
any serious investors in Mass.

I have two properties with a combine 220,000 APV in need of 33% for completion, both properties are already acquired, properties are free and clear of any loans. I would like to find investors to partner with on this project and more.


Housing market is a massive buyers market here in Michigan but you better be fast and know what you are doing. The houses here are going for more than they are posted for. Realtors dont want to give up any information or commission and investors are killing eachother to get to the front of the line. The good houses are gone in matter of hours and that in NO lie. IT IS CRAZY. WE WANT IN. We are doing something wrong and we want to know what it is. After not getting anywhere in a year and really getting frustrated and watching some really nice houses pass us by, I am calling the Academy tomorrow and gonna see how to do this. WE NEED HELP.



Who says "that" can't be done?

Who says "that" can't be done? Not me! Today I bought, rented and sold a single family house all in one deal/transaction! This deal has been challenging and I learned so much! A $ 70,000 dollar home I sold it for $ 50,000 (contract 8-9-2012) making profit of $ 25,000, and it is rented until August 2012!. ONLY IN AMERICA!

Thanks Dean and all of the coaches...once again I have the confidence to keep moving forward!

Addendum to My Disertation on a Subchapter "S" or regular "C" Corporation vs LLC's

Hey Folks, I recently receive a couple of Private Messages from DG Family members saying they liked my Dissertation on moving away from the LLC, or just using it during your start up stages. First, let me post this educational site about Arizona Corporations.

New Beginnings --- Starting NOW

I noticed that most of the people that have been successful in the Business have a journal. I plan on being successful therefore heres mine. I was reading some journal entries from a student by the name of Chris from Rhode Island.... Reading some of his postings really motivated me to begin to write and make a To-Do-List.

This weekend, Today and Tomorrow... I will do just that!!!

Monday morning I am going to found out the cost of The Academy, hopefully I will get expected!!!

This is my year... I can Feel it!!!!

I just order Deans book Your Town Your Profits and I plan on completing Profit from Real Estate Now..... only have about 35 pages to go.

So I guess my on this weeks To-Do-List

1. Complete Book.... Profit from Real Estate Now

Where are the RE agents these days?

I just got pre-qualified, still can't believe it in this market, but now I can't find a good real estate agent to work in my best interest.

I can't afford a half million dollar mansion but a nice starter home. Is it that the real estate agents can't make a fortune so there is no incentive? Looking for an investor in the LA area looking to unload a property. Maybe we can help each other out.

Search is underway, alone.

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