when I first read deans book I was so hype I start promoting his book like I wrote it... then I start watching the testimonies on how people did this process in less then a month... I got even more hype... so I decided to take the first step and that was finding alternetives to what I need to make the process work
for the 24 hours automated answering services... I used my old pre-pay cell phone left a message saying thank you for calling and leave a detailed message of you situation and ill get back to you...so when I call them back I already know what process I have to teach them... (it also help build a relationship with them)
For the yard signs ($30 for one...) I went to the library then made up a paper fly saying I buy houses and free foreclosure help.... then I used my jobs copying machine to make more copies of it...
For the website I google free website and found the easiest one and built my website... after a while I decided to by my domain which was only $30 a year
For deans success academy I used this site which is great but a few of my questions went un aswered but I still learned a lot from this site...
I recently brought business cards because everyone I dealt with keept asking for one...
So that $20 for a pre paid phone card for my phone
$30 for the website name
$49 for the business cards
$free for the paper fliers
$free for mentor
My total was $99.00 dollars
Then I started looking for investors and once I did that I felt like this is really real I started to believe that I'm on my way to becoming financially stable
So once I thought I had enough investors (you can never have enough investors) I started looking for property I search high and low and couldn't find anything I went to the court house thinking I'm going to get a pre foreclosure list....damn was that dream crush in a hurry... I learn that you have to find a house then go to the court to do your research on that house... and that's when I lost my fire and my vision got blury and I couldn't see my future as a rea estate investor...then I started thinking I wasted all that time promoting and a looking for that great deal...
I started to hate dean for making me waste my time... I start thinking about all the overtime I missed at my job... I stop helping people on this websit and I actually stop coming to this site all together...
Then one day not to long ago I see a house for sale and I decided to go check it out...so I went to the owners office to discuss detail on this house and it wasn't what I was looking for...but the owner was an investor so we were talking and I told him what I do and what I was trying to become and he told me to go check out this house and if you like it I sell it for 200,000 I was hype it was a total rehad but it was my chance he gave me 2 weeks to sell it and I tried me best to find an investor that was willing to pay 210 and to make a long story short I didn't find one...so the owner is going to finish the rehad job then put it back on the market....
I was so happy that he gave me a chance to do this... I was one investor away from making 10k.... and that gave me back my fire....and now I'm working harder then ever...
The whole purpose of this story is to tell everyone that this is real and it could be you who makes actually lands that deal you've been looking for....don't give up just keep moving for word... don't let anyone destroy your dream.....because one you land that first deal whether its one month of one 1 year it will all pay off
I will never accept defeat there for I will never fail
Thanks for the words of encouragement, as well as your story. I am sure there is alot of people on here who has felt the same way at one time or another. I am sure your first deal is right around the next corner just waiting for you to find it.
It is all real... for some, it can just fall in their laps, for others they grind and grind thinking it won't happen, and then out of the blue it does.
Per your post, it seems you were putting a lot of effort into the preforeclosure properties. This is a valid strategy, but it can also prove to be difficult for some and one that is more of a longer term play.
For instance, if you are talking preforeclosure, if the person doesn't have equity then a short sale is the option. Short sales are usually the more difficult deal to complete. Not impossible, but if you want the path of least resistance you would go short sale last IMHO.
Those with equity are a different story indeed, so when you throw out your net, you will probably get a bunch of people upside down, but when you get a lead with equity you have a possible deal there.
But, right now, at this moment, the feedback I have from a lot of active investors is FSBO is the ticket. Whether you are doing wholesaling (assignment), buy/flip (with or without rehab), or cashflow... most are saying FSBO is where the best deals are.
Why? Several reasons:
1) FSBOs have less competition.
2) The realtors (LAs)/Banks are playing tricks to induce bidding wars among both retail buyers and non-savvy investors.
3) For most REOs the only way to assign is to do double closing. This isn't something that is actually really difficult to do, but it does add another layer to it all.
There are SO many strategies to do, and virtually all work and some are better for different goal types and financial situations... but for the novice who wants to do assignments, I would get started by trying FSBO properties.
Simply search the FSBO sites, find ones that have been listed for a while. Generally these are overpriced. Use the www.totalviewrealestate.com tool to see what they paid for it. If they have a nice chunk of equity you know you have a house you can try to make a deal on. Once you have a list of target properties just start making offers.
When you have a good deal lined up it is a lot easier to take it to an investor and get them knocking down your door for the next one.
Now, I don't want to say foreclosures still don't have huge opportunity, they do, and I mean huge... it is just for the new person, the climate has changed and when you have no money and no experience it is easy to get discouraged with REO's and especially short sales.
Thats good look at the house that you could not get a buyer for like a practice to get a piece of the pie.One thing that I tried really hard is to keep my head up high to keep my focuse on the R.E. and somedays is hard cause I work two jobs but I whant a better life.Thanks for the good words you typed in this page,best of wishes.
It's so true that we have to stay focused, keep the faith and believe that real estate will make a difference in our lives. If we want to make a difference and it won't be with real estate than with what? So often people do not realize how real estate can quickly change their situation.
