how do i find info on abandoned house ??? any help !!

how do i find info on abandoned house ??? any help !!

i found a cash buyer in my area an hes willing to working with me on a begginers level.

He told me hes looking for abandoned houses and i found one the I personally love but willing to pass on to him .
I have the address, maybe an owner
(first star LLC ) has anyone heard of that before???
so anyway .... im stuck! someone suggested the phone book ,but that wasnt much help ... im thinking maybe the courthouse might have some info, but any advice on getting more information on propetys like this would help . !
thanks !


A.Clarke ...


On the computer, go to your county's website. Owner's info should be on the site with address. If need be, google name and address, perhaps a number will come up. Otherwise, work with the address, mail or personal visit.

ok i have the address an no

ok i have the address an no one lives in the house it needs alot of rehab


A.Clarke ...


Advice above is correct.your count website is a great tool to find owner and last sale and taxes if you have an address.aLso you may find a local tax website that the assesor has.ask the neighbors if they have name or address of a search on also govto courthouse and go to tax dept and get the tax id # then look up in courthouse computer the name.also ask the courthouse staff in the tax dept for advice and help.


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Oops sorry....for ny on internet. Type ...........then pick county


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Dept. of State website

anc21nyc wrote:

I have the address, maybe an owner
(first star LLC ) has anyone heard of that before???
so anyway .... im stuck! someone suggested the phone book ,but that wasnt much help ... im thinking maybe the courthouse might have some info, but any advice on getting more information on propetys like this would help . !
thanks !

If it's owned by an LLC, then that company is listed with some state's public records (Division of Corporations, normally), along with a registered agent to contact. If you are sure it's First Star LLC, start with the business registries in the state the property is in. Here's the Dept. of State website for NY. Your profile says you live in Queens.

I have a NY LLC and my agent info is kept public in case anyone is looking for us, or someone needs to send us a bill.

...or ask the post office if the mail is being forwarded any where and go to that address. I've never tried that. It never hurts to ask though!

Take care,


It's possible.
Writing on

Dean has great advice on how

Dean has great advice on how to find the owner of a vacant property in one of his books.....(I'm not sure if it was BARM or Profit From Real Estate). Simply put a For Sale By Owner sign in the front yard with your phone number. When the Owner eventually calls you, tell him/her that you were trying to reach them and you would like to buy their house!

Alt suggestion if you don't have the owner or lien holder yet

In most counties you can to a search for the "Abstract". The abstract is a list of all liens on a property. Typically all you need is a property address. Once you pull the abstract and review the liens, determine the mortgage(s). This info will include the company or private name including their address. Then simply use the internet to find a phone number and you're in business.

Wish you well!


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Title Company

they can do a search and provide you with the address/info of homeowner...

Learning and progressing every day,




“And will you succeed? Yes indeed, yes indeed! Ninety-eight and three-quarters percent guaranteed!” ― Dr. Seuss

"I believe in angels, the kind that heaven sends; I am surrounded by angels, but I call them friends" - Unknown

My journal:

Finding owners of boarded up properties

Thanks for all the info from all the coments, I especially like the one about
posting your for sale sign in the yard. I found that your title company knows how to get that info. I also have a investor that wants a particular property. Once I find the owner, I am half way there. Thanks again, chillermiller

how to find the owner of a vacant property

I found a vacant house and would like to get it. The owner is nowhere to be found.
I have his name, and traced him by city records. The taxes are due for 2010 and 2011. I am going to put a sign in the yard, with my number. If he calls I will tell
him I want to buy the house. If he does not call, is there any way I can get the house by paying the taxes and/or claiming it abandoned?

how to find the owner of a vacant property

I also want to add that the property is free and clear of any liens, I had the title company to check it out.I also live in Michigan, what else can I do?

How do I find info on an abandoned house.

Well, I have done this a few times. You can start by walking the neighborhood and telling people what you do (investor) and that the property is really dragging down the neighborhood being empty and un kept.
After the warm up ask if they know the owners or where they went. I have gotten a lot of info from neighbors before.
Next is to check the county website in the tax assessors page for whom the taxes are sent to. This is public information.

Happy Hunting,

Randy Bailiff

adverse possesion

chillermiller wrote:
If he does not call, is there any way I can get the house by paying the taxes and/or claiming it abandoned?'s called "adverse possesion" and the laws vary from state to state. Google the requirements for your state.

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