My story begins early on (well early for me & my beloved wife)back in 1999 or so. We picked up our very first house. Which became our primary residence. We knew absolutely nothing about real estate investing. Nor did we have any experience with Real Esate Investing Programs or such. Living in the area helped in this particular situation, as it was literally right under our noses. My father had played the role of "surrogate bird-dogger" and noticed that the elderly neighbor had passed. And there was uncommon activity at the residence nearby. He kept his eyes and ears opened. And even went as far as approaching the "new" persons coming and going around the property.
Now this could have been a "probate" deal but it didn't reach court or any of that depth into the legal system. It was rather just an issue of a departed homeowners estate that was left or "willed" to survived family members.
We actually picked this property up for below FMV, that is Fair Market Value. We made money upon signing the contract. However, this property was considerably distressed. Meaning, it needed a hefty amount of work and TLC.
Being in a strong ongoing relationship AND needing somewhere to live. My wife and I agreed to purchase for an agreed upon price with the NEW group of family inheritants. And, we are very glad we did in fact choose to, well, "Bite the Bullet", "Chew the Cudd", "Talk the Talk", Walk the Walk", "Go Out on a Limb" you get the idea.
I was actually sweeping the front stairs tidying up a bit AND a passerby immediately asked if the property was for sale and how much. I declined and stated: "I actually just purchased it". Since the day of purchase we have done everything from: New Roof, Remodel of Garage, ALL New Landscaping, Tuckpointing, Interior Revamp, Painting, Hardwood floors and laminates. Install all new appliances, Walkways, Security Gates and Lighting, Plumbing and other various miscellaneous tasks and upgrades.
First Deal: - Purchase
Second Deal: - Refinance (Pulling $10k)
Appraised at 3X purchase value
Third Deal: - Refinance w/HELOC (Pulling $60k)
(Home Equity Line Of Credit)
Next, in this journey it is now time to List this property. In the rough state of economy. Because we bought wholesale........OR IN THIS CASE.....BELOW wholesale, we still stand to make a profit in addition to all of the Refi monies of about 200% or 2X give or take some change profit from this property. We have had several offers that would render us free and clear of any obligations and responsibilities. Although, we feel we can net slightly more to give us that subtle edge of a bit of a tail end profit as well. (Once finalized we will keep everyone updated.)
Fourth Deal: - After much thought and consideration, AND have more knowledge after reading Dean Graziosi's Book - "Be A Real Estate Millionaire" I became familiar with REO's and Short Sale type properties. REO= Real Estate Owned (Bank Owned). Passed this knowledge on to my VERY SUPPORTIVE wife.
Then We consulted with several Real Estate Agents/Realtors. IN OTHER STATES by the way. As we both had our hearts set on our dream house of: Beach, Waterfront or at least tropical. SO, we found 1, 2, 3 or a half dozen or so Agents that got bored, upset, aggrevated and such with us. A few to date have since gone out of business. There was one tho! She stuck with us through THICK and THIN. She actually went so far out of her way and drove us around to literally look at nearly 100 properties. On one of the trips, we had a showing in a property that I had a liking for.
The property had a tenant. Was filled with belongings. And, was a bit harder for my wife or the realtor for that fact to "visualize" the potential and possibilities. THIS was a waterfront property, short sale, was on market for a considerable amount of time. After physically seeing it. (This was our FIRST House on the Showing trip that day out of about 30-40) I said, Yep, "This is It". After hesitantly or I should say thoroughly thinking about it. She came to agree with me. We then put in a modest but lower offer than asking price. To OUR Amazement, the Bank worked with us and That Tropical Piece of Paradise is now OURS with yet again the possible realization of Triple Value.
Fifth Deal - Unable to REFI listed House
NOTE: We learned: After trying to procure a REFINANCE on an already listed property: YOU WILL BE DENIED. This being due to stricter banks and loan companies. In order to refinance a property, (at least with the several major players we solicited)(Chase, Citibanks, Home Lending Center,etc.) The Property in question MUST be off of the market for a MINIMUM of Six (6) months.
Response to 2nd Offer to counter ReNegotiated & ACCEPTED by myself & wife this morning 7/20/10.
Purchasing Agent to correspond of tomorrow a.m.
Final Walk-Through for Buyers scheduled for a.m. of 7/22/10.
SIXTH DEAL - (7/22/10) Sale of Primary Residence.
(7/26/10) All Documents Signed.
