again. I make so many mistakes and its time consuming!
I've also started building my free Dean's website at http://zionproperties.usapropertywholesale.com/ (major skeleton right now
). Can't create a link for my other website because it defaults it to the USA properties ending. Not an easy site to work with for sure. Trying to brush up a bit on HTML to make it stand out. Its going to take awhile.
I'm also working on a 3rd site to get private investors.
I've created 4 different versions of my business card to target different people. Buyers, sellers, investors, and foreclosure help.
Lots of busy behind the scenes work! Now, *rubs hands together* the GOOD stuff.
I have 31 REOS lined up to make offers on. Lowballing 'em all. I'm only going to go check them out if the offer is entertained. All have been on the market a considerably long time and are fixers.
I've sent out letters to a few NODs and haven't heard back from any of them. I found one that is owned by an 85 year old man, and his house is vacant, so I'm thinking he is probably in the hospital or maybe a nursing home. Did some research and found a heartbreaking story about he and his wife who passed a few years ago. I found out he has a business and I'm going to send my letter there and personalize it. Sounds like a really special person. Very sad. I can't get emotionally involved, and have to remember I'm there to help him.
Got my linkedin account going, and am trying to get a little involved there.
Watched a video of my parents this morning that I ran across while I was going through my closet. It's been over 11 years since I've seen my dad and 6 since I've seen my mom. It was a tape over 13 years old, and I realized how much their medication had deteriorated both of them even at that time. Especially my mom. The person on that video wasn't even the mom I knew. Constantly fidgeting, tired, not her chipper excitable and happy self. Ok, that's more of a journal section for my own personal journey, but it helps me look at life differently. I've matured some since I've lost my father and wish he would have shared more of his personal experiences throughout his life. His passion shone through the video; electronics! Wish I had more of him sharing his thoughts about life. Going on here. Will get back to posting about RE stuff in the next post.
just read through your journal. nice. you are getting a lot done despite all the challenges. i guess if it was all easy, it wouldn't be worth doing. if you're interested, my journal is Linda's (from Indiana) Journal.
Linda, Army EOD Mom
you can follow my journal at http://www.deangraziosi.com/real-estate-forums/investing-journals/45351/...
Fear equals:
I'll definitely check out your journal. I try to read a little of a new person's journey every day; but with all the research I'd been doing I haven't been doing it as much as I was. Its important to keep encouraging one another, so I've put it on my list.
I listed about that deal I mentioned in my post 11 days ago on a separate thread, but thought I should put it in here to. When I finally connected with the RE agent and received an email saying the mid construction was still available and contact his partner, after 3 messages, and 2 days of trying to get ahold of him, someone else snatched it up. That's why I dropped everything, I knew it was a good deal. If it falls out, I don't know if I could match the current bid, because I want to be able to sell it at the low end of the range of comps (even though it would be basically a new construct) I don't want to get stuck with over $1M more debt + holding costs any longer than I'd need to. I'm not ready to take that big of a risk. I guess 750K-800K in debt is my threshold. (Yikes, I don't know if that's good or bad).
Follow up on my friend, she is avoiding calling me because, her ex says, she's embarrassed of all the things she did, so that deal probably won't happen anytime soon.
Follow up on the valley areas, those are my 31 REOs I'm looking to put offers in on.
Follow up on the first flip I wanted to do myself, that's the man that I believe is in the hospital or convalescent home.
But, there is light at the end of the tunnel. All this activity will EVENTUALLY end up in a first deal. Of that I am confident.
I need to get some lessons in at the academy. I'm trying to get all my action steps taken for the most part before moving on. But, as far as a buyers list, I've found that when I actually have a property, I'm much more confident on the phone; and so I focus my ads on saying I am a wholesaler and looking for buyers to invest in areas of their choice. It has proved to be successful!
I'm having my agent in the mountain area submit multiple offers on overpriced or items that have been on the market over 150 days that are unrealistically priced. He's a good agent, but I think he's so busy that I'm in the midst here waiting for him to get all his stuff done.
One more follow up area, and that is for the retail buyer. One of the preforeclosure prospects is going up for auction on the 12th, and I've made one last ditch effort at contacting them before the trustees sale. I know once it goes there, the chances of me picking up the property are slim to none, and standing in the front of the courthouse with 4 kids most likely isn't going to happen. Properties in his very narrow area come up rarely. Maybe this isn't smart or conventional, but I told my retail buyer about it. The auction is near him (I'm about an hour from it) and he's retired and won't have kids traipsing with him. I don't want him to miss out of a deal because I have my kids, after all this is a personal retirement getaway for he and his wife. Maybe its being too nice and not acting like a businesswoman, but with this guy being a handyman, I may be able to ask him for some help in a fixer in close proximity to the area if I can establish a trustful relationship.
