After reading the comments from the last email I must say the Blitz is going very well. I know everyone is hanging on the E.D.G.E of your their with this... there is a good reason.
If we simply threw everything out there all at once it would be sensory overload. There are a lot of things we have given away, and yet to give away. Some of those things mean more to others, but there is a lot and it is a great stuff.
With that said, I know many people were asking about the funding report and we said it would be coming as part of the Blitz... and it is. I read it today, and I was really impressed with the information. It had information I didn't know about, and you can imagine I have come across just about everything important like this from moderating the site, working with Dean and my own experience and research.
So, to all those waiting for it, I've seen it with my own eyes and it should be in your hands any day now. I know... the agony!
But while I am enticing you with that, what is coming is even neater, at least for me. We leaked that we are releasing a tool of sorts, and might be wondering where it is at. Well, we have received some initial feedback from some top secret testers, and it has been great. It was good enough we exhausted all of the resources allotted for the day real fast and we had to turn it off from our testers for a couple days to ensure the companies we have partnered with it could get in for some final approvals.
This tool, at least in my opinion is the only tool of its kind for investors. If there is one like it, I wish I had known about before this. Not to say the info in the tool isn't available elsewhere, but not in a presentation made for investors. And yes, the tool is free, we aren't selling it even though the testers have said they would pay a lot to have it.
I don't want to give away too much, and especially not jinx it since we haven't got our full capacity access from our partners yet. We are asking a lot from them because we need a TON of capacity based on the volume of people who have been reading our emails. Fingers crossed.
If I could tell you all more I would, because I know anticipating is bordering torture for some. I couldn't even tell you about these things if we hadn't leaked the existence of them before.
What is coming at the end? I can't tell... but it is something I have been anxiously and patiently waiting for myself, along with so much other great things.
You ain't seen nothin' yet!
As always, if you aren't on the Blitz list (or just not sure if you are or aren't), sign up here:
If you want to make sure they come through and get into your inbox see this:
Thanks for the information and the update. We are eagerly awaiting the next "blitz" of information. Believe and Achieve!
- Joe
I'm Ready!
I'm Excited and Ready to move forth with this great advantage we are about to gain! Continued success to all.........Lubertha
We are waiting patiently
A very good thing is something that you waited for patiently. And we are waiting Dean. Thank you for your hard-work and dedication.
Can't wait
Can't wait till i have more of this 411 sent to me just woundering what the grand finale is going to look like all of this waiting is krazy but i know that's going to be worth it. In life you have to be patience sometimes to acommplish task or to have good things unfold but regarles of all there is nothing else better knowing that the blitz train is not stopping for nothing.Thanks a million!!!
This has got me on the edge of my seat! We get the funding report and a "new way" of investing and people are testing it to guarantee that it is 100% worthy to be used by DG and his family memembers! AWESOME!!!
Crazy!! Crazy!!
I have a feeling this is going to be big. The DG family rocks.
Whoo hooo!
The largest partner has approval our data usage for the release(we were asking for a lot to serve the thousands who will try it on the day of the email).
That leaves a few more... moving right along!
How Exciting!
I'm on the E.D.G.E. of my seat. It's so exciting to be a part of Dean Graziosi's site. We get such great information. Looking forward to the next email.
the tool
Hope I'm not spilling any beans here, but I have seen a glimpse of "the tool" and I for one am so excited about it!! (yes, I'm one that said I'd pay dearly!). I am SO anxious to see it all come together. I'm expecting it to help greatly in an area I've been frustrated with for a long time.
(DGadmin, please edit this out if I spoke too soon! Thanks!)
I am excited to see what
I am excited to see what this great tool is and put it to work. Thanks for your continued support.
Are You Taunting Us?
Well as I said a few days ago, I do not like my glass half empty. What about a little to make it three-quarter full. We are ready, bring it on.
Thanks Dean
How do I get all this
How do I get all this information too? I want it all.
Bothell, WA