All About JJD

JJD's picture
About Me: 

Extensive Background in Art, Design, Graphics & Marketing. Experience in Construction, Trades as well as Mechanically Inclined. I find immense joy in applying my creativity into the actual physical constructs of real estate, as well as, the transaction deals pertaining to them. Somewhat familiar with alot of the hooplah of past REI systems. Had seen Dean one late night, decided to listen, aquired a liking to his delivery. And, here I am. Smiling If anyone should need, require, or would like my opinions or thoughts. Feel free to Ask!

Please follow my progress entered here in my Journal:

Some of my Resourceful and Free REI links & data files:






real estate, philanthropy, wild life, fishing, arts, cooking, dining, swimming, marine activities, billiards, bowling, tennis, volleyball, dance, walking, travel,

Topics I've Participated In

Badges and Medals? robasciotti379 years 4 weeks ago
Great Central Florida Property Up for Sale - 50k-60k Equity JJD010 years 2 weeks ago
JJD - Chronology of Helping Others - Vol. # 1 (The Start) JJD4210 years 2 weeks ago
Seeking Florida Folks. Dan_Auito11110 years 2 weeks ago
Good cities in the US ramirezco1110 years 12 weeks ago

Basic Info

"My Occupation's Just NOT Around" ---- Jimmy Buffett
My Pets Are My Kids
Some Post Graduate

Sites I Visit


Welcome and Thank You

JJD's picture

Welcome All to those of you whom look at the profile.

And a big Windy City Thank You to all that help with my continued endeavors.

Welcome, yourself!

Rina's picture

Welcome, yourself! Good to have you as part of the community. You'll enjoy being here!
Happy reading, and Happy House Hunting,


Thank You

JJD's picture


Thanks Ever So Much! Having A Great Time here in Chicago. I've gotten several-------well, OK 5 offers. Not too much to sniffle at. AND Not exactly In or Near our Ballpark but we're getting much closer........I can FEEL IT! Hope ALL is well with you and your family.
I did notice your photo and story in Dean's Book and didn't realize I was corresponding with a celebrity Smiling.
Anyhow, I would like to greatly Thank You for being so welcoming, accomodating and well.......so down-to-earth!


dreamcastle's picture

Jason; Thanks for your welcome. I only have 2 months left to get my 5 deals in with Dean's success academy. I live in a high priced real est. area which has been somewhat of a hindrance.Any advice on lease ops. is appreciated.

Lease Options

JJD's picture


Some Great Strategies with "Lease Options" that I was taught:

1. You Can Often Ask Full Market Value + 10% or Higher.
2. By Decreasing THIS Price you can stimulate interest into a Lease Option, which if you Ask Higher Rents on the Front End, You can offer, But do NOT necessarily have to, a nicely lowered Agressive Price.
3. SCREEN, SCREEN, SCREEN your potential Lease Option Tenants/Buyers....I Can Not STRESS that enough. PreQualify, etc.
4. Make Sure ALL terms and conditions that you desire are safely and simply outlined in the Lease-Option Agreement.

Happy Leasing!

Thanks for your note!

Hi Jason,
So sorry that I did not acknowledge your "welcome" till just now! I was accessing My Account to finally set up my profile (as boring as it will be for now), and that's when I first saw your note. So, I want to thank you for showing such kindness; now I won't feel as awkward to get involved like I wanted to in the first place. Look forward to following your journal.

Re: Thanks for your note!

JJD's picture


Great to Hear! Make sure you create a Journal you can call your own as well.
All of us encourage and are interested in your achievements!

hey jason

SpencersInvesting's picture

wanted to stop by and say Hi. I'm an investor outta Arizona

hey Spencer

JJD's picture

Howdy Right Back At You!


Thanks for the friendly welcome..Daily I go through the Forums and Posts. I just looove it.There is so much information that I can use.I will follow your progress in your journal..Thankyou for the links and data files it will come in handy.Great Success On Your Journey In REI Cecelia

Re: Thankyou

JJD's picture


You are So Very Welcome!
Enjoy in Good Health, Don't Just Follow, jump right in yourself. Gather, but employ ALL the information in the actions to equal the results you strive to achieve!


