Reserve your seat for the upcoming Unleash the Power Within Seminar with Tony Robbins in San Jose June 26-29th. When you call the number below, make sure to tell them you want the Dean Graziosi discount;-)
Call Tony's office right away at 1.800.324.7791
Hey DGers,
I am looking so forward to the Tony Robbins Event on June 26-29, 2014 in San Jose, CA! I believe it is going to be an awesome life changing event. I know education is power and I am always looking for ways to learn. I look forward to seeing and meeting up with fellow DGers at this event. Make every day count! Believe and Achieve!
- Joe and Stacey
Thanks Joe
Hey Joe I really appreciate the heads up. Thanks for thinking of the rest of us. I know this will be a great event. Also you rocked it at the EDGE this year!!!
Best of Life - Scott
Life Changing
I attended the Florida UPW event and it as absolutely life changing. The event rocked our world (and my mind). I uncovered and crushed so many limiting beliefs that were slowing my life/success down. So I recommend you Rock your world!
If there is any way to attend - DO IT!!!
Best of Success to you all!
Thanks for the heads up on the UPW. I would love to but can't afford it. June 26 is my birthday but no plans. Maybe next time.
Get there! Be ready to uncover the genuine YOU!
DGFam - I was at UPW in NY (with my friend Jen Grey) in December. I walked away a different person. I walked away more of the person God intended me to be! The shackles dropped off and I was freed to live my potential. Tony is full of love - just like Dean - Please make a effort to go - you will not regret it.
I have been to a UPW before- It is awesome!!
You learn so much and by the end you have the courage and knowledge to firewalk! You go beyond your comfort level and what you thought you could do! That goes for Real Estate too- go out of your comfort zone and just do it! You will love the event- so go! I hopefully can arrange to be there- scheduling may be tough. Hope I will see you all there!
Linda Dubbs
I'm In
OK - I'm In. Could not make it to Florida, but I just reserved my spot for the San José, CA event. Since I live in Oregon, I would not want to miss this for the world. I hope Tony can slow down his speech a little bit - he's is not as fast as Jen Gray, but he's close. LOL
Look forward to seeing the rest of my DG family there.
Pat Visser
We are in!!!
We rallied the family and purchased 6 tickets for my parents, brother, aunt, Lisa and myself! We are so excited!! Purchase 3 and get 1 free, thank you Dean!!
Growing up in Santa Cruz and going to high school down the street from the convention center this is my old stomping grounds.
Can't wait to see everyone there!! Let's organize a time and place to meet before it starts on Thursday.
I would love to attend this event however the Florida and San Jose dates will not work for me. : ( However, I live in Minnesota. Is there going to be an UPW event in the midwest in the near future?
Love Tony's CLip
Yes, I am going to be there. Reservations made, plane ticket, hotel room, etc. Can't wait to be there. Love seeing Tony's clip.
Thanks Dean for giving us this great opportunity.
Loved the clip!
The potential is real. I will be at the Buyers Summit the week before and then will be visiting with realtors in the SW where we are going to do some investing. So will be building our team in this local.
I hope that when Tony does another seminar we can take that opportunity.
Thanks to Andrea I now get to be part our this family of successful people.
Dean I appreciate this opportunity.
It is almost June!
I am looking so forward to the Tony Robbins Event on June 26-29, 2014 in San Jose, CA!
I look forward to seeing and meeting up with fellow DGers at this event. Make every day count! Believe and Achieve! - Joe and Stacey
I'll be there for sure!!!
that is awesome that Tony Robbins is coming to Cali! WoooHooo!!!
Thank you Dean!!! See you fellow DG'ers there!!!
Reserve Your Spot Now - Tony Robbins - San Jose, Calif.
I thank you for the information and i am currently working on the means to make that trip to San Jose, California happen. This will be an awesome event to attend from 6-26-2014 to 6-29-2014.
Anthony Robbins event
I'm looking for some people to join me to get the 4 for the price of 3 offer!
Please call me at 425 275-2830
Brenda Boyd
Tony Robbins event
Tony Robbins events are packed with tons of motivational power, a substance that is much needed in the lives of so many people. Thank you for the information.
