I find it no coincidence that I came across the DG Team last year, December. Everyday I witness miracles in my life. God knows that He has given me & my husband the desire & the vision to build a legacy for our family and for the generations to come. Everyday I witness a new door opening for me in REI, but I let the door to opportunity start to close! I don't know why I'm so scared of success! I am not going to be negative here, this is just me, being sincere with myself. I know this works and that this is a way for our family to build a fortune! I just need to remember all the good we will be able to do in our family, our community, & the little piece of the world we live in!
November 13th, 2013 | posted by BETTYBUYSHOMESCASH-
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Captains log - Entry 9
November 13th, 2013 | posted by MusiosaurusToday I woke up very confident.
Many times, you don't see the monetary fruit of your labor until down the road. At the EDGE even this year, one of the speakers talked about how the average time to see the work of your hands in 30-90 days. You will, on the average, reap the benefits of work you did 30-90 days before.
I kept looking at all of the things I had not accomplished yet instead of looking at the things I have done. It's important to look forward, but many times, I forget to look back and remember all of the work that I have put into my business.
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I Need A First Time Buyer
November 12th, 2013 | posted by Francisco AlbaI am trying to sell a house that I purchased with the mls. Wholesale buyers will not buy it. There is no profit for them or me. I have to look for properties some place else.
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Negotiating an Owner-Financed Deal
November 11th, 2013 | posted by bdregerFrom an investment point of view, purchasing an owner-financed property requires careful number crunching and consideration so the deal will be attractive to both sides.
From the seller's point of view, they may be looking at it from two different angles - - one is that they will make more money on the sale because of the interest accumulated. However, some might want their equity out of the house quickly to make other investments/purchases.
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Lest We Forget- Remembering our veterans both past and present
November 11th, 2013 | posted by Lisa RI just wanted to take a few moments to thank all the veterans for their service to our country and to take a moment to pay my respects to my grandfather who was a veteran of WWII. He was also detained as a Japanese P.O.W.
I went to live with my grandparents when I was 13 and so have an extra special bond with my grandparents and while I miss him terribly I am immensely grateful for all the time I did get to spend with him.
My grandfather taught me about loving and caring for one another. He was the first to help out a stranger and I can't tell you how many were brought to our home for a meal and a hot bath.
In Flanders fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row,
That mark our place: and in the sky
The larks still bravely singing fly
Captains log - Entry 8
November 11th, 2013 | posted by MusiosaurusWell, it's been about a month and we keep moving forward.
I've definitely been discouraged. Been looking to create a buyers list. Also working on flipping a home with my mom. It's hard work for sure, but its also fun.
Just keep moving forward. One day at a time. One call at a time.
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