(7/27/10) Receipt of Escrow Received
(7/29/10) Professional Inspection
3:00p.m. (7/29/10) Survived Inspection
10:30a.m. (8/04/10) Buyers Bank Appraisal
2:00p.m. (8/30/10) Updated Seller Survey
10:00a.m. (9/06/10) Final Walk-Thru Passed
12:30p.m. (9/08/10) Close of Escrow / Closing
3:30p.m. (9/08/10) Closing Completed
4:36p.m. (9/08/10) Official Finish/Departure
Arrived at closing 1/2 hour early. Gathered any necessary documents, info etc. Came prepared with pens, notepads, filebox. All parties present, including our attorney. Title Company handled finalization. New Buyers pulled 10k out as we got a peek at their revised HUD-1 showing a loan amount for 10k over agreed terms. Mortgages closed. New Fingerprint Signature Release on Title, Water, Gas, Electric and Misc Utilities Shutoff/Switched, Monies Deposited, Checks Exchanged to Agent as Finders Fee, Final Net Check of Approx. 50k released to us at Final Close of Escrow. Taking into consideration of pulling the 60k on the front end we stood to Net over 200% original FMV.
(9/24/10) Rebate Checks for Insurance Overage Payment & Mortgage Overage Payment Received. Totaling close to $200.00
SEVENTH DEAL - 10/26/10 (Which Just So Happens to be my deceased Mother's old birth date)
12:05p.m. - Initial Start of the Contact/Negotiation Stage. I haven't a clue what the property even looks like. Just basing this one on Location, Location, Location. Got Through the initial "gatekeeper" then passed on to three other parties - Finally, dealing with the "lead" on this property.
11/blank/10 - A lot of running around, dodging the holiday rush, prospects fell through, revamping a bit, spending some time with family and networking as well. Have a few more viewings scheduled. Have to get in touch with the Realtor and look at about 15 or so potentials.
Update and Vol. #2 to be posted at a later date.
Shortened Version ----Everything I just Typed Got Deleted
SO....Just a Very Quick View of the NEWLY REMODELED ----DINING ROOM--No Before Shots of Room Just After, Removed Wallpaper, Cut into Main Frame and ReFramed, Re Drywall, Mud, Sand Refinish, Re Texture Ceiling, Prime, Paint, Cauk, Clean, Decorate---AND an IMPORTANT NOTE to you Northerners that want to come down to FLORIDA and escape all the snow:
It will take a minimum of 1-2 years and YOU WON'T get ANYTHING Done!.......maybe a bit if your significant other pushes and pulls you along ...We've been here now for just about 4 years .........AND.......let me just say We've taken............OK we're STILL TAKING days, weeks, years to ENJOY...........'cause it's kinda like you're on a matter of fact......We're on Permanent Vacation...........very easy to get sidetracked and distracted with .......I LOVE FISHING......Water all around me........Beaches, Attractions, The Sites to see.......Exploring......getting the lay of the land.......So.......BACK, INTO the swing of things and RAMPING Up!........I enjoy doing many things if not ALL --MYSELF.........I know my limits.......but still take bigger chewing chunks than swallowable like any.
So, There is about 2-3 rooms left before I am complete with the COMPLETE REDO of the Place......AND Then of course the outside........EVERYTHING in the Tropical or Warmer areas GROWS, GROWS, Weeds.......and No......I mean literally WEEDS.....Meh......not to mention everything else.......Now I Highly Recommend a Landscape Service or Maintainance Service. But, I don't follow my own advice simply because I tend to be a perfectionist......just takes more time, effort and energy........Rewarding tho....for you sick people out there that know what I am talking about!.......REWARDING LIKE: Almost falling out of a Palm Tree.......Having a Stroke From Cutting the Grass at HIGH NOON in Like July.......It's frickin' AFRICA HOT....I'll never do that EVER.....Anywhere! So, DELEGATE or Pay someone else to do what you can do but are certainly worth more NOT DOING!.....Because your time is well spent on other more important matters.
MIND YOUR DISTRACTIONS --------- We ALL have Family
Members, Life, Social, Jobs, Careers, Excuses.....
And, That's all they really all are, excuses that
get in the way of our REI or just plain SUCCESSES
and ACTIONS*****
SO Take a look at Progress--------and the Best Part
Just Keep on Investing, Learning and Growing in Your REI
and Yourself.