Happy investing! Blessings to all!
Off to study the word with my kids.
So, its mother's day, my husband hasn't even SAID happy mother's day to me, nor even acknowledged I do anything of value, and said I 'do nothing all day' and when all the kids are all over me and as he sits in front of the tv, the kids told him , its mother's day! To which he stated, yes a day for her to be a mother; actually it was a lot more insulting what he said. I'm about ready to give up on EVERYTHING, its goes without any notice whatsoever. Everything I do is 'doing nothing' and I'm so discouraged. He doesn't even give me credit for homeschooling; any sacrificing I make is insignificant to him.
I have to remember that I am doing things to be pleasing to GOD, and not to him, or I'm going to go crazy!
Tammy, i know what you are going through. i was married to a man like that for 27 years and then HE wanted to divorce ME. i wasn't perfect, but he sure didn't help matters. he went through with the divorce and i am with my high school sweetheart. we've had some rough times too, but he usually is very thoughtful to me. i wanted to go to Fort Knox to see my son and he took me there and we had a nice time. he took me out for lunch yesterday and just really showed me a good time. sometimes i have to watch what i say because he can take it wrong, but i've made up my mind to quit "playing that game". i love him very much, but i'm not much into playing games. i have always said, if i'm forced to play games, i will come out fighting and i always win.
and i do. i just received an email over the weekend that has all ready helped me tremendously. if you would like me to send it to you, please PM me with your email address and i will be happy to forward it to you. just be sure you do it the way we have to for PMing. (your email address space @ space yahoo space dot space com) don't give up. that is the worst thing you can do for yourself and your kids. your kids and your husband are watching you. you never know what your husband might be saying behind your back about all the things you are accomplishing, etc., but would never say it to your face. you do your thing and let him do his thing. when i was married and would get those insults (when my husband even spoke) many times i would say what i wanted to hear (talking to myself) and then thank him like he said it. drove him nuts.
i don't have much support myself in real estate right now, but i'm not about to let anyone stop me from going after my dreams and i did make that clear about a week ago. we have as much right to do what is right for us as anyone. set the example for your kids and go for your dreams. be sure to tell every one of your kids that they can do/be anything they want. all 3 of my kids are very successful. they aren't perfect, but they are successful and without college degrees! okay, i guess that's enough rambling for now. take care of yourself!
Linda, Army EOD Mom
you can follow my journal at http://www.deangraziosi.com/real-estate-forums/investing-journals/45351/...
Fear equals:
Wow, 27 years is a LONG time! I've been with my husband now for 22 years, but he can be so callous and heartless sometimes that it makes my head spin!
Anyhow, he has always liked looking at properties, so he is doing the looking for properties, which frees up my time to do the not so fun stuff. But HEY, WHATEVER gets him involved and part of the business, that's good. That's the funnest part about the business, looking for the properties. I'm working on several resources at a time trying to make it so the prospects come to us. It seems there isn't enough time in a day because I've been working on them for 3 weeks straight. Although I've accomplished a lot, I'm still no further ahead until I have them all online, up and operational. Rome wasnt' built in a day though, so I know in time it will be here! I haven't even done a lesson for the academy in 3 weeks! These are all a part of the first 2 parts of the academy though, so I think when I get all this marketing and web stuff set up It'll be all for the better. I can wait. I just hope my husband can too.
We still have not put in the offers on the 31 REOS in one of the target areas. One is under contract and 5 have dropped their price further. So, that's a good thing. I'm making my purchase agreement into a form, so it will make it just a matter of typing in an address and adding terms to the appropriate places to submit offers. I'm probably doing it the hard way; there are probably programs out there that do this already, but for how much? Does anyone have any experience with any programs that do this? I know the realtors have a system, but its a monthly fee; pretty hefty amount too!
Keep on going, keep trying, and success will be yours! Its ok to feel down, so long as you get back up again and KEEP GOING!