Tony Robbins is a man I did not know till Dean started talking about him and I looked him up on the internet-- what a man he is. He has inspired me with just the way he talks and his willingness to help.
I would love to be there this year, but do to other engagements I will not be at this point in time. I will plan on it for the next go around.
Thanks Dean for all you do and have done for all your DG Family ...HAPPY MEMORIAL WEEKEND TO ALL
Four Boxes
I love the power of those four boxes...! Very inspiring...!
Dawn Lundberg
Count us in...
Barb and Drew Urbassik are heading to San Jose for the Robbins event...curious to find out who is also attending...we are in the Diamond Premier seating and can't wait to thing for sure, Dean sure can fire (or is that fire walking) us up and assist us in meeting our goals...what a change he has brought to our lives...we have also added to our real estate investments this up to 22...hardly any compared to what we are looking to do in the near future...thanks Dean and staff!....oh, did I mention how awesome The Edge Event and Mastermind were...thanks for that one, too!...
Any idea of how many DG-ers are attending?...please add us to the list!...changed email to
Hi Dean Great Wisdom always
Dean thanks again Tony is always great to listen too, awesome motivator excellent speaker.
Thanks Ray
Hello DGers attending the San Jose Tony Robbin's Event,
We are planning a get together for all the DGers attending this Tony Robbin's event in San Jose. The details to get finalized as we get closer to the date.
I am looking forward to seeing other DGers at this event. It is sure to be a great time and powerful life changing event.
Believe and Achieve!
- Joe
If there's a WILL there's a WAY
THis is event is LIFE CHANGING!!! I lost 20 pounds since attending UPW FLL and I owe 90% of my success to the strategies taught by Tony on the last day of the seminar - so make sure you stay to the very last possible minute. And 10% of my success was GETTING OUT OF MY OWN WAY - something I learned on day 2. This event is LIFE CHANGING!! If you can figure out how to make it - GO!
Tony Robbins -- Drew & Barb Urbassik On Our Way
Just a quick note that Barb and Drew Urbassik will be attending the Tony Robbins seminar in San Jose. We will be staying at the Homewood Suites near the San Jose Airport. Looking forward to a great event.
Your story at the EDGE really resonated with us. Great job. We can be contacted at 240 217-9423 or 240 217-9424.
Tony Robbins -- Drew & Barb Urbassik On Our Way
PS: Do you have any idea how many (and who) may be attending. THX
Drew Urbassik
just what I need
Thanks Dean
That clip is just what I need
However I am sorry I cannot make it this time
Definitely will in the future.
got my ticket!!!
tickets are selling fast, so anyone on the fence should decide soon!
also, if anyone wants to buy their ticket as a group with Brenda Boyd and I, let me know because we can add one more person and that will save us all an extra $146 over the special price for being a DG student
It is almost June,
Looking forward to seeing all the DGers at this event. It will be awesome. Believe and Achieve!
- Joe
Like a kid at Christmas time!
I'm enjoying the weekly e-videos Tony's team is sending out!
This anticipation is inspiring me to create MASSIVE ACTION and MOMENTUM for continued personal growth!
I'm so excited for all of us DGers and cannot wait to see everyone!
Tony Robbins has always been and Inspiration... me. I had an opportunity to attend one of his events years ago in Los Angeles. Which built up my confidence to get out and do the things I had stored in my head.
Got them down on paper and took Action, then and before long I earned more money with my part-time adventures of ideas than my full time $12hr job.
I was always afraid to take that leap of Faith. So again, I've come full circle and here he is with even more wisdom and inspiration. Your still amazing Tony!
Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis or not, I Can and I will Do R.E. Wholesaling!!!! I am not going to just try to do it. I Will Do It!!! That's a Fact.
However, until I have my breathing test, I am not allowed to travel at this time. But, none the less....I got the Momentum Message loud and clear.
Thank you Dean and Tony and Many Blessings Always
Bought my ticket!
Thank you Dean!!
Looking forward to seeing all DGers at the event!