Thanks for the welcome

Hi Jason

Thanks for the welcome Jason!and for the advise on the home page as well.... to be honest, once I got into the site for the first time, I was like a kid in a candy store and haven't come up for air yet. Too much great info - too little time as they say and with Dean and the new launch around the corner who has time for profiles!? ( I know that's terrible ) TAKE TAKE TAKE TAKE TAKE! I've even combed all of YouTube for anything that they may have on Dean and Wow! there's quite a bit! Actually, I think I've only been to my home page about 3 times since I joined, maybe less <:-( Thanks for the heads up! Jason, talk to ya soon.

Re: Thanks for the welcome

JJD's picture


Great! Keep up the Good Work!
Take, Take, then Get ready to Roll it Back in,
To Give, .............Only to receive More!

More Importantly.....Have Fun With All You Do!


Biz Cards:

I read the post but don't understand how to see the biz cards?
I got off my lazy _ after looking at the box of Dean's course for a year due to lack of $$ and new found time.
(if you get my drift). I would like to see your designs so as to possibly copy some of your ideas if I may.
Patrick F.

Hey Jason

John A's picture

Just wanted to stop in & say hello. I been checking out your hard work on your marketing material & gotta give you 2 Thumbs Up on it......keep on spreading the good seed & surely success will keep coming your way as well.

John A

Thank You Jason

Thank you soooo much for your greetings Jason. I really appreciate your warm welcome. Thanks again and the best of luck to you.


TCoats's picture

Hey Jason,

Saw you were online and thought I would see if I could get you to assist a newbie on something. Scenario: I found a buyer from an Ad I placed for 3b/2ba, Owner financing. I had done a search to see properties available and found some in my area. I called the Broker, explained to him what I wanted to do as an investor(don't know if that was the right thing, but i did). Told him if buyer was interested, i would want to do a double closing with the seller. He said that could be done, but I would have a hard time finding a Title company to take accept it. Any input here would be helpful.

Next, how do I send pics of the houses to the interested buyer without giving too much information. How do I show him the properties without being an Agent. My husband is a realtor, but I was told we would not be able to do a double closing if we were married. He acting as my agent, I'm the investor. Any input on how to pull this off would be great! Don't have time to search all this. Potential buyer wants to take a look at properties tonight. Also, what kind of questions should I aske the potential buyer? I asked if he had cash to put down. Think I'm suppose to ask how long Owner needs to carry loan? right. Anything else. Thanks A ton! I owe you! Call if it would be easier/quicker to explain.



Thank You

EliteHoldings's picture

Thank You for all of the positive comments and tools you offer.
You will be greatly rewarded for your efforts and hard work.


Re: Biz Cards:

JJD's picture


All Designs and Downloadable Resource Files can be found in the posts under the heading at end of copy entitled: "File Attachments".

Enjoy In Great Health!


Re: Hey, Thank You etc

JJD's picture

John A, cdy1985, Sidney,

Best of Luck, Great Success and ALL the Best of the Best!


Re: Need Assistance Tonight

JJD's picture


I will PM you.



cbrindamour's picture

Thanks for your comments!

Keep on plugging, you can do it!



Jay C's picture

Jason thanks for stopping by and thanks for your helpful info and good luck to you on your real estate journey

Jay C

Re: Jason & Thanks

JJD's picture

Chris & Jay,

You guys are very Welcome! & The Best to You!


Thanks for stopping by and leaving some words of wisdom and encouragement. I appreicate that. Lord knows i need all the help I can get.

Re: Thanks

JJD's picture


You are Very Welcome!
Study, Read, Watch the Videos and Download the Resources here for you to use and Your Road will be less Rocky!


Owner Financing

Do you know of sellers who offered seller financing and would be interested in selling their notes? I have private investors who aar looking to purchase secured real estate notes. I offer a referal fee for every note that closes. Send me a PM messag. I look forward to working with you and helping you grow your business.



I dont know of any that do seller financing but I do know a couple that would love to sell there notes.

your posts

heartofalion's picture

I'm fairly new to the site and just wanted to thank you for all your helpfully post.