I got some deals I want to bring to your attention
Hit me up on greenpearl later
Just hand on Tammy....you're getting closer....our circumstances are totally different but very much the same too.....I'm terrified talking to strangers....calling someone I don't know.....I work 14 hr days and do my RE studying at late late night.....(I even homeschooled our two kids)...but, this past weekend, I finally made a buy and sold it this morning .....didn't get rich. But, made $1800 for just signing papers.....it's a good HIGH! I LOVE reading your journal......keep it up.....
that is awesome! it's your first deal and now the next one will be even easier! this stuff does work. i was checking on your journal for a while, but you haven't been posting. i know you're really busy but if you can, please post the information in your journal. i'll check in with it again. take care.
Linda, Army EOD Mom
you can follow my journal at http://www.deangraziosi.com/real-estate-forums/investing-journals/45351/...
Fear equals:
whatever it takes, Tammy. it will all come together. it's just hard getting through that rough stuff. can't wait to hear more.
Linda, Army EOD Mom
you can follow my journal at http://www.deangraziosi.com/real-estate-forums/investing-journals/45351/...
Fear equals:
now i can't find your journal. will you list the link? thanks.
Lea, sorry to do this in your journal.
Linda, Army EOD Mom
you can follow my journal at http://www.deangraziosi.com/real-estate-forums/investing-journals/45351/...
Fear equals:
It is so encouraging to hear about your first deal and that I'm not the only one with crazy hours. I don't think there's anyone here that wouldn't be happy making $1800 for signing papers! Keep up the GOOD work!
So, I'm learning how to make sure my private investing is SEC compliant, and I really need to step it up and find an honest lawyer. Good news is I've reconnected with someone who worked at a law agency, and I'm hoping he has some access to an honest lawyer or knows of one. This has been one of the hardest parts of building my network! The first lawyer recommended to me charged me to send him an email!!! When I got the invoice I was shocked. I even told him I'd have a lot of transactions for him, and I intended to do many deals in the near future. Can't figure some people out.
So, after a very bad time with the tax club, and joke of service, and a couple other people on the board coming forward with their bad experiences, and Dean went and talked to them! I was able to get the Tax Club to commit to a refund of the essential plans 100% (over $2600) and 1/2 for the small biz credit. (about $1300). The small biz did not do any where NEAR $1300 worth of service, so I am trying to get more back. I'd settle for $500, but the service was not even worth that. I told my husband this as he did the calling, but he didn't push hard enough for that extra $600, so we'll be calling back tomorrow or Monday. Please, if you're reading this, don't sign up with anything of the Tax Club until you CHECK THEM OUT WELL! BBB=F
While the Tax Club is NOT affiliated with Dean Graziosi at all, they use his name and throughout their presentation.
UPDATE: I got my full refund for both!!! Megan rocks!
The Tax Club still owes me also, got a partial refund but want a total refund. Who did you contact at DG? I need all the help I can get to get the money back. They really misrepresented what they would do for you and never would respond to my questions and requests. Was your salesperson that Dean Taverone guy?
Knowledge is power, but execution trumps knowledge. Tony Robbins
http://www.mdhomeacquisitions.com Seller site
http://www.mdhomeacquisitionsbargainhouses.com Buyer site
http://www.mdhomeacquisitionshousehunter.com Bird Dog Site
http://www.mdlodeals.com Tenant/Buyer site
great for you! so glad you are getting a refund. all of a sudden i'm hearing alot of bad stuff there. glad i didn't take the chance.
Linda, Army EOD Mom
you can follow my journal at http://www.deangraziosi.com/real-estate-forums/investing-journals/45351/...
Fear equals:
Something snapped today. I talked to the 5th or 6th realtor who told me they wouldn't even entertain an offer lower than 80% on any REOs, and I'm tired of the rejection.
One of my prospective buyers is a good friend, and I found a great house for him that's overpriced. (225K, worth about 180K) He's an all cash buyer, so I contacted the agent about dealing on the property. This property has been on the market for almost a YEAR! So, I looked in Proptrend and found out the bank and sent an email. Its a medium sized bank, but they work with investors. I did not give property details, but I did let them know I am not able to work with theri realtor because he's not going to entertain any offers lower than 80% below asking, which happens to be full FMV.
This just strikes me as extremely poor. I run across this with so many realtors. *sigh* Would it really hurt them to submit my offer? It must be costing the bank to hold on to vacant property for a year.
I will see if I get a response from the bank, but I just felt I had to take action. Maybe it upsets me that I have a buyer who wants to make this vacant property a home and it sits there empty and useless.
