sheila h

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sheila hamel

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answers for home work

sheila h's picture

Our city it Batavia NY (Genesee Co) It has a population of 17,965, with the county's pop. @ 60,297. It is directely inbetween Buffalo (in Erie Co) 2nd lg. city in NY, and Rochester NY, (In Monroe Co, the 3rd lg. city in NY)

The current unemployment rate is 6.50 %, In 2011 it was at 8.0%.

The avg. cost of a 3 b/2b home in Batavia is $ 109,737.00. (out of 52 homes checked )

The for Batavia NY 14020 is app. $ 685.00.

I could not find taxes listed for Batavia,even going by the taxes on city site. It just listed them as a tax code of 180200

The Avg. DOM were 116 days out of 60 homes I searched.

Also for Rochester NY the unemployment is 8.4% and last year's was @ 8.5% (Monroe Co.'s unemployment rate is now at 7 %, last year they were at 7.30 %. In Buffalo the current unemployment rate is 8.5 % and a year ago it was 9.3%. Their county, (Erie) is at 7.73 % currently and last year's was at 7.70%

craigslist tip

sheila h's picture

Thanks to you both GREAT Tip!!


Anthony Davis's picture

I saw that you made a comment to Dean's latest weekly wisdom....and I wanted to stop by to say, "Hello".

Continue to do the things in real estate investing that need to be done in order to see those small successes. Those everyday small goals help move you closer to your end goals.

Stay plugged in here; Keep reading; Keep learning new strategies; and continue moving forward!

All The Best,

Anthony Davis
breadandbutterhomes@ g mail dot com