
seller list

hello people, how are your sellers list?
go to my site and check it out

How to Calculate a Capitalization Rate (Cap Rate)

When evaluating and comparing income properties, you
deal with cap rates. The cap rate is basically the return you will receive on your investment after expenses, but before debt service.

Example: If you purchase an apartment building for $1,000,000 and you receive $100,000 annually, after expenses, your cap rate would be 10% ($100,000 / $1,000,000).

The seller will want as low of cap rate as possible because the lower the cap rate, the higher the price. Conversely, the buyer wants as high of a cap rate as possible which will mean a lower price.

Think of it this way, if you are an investor and have $1,000,000 in cash, you would rather put it in an investment yielding 10% rather than 8%. But if you are a lender you would only pay 8% rather than 10%.

Still working on this house.... it is taking me a lot longer to rehab this house than I expected. I hired a handyman to do some electrical and plumbing for me. He helped us finish our basement last year and he is honest and knows his stuff. Well, he is a bit slow and then was out sick for a week while working on my project. So, what should have taken 6 - 8 weeks is now turning into 12 weeks. But, this is my first one so I can cut myself some slack.

My husband and I are finishing up on paint touch ups, and the rest of the base moldings in the bath's and kitchen/dining area. The granite counter tops should be arriving on Monday and the appliances come the end of next week. Then we complete the backsplash and change out the outlets so they are all white.


I have been thinking about work a great deal lately. In my lifetime it seems as if the word "work" has become something that should be avoided. A few years ago in France the government lead the charge to cut the average work week to thirty-five hours. We see parents everyday who do all that they can to see to it that their children do not have to work.

What a great disservice we are doing to our chidren.

$$$ Funding for your next deal !!!

Hay every one!Do you have a great deal but don't have the money to closes the deal?Well I have a great source of funding waiting for you or some one you know who needs it.$25K-no limit,for real estate deals,movie projects,or any project that makes cents we have funding for it.Send your e mail address to my private message snd I will send you more info.


I'm an Entrepreneur, Real Estate Investor and Electronic Engineer.

I been a member of Dean's website for almost 7 years now and it's time to make some changes for myself.

I believe in dean and I believe that when I apply what I learn from here I will be successful.

One of my desire is to take my achievements to the next level by learning from others who already became successful at what I am looking to do.

I believe in building solid foundations that stands firm because it is well built. So I always go after my goals very aggressively.

I'm full of talents and athleticism. I always finding new ways to push myself to newer levels and higher highs in life.

The Time is now!

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