DG Admin stated some very good points to consider. Sometimes we need to look at a variety of ideas and try and apply the ones that may work out best for us. As you learn and grow with real estate you expand your knowledge base (foundation). Over time that foundation gets stronger and stronger as we expand our knowledge. That way once we start those deals we can accumulate a skyscraper of properties and our knowledge base is their to support it. I also like your "diamond under pressure" example. Good luck on all your future deals! Believe and Achieve!
- Joe
YOU TUBE CHANNEL - Follow me on my You Tube Channel at Joe Jurek Real Estate Investing Adventures
TWITTER - Follow me on Twitter at Joe Jurek CPA
Joe Jurek CPA
Feeling a bit overwhelmed after my first few days at this. Getting confused which piece to do first...get a realtor?, get a mortgage broker?, get a buyer?, get a property? What I do need to do is get a grip (LOL). I know I can tend to get so wrapped up in the details that I get stuck in the process. Honestly I'm apprehensive about coming across as an idiot to any professional I speak with, and hence blow my chance to have them work with me...
So, I decided to just read a few posts from some of you guys on here, and it's helped me to settle down, take a breath and just keep going doing SOMETHING. I know it'll all get clearer as I keep moving forward...
Thanks for the support system provided on this site : )
(A REI Newbie and proud of it)
Check out my journal at: http://www.deangraziosi.com/real-estate-forums/investing-journals/29155/...
I would like to thank everyone on this site that always take the time out to show support to everyone who's starting this new venture...
I will never accept defeat there for I will never fail
Great posts everyone. We all need to be encouraged. That one deal is out there waiting for us....and we will find it. Stay strong everyone!
Thanks for the reassurance. I, too, was getting a little discouraged but I need to make this work...for me and my family. I have a lot of things I want to accomplish and believe real estate investing is the way to go. I will focus on FSBO's and keep going forward until I persevere and sell/buy my first property.
Joseph Arredondo
Thanks for opening our eyes to reality. I will use my story. I have been on this site for more than a year. Even though I had properties prior to joining, it took some time for me to understand and I am still learning everyday the concepts of success through real estate investments. I always appreciated the successes that the DG members shared, but I guess my route to success was not realized until now. Joining forces with Lubertha made REI seem like "a walk in the park." We challenge and feed of each other as we seek to achieve our attainable goal of multi-millionaires. For those like me and our new DG members, do not be discouraged. Things will not happen overnight. Remember a baby is not born today and get up and walk tomorrow, unless he is an alien from SYFI. As I, we need to spend as much time as possible reading and re-reading Dean's books, programs and participate in the interactive website provided by Dean and his team. There is no where else you will get the type of support that you do here. And the best thing of all, disrespect, negativity and insults are not entertained on the site. We are hear to learn, make money, enjoy a good life and give back to society. May God continue to BLESS us all.
"You can never get to the top, if you are not willing to climb. Do not look at the difficulty of the climb, only anticipate the view from the top."
"Can't even walk without you holding my hand." (Song)
"Is anything too hard for the Lord ..." Genesis 19:14
"In all things, wait on the Lord."
"Think not of your own deliverance, but trust in God who will give in abundance."
"When you are down to nothing, God is up to something." Unknown
"Our lives begin to end, the day we become silent about those things that really matters." Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
Wow that just proves you cant give up on your power of determination we are all stronger than we think we are. Never give up! His words hit home so true we can all share on our ups and down's in life. Its all about taking Action once we start its like a train coming down the tracks. MichelleNicole
Just Take Action.
I worked on a pre-foreclosure for over a month. Babysitting the sellers. (Whatever it takes to get the deal done, right?) Met with them at least four times for several hours. Initially, it looked (thru court records) that the sellers needed a total of $167,000 to pay off mortgage, a POA lien and $7,000 to them for equity. Great deal considering that the property in "todays" FMV was averaged at $181,500. (Just last year this exact models' FMV was closer to $210,000) equaling approx. $14,000 instant equity in current market.
Question...would this be a good enough profit margin for most investors to bite? (I got the deal before I had investors. Still having a problem building investor's list. Any advice or websites would be appreciated!)
What is slamming the door shut on this deal is that the sellers just want $7,000 ASAP and I don't have it! I have NC mountain property accessed by the county at $10,000 that I was willing to use for a secured promissary note, but can't find a lender.
Initially, I was planning to assign, but when can't find investor, was considering buying myself for my two teenage boys. We've never had a home to call our own. But still need the $7,000 to assume mortgage.
Just wanted to share my first "deal" experience with the DG family. A little discouraged after spending so much time on this one deal. (Iwas determined to make it work) but I know "you win some, you lose some" and just go on to the next....
Any thoughts out there as to what I could have done differently? The door closes for good today. The sellers needed an definitive answer yesterday. Please share any thoughts or ideas!
Thanks DG family!
Have a Blessed Day,
We all are everyday Angels, so why not expect miracles? They're there...have you noticed or made yours today?
