Joined: 2010-11-08
Points: 137

About Me:
I am a retired telephone tech from Massachusetts.I worked at Verizon for 25 years.My goal is to become independantly wealthy over the next 2 years by way of real estate.I have 4 older children 33,29,20,and 18 my main concern is to have a safety net for them.
I am in need of group members
I have been wanting to start a group in the New England area,but as i was checking out the groups page it seems that no one on this site has any interest in New England.Let me tell you folks it may cost a little bit more to reside here but we will be booming in a few months.So if you have any interest in New England please comment on this post.Then we can start a group that will blow the rest of them away.Folks don't miss the boat to great profits here in New England. THANKS JIM