First I would like to thank Dean Graziosi and his successful students for providing some of the best education out there and making the weekly videos that kept giving me wisdom,hope and certainty that Dean's education works. Also I would like to thank all of the DG family for keeping me motivated with your success stories and being there for me when I had questions or needed advice. Dean has changed my life, its been a long journey, 4 years exactly since the first time I saw dean on TV and decided to order his book. The reason it took me four years is because I kept getting off track or letting life eat me back up but I never gave up completely. I made a decision last year that I was never going to quit or get off track and give it 100% of effort, well it paid off.
Now I would explain how I got this deal and got it done. I found this property from putting out bandit signs in my city. The seller called me and told me he had a property he wanted to sell that had fire damage and he wanted $10K for it. I asked him a couple of questions and made an appointment to look at the house the next day. I met him there the next day and took a look at the property, the house needed a total rehab and everything needed to be updated. I new the area well and what the properties were going for and what was the rents. This was a not so good neighborhood so I knew where I needed to be on the price because of conditions and sales in the area. Well he told me that he got an insurance check from when the fire accrued and that they paid him way over then what he paid for the property. So I knew he just wanted to get rid of the property before the taxes started to eat him up. I told him I can't pay $10K and really not interested in the property. I told him I would try to find someone who is. 3 weeks go by and I receive a call from the same seller telling me if I had found anyone and that he is willing to sell the property for $1, I said yes I might know someone. I started to call a couple of buyers and got who who wanted to look at the house the next day. I showed the buyer the property and she said she wants it, I told her I will sell it to her for $2,500 and she said ok. I got the property under contract Dec 29 2013 and assigned it to my buyer on Dec 30 2014 which was yesterday right before the new year. The buyer gave me a check for $250 upfront and said she will give me the rest at closing. She should be closing on the property in the next week or so.
Some advice to any newbies, don't give up. Keep pushing forward, with Deans education and the support from this website you will get it done. when things get tough and you start to think about giving up just think about there other people out there doing it.
I'm so hyped!!! I started my new year with my first deal and will be turning it up a notch to complete many more.
Reynold Orozco
Congratulations! So, did you get the property from the seller for the dollar?
"You're never too old to be what you were meant to be!"
"Shining Like a Star & Dancing on Sunshine"
"Shoot for the moon! Even if you fall short, you'll still land among the stars!"
Congrats on your 1st deal!
It goes to show you deals are out there as well as Cash buyers.
Much success in 2014!
Ms. Monique
Charlotte, NC
~thoughts become things along with taking action~
{*when Life, Fear, Excuses get in the way- it's about showing up and doing it anyway!}
That is awesome! I've seen you putting in your time here and on IE. The hard work is paying off and I'm truly happy for you!!
2014 is going to be amazing for you!
I am a Professional Real Estate Investor! And I see a whole army of my countrymen, here in defiance of the J.O.B. You've come to fight as free men/women... and free men/women you are! What will you do for that freedom?? Will you fight?!! Lets fight for it together!!!!
Yes I got the property for $1. The seller wanted to sell at first for $10K and I told him I cant buy for that price, I told him I would think about it. I actually forgot about that lead and 3 weeks later I received a call from the seller saying if I would take it if he sold it to me for a $1. I said yes and immediately started calling buyers
Reynold Orozco
Yes they are, you just have to be persistent and don't be scared to pull the trigger when you know you have a good deal in front of you.
Reynold Orozco
I can see now all my time I've been putting in is defiantly paying off. I also feel a lot more confidant too from completing my first deal.
Wish you a great 2014 as well.
Reynold Orozco
That's awesome! Thanks for posting. Nice way to start out the new year!
College Station, TX
"Declare that you will prosper despite every difficulty that may come your way. Don't just survive; thrive!"
-Joel Osteen
way to go !!!! the first deal builds confidence and gives you momentum !!DONT stop now have the motion set in place keep rockin it and more and more opportunities will come your way .
great job !!
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need to sell ?
Need me to FINANCE a home ?
Best way to start off my new year, I'm so excited!!. I'n on the hustle to make many more happen.
Reynold Orozco
Thank you for the inspiring words, especially coming from you. I always watch you videos on IE and remembered the video you put up on mindset and you recommend for everyone to read the book and I did. Thank you so much.
And your right about the first deal, my confidence just went to another level. I'm ready to take on any challenge to get my next deal.
Reynold Orozco
Good job Reynold, wow $1. Way to start the new year!
Congrats on your first deal Ray. It's been a long time coming. Way to hang in there.
I know right $1, I still can't believe it LOL. Everyone I tell that I got a 3 family for $1 they tell me for real? LOL
Reynold Orozco
Hi Reynold,
I asked you about this deal on Carols chat and you shared minor details then. Now, I get to read the whole story.
Thanks for sharing.
I don't know if your new or you have been investing but all I want to say is to keep going at it, don't give up. I found myself wanting to put my dreams to the side because they were happening fast enough or I wasn't seeing the results that I want. Remember you get out of this business from what you put into it.
Reynold Orozco