Hi Everyone, Im just writing on this for the first time so, Let me say that I am excited about this new endeavor and scared at the same time. I am not quite finished with the book, Profit from Real Estate RIGHT NOW , but with every page it gets better and the Wow factor for me. Look forward to this opportunity in RE.
Thanks for the support
I have been watching The Edge DVD's every night before bed, and i have to stay, it is a wealth of information on how & what other people are doing to make it work. I am formulating all of their experiences and i am creating mine that i feel will work for me....something that gets me excited about closing the deal the way i feel confident.
Now, i have a great cash investor, have a wonderful motivated Realtor, working on the buyers list and have been putting in offer after offer. what we are finding is that the offers that we need to place, in order to get a deal that has enough equity, we are not winning....so, we have changed our strategy a bit. we have an in with wholesale REO's right from the bank. This will enable us to buy at a great price, remodel before we close (my brother is a contractor) and do a double close. This will give my investor a great ROI and myself a great commission. my goal is to keep making money with the same investor for a bit. I know that i need to find more investors and buyers (either purchase or lease options)
The one thing i am finding is that with a motivated realtor who is hungry, they attract investors...so, she is coming across them daily, which is good for both of us1
I will keep plugging along until it starts rolling. i KNOW it is right around the corner....BTW, i have only told a few of my family members what i am doing.
Good luck DG family! Margie
"Some live 70 years like one day. Some live one day like 70 years." King David
Be the cause of your life, not the effect! AND MY FAV...Are you being productive with your time, or are you just busy?
Know how you feel! I was justing thinking this morning about, "Well, what if I go into a bank to talk about what I want to do and my vision and screw up? Next time I try to come back, won't they say, 'There's that lunatic again!'?" I think fear of failure is something we'll all deal with at some point! As far as what to do first, I'd say just pick one and set the others aside for now.
"He who is mighty has done great things for me...He has...exalted those of humble estate; he has filled the hungry with good things..." Matt. 1:49-53
Can I ask why you've only told a few?
"He who is mighty has done great things for me...He has...exalted those of humble estate; he has filled the hungry with good things..." Matt. 1:49-53
thanks for your story. i was wondering how i was going to start doing the things Dean advised in his book. the pre-paid cell phone idea was great. i'm looking for investors in my area to do assignments to build up my funds.it's a little hard with only one income.but i'm excited. i'm working my goal to do something everyday to get me closer to my 1st deal.
thanks to everyone who has supported us newbies. and Elias, keep on going, we'll all get there.
Welcome to the DG family. This will be a ride of a lifetime. Buckle up and get ready. The books need to be read and re-read; the plans need to be made; the time-line need to be set; the strategies need to be examined and the actions need to be taken. The feedback and outcome of all this is success. There is no room for failure here, not in life or REI. You have a family here, knowledgeable in different areas, ready and willing to support you along the way. Wishing you all success in your real estate endeavors. God Bless.
"You can never get to the top, if you are not willing to climb. Do not look at the difficulty of the climb, only anticipate the view from the top."
"Can't even walk without you holding my hand." (Song)
"Is anything too hard for the Lord ..." Genesis 19:14
"In all things, wait on the Lord."
"Think not of your own deliverance, but trust in God who will give in abundance."
"When you are down to nothing, God is up to something." Unknown
"Our lives begin to end, the day we become silent about those things that really matters." Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
This is my first comment ever on this site. I just thought I would comment because I'm having the same experience with REO's and the banks not coming down to the right price. It's getting a bit frustrating but I'm definitely getting good practice at making offers. I also have a very eager and willing real estate agent which is an invaluable resource. I just need to get the in with the wholesale REO's with the bank like you have now. That would make a big difference. thanks for your comments.
Thanks for sharing your story, it was truly a motivation boost.
Antoine Paden
Elias, you never know when/how someone will come in your life and encourage you to keep going. That's what you've done for me and for that I say again "Thank You". I had becomed overwhelmed with other obstacles (debt, late mortgage, not enough income coming in,...), and honestly it was starting to get to me. Until I read your post and got fired up again to keep moving forward. Time is moving on, so I gotta get with it, or soon it's gone...
Peace & Blessings to you and successful investing
and don't give up. Rome wasn't built in a day and either was the heavens. I'll keep you in my prayers. God Bless in your REI endeavors.
In the name of Allah, the Beneficent,
the Merciful.
22.He is Allah besides Whom there is no God: The Knower of the unseen and the seen; He is the Beneficent, the Merciful.
23. He is Allah besides Whom there is no God: the King, the Holy, the Author of Peace,the Granter of Security, Guardian over all, the Mighty, the Supreme, the Possessor of greatness. Glory be to Allah from that which they set up (with Him)!
24. He is Allah: the Creator, the Maker, the Fashioner: His are the most beautiful names. Whatever is in the heavens and the earth declares His glory: and He is the Mighty, the Wise.
thanks for sharing your story. I too feel like tjis is not as easy as Deans book makes it sound. I am finding that joining my local real estate club has been a big help. I learn more with each meeting i attend as well as the opportunity to network face to face with people who are out there doing it and are willing to share advice and resources. still looking to make my 1st deal but I feel like its not going to be too far away.