Re: your posts

JJD's picture


You are certainly welcome! Have Fun!
and Go Forth and Conquer!
Great Success on Your Journey!

Thanks for visiting

Valuni's picture


what a nice surprise to read your welcome note in my guestbook-I really appreciate, especially being new to the DG family-it can be overwhelming.
Thank you for the 'gift' links too Smiling

Re: Thanks for visiting

JJD's picture

You're Welcome!!! It is a pleasure to have you with us!

Having a difficult time

Haven't had the money to join the team.
We were evicted from our home, I moved in with my daughter. I had to give up my $8.00 hr job.

Re: Having a difficult time

JJD's picture


Chin Up! God Bless your Daughter! Network with people in your area to see about finding a deal or two. A Property to pass to a serious investor with the possibility of making $500, $1000 or maybe even $5000 at a time.


Thanks To All for Reading the Journal & Enjoying the Posts

JJD's picture

Thanks To All ------------ I am glad to hear everyone is continuing to enjoy the posts!
Great Success on Your Journey!

Great Stuff

matlock31's picture

Welcome jason

They say All great mine think alike. This is why we're all here. Dean has something which attract people like yourself and me that can share and still make money together and offer one awesome network of friends. Thanks for sending me a ring.

Re: Great Stuff

JJD's picture

You are very welcome!

Keep up the Awesome Work, Strive for Excellence
& Great Success on Your Journey!
Happy New Year as Well!



Re: 60k equity

JJD's picture

I will pass for now, Thank You


Hello my name is Jose Guzman and I am really needing some help as soon as possible or I think I will lose out on good deal. I am in Houston,TX and I have potential earnings on a comercial property. Here is the scinorio, a good friend of mine is a club owner and wants to sell the property. I have found a buyer that is very interested and is already on a trial basis working in the club to see how the business works and well its almost a done deal that the buyer will buy. My friend, the owner of the club had already promised me a 4-5% on the sale if it goes through. I want it to be legal but I dont know how to go about it if real estate agents are involved. As far as I know there are no real estate agents involved at this time. I was wondering if I can use an assignment contract and if so how should I handle this? My finders fee would be devided into me and another person which we found the deal for my friend. Any advise would be greatly appriciated. Thank You

Thank you for the welcome

daisysunlee's picture

Thanks so much for the resources You provided for me and information that can lead me to rei success. I am so thankful.

You are so welcome!

JJD's picture


You are most welcome! Great Success to You and GOD Bless!

Thank you some much....

hi and thanks for the information and by the way great ideas....

Re: Thank you some much...

JJD's picture

You are always very Welcome!


xTomcaTx's picture

Do you by chance know about Steve Pavlina? He seems to be something of a philanthropist in his own right.

Re: Philanthropy

JJD's picture

Sure Have, Thanks So Much! He certainly is one of the First and Foremost!

Thank you

restore2007's picture

Hi Jason,

Sorry I guess I did not scroll down enough to see I had messages from you and another, thanks so much for the welcome and forms as they were one of my actions items for today to do.Looking forward to following your progress and others as I begin my journey.


kim mellies's picture

Jason, hey my name is Kim. I just finished reading your profile on Deangraziosi.com. I’m impressed. And as your profile stated that if anyone should need, require, or would like any of your opinions or thoughts. Just Ask. Well, I’m asking give me everything you have. For knowledge is power. Later,

Great Tools

Reyn's picture

Hi Jason,
I just stumbled on your profile. I like your tools that you have on it. I am looking thru all of it. Very useful.

Reynolds & Haidee


1.Hey jason my name is Kieran and I am brand new here. I just finish reading my book and I have a ? for you.
when a seller is signing a lease option . What are some of the terms I should put in my contract contingency that would protect me just in case the deal doesn't go as plan .

2.DO i put the same contingency that you are about to explain to me from (Agreement to Lease with Option to Purchase)and add the same contingency in Bid Dog and Double Closing or is it different and if so, what are they?

Definitely anything related

JJD's picture

Definitely anything related to Pest Inspections.....I learned the Hard Way....lol