
Point of no return

Just want to let my DG family know that I'm at the point of no return. There is absolutely no looking back. I'm looking forward. Have to bring up one of my favorite quotes and why I am so grateful to everyone on this site. Thank you.

"In order to Aspire in life, you must Conspire, with those who Inspire you, to Aspire." - Bishop T.D. Jakes


Our 1st Wholesale Deal, Thanks Dean

We recently completed our 1st deal and made 21K! on a multiunit apartment building we bought and sold the same day! Yahooooooo! We then purchased a house from another investor here in Columbus, Ohio and he financed it! The rehab is about done and we are looking to make 30K- 40K. We have done these deals using Dean's strategies. Thanks so much for your great knowledge. The Set For Life system really helps bring the sellers and keeps us organized.
-DeLori Properties

Property Management in Phoenix, AZ

Hey There Gang. I have a really good & reputable Property Management Company here in Greater Phoenix if your looking. I don't know if I'm allowed to share the name here but you can contact me about them. It's Owned by a woman who has her whole family in the business: Dad, sister, etc... What I like, besides her reputation which I've checked out/into, is that she charges a flat 10% with NO contingencies. If an Owner lists 5 or more properties with her, then she lowers the fee - all the fees - to 8%. Also, a huge percentage of her properties she manages are for OUT-OF-STATE Owners/Investors. So you pay your flat fee and that's it: This is very good for my Buyers when I'm laying out all the costs to them for flipping/Assigning.

Get back to me if you would like her info.

Hello All

I am brand new to the DG World of Investing. I have the book: Profit From Real Estate Right Now. I am on the latter half of the book and already I've found myself a Real Estate Agent, who also happens to be a friend, who is amazingly ready to climb onboard my Investor Cruise Liner, and let's see just how much money can we make.

I thought that part of the process would take awhile and it hasn't. No one is more amazed than I am. He does have several warnings to me about this whole real estate investing/flipping game. And, between him and Dean's support structure here, I see nothing but real success in the future.

The Savvy Real Esate Investor

I have a list of houses in New York City that are ripe for anyone who wants to either wholesale, flip, or just use them as a rental property. They are all totally abandoned, with overgrown lawns, uncollected mails, the windows the other entrances are boarded up. Their Values are all assessed between $250K- $500K. These properties are dying for the tender loving care of a savvy real state investor. Is there anyone who out there who fits that description? please contact me.

georgie porgie

How to Repair Your Credit in 90 Days!!! Part 2

June 21, 2011

Federal Trade Commission
Consmer Response Center- FCRA
600 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.,
Washington, D.C. 20580

Dear Sirs/Madams:
For the past several months, I have been disputing several inaccuracies that are listed in my credit report. I have written three letters to the credit bureaus in which I requested these inaccuracies be removed. Unfortunately, the credit bureaus have refused to comply with my requests. The inaccuracies are as follows:

Bureau: Equifax
List all the Account names and Account#s

Bureau: Trans Union Corp.
List all the Account names and Account#s

Bureau: Experian
List all the Account names and Account#s

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