MOVING the EQUITY Around and PULLING OUT, Consumer Debt Free, THAT IS KEY, Also, Be Mindful of Consumer Debt----Do NOT use Credit Cards for things like Food, Restaurants, Movies, or Short Lived Good Times....
1. Appliance Purchase
2. Knowledge - Deans Programs, Books, Materials
3. Services such as Major Repairs or Replacements
4.Cash - To Invest, that can be Quickly turned around and Paid Off. i.e. DP's, Funding, Escrow, etc.
5.DIY, Beautification of Property to FLIP-SELL
6.To Build Credit
7.Establish Business, LLC's, Corps, Websites etc.
8.Paying Virtual Assistants, Helpers, or Business Style Account for Related Items
10.Property Management, Landscaping, Services
or for a single property's expenses to manage and organize all your expenditures in an orderly fashion.
Thank You ALL for listening, learning & keeping me accountable.
I am so happy to hear that you have been enjoying my posts!
Keep pushing the envelope and I am certain you will very well have your chance at: "hitting it big" or making some "large flips".
Great Success on Your Journey,
Thanks for your "Gifts". Am looking forward to your gems of knowledge in all of them. I, too, appreciate your sharing as all of the other DGers have noted on this Post. I'm stepping out of my comfort zone on January 1, 2011.
Delayed starting date but starting I am. In the meantime, I have read 3 of Dean's Books attempted to find a Realtor to partner with..still trying..took time off to go up north to see my children whom I haven't seen for 6 years..that was the #1 item on my list and #2 is to start my REI business. Attended a local REI Group mtg. (Minimum Level of membership starts at $ will have to get a couple of Deals under my Belt first) also, I will be training my new Papillon puppy so that we can be a certified Therapy Team. Plan on visiting children's hospitals and Veterans's Hospitals, too, if they will allow it. Will keep y'all updated. By the way, I'm in FL, too. Maybe we could get together sometime..tho you have such a busy schedule you'll have to plan a real estate deal to investigate up here. I'm just north of West Palm Beach..very easy to find and some really great deals to be had, I'm sure. Semper Fi D-Lo
Ever So Glad you are enjoying!!!!!
Happy New Year's to You and Yours and the DG community
Would be more than happy (time permitting of course) to meet up, chit-chat, talk shop, etc. As I have been doing with some of you more locally centralized members. Possibly forming a "team" or group. Thanks Again, and that is all for now.
Great Success in Your Journey,
I am learning my way this site still so I just wanted to say thanks for the info you offer.Happy New Year.
Averyday is a Friday so weak up each morning and get excited.
Enjoy in Great Health!!!!!
Happy New Year's to You and Yours and the DG community
Great Success in Your Journey,
Enjoyed your journey. Jim
I'm ecstatic that you've enjoyed.
Keep a look out and always check back.
Make sure to download some or all of my great resources
that can be found under my profile (the blue links)
Great Success on Your Journey!
Holding Off on a few Major Acquisitions for now.
Renovating the current project. Just Completed 2nd room (bedroom) major Remodel Overhaul. Nice earthy neutrals offset with glossy whites on white. Accent Walls. Porcelain Tile Inlay. All is left is to wait for drying time and thinset to cure. The the Finishing touches with Grout and Caulk. BooYah!
Great Success on Your Journies!
Hello, Jason ~~~
I wondered about your photo icon and finally sidetracked to check it out --- You Glow, Guy!
Took a look through your graphics links also; will probably take time to design my own when I get to that point, just for fun, but it's a great use of your skills to contribute those items for everyone's use --- so much else to do starting out, it's overwhelming.
My parents were both from the Tampa/St.Pete area, and I had a San Antonio incarnation lifetimes ago. My island time has been more Okinawa, Hawaii, and Montserrat (before the volcano blew), but I seem to have a lot of VI people around me.
I love the way you've defined your life priorities.
Thanks for sharing,
Jennifer E
Jennifer E,
You are so very Welcomed, Hope to hear All of Your Success Stories posted on here!
Thanks for the information and positive encouragement. How do I follow your blog
DG Superstar?
Two real estate duplex transactions are now opening. Now the ball is rolling.LOL
Check Back and Often
----It's rather the "Journal" which is actually a blog i guess.
I will edit the begining and keep it at the top so to make it easier rather than append here......and AS ALWAYS............DGers hit me up.......PM me with more than a one liner blurb or just hello........Always include your Full Name, Contact info, email phone etc and I will tuck you folks into my database or binder LOL.....i got notes everywhere......and scribbles LOL........OK......time to edit the post.