I am having trouble finding a realtor to represent me as an investor in all my markets. This is why I'm calling the realtors myself to submit offers.
I had what I thought was great realtor for one area, but he seems to be afraid of affecting his reputation by submitting 25-50 lowball offers. He was pretty gung ho until push came to shove and I told him I need to start making the offers.
All these stumbling blocks are a learning experience.
I've also been working on all my life goals, for all areas. Its taking me several hours to complete, but I know its well worth the time spent! I shared this link on another thread, but this 38 minute video is a real eye opener and I don't think there is one person who wouldn't benefit from watching itand it backs up everything Dean teaches! Its not RE related, but very relevant to our success in it! ENJOY! http://www.viddler.com/explore/khalidalzanki/videos/7/
can i ask what PropTrend is and how to use it? i have a hard time finding out who the lender is here because of the weird way they do the records online here. i really would rather not have to go to the court house. thanks.
Linda, Army EOD Mom
you can follow my journal at http://www.deangraziosi.com/real-estate-forums/investing-journals/45351/...
Fear equals:
Proptrend is software you get when you enroll in level 2 or 3 of the academy. You just put in a city or an address and it pulls up all the information needed. It has its drawbacks, but its a good starter tool. I don't know if Dean's company sells it by itself, but I know I paid $1500 more for the level 2 academy over level 1 for it and legal forms.
So, it turns out the realty company that I went to the bank after they refused to look at my offer has TONS of foreclosures, many of them over a year old or greater! Doesn't the bank WANT to move these foreclosures? Is there something I'm missing? Any input would be appreciated!
for 43K in WI. In an area near where I grew up across from a lake. Am I crazy? Sight unseen at a foreclosure auction. Gosh, I'm sure I'm going to make a mistake somewhere here, but I have an exit strategy and am setting up my contractor to go see how bad it is. In pics it looks like just the appliances are gone. Buying with self directed IRA, looking for financing for repairs.
Price 43K
ARV 200K
Repairs 40K
Rent amount $1350
Now i have to secure cash investor.
**Jumping up and down screaming like a nut.**
how exciting!! i think sometimes we get too caught up in wondering if we will make mistakes. we do the best we can and then God has to take care of the rest. my thought has been "what if i get a house, then what?", yet that is what i really want. i think our old beliefs try to get in the way and i'm getting real tired of that!
thanks for the info on PropTrend. i am in the level 1 and will probably stay there for now. when i get my money back from completing 5 deals, then i might want to move up a little. we'll see how it goes. by the way, that "jumping up and down and screaming like a nut" can be good exercise. 
Linda, Army EOD Mom
you can follow my journal at http://www.deangraziosi.com/real-estate-forums/investing-journals/45351/...
Fear equals:
This is definitely a step in the right direction! After so much discouragement talking to agent after agent after agent that they wouldn't put in an offer below 80%, I decided I'll just go for the auction method. Now, here I am, awaiting to see how much work this house will actually need.
I have a cousin near the area that is a licensed general contractor; he generally does commercial, but he's going to look at the job. I have an old elementary school friend (WOW! Gotta love facebook for being able to reconnect!) who is a RE agent in the area, and my other cousin has many connections because she used to run an appraisal company.
Today we had a major scare. 3 houses down, the neighbors were having some gardeners clear their weeds with a weedwacker (it was supposed to be complete no later than the 1st of May so weeds aren't so dry) and it overheated. He threw it down, it sparked and set all the brush on fire. I'm in an EXTREME FIRE DANGER area and it was quite scary. I put the sprinkler on the roof and the hose was kinked in so many places it took 20 minutes to put it out! SCARY! But, our awesome fire department got it under control and even canceled the helicopter! They are doing the final clean up and have put the fire out in good time, about 2 hours! Way too close to home! But, like you said, its better to leave some stuff in God's hands. We did get a good emergency practice run. There are MANY things we need to improve! First thing is to buy 4 more sprinklers! Whew! What a day! Too much excitement for me, I'm getting old!!!
Congratulations on your foreclosure auction house!
I'm looking forward to hearing about how this progresses. That is great about your cousin and old elementary school friend helping you too.
I'm sorry to hear about the fire on your street but am glad the fire dept. got it under control!
Wishing you continued success.
SPR Property Solutions, LLC
another miracle! i say, "Lord, keep 'em comin'"
Linda, Army EOD Mom
you can follow my journal at http://www.deangraziosi.com/real-estate-forums/investing-journals/45351/...